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28-12-2014, 01:50 PM
If new regent has all the amenities then i think stay there better ... To me sauna very important ... hahahah so DS sauna also inside hotel similar to CP ? :D i.e. legend and new regent each also got their own sauna

Sauna activities is very senstive these days.

Just consult with the person who is arranging the trip for you ba. :)

No Sauna openly in operation. There is some operate underground, but even if you knw the address of the underground SN, u do not have the chance to just walk in and ask for service.

Yah Sauna punting is a dangerous affair these days. :p
Better be discrete. :cool:

28-12-2014, 11:05 PM
ttern ... hahahaa No Tips policy for us....the most only rmb20 cab fare.. not sure DS gals pattern

well done that is the way to go
like i said those girls who ask for tips first before they even take off their clothes
please do not rtf them 2nd time again
no point
these type i always bonk once and never look for them again;)

28-12-2014, 11:12 PM
Oh bro.. u mean they pester to get tips fast and leave room? :p

of course they want to''butterfly'' and sit more men to maximise their earnings:rolleyes:

29-12-2014, 12:27 AM
these type i always bonk once and never look for them again ;)

After bonk better run away fast fast. :p

of course they want to''butterfly'' and sit more men to maximise their earnings :rolleyes:

6:30pm sit with first customer and pretend to be drunk and take tips around 9:30pm.

Find another customer to sit after 9:30pm and go for ST/LT to maximise income. :p

29-12-2014, 12:42 AM
After bonk better run away fast fast. :p

6:30pm sit with first customer and pretend to be drunk and take tips around 9:30pm.

Find another customer to sit after 9:30pm and go for ST/LT to maximise income. :p

even LT they can also give pattern
some after first shot want to sleep all the way till morning or want to leave early at 3am :p:eek:

29-12-2014, 10:39 AM
More amenities if you stay at New Regent Hotel.
Whole stretch of Kaicheng Avenue 开成大道 have many restaurants, hair salons, massage parlours, shopping malls, etc.
Used to be whole stretch have Saunas also but that is history. :p

Bro Tony , is there ktv at this New legend ?

If yes , how was it ?

Kum Xie

29-12-2014, 12:50 PM
Bro Tony, is there ktv at this New Legend?

If yes, how was it?

I think you meant New Regent Hotel. :D

There's a KTV inside the hotel but very small, hardware is old and very few hostesses.
Drinks are cheap though.

30-12-2014, 02:55 AM
各地新闻新华网张璐瑶2014-12-29 14:43我要分享 2442

12月23日中午,香港警方联同入境处在油尖旺区展开代号为“烽火”及“激流”的大规模打击卖淫活 动,其中 一名被捕的性工作者年龄达65岁。来源:羊城晚报

截至昨日,粤港澳三地警方联合打击跨境有组织犯罪、港澳黑社会组织入境渗透等犯罪活动的“雷霆 14”行动, 连续破获1000多宗有组织跨境案件,抓获500多名有组织跨境犯罪嫌疑人,其中包括17名境 外黑社会组织 成员。

记者昨日从广东省公安厅了解到,今年的“雷霆14”对准了黑社会组织入境违法犯罪、境内黑社会 性质组织违法 犯罪、跨境潜逃等10类犯罪。

专项行动从11月1日开始,截至12月28日,两个月的行动期间,广东珠三角公安机关共出动警 力40436 人次,打掉有组织跨境犯罪团伙42个,破获有组织跨境犯罪案件1130起,抓获有组织跨境犯罪 嫌疑人546 名(其中境外黑社会组织成员17名),抓获台湾通缉犯10名,清查涉及有境外人员经营背景、有 违法嫌疑的重 点场所1161处,缴获各类枪支217支、子弹69833发、车辆155辆、各类毒品1263 公斤,扣押赃 款1000多万元。
据悉,广东省公安机关先后于12月1日、16日两次组织广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、惠州、中山、 东莞、江门、 肇庆等珠三角9市及顺德区公安机关联合开展大规模统一清查行动。

广东省副省长、公安厅长李春生亲自组织部署,明确了清查行动重点目标、场所和重点人员,并于1 2月1日和1 6日分别赶赴珠三角等市清查一线,实地参与指挥、督导。



根据广东省公安厅“雷霆14”第二次统一清查行动的部署,深圳市公安机关近期对多个涉嫌跨境违 法犯罪的场所 进行了突击清查。

清查行动中,深圳警方在深圳市罗湖区春风路鸿丰大酒店和凯悦豪庭查获一跨境卖淫嫖娼违法团伙, 抓获甘某强等 违法嫌疑人5人。被抓获的嫌疑人中,甘某强、梁某志两名男子为香港籍,另3名则都是内地女性, 包括四川籍女 子杨某、江西籍女子聂某英、湖北籍女子张某。
经审查,警方了解到,团伙中的3名内地女子专门做香港人“生意”。他们物色从罗湖口岸入境的香 港籍男子,伺 机搭讪,寻求目标,进行卖淫行为。



11月19日,台湾通缉犯利某永被东莞市公安机关抓获。利某永是台湾十大通缉要犯之一,潜逃17年 后,最终 在东莞市桥头镇一居民小区地下停车场被警方抓获。

据介绍,利某永早年间在台涉嫌“杀人及伤害”等罪,分别于1995年3月31日、1997年5 月28日被台 湾司法部门通缉。

今年上半年,台湾警方请求广东警方协助缉捕遣返利某永,东莞警方随之成立专案组。根据台湾警方 提供的线索, 专案组发现他经常在桥头、常平、厚街、虎门等地活动,并与桥头镇某小区一名女业主关系密切。专 案组调阅大量 监控视频确定,利某永常与该女业主进出小区。11月19日,专案组在小区停车场将准备外出的利 某永抓获归案 。

目前,广东公安机关已将犯罪嫌疑人利某永移交给台湾警方处理。记者张璐瑶 通讯员黄康灵、罗宁妮返回腾讯网首页>>
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30-12-2014, 03:18 PM
I think you meant New Regent Hotel. :D

There's a KTV inside the hotel but very small, hardware is old and very few hostesses.
Drinks are cheap though.

Thanks for the info

31-12-2014, 12:32 AM
Thanks for the info

By early 2015 the new 5 Star Resort Hotel will be open.

Jin sexcited! :D

31-12-2014, 06:39 PM
By early 2015 the new 5 Star Resort Hotel will be open.

Jin sexcited! :D

Excise me, Tony, it seems to me that you are both an agent and a player.

To avoid any conflict of interest, may I suggest you start your own thread like other agents (e.g. Vivan, Philip) are doing. This way, you can share and interact with your existing frens and potential customers and dont have to post on so many threads.

01-01-2015, 12:48 AM
latest news on the wls in dongguan
click on link below to view video

01-01-2015, 12:52 AM
[B]Happy New Year to all here...:)


01-01-2015, 03:54 PM
china media called her the most beautiful in the world
click link http://www.qiwen999.com/shwx/ylbg/201412/3327.html

02-01-2015, 12:01 AM
china media called her the most beautiful in the world
click link http://www.qiwen999.com/shwx/ylbg/201412/3327.html

So many other beautiful girls in China :p

02-01-2015, 01:23 PM
Was at Desert Storm KTV last night.
Over these past few months observations I've concluded the Dongguan chow pattern is in full effect in this KTV.

Greedy service staff and hostess with attitude problems.
One instance caught a waiter pour away half filled can of beer.
Management is too lax in discipline which is not a surprise with current situation.

Instead of having fun in each outing, it becomes big headache for my kakis and me.
Personal opinion only as yours may differ. :)

02-01-2015, 09:45 PM
How is the MM strength? and quality?

03-01-2015, 07:09 AM
Was at Desert Storm KTV last night.
Over these past few months observations I've concluded the Dongguan chow pattern is in full effect in this KTV.

Greedy service staff and hostess with attitude problems.
One instance caught a waiter pour away half filled can of beer.
Management is too lax in discipline which is not a surprise with current situation.

Instead of having fun in each outing, it becomes big headache for my kakis and me.
Personal opinion only as yours may differ. :)

time for you to switch back to shenzhen ktv:p

03-01-2015, 08:23 AM
So many other beautiful girls in China :p

thanks bro for the up
have up you back

03-01-2015, 01:12 PM
Space Cadet

To me , I think = 太空人 Alien !!!!

03-01-2015, 02:56 PM
Space Cadet

To me , I think = 太空人 Alien !!!!
So means ugly .. out of this earth .... Alien or Space Cadet .....

I guess only bro panado can enlighten us on this term Space Cadet


03-01-2015, 06:07 PM
How is the MM strength? and quality?

My mummy told me the MM strength is 300+. We shall be going there next week, wait for my FR.

04-01-2015, 12:46 AM
东莞90后打工仔学克隆术 盗走女子卡内20万
头条新闻羊城晚报 [微博] 陈骁鹏2015-01-03 10:41我要分享 275
[摘要]其中一人潜入酒吧当服务生,利用帮客人刷卡之机,使用刻读机盗取别人银行卡信息,再将卡克隆成“伪”卡到柜 员机取钱转账。

羊城晚报讯 记者陈骁鹏报道:东莞市民江女士一张银行卡,一直贴身携带,但在六天时间内,被人用“克隆卡”在多个城市以 转账、取现等方式盗取了卡内人民币约20多万元。东莞万江公安分局近日公布案情。原来,5名90后来莞务工 人员,从工厂离职后合伙干起了“克隆卡”盗刷营生,其中一人更是潜入酒吧当服务生,利用帮客人刷卡之机,使 用刻读机盗取别人银行卡信息,再将卡克隆成“伪”卡到柜员机取钱转账。

目前,警方抓获5名犯罪嫌疑人,缴获银行卡读卡器1个,伪造银行卡21张,台式电脑2台、手提电脑1台及其 他涉案物品一批。



去年11月底,在东莞做生意的江女士,到建设银行查询一张储蓄卡当月中旬一笔20万元的进账,没想到卡里面 账户余额竟然几乎为零。后查询得知,从11月20日至11月26日,江女士卡内的钱分别在珠三角多个城市, 被人以转账、取现等方式,分十多次取完。


警方介入后初步调查发现,原来,有人把江女士银行卡克隆后,再持“伪卡”通过转账、取现等方法将她卡内的现 金转走,这些人团伙作案,分工明确,手法娴熟。



12月12日,东莞警方展开多次行动,一举抓获犯罪嫌疑人李某明(男,24岁)、张某昌(男,22岁)、蔡 某海(男,22岁),俞某俊(男,22岁),卓某发(男,23岁)等五人,均为广西马山人。

让警方意外的是,这五个90后团伙,上半年还是在东莞打工的年轻人,因嫌工资不高又辛苦,五个“哥们”竟辞 掉了工作捞起了偏门。

卓某发供称,自己在网上认识了一个朋友湖南佬(花名)(男,在逃),经引路学会了用克隆机克隆银行卡的方法 。卓某发从工厂辞工后,特意选择到酒吧去当服务生,就为了能够接触到客人的银行卡,从而实施克 隆术赚钱。



十月上旬,江女士与朋友们到万江一家酒吧喝酒,酒后,拿出银行卡结账,当服务生卓某发拿卡在帮江女士刷卡时 ,趁她不注意,偷偷使用读卡器把银行卡内信息导出,盗取卡信息。并且,趁江女士输入密码时的麻痹大意,卓某 发轻易地记下了密码。

过后,他再用电脑将读卡器内信息导出,拍照后用QQ传给“湖南佬”,“湖南佬”制作“伪卡”后寄回给卓某发 。再由卓某发组织李某明、俞某俊、张某昌、蔡某海等人外出转账、取现,得手后,卓某发与“湖南老”按前期约 定的“三七”分赃款。

事实上,将江女士的银行卡克隆到手后,他们查询卡内有三万元,并且发现里面账户有大额交易流水,断定银行卡 还会有“大钱”进账,因而选择守株待兔,天天去柜员机查余额,直到前文说的20万元进账后,他们才开始取钱 转账。

据警方了解,卓某发等五人从事该营生时间不是太长,但手头上已经有十多张“伪卡”,涉及资金尚未明确,目前 警方正在深挖扩线,上述五名犯罪嫌疑人已被依法刑事拘留。



广东东莞打工仔生活照空间克隆器2014扣扣空间克隆qqkj音乐克隆器克隆空间背景音乐新型银行卡克隆器 新型

05-01-2015, 12:03 AM
time for you to switch back to shenzhen ktv :p

Haha yes. :D

Just saw my Futian KTV girl's latest pics on WeChat moments.
Wah piangz getting more and more hot! :D

My mummy told me the MM strength is 300+. We shall be going there next week, wait for my FR.

Weekdays around 150.
Weekkends around 200+.

05-01-2015, 03:09 AM
Stayed at Legend is a good choice as not all MM are allows to do ON in other hotel.
I stayed in 世纪华园酒店for visit last week. Good hotel to stay, but MM may be reluctant to go back with u.

Massage point/hair salon is just across the street, run by same hotel family member.

My first night in Legend KTV, I need the Masasan help to tell the MM that this hotel is safe before she feel safe following me back.

My other 2 night there has no issue as it was arranged by Philip.

Wanted to save some money and stay in 世纪华园酒店 when I was there for the Xmas weekend but decided not to when I heard from some mummies that the hotel rooms there we raided a few weeks ago and some taiwanese were caught. So Lan Lan stay at Legend. Also heard that the new KTV 翡翠山庄 will open its doors on the 18th Jan. Anyone can verify this?

05-01-2015, 08:31 AM
shanghai police have uncover a new scam
click link below to watch video

05-01-2015, 08:35 AM
shanghai police have uncover a new scam
click link below to see video

05-01-2015, 09:26 AM

this is what i concluded as well.

Judging from the feedback i get from Bros who were there in Danshui past two weeks (over christmas and new year period), Legend Dynasty KTV has the best and most girls in town, many of them were from CP, however, these girls are indeed less willing to go to other hotels.

and some of these girls, while gorgeous and attractive, some will be somewhat cunning and misleading, this is where it helps to have a good and honest manager who will help ensure that the girls won't play you out and waste your time/money.

my new god-sister Gigi is a KTV manager at Legend Dynasty hotel and i'll recommend bros get to befriend her if you like someone to help get things done smoothly for you in Danshui.

PM me with your wechat contact if you like her contact.

on the other hand, i'll stop going to Danshui as often. Tonight (5 Jan) and perhaps tomorrow will be my last few nights in Huizhou as i'll be focusing on my new escort agency business ~ so less time for these KTV partying...

Stayed at Legend is a good choice as not all MM are allows to do ON in other hotel.

I stayed in 世纪华园酒店for visit last week. Good hotel to stay, but MM may be reluctant to go back with u.

My first night in Legend KTV, I need the Masasan help to tell the MM that this hotel is safe before she feel safe following me back.

05-01-2015, 01:23 PM
Any bro will be in DS from 9th to 12th Jan, hope can party together.


05-01-2015, 03:13 PM
Also heard that the new KTV 翡翠山庄 will open its doors on the 18th Jan. Anyone can verify this?

Trying hard to open on 18/01/15 but can accomplish or not is another story. :p

05-01-2015, 10:44 PM

this is what i concluded as well.

Judging from the feedback i get from Bros who were there in Danshui past two weeks (over christmas and new year period), Legend Dynasty KTV has the best and most girls in town, many of them were from CP, however, these girls are indeed less willing to go to other hotels.

and some of these girls, while gorgeous and attractive, some will be somewhat cunning and misleading, this is where it helps to have a good and honest manager who will help ensure that the girls won't play you out and waste your time/money.

my new god-sister Gigi is a KTV manager at Legend Dynasty hotel and i'll recommend bros get to befriend her if you like someone to help get things done smoothly for you in Danshui.

PM me with your wechat contact if you like her contact.

on the other hand, i'll stop going to Danshui as often. Tonight (5 Jan) and perhaps tomorrow will be my last few nights in Huizhou as i'll be focusing on my new escort agency business ~ so less time for these KTV partying...

Bro, the Legend Dynasty hotel you mentioned is Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV which you posted a FR?

07-01-2015, 12:51 PM
Just got the latest news.

Another hostess rate price war coming.
Enjoy the lower category while it lasts. :(

07-01-2015, 03:02 PM
Just got the latest news.

Another hostess rate price war coming.
Enjoy the lower category while it lasts. :(

Hostess rate price war??? adjust higher or lower?

07-01-2015, 05:12 PM
Hostess rate price war??? adjust higher or lower?
The newer KTV's trying to attract girls to come and work by setting their girl rates higher.
Same old tactic which just ends up in customers paying more for the same girl. Sigh...


07-01-2015, 08:15 PM
china police smash another online vice ring click on link below

07-01-2015, 08:55 PM
china police smash another online vice ring click on link below

Hi brother Michaelwinn, could u only post same info at ONE place/topic/thread only, don't need to post at 5 places/topics/threads. Very time consuming for us to go in to view, and notice it is all the same.

08-01-2015, 12:32 AM
Just got the latest news.

Another hostess rate price war coming.
Enjoy the lower category while it lasts. :(

With danshui already further than CP, and MM price continues to increase. Then no point coming liao.
My previous trip here, my MM all say they are 2k cat. For 3 nights, I spend 6k rmb on MM alone.

08-01-2015, 02:00 AM
With danshui already further than CP, and MM price continues to increase. Then no point coming liao.
My previous trip here, my MM all say they are 2k cat. For 3 nights, I spend 6k rmb on MM alone.
i give my 2 cents here
if you want to remain in guangdong either go to less commercialised places like
qing yuan,tan zhou or go for bbs in shenzhen and danshui
in shenzhen some bbs only 150 rmb one shot and overnight only 800 rmb;)
option 3- go out of guangdong area- either south to guangxi/vietnam
or north to xian,shanxi,inner mongolia
for the whole of china i believe the cheapest pussy is at ningxia city,inner mongolia hahaha:p
there my china friend told me 1 shot 30 rmb ,overnight 150 rmb;)

08-01-2015, 02:37 AM
Bro, the reason I like the old CP. Is I get to party with my friends, get drunk without thinking about work tomorrow, and get back overnight with a SYT. All for what we feel were reasonable price.
For 2k overnight? No thanks.

08-01-2015, 03:42 AM
Bro, the reason I like the old CP. Is I get to party with my friends, get drunk without thinking about work tomorrow, and get back overnight with a SYT. All for what we feel were reasonable price.
For 2k overnight? No thanks.

well said , this 2k rmb rate is married wl:p
she need so much so as to support her husband and child
china men are brilliant biz men, if one want to rent their wives be prepared to have a deep pocket:p
i rather be like bro panado that is to have a solid relationship with a good and reliable mummy so that i can change and try different girls until i find a suitable one
after all to me prc wls are like disposable underwear- used finish throw,get new one :p
2k rmb for overnight is daylight robbery , that is japanese men rate:rolleyes:

08-01-2015, 12:58 PM
With danshui already further than CP, and MM price continues to increase. Then no point coming liao.

My previous trip here, my MM all say they are 2k cat. For 3 nights, I spend 6k rmb on MM alone.

Bro, the reason I like the old CP. Is I get to party with my friends, get drunk without thinking about work tomorrow, and get back overnight with a SYT. All for what we feel were reasonable price.

The old Changping is gone with the wind.
Either move on or give up.

Who ask you like to pick "tall" hostesses so have to pay premium mah.

By the way the quality of most of the Category 500 hostesses in Danshui KTVs is worse than the Category 400 hostesses in Shenzhen KTVs. :D

For 2k overnight? No thanks.

No worries still will have many Datos come and support China KTVs. :D

in shenzhen some bbs only 150 rmb one shot and overnight only 800 rmb.

Humsup uncle price is ¥120 Short-Time in some Shenzhen BBS. :p

If you're going to Guangxi/Vietnam border any time soon jio me if you need a sidekick. :D

08-01-2015, 09:59 PM
The old Changping is gone with the wind.
Either move on or give up.

Who ask you like to pick "tall" hostesses so have to pay premium mah.

By the way the quality of most of the Category 500 hostesses in Danshui KTVs is worse than the Category 400 hostesses in Shenzhen KTVs. :D

No worries still will have many Datos come and support China KTVs. :D

Humsup uncle price is ¥120 Short-Time in some Shenzhen BBS. :p

If you're going to Guangxi/Vietnam border any time soon jio me if you need a sidekick. :D

The morale of the story is not to fall in love with one hole. The hole will not make your dick become gold bar

08-01-2015, 10:44 PM
Seems that Huizhou Danshui is the in place to visit now? :cool:

08-01-2015, 11:30 PM
Who ask you like to pick "tall" hostesses so have to pay premium mah.

By the way the quality of most of the Category 500 hostesses in Danshui KTVs is worse than the Category 400 hostesses in Shenzhen KTVs. :D

Bro, is 1.64m consider tall? legend ktv management has serious issue, as they can't even control the MM pricing probably.

No lobang at Shenzhen KTV, how many KTV can chiong there? Maybe my gang can check it out thru you.

08-01-2015, 11:46 PM
Bro, is 1.64m consider tall? legend ktv management has serious issue, as they can't even control the MM pricing probably.

Hahaha nowadays KTVs anyhow wan lah. :p

Nothing a red packet cannot do to get upgrade to a higher category. :D

09-01-2015, 08:57 AM
[QUOTE=TonyCheong;12429047]Hahaha nowadays KTVs anyhow wan lah. :p

Nothing a red packet cannot do to get upgrade to a higher category. :D[/QUO
no wonder so many milfs in ktv nowadays
they just want fast money

09-01-2015, 10:07 AM
Bro, is 1.64m consider tall? legend ktv management has serious issue, as they can't even control the MM pricing probably.

No lobang at Shenzhen KTV, how many KTV can chiong there? Maybe my gang can check it out thru you.

Really depend on who is doing the certification. So what do u expect china man doing the measurement :p some count & measure with high heel on so 1.64 plus 6cm from high heel hits model cat :D

09-01-2015, 12:05 PM
no wonder so many milfs in ktv nowadays

they just want fast money

No doubt there're hot MILFs.
I just cannot stand those long winded Ah Soh type of MILFs.

At Legend KTV there's one tall and slutty looking 30s MILF.
Her hour glass figure is out of this world! :eek:
I know some uncles will like this type. :p

Really depend on who is doing the certification.

This "Marketing Manager" post that does the certification is the most sought after post after Zone Director post. :p

Work a few years can become "rich and famous". :D

09-01-2015, 04:51 PM
[QUOTE=TonyCheong;12429047]Hahaha nowadays KTVs anyhow wan lah. :p

Nothing a red packet cannot do to get upgrade to a higher category. :D[/QUO
no wonder so many milfs in ktv nowadays
they just want fast money

Yahlah, more MILFs and pork-chops and still anyhow price. knn!!!

But heard that recently these week or 2, DS gotta be low level, got GA alert. Seems got potential for some raid or somethings gonna happen???

Can anyone verify that?

09-01-2015, 07:13 PM

Yahlah, more MILFs and pork-chops and still anyhow price. knn!!!

But heard that recently these week or 2, DS gotta be low level, got GA alert. Seems got potential for some raid or somethings gonna happen???

Can anyone verify that?

Yes, my sources in DS confirmed potential raid starting today, end date unknown.

10-01-2015, 01:43 AM
Damm, for those kind of prices it is almost worth flying in for a few days. $ 376.00 RT from Beijing.

10-01-2015, 01:44 AM
i give my 2 cents here
if you want to remain in guangdong either go to less commercialised places like
qing yuan,tan zhou or go for bbs in shenzhen and danshui
in shenzhen some bbs only 150 rmb one shot and overnight only 800 rmb;)
option 3- go out of guangdong area- either south to guangxi/vietnam
or north to xian,shanxi,inner mongolia
for the whole of china i believe the cheapest pussy is at ningxia city,inner mongolia hahaha:p
there my china friend told me 1 shot 30 rmb ,overnight 150 rmb;)
Damm, for those kind of prices it is almost worth flying in for a few days. $ 376.00 RT from Beijing.

10-01-2015, 10:38 AM

Yes, my sources in DS confirmed potential raid starting today, end date unknown.

Guess its the ''pre cny rush'' :cool:

10-01-2015, 11:34 AM
Damm, for those kind of prices it is almost worth flying in for a few days. $ 376.00 RT from Beijing.


Guess its the ''pre cny rush'' :cool:

Which will get it is unknown , so just party with care .

looking at the punter coming in to legend , very scary.

Lucky that I am back safe.

金鼎(体育馆)was raided last 2 week . was suspend for operation just b4 NYD

Another checking starts last night , so be extreme careful for the next few days

will update with my fresh from oven FR later

10-01-2015, 08:42 PM

Which will get it is unknown , so just party with care .

looking at the punter coming in to legend , very scary.

Lucky that I am back safe.

金鼎(体育馆)was raided last 2 week . was suspend for operation just b4 NYD

Another checking starts last night , so be extreme careful for the next few days

will update with my fresh from oven FR later
every year before a major holiday in china
guangdong province is china police's favourite raiding ground:p
by conducting major vice raids in guangdong area president xi is trying to send a message to the rest of china;)

10-01-2015, 08:48 PM
No doubt there're hot MILFs.
I just cannot stand those long winded Ah Soh type of MILFs.

At Legend KTV there's one tall and slutty looking 30s MILF.
Her hour glass figure is out of this world! :eek:
I know some uncles will like this type. :p


so she is your bao target no. 1 now?
any photo of her to show us?:p
you better grab her fast before uncle SEAJ also jumps in
like you, he also horny old man;)

10-01-2015, 09:23 PM
Any brother wanna join me to Cheong DS in last week of March, I will be clearing leave that week. Date not firm yet, likely 23-27/3.
PM me your wechat if to discuss offline.


11-01-2015, 12:16 AM
But heard that recently these week or 2, DS gotta be low level, got GA alert. Seems got potential for some raid or somethings gonna happen???

Yes, my sources in DS confirmed potential raid starting today, end date unknown.

Red alert for 9th, 10th and 11th Jan. ;)

Last night bring KTV hostess back for some "action".
Heng heng no checks both in KTV and Hotel room. :p

so she is your bao target no. 1 now?

you better grab her fast before uncle SEAJ also jumps in

like you, he also horny old man

Hahaha me no intention to bao any PRC.
Besides CPF not much and cannot withdraw yet.

Ah Peks should have more money to bao PRCs. :D

Rich old auntie want to bao me I still can consider.
Everyday drink Tongkat Ali Kopi instead of Nescafe loh. :p

Any brother wanna join me to Cheong DS in last week of March, I will be clearing leave that week. Date not firm yet, likely 23-27/3.

Haha dates too far advance liao.

11-01-2015, 01:44 AM
indeed, there are some very interesting china/vietnam border places.

i give my 2 cents here
if you want to remain in guangdong either go to less commercialised places like
qing yuan,tan zhou or go for bbs in shenzhen and danshui
in shenzhen some bbs only 150 rmb one shot and overnight only 800 rmb;)
option 3- go out of guangdong area- either south to guangxi/vietnam
or north to xian,shanxi,inner mongolia
for the whole of china i believe the cheapest pussy is at ningxia city,inner mongolia hahaha:p
there my china friend told me 1 shot 30 rmb ,overnight 150 rmb;)

11-01-2015, 11:29 AM
Short trip from Jan 7-10 thus a quick FR. Was in DS early Nov so I have a better idea what to expect.

Stayed at Legend Hotel again and spend 2 nights @ Dynasty KTV. KTV girls strength on 7th Jan was good. But the range is still pretty wide - short, tall, slim and fat. Generally not much better than two months back. I managed to hang around the "river-mouth", and this time the staff didn't ask me to go back to the room. Saw a girl I like. Tall and slim and looking a bit loss. She was holding a piece paper and talking on her mobile desperately. Immediately knew she's new so quickly approached and booked her. My two other friends were able to get theirs. But struggled as it was their 1st time in DS. They still have some CP mindset :rolleyes:.

Anyway long story short, the tall slim girl although gorgeous and friendly in the KTV room, turns out to be a dead fish. Well perhaps my expectation was high but being a 24 year. old I thought she would be different. One of my other friend went double-fly because the girl she took back got another friend to his room. Being Malaysian and a big spender, he doesn't mind. But 4K for 2 girls in 1 night is simply stupid if you ask me. But it's his money anyway and their thrill to spend.

8th Jan was a different story all together. My friends from CP wechat and called to say DS got wind. Also my DS agent (not the ones in this forum but a China agent) asked us to come early, as he said 7.30pm there would be no girls anymore. Once in the KTV I noticed something is not right - agent asking me to pay upfront 1st and quite some rooms not taken. Also saw lot's of punters especially the HKies and Taiwanese leaving the KTV and bringing the girls out. That was before 8pm. Anyway quite a bad night as there were practically not much girls and mummies were pushy and rude. We left the KTV at 10.30pm empty handed.

9th Jan we went to SZ. As mentioned in earlier posts, DS got big wind so lucky we have left. First time in SZ so didn't know what to expect. But guess we have found heaven :p. Why? Punters there are mostly locals, HK and Taiwanese. Very few Malaysians/Singaporeans :). All KTV girls are at same rate 4-10-15. Dressed in uniforms, well groomed, polite and indeed very service oriented. My big vote over DS.

So my summary (don't flame me as it's my personal opinion).

- With the influx of Malaysian/Singaporean punters and lack of other places to go (or no knowledge of options), Dynasty KTV operators, mummies and girls know how to maximize profit. Most of the girls there are at 5-15-20. She maybe is tall(er) but still fat and ugly :(. Where's the quality control? I also noticed older punters - from 17th floor breakfast and hotel lobby. So the Dato's may not mind this kind of look and pricing.

- Everyone is out there to make a quick buck. The KTV girls service level is bad in the KTV and hotel room. But who cares as most are here in DS for short term, I think. See the greediness going 1 level up since my last visit.

- Will be interesting to see competition as there's a new resort/ktv about 5km from Legend Hotel. Opening up 18 Jan I heard but still see lots of construction. Was there to take a look on the way back from Aotou. Will post pics later. Heard rates will be even higher at 6-???-???.

- Perhaps this is my last trip to DS. Don't find this place value for money. There are other joints in SZ which are far better - service and spending wise.

11-01-2015, 11:50 AM
Short trip from Jan 7-10 thus a quick FR. Was in DS early Nov so I have a better idea what to expect.
Cheilinus undulatus- Perhaps this is my last trip to DS. Don't find this place value for money. There are other joints in SZ which are far better - service and spending wise.

thanks for the FR, heard abt the same complain of the service level there .... not good at all .... :(

sex crusader
11-01-2015, 12:35 PM
So my summary (don't flame me as it's my personal opinion).


- Perhaps this is my last trip to DS. Don't find this place value for money. There are other joints in SZ which are far better - service and spending wise.

Good fr! My same thought too when I visited this ktv well before the influx of cp gals and dj. The hardware is on par with OY but the software kindda sux! Most gal chut patterns of not going out! I used the Taiwanese agent XGX as it was my maiden trip there. Funny thought, me Tio labelled as a stealth agent also use agent when cheonging ! :D

11-01-2015, 01:33 PM
Good fr! My same thought too when I visited this ktv well before the influx of cp gals and dj. The hardware is on par with OY but the software kindda sux! Most gal chut patterns of not going out! I used the Taiwanese agent XGX as it was my maiden trip there. Funny thought, me Tio labelled as a stealth agent also use agent when cheonging ! :D
Never labeled you as a stealth agent - labeled you correctly as a Taikor/Taikor Wannabe; which is worse as you not only benefit directly from the thievin' that the stealth agent does, you influence/lead many of the victims straight into the hands of these crooks.

And yes, this info straight from one who had naively partied with you quite a few times until he figured that he has been victimized - and also confirmed by others.


11-01-2015, 03:50 PM
My two other friends were able to get theirs. But struggled as it was their 1st time in DS. They still have some CP mindset.

Give them some time to adjust their mindset.
Let them go Changping now and take a look.
Either move on or give up.

My latest Danshui KTV punt was fantastic but this is a rare exception in the past 2 years of visit! :eek: :D

First time in SZ so didn't know what to expect. But guess we have found heaven. Why? Punters there are mostly locals, HK and Taiwanese. Very few Malaysians/Singaporeans. All KTV girls are at same rate 4-10-15. Dressed in uniforms, well groomed, polite and indeed very service oriented. My big vote over DS.

Perhaps this is my last trip to DS. Don't find this place value for money. There are other joints in SZ which are far better - service and spending wise.

Congratulations you've found the "hidden" jackpot.
So near yet so far away as it's only in front of our eyes.
Which district of Shenzhen did you venture to?

In general Shenzhen KTV hostesses are prettier and the pricing really corresponds with the quality unlike Danshui KTVs. :D

So the Dato's may not mind this kind of look and pricing.

Datos have face can liao. :)

11-01-2015, 04:00 PM
Not wanting too many to flock there...district starts with "S" :)

11-01-2015, 04:11 PM
Not wanting too many to flock there...district starts with "S" :)

"S" is a Sub-District of "N" District. :D

11-01-2015, 04:31 PM
Danshui KTV hostesses are told not to report for work in the next 6 days.

Lot's of witch hunting by Gongan last night. :p
J** D*** Hotel rooms kena check.

11-01-2015, 05:04 PM
Haha dates too far advance liao.

Advance date as I usually trying to get promo SQ ticket.
Price is almost same as Budget airliners as compared to buying closer to Cheong dates. 8)

11-01-2015, 05:09 PM
Advance date as I usually trying to get promo SQ ticket.
Price is almost same as Budget airliners as compared to buying closer to Cheong dates. 8)

Long ago I used to book way in advance to lock in the best price but that's when my work schedule was less volatile. :D

11-01-2015, 05:27 PM
"S" is a Sub-District of "N" District. :D

bro, where ? where? I wanna go :D

12-01-2015, 06:32 PM
Danshui KTV hostesses are told not to report for work in the next 6 days.

Lot's of witch hunting by Gongan last night. :p
J** D*** Hotel rooms kena check.

news of vice raid in haikou click link below

12-01-2015, 06:35 PM
bro, where ? where? I wanna go :D

bao an district;)
not luohu
not futian:p

13-01-2015, 02:10 AM

Anyway long story short, the tall slim girl although gorgeous and friendly in the KTV room, turns out to be a dead fish. Well perhaps my expectation was high but being a 24 year. old I thought she would be different. One of my other friend went double-fly because the girl she took back got another friend to his room. Being Malaysian and a big spender, he doesn't mind. But 4K for 2 girls in 1 night is simply stupid if you ask me. But it's his money anyway and their thrill to spend.

- Evand spending wise.
4k rmb for2 girls in one night
that is 2k for one girl:p
he really carrot head :rolleyes:
at 100 rmb per shot in fuzhou he could have screw 400 different milfs in fuzhou :p
what a sucker he is

13-01-2015, 05:15 PM
4k rmb for2 girls in one night
that is 2k for one girl:p
he really carrot head :rolleyes:
at 100 rmb per shot in fuzhou he could have screw 400 different milfs in fuzhou :p
what a sucker he is

No offense meant, but Its his money to spend.
Who are we to judge?:cool:

14-01-2015, 02:11 AM
No offense meant, but Its his money to spend.
Who are we to judge?:cool:

Exactly, cannot agreed more ..... :D

14-01-2015, 03:09 AM
Went to Desert storm KTV ,,, Gals line up at 2 ceo rooms for mini fs (gal cat got 3 types 1400 , 1700, 2200).... I chiong inside the room to select ... sadly most stocks which i saw not really appealing .. some really cmi....Im not a fussy chooser but really no one caught my eye ..... bobian i just chose a cat 1400 and a cat 1700 gal (personally i think the gals are overprice for such standard) ....nonetheless, gals attitude wise is good...

Outside the hotel really dusty ... if u go this ktv means u are stuck in the hotel ....food selection also crap .... we went across the street and there is only one restaurant ...food was no good .... dont think i will rtn coz i found new playground

14-01-2015, 03:19 AM
Did you book thru agent?
gals lineup there are 1200, 1500 and 2000.

14-01-2015, 03:51 AM
haiz ... wasted my time and hotel in DS , got yanda so didnt go legend...

although agent still propose me and my buddies to go legend and there "may" have gals or manager can bring in small quantity of gals (ie 2 gals at a time) to room ..... my sense is no point going since most gals are afraid to work... really spoil my mood ....

Since KTV is unavailable, we decided to go sauna ....wah maximum security and operating at super low profile ... hahah horny man so brave enough to chiong such danger spot... selection was pathetic ... but i managed to get a F cup gal and was sextisfied.sauna in DS is 90mins...hahaha

Managed to go Aotou for seafood ... wah China culture shock ... the fishmongers really aggressive... we also dunno what price is cheap so we let the agent lead... hahaah dunno is she choosing wat food she want to eat or we choosing what food we wanna eat ...she just see and point whichever seafood she deems good and we only pay ..apart from this we managed to choose one or 2 seafood which we want to try... seafood buying experience wasn't so good as agent seems to have previous issues with one of the fishmonger and the fishmonger was shouting and scolding vulgarities at her.. hahha knn we standing together with her machiam we also kena fk upside down....

sidetrack abit... Agent arranged for driver to bring us ard for the 1st day and 2nd day.. I abit buaysong with the driver coz 1st day me and my bros were at CP for few hours ... I told the driver to pick us up at Hui Mei coz i tot we have time cut hair at Hui mei QianZhiHua.. Nonetheless massage at QZG took up more time. when driver called saying he was at Hui mei , I told him to pick us up at Walter QZG but he refused. KNN i have to walk all the way back to Hui mei. Who knows my other bro stuck at PZL, since Im in his car already, I told him to go PZL pick up ...although he seems reluctant, he went PZl... Back to the FR on Aotou, After we pick the seafood , we went to a restaurant. knn i already abit buay song the driver liao he can still sit down and eat our seafood machiam he is part of us. it is not that we are stingy but at least have the decency to ask.. Seafood was ok only... we spend about sgd 300+ for seafood plus restaurant processing for 5 persons + 1 agent + 1 driver...

Lastly, my whole group was super sian coz our trip is disrupted by the yanda. when all seems lost , I know there is a person who I can look to seek for help or advise and the person is Daikor FGG, Despite the both of us haven met in person before, He has relentlessly given me so many advise and contacts ... kudos to him! To me, he is a great man who is willing to render assistance to bros in need. Salute!

14-01-2015, 03:55 AM
haiz ... wasted my time and hotel in DS , got yanda so didnt go legend...

sidetrack abit... Agent arranged for driver to bring us ard for the 1st day and 2nd day.. I abit buaysong with the driver coz 1st day me and my bros were at CP for few hours ... I told the driver to pick us up at Hui Mei coz i tot we have time cut hair at Hui mei QianZhiHua.. Nonetheless massage at QZG took up more time. when he called saying he was at Hui mei , I told him to pick us up at Walter QZG but he refused. KNN i have to walk all the way back to Hui mei. Who knows my other bro stuck at PZL, since Im in his car already, I told him to go PZL pick up ...although he seems reluctant, he went PZl... Back to the FR on Aotou, After we pick the seafood , we went to a restaurant. knn i already abit buay song the driver liao he can still sit down and eat our seafood machiam he is part of us. it is not that we are stingy but at least have the decency to ask.. Seafood was ok only... we spend about sgd 300+ for seafood plus restaurant processing for 5 persons + 1 agent + 1 driver...

just hope thats not the driver I recommend ;)

14-01-2015, 09:21 AM
翡翠国际会所 (KTV) confirm soft opening on 18/01/15 (Sun).
Very posh! :)

never realized Ramada Inn is a five star hotel ..... ;)

14-01-2015, 06:52 PM
just hope thats not the driver I recommend ;)

No lah bro ... in fact he kept asking me to join him for drinking :D... he also told me he can book my room at a cheaper rate ...

14-01-2015, 07:00 PM
Did you book thru agent?
gals lineup there are 1200, 1500 and 2000.

I engaged Agent to book hotel room, ktv room and transport only... we go choose gal ourselves ....

Bro , U mean my agent mark up gals price ? :mad: That's too much ..In fact when he told me price was 1400, 1700, 2200, i was puzzled coz i recalled it was lesser... All my chionging days in CP, i never encounter an agent who mark up gals price...

14-01-2015, 07:23 PM
4k rmb for2 girls in one night
that is 2k for one girl:p
he really carrot head :rolleyes:
at 100 rmb per shot in fuzhou he could have screw 400 different milfs in fuzhou :p
what a sucker he is


He might be a carrot head to you but he does know basic maths and values. He is definitely a boss.:)

14-01-2015, 10:54 PM
Whether he mark up or not? I can't comment.
I can only share with you the confirmed rates as of 2 days ago.

15-01-2015, 12:28 AM
Should be a franchise deal by Ao Hong Group 深圳市澳宏投资有限公司.

Maybe Ao Hong Group's boss is a 土豪.
Now make it liao open high class hotel entertain his family and friends mah. :p

china men really powderful these days, can't play play .... ;)

15-01-2015, 12:37 AM
haiz ... wasted my time and hotel in DS , got yanda so didnt go legend...

Lastly, my whole group was super sian coz our trip is disrupted by the yanda. when all seems lost , I know there is a person who I can look to seek for help or advise and the person is Daikor FGG, Despite the both of us haven met in person before, He has relentlessly given me so many advise and contacts ... kudos to him! To me, he is a great man who is willing to render assistance to bros in need. Salute!

aiya bro, we are here to share and help each other out as we all tourists and foreigners in the Land of Dragon .... actually I have learn to share info from my bro andalloy some 4 years ago when I got stuck in Hainan .....

15-01-2015, 01:08 AM

头条新闻南方都市报 [微博] 张广军2015-01-14 07:31我要分享 173

南都讯 记者张广军 通讯员 卢思莹 潘子璐 卢青 龙门四名男子(其中一人未满14周岁)专门抢劫农村老人。5次入户抢劫独居老人或者对独自出行老人进行抢劫 ,抢得现金约2790元。昨日,龙门法院通报,一审分别判处三名被告有期徒刑5年至12年不等,并处罚金2 000元至5000元不等。


这些案件发生在2014年2月至5月间,作案对象是独居老人或独行老人。第一起被抢的老人是龙门县龙城街道 某村80多岁的董某夫妇。

去年某个深夜,经事先踩点,被告人小立和小开踢门进入,小立按住董某身体,董某妻子见状即持刀驱赶,三人遂 逃出屋外。由于不甘心搞不定两个老人,在小立提议下决定再抢一次,三人再次入屋,小立用木凳压住董某身体, 小开将董某妻子摁倒在地,小武搜身抢得300多元,得手后三人迅速逃离现场。


考虑到第一次被抢的董某夫妇年纪很大,无法反抗。2014年5月2日17时许,小武、小立约上小帆三人驾驶 摩托车再次到董某住宅进行抢劫,这次未发现有价值财物才逃离现场。



而四名被告中,有三名均为1990后出生,其中被告人小武1998年12月出生,小帆1991年10月出生 ,小立2000年1月出生,在实施抢劫期间已年满14周岁,尚未满16周岁。第四名被告小开未满 14周岁。


由于入户抢劫罪行严重,再考虑认罪态度及年龄因素后,龙门法院均以抢劫罪作出一审判决:小武判有期徒刑5年 ,并处罚金2000元;小立判有期徒刑5年,并处罚金2000元;小帆判有期徒刑12年,并处罚金5000 元。



入户打劫老人性质恶劣 呼吁子女常回家看看

审理本案的法官介绍,三名被告人伙同他人分工合作在短时间内对年迈老年人连续实施抢劫,犯罪行为性质恶劣, 在龙门产生较大负面影响。此案发生的原因,一方面由于三名被告人均初中辍学,文化教育程度较低,在成长过程 中缺乏必要的家庭教育与社会管教、约束,导致法律意识与责任意识淡薄,未能严格管束自己的行为举止。另一方 面,由于老年人行动迟缓、反抗能力差,在遇到不法侵害时,缺少必要的防御能力和抵抗能力,同时出于害怕报复 、不愿让子女担心等原因,很多老年人在遭受侵害后选择忍气吞声而没有报警,故而成为某些不法之徒首选的侵害 目标。

法官提醒,老年朋友在遇到不法侵害时要及时与家人沟通、及时报警,依法维护自己的合法权益,让犯罪分子受到 应有的惩罚。整个社会要加强对老年人的关爱,子女要加强与父母的沟通,多回家看看;派出所、村(居)委会加 强对本村、本地区独居老人的实际情况进行摸查,加大巡查、保护力度。

中国有多少独居老人独居老人被女儿雇凶杀独居老人上门推销广州老人独居死亡空巢老人与独居的区别劫匪抢劫遇 功夫女

15-01-2015, 01:46 AM
this is the china girl i want to bonk most
i will pay anything to bonk her hahaha click link below

15-01-2015, 01:59 AM
this is the china girl i want to bonk most

i will pay anything to bonk her hahaha click link below

Bro MichaelWinn this girl really my type as nose bleed liao! :eek:

Much appreciative of all the China news you've been posting but many bros may not be able to read Chinese so may I boldly suggest you post more pics or video links please.

Thank you. :)

15-01-2015, 04:33 AM
Whether he mark up or not? I can't comment.
I can only share with you the confirmed rates as of 2 days ago.

I understand Bro... Confirm he mark up ktv gal price which is unethical...

My dear sbf bros... I'm not going to expose the agent openly but Kindly be reminded to be careful in choosing ur agents... No point saying how many lobangs or gals he may have... All this underhand act is simply unacceptable... I never had such an experience with agent till now.. Since my chionging days in Cp few yrs ago I've been engaging agents but none was like this...

As I was new to ds and hz scene, I contacted an agent in sbf to answer some of my queries... As such, I gave him more than sufficient time to book transport and hotel for me base on our itinerary... However, when I arrived in Hk, I got the first screw up... The mpv which we chartered did not arrive and we have to wait 1hr+ in hkia due to the late arrival of the driver... Hk driver told us he was infd last min that's why he was late... I don't know who screw up but I only know there was never a time where I need to wait for driver...

According to itinerary.. Me and my 4 bros will proceed to Cp for few hrs and then to huizhou desert storm ktv in the evening for day 1 which was confirmed days ago before the trip... However after the driver fiasco, I was told by agent hz desert storm no more hotel rooms.. I was shocked and was told I may need to stay in Cp after our ktv in hz... I disagreed.. Eventually agent said he managed to snatch some rooms in desert storm for us and we paid 350rmb each for a lousy room in desert storm hotel which I believed was meant to a sn room... Bed sucks but we just have to live with it since it's only one night... The next day all complained of backaches...To make matter worst, agent can raise ktv gals rates behind us. ..

Bros... Be careful when selecting ur agent..I know they need to earn money but don't treat us as fools.... At least in sbf, we are still blessed with senior bros who is willing to share and advise...

My 2 cents pls...

15-01-2015, 08:51 AM
Bro MichaelWinn this girl really my type as nose bleed liao! :eek:

Much appreciative of all the China news you've been posting but many bros may not be able to read Chinese so may I boldly suggest you post more pics or video links please.

Thank you. :)

how much are you willing to pay for her?
this time got 1 taiwan girl looking for sugar daddy to bao her click link below

15-01-2015, 09:13 AM
Confirm he mark up ktv gal price which is unethical...

My dear sbf bros... I'm not going to expose the agent openly but Kindly be reminded to be careful in choosing ur agents... No point saying how many lobangs or gals he may have... All this underhand act is simply unacceptable... I never had such an experience with agent till now.. Since my chionging days in Cp few yrs ago I've been engaging agents but none was like this...

To make matter worst, agent can raise ktv gals rates behind us. ..

Bros... Be careful when selecting ur agent..I know they need to earn money but don't treat us as fools.... At least in sbf, we are still blessed with senior bros who is willing to share and advise...

Bro draken sorry to hear about your misfortune. :(

Thanks for your warning. :)

15-01-2015, 01:19 PM
this is the china girl i want to bonk most
i will pay anything to bonk her hahaha click link below

LMFAO - wasn't it you who wrote the flwg?

4k rmb for2 girls in one night
that is 2k for one girl:p
he really carrot head :rolleyes:
at 100 rmb per shot in fuzhou he could have screw 400 different milfs in fuzhou :p
what a sucker he is

Oooops! Solly!


15-01-2015, 10:50 PM
Bro MichaelWinn this girl really my type as nose bleed liao! :eek:

Much appreciative of all the China news you've been posting but many bros may not be able to read Chinese so may I boldly suggest you post more pics or video links please.

Thank you. :)

more pics and video of this girl click link below

15-01-2015, 11:13 PM
I understand Bro... Confirm he mark up ktv gal price which is unethical...

My dear sbf bros... I'm not going to expose the agent openly but Kindly be reminded to be careful in choosing ur agents... No point saying how many lobangs or gals he may have... All this underhand act is simply unacceptable... I never had such an experience with agent till now.. Since my chionging days in Cp few yrs ago I've been engaging agents but none was like this...

As I was new to ds and hz scene, I contacted an agent in sbf to answer some of my queries... As such, I gave him more than sufficient time to book transport and hotel for me base on our itinerary... However, when I arrived in Hk, I got the first screw up... The mpv which we chartered did not arrive and we have to wait 1hr+ in hkia due to the late arrival of the driver... Hk driver told us he was infd last min that's why he was late... I don't know who screw up but I only know there was never a time where I need to wait for driver...

According to itinerary.. Me and my 4 bros will proceed to Cp for few hrs and then to huizhou desert storm ktv in the evening for day 1 which was confirmed days ago before the trip... However after the driver fiasco, I was told by agent hz desert storm no more hotel rooms.. I was shocked and was told I may need to stay in Cp after our ktv in hz... I disagreed.. Eventually agent said he managed to snatch some rooms in desert storm for us and we paid 350rmb each for a lousy room in desert storm hotel which I believed was meant to a sn room... Bed sucks but we just have to live with it since it's only one night... The next day all complained of backaches...To make matter worst, agent can raise ktv gals rates behind us. ..

Bros... Be careful when selecting ur agent..I know they need to earn money but don't treat us as fools.... At least in sbf, we are still blessed with senior bros who is willing to share and advise...

My 2 cents pls...

bro, think u should name this agent even hes not based in sbf, so that none of us will fall into his trap? :cool:

15-01-2015, 11:41 PM
lmfao - wasn't it you who wrote the flwg?

Oooops! Solly!


头条新闻广州日报 [微博] 张丹羊2015-01-15 08:12我要分享 630

广州日报讯(记者张丹羊 通讯员吴汉东、邝杰斌)嗜赌男子蔡某为还赌债,欲借偷拍来的女乡亲裸照勒索20万元,结果被警方通缉。广铁 警方昨日通报,打算乘坐高铁来广州继续潜逃的蔡某近日在高铁站落网。

据办案人员介绍,去年4月份,云南男子蔡某在广东江门认识老乡黄某,与黄某发生了两次性关系。每次蔡某都偷 偷用手机拍下两人寻欢的视频。

平时蔡某嗜赌,欠下不少赌债,几乎每天都被债主追债。走投无路的他想到黄某家里可能有钱,于是,今年1月6 日,蔡某就威胁黄某说:“三天内,你如果不给我20万元,我就把发生关系时拍摄到的裸照放到网上”。黄某向 江门警方报警。蔡某连夜潜逃至韶关某砖厂老乡处躲藏。

据蔡某交代,他潜逃至韶关后这几天躲在砖厂里就像惊弓之鸟一样,整天猫在老乡家里不敢出来。1月10日,蔡 某感觉躲在韶关也不安全,当晚便到高铁站坐车去广州打算继续潜逃,结果被得到线索的广铁警方当场抓获。目前 ,蔡某已被依法移交江门警方处理。

16-01-2015, 04:18 PM
I understand Bro... Confirm he mark up ktv gal price which is unethical...

My dear sbf bros... I'm not going to expose the agent openly but Kindly be reminded to be careful in choosing ur agents... No point saying how many lobangs or gals he may have... All this underhand act is simply unacceptable...

As I was new to ds and hz scene, I contacted an agent in sbf to answer some of my queries... As such, I gave him more than sufficient time to book transport and hotel for me base on our itinerary... However, when I arrived in Hk, I got the first screw up... The mpv which we chartered did not arrive and we have to wait 1hr+ in hkia due to the late arrival of the driver... Hk driver told us he was infd last min that's why he was late... I don't know who screw up but I only know there was never a time where I need to wait for driver...

My 2 cents pls...

Now in SBF only 2 agents advertising. So it's either Phillip a.k.a. Japantvb or VivianXu. Vivian now base mostly in Zhuhai. So isn't it clear who this agent is?:rolleyes:

16-01-2015, 05:38 PM
Bro MichaelWinn this girl really my type as nose bleed liao! :eek:

Much appreciative of all the China news you've been posting but many bros may not be able to read Chinese so may I boldly suggest you post more pics or video links please.

Thank you. :)

I think you are just overly polite.
I am not.

Bro. If you don't mind, stop polluting the forum with those crap posts.

16-01-2015, 05:40 PM
LMFAO - wasn't it you who wrote the

Oooops! Solly!


Other people spend their money becomes sucker.
But when sucker spend money, it is justifiable.

sex crusader
16-01-2015, 07:28 PM
bro, think u should name this agent even hes not based in sbf, so that none of us will fall into his trap? :cool:

Thought someone here is expert at exposing this ?:D

16-01-2015, 09:56 PM
Danshui KTVs have resumed normal operations from today. :)

16-01-2015, 11:24 PM
Thought someone here is expert at exposing this ?:D

faster get this bro out to expose that agent? :cool:

17-01-2015, 10:15 PM
wondering what will be the MM price war when the new hotel opened tomorrow. Quality and good MM flop to new joint?? ����

17-01-2015, 10:24 PM
Maybe new MM price will be 6, 18, 25.
To suck more Singaporeans, Malaysians customers dry. :D

18-01-2015, 12:43 AM
Maybe new MM price will be 6, 18, 25.
To suck more Singaporeans, Malaysians customers dry. :D

sitting fee 4,5,6,8

18-01-2015, 02:07 AM
wondering what will be the MM price war when the new hotel opened tomorrow. Quality and good MM flop to new joint??

sitting fee 4,5,6,8

Wow power lah! :eek: :p

18-01-2015, 09:33 AM
Wow power lah! :eek: :p

no guestrooms until mid year, need to stay in Legend Hotel n shuttle between hotels .... :(

sex crusader
18-01-2015, 10:37 AM
no guestrooms until mid year, need to stay in Legend Hotel n shuttle between hotels .... :(

Sounds like the once 'famous' HMTL in cp! Hope it lasts !:D

18-01-2015, 01:27 PM
Bro draken sorry to hear about your misfortune. :(

Thanks for your warning. :)

Thanks Bro... Should have engaged ur services instead..

Yes, Unfortunately, whether declared or stealth, too many agents take advantage of the fact that they have the upper hand when servicing us "in their territory."

Good reminder - thanks!
We need to be wary of ALL Agents - whether stealth OR declared!


Agreed Bro... I understand they are doing business and I don't even mind giving them some tips at the end if services good.. Ultimately it's consumer choice... Some may feel it's OK for agents to increase gals charge but to me it's unethical...

bro, think u should name this agent even hes not based in sbf, so that none of us will fall into his trap? :cool:

Hahaha Bro.. The purpose of my post is to generate awareness... Ultimately it's still consumer choice
Thought someone here is expert at exposing this ?:D
Hahaha lots of detectives here

18-01-2015, 01:35 PM
Thanks Bro... Should have engaged ur services instead..

TonyCheong claimed he is not agent because he dun pay advertising fees...no wonder so many paid advertisers complained to boss recently that TC affecting their biz...:p

TC - better pay advertising fees...mods are zero in on you...whatever you post may be deleted...:)

18-01-2015, 02:00 PM
TonyCheong claimed he is not agent because he dun pay advertising fees...no wonder so many paid advertisers complained to boss recently that TC affecting their biz...:p

TC - better pay advertising fees...mods are zero in on you...whatever you post may be deleted...

Bro Hurricane88 thanks for your gentle reminder.
China market is very bad now so naturally it's easy to point the finger at me. :D

I cannot dictate what people post about me. :p

Hope my TCSS posts won't get deleted. :D

18-01-2015, 02:20 PM
Bro Hurricane88 thanks for your gentle reminder.
China market is very bad now so naturally it's easy to point the finger at me. :D
I cannot dictate what people post about me.
Hope my TCSS posts won't get deleted. :D

the whole world market is equally bad...the European countries are bankrupt...look at sinkieland...are we better off...answer obvious no...:)

so nobody is doing well...suggest you take a breather...otherwise more complain means you will be on radar on every major frequency...:)

18-01-2015, 02:26 PM
Agreed Bro... I understand they are doing business and I don't even mind giving them some tips at the end if services good.. Ultimately it's consumer choice... Some may feel it's OK for agents to increase gals charge but to me it's unethical...
Perhaps I need to clarify – my tirade have always only been against unethical agents who pretend to just be an informed good guy member who helps out others, whilst fleecing them.

I absolutely do not have anything against Agents who openly declare that they are such – as it allows Samsters to go into arrangements with them with eyes wide open. And the way that things ARE in China nowadays, IMHO, honest agents more than prove their worth by keeping you safer AND supplied.


Van Basten
18-01-2015, 04:47 PM
got some health issues now ....

thank you very much..I got the msg now...

RIP bro sinoview...

Hi Bros,

Long time not in sbf, is bro sinoview ok?
Have not seen any trace of him for a long time...

Hope he is fine...

18-01-2015, 09:01 PM
Advance date as I usually trying to get promo SQ ticket.
Price is almost same as Budget airliners as compared to buying closer to Cheong dates. 8)

I will be traveling to DS on 24/3 - 29/3, any Lone Ranger wanna join me for KTV? We will split the bill. 8)

Fyi too, I bought promo ticket by Silk air, promo ending next Friday.

PM me and discuss offline if u r keen to join me. 8)

19-01-2015, 02:02 AM
It's amazing with this type of pricing in DS. People are still willing to go there.:confused:

19-01-2015, 02:25 AM
PM me and discuss offline if u r keen to join me. 8)

Enjoy yr trips.

19-01-2015, 09:19 AM
It's amazing with this type of pricing in DS. People are still willing to go there.:confused:

Different peoples have different needs when come to cheonging. It is a Demand and Supply world; COE is so high now, I'm also wondering why car sales is so good! LOL!!

Enjoy yr trips.
Thanks, upz u back. Cheers..

19-01-2015, 09:23 AM
Hi Bros,

Long time not in sbf, is bro sinoview ok?
Have not seen any trace of him for a long time...

Hope he is fine...

think you already got the news from another thread, may he rest in peace

19-01-2015, 04:50 PM
Different peoples have different needs when come to cheonging. It is a Demand and Supply world; COE is so high now, I also wondering why car sales is so good! LOL!!

Very nice analogy!

Me everyday drooling while reading this thread and thinking of good opportunity to revisit DS :(

19-01-2015, 08:36 PM
Different peoples have different needs when come to cheonging. It is a Demand and Supply world; COE is so high now, I'm also wondering why car sales is so good! LOL!!

That's true… for me I prefer to hang around CP. Maybe try SZ on my next trip.

20-01-2015, 01:26 AM
That's true… for me I prefer to hang around CP. Maybe try SZ on my next trip.

shenzhen's famous milf tui na shops
tony and i were talking about them in the other shenzhen thread
for those bros who are keen on raw sex and willing to throw away lots of money
do visit those milfs, they are waiting for you guys hahaha

20-01-2015, 01:37 AM
shenzhen's famous milf tui na shops
tony and i were talking about them in the other shenzhen thread

for those bros who are keen on raw sex and willing to throw away lots of money
do visit those milfs, they are waiting for you guys hahaha

Yes these Tui Na Shop MILFs are highly motivated to milk as much money as possible because time is limited for them.
The immense pressure they have mostly come from their home town.
Property loan mortgage, children and feed the useless husband. :p

Same as those Tui Na Shops in Singapore.
Super hard sell and aggressive sales tactics! :D

The same vicious cycle applies to KTV hostesses and Sauna masseuses as well.
They returned to home town to get married.
After having a kid then file for divorce due to useless country bumpkin husband.
Come back to big city again and work in sex industry. :cool:

20-01-2015, 01:38 AM
It's amazing with this type of pricing in DS. People are still willing to go there.:confused:

i think it has got to do with location, south china is nearer to fly home for most of you guys
any way some bros are exploring tan zhou , qing yuan in guangzhou
i am sure qing yuan and tan zhou cheaper than changping and danshui
even in shenzhen itself
for example in longgang district st at bbs shop only 50 rmb compared to tui na shops in luohu where even a st with a milf will damage you 200 to 300 rmb
that is the bad thing about china
the rich chinamen will spend easily 5000 rmb to 10000 rmb a night at a posh night club
while the average blue collar worker can only afford to whack a bbs streetwalker at 100 to 200 rmb

20-01-2015, 01:45 AM
while the average blue collar worker can only afford to whack a bbs streetwalker at 100 to 200 rmb

Hello an average blue collar worker will not whack a ¥200 BBS girl unless gotten a pay raise! :eek:

Usually their budget is ¥50-100. :p

20-01-2015, 01:50 AM
Yes these Tui Na Shop MILFs are highly motivated to milk as much money as possible because time is limited for them.
The immense pressure they have mostly come from their home town.
Property loan mortgage, children and feed the useless husband. :p

Same as those Tui Na Shops in Singapore.
Super hard sell and aggressive sales tactics! :D

The same vicious cycle applies to KTV hostesses and Sauna masseuses as well.
They returned to home town to get married.
After having a kid then file for divorce due to useless country bumpkin husband.
Come back to big city again and work in sex industry. :cool:

no wonder mostly hong kong old men patronise them
as hong kong old men have deep pockets
hong kong young men avoid those tui na shops like a diabetic avoid sugar
only 2 words come to my mind'' daylight robbery'' when i recalled my past visits haha

20-01-2015, 01:53 AM
no wonder mostly hong kong old men patronise them

as hong kong old men have deep pockets

Hahahahaha yes that's why you can always see those Hong Kong uncles and ah peks like to hang out at those Tui Na Shops to TCSS with MILFs. :p

20-01-2015, 08:18 AM
Hahahahaha yes that's why you can always see those Hong Kong uncles and ah peks like to hang out at those Tui Na Shops to TCSS with MILFs. :p

these hong kong old men are big donors and carrot heads for the milfs
they are willing to pay 1000 rmb for short time(one shot raw sex)
they are willing to pay 3000 rmb for short time(one shot anal sex)
the milfs love old men don't they hahaha

20-01-2015, 11:44 AM
these hong kong old men are big donors and carrot heads for the milfs
they are willing to pay 1000 rmb for short time(one shot raw sex)
they are willing to pay 3000 rmb for short time(one shot anal sex)
the milfs love old men don't they hahaha

Where and how do you get these wild theories and assertions about people of various origins, age groups and whatever proclivities they may have?

Lol - Amazing!


21-01-2015, 03:38 AM
today news dongguan vice kingpin under investigation by china communist party
click link below

21-01-2015, 03:53 AM
Where and how do you get these wild theories and assertions about people of various origins, age groups and whatever proclivities they may have?

Lol - Amazing!


i have visited those milfs many times in the past and they told me how much they were willing to offer for raw sex,anal sex,breast fucking,etc
and they told me most of their regular customers are hong kong old men fresh
from the border crossing hahaha

21-01-2015, 03:57 AM
Where and how do you get these wild theories and assertions about people of various origins, age groups and whatever proclivities they may have?

Lol - Amazing!


i have visited those milfs many times in the past
they told me how much they were willing to offer for raw sex,anal sex,etc
they also told me most of their regulars are hong kong old men

21-01-2015, 04:57 AM
Yes these Tui Na Shop MILFs are highly motivated to milk as much money as possible because time is limited for them.
The immense pressure they have mostly come from their home town.
Property loan mortgage, children and feed the useless husband. :p

Same as those Tui Na Shops in Singapore.
Super hard sell and aggressive sales tactics! :D

The same vicious cycle applies to KTV hostesses and Sauna masseuses as well.
They returned to home town to get married.
After having a kid then file for divorce due to useless country bumpkin husband.
Come back to big city again and work in sex industry. :cool:

see this video below to see how some chinamen dump their wives and kids

21-01-2015, 10:15 AM
Good morning bros...three bros will be in DS between 17-21 Mar. Any fellow bros in town at that period and wanna chiong together pls kindly PM me.:D

21-01-2015, 12:52 PM
Good morning bros...three bros will be in DS between 17-21 Mar. Any fellow bros in town at that period and wanna chiong together pls kindly PM me.:D

Yo Bro, will be there about same time, have PMed you. Thanks :)

21-01-2015, 03:10 PM
i have visited those milfs many times in the past and they told me how much they were willing to offer for raw sex,anal sex,breast fucking,etc
and they told me most of their regular customers are hong kong old men fresh
from the border crossing hahaha
How do you know when a WG is lying? Their mouth are moving!
WG's will tell you anything to suit what you want to hear!
You really believe these battle-hardened WG's at Tui Na shops? Are you sure they're not just feeding you mis-information just to extract more money from you?

Hong Kong mongers are by nature quite astute and knowledgeable about what goes on in Shenzhen - after all, the place is just a short hop away by MTR; and I seriously doubt that many of these old (and experienced) Hong Kong guys would fall for much nonsense in their own playground.


24-01-2015, 01:12 PM
RAMADA EMERALD HILL HOTEL 翡翠山华美达酒店 had opened in DANSHUI on since 18th Jan 2015.

Any brothers being there since?
(not agent please; no offend :rolleyes: ; want to hear from real fun seeker)
Got any FR to share?

25-01-2015, 11:48 AM
RAMADA EMERALD HILL HOTEL 翡翠山华美达酒店 had opened in DANSHUI on since 18th Jan 2015.

Any brothers being there since?
(not agent please; no offend :rolleyes: ; want to hear from real fun seeker)
Got any FR to share?
Read a couple very informative Huizhou/Danshui reports by AN AGENT on another forum.

Would it be appropriate/will I be breaking any rules if I re-post them here? Of course with all "advertisements" and identity etc all edited out.

Mods, would appreciate it if you will please advise.

25-01-2015, 12:45 PM
Read a couple very informative Huizhou/Danshui reports by AN AGENT on another forum.

Would it be appropriate/will I be breaking any rules if I re-post them here? Of course with all "advertisements" and identity etc all edited out.

Mods, would appreciate it if you will please advise.

so long the post dun contain advertisement or over-zealous marketing...then by all means please post here...:)

25-01-2015, 02:10 PM
so long the post dun contain advertisement or over-zealous marketing...then by all means please post here...:)
Unlike posts by our Stealth agents which are written/designed to ONLY stoke reader's interest and hoped for contact, IMHO honest agents usually just write up informative posts.

I've gone through the posts I'm gonna C + P below and determined that it is free of any advertorials or contacts - but if you see anything that is inappropriate, please feel free to edit out. Thanks!

Hope the following posts are informative for readers here.


25-01-2015, 02:12 PM
NOTE: The following is a C + P of an agent report from another forum.

It's been a while since I posted a report as CP is quite dead of any action since the crackdown back in February. I have been telling my regular customers to stay away and have suggested them to go to Foshan, Zhongshan, Shenzhen, or Huizhou. I have stayed away as I am not familiar and had no hook ups in these places but most importantly do not know whether it is safe enough for my customers to party at these places; however, through my past CP contacts, I have recently ventured to Danshui (DS), Huizhou for a four days visit.

Firstly, some logistic information for everyone. DS is east of CP (70 minutes away) and north of Luohu, Shenzhen (60 minutes) and has been voted the 5th most beautiful city in China. Huizhou is quite big as is Dongguan. CP is a town within Dongguan and DS is a town within Huizhou. DS to my amazement is an older developed town that historically been around for adult entertainment but not as easy to get to as CP, thus CP became a more popular destination for foreigners - as HK airport is within 3 hours away, SZ airport is one hour away, there is a direct train from HK, and only 30 minutes and 2 train stops from Luohu, SZ and 40 minutes and 2 train stops from Guangzhou East station. DS is not as easy to get to as you have to tack on an additional hour for each airport. There is a High-speed (Huizhou South Station) train that goes near DS (15 minutes from city center) but the train tickets are quite difficult to purchase as it is a station on a very popular line that goes eastward toward Xiamen. It is only 25 minutes and 17 RMB train ride from Shenzhen North Station (about 45 minutes from Luhou train station via subway). The town has three large shopping malls with movie theaters, restaurants, and shopping. Hotels are spread out around town and the best way to get around is on motor-bikes (5-8 RMB each way).

Two (both of my customers are from the US, one an African-American and the other Chinese-American with limited Putonghua skills) of my customers came up from Hong Kong through the Luohu border and I arranged a private car to pick them up at the Shangri-La Hotel . They stayed at the newly renovated Jin Ding Hotel 金40718;37202;24215; for 218 RMB per night. The original plan was to go to all four of the biggest Hotel / KTVs in town (the other three being: Li Jing Hotel 丽26223;37202;24215;, Shiji Hua Yuan Hotel世32426;21326;22253;22823;39277;24215;, and Jialu Int'l Hotel 家36335;22269;38469;37202;24215 but things didn't happen (see further for reason why) as planned. They arrived around 4 pm, and after a short rest, we ventured out for a bite to eat at the nearby mall which was about a 10 minutes walk from the hotel. We arrived at the Hao Yi Duo 好23452;22810; mall where there are a few restaurants on the third and fourth floor. We settled on getting some Pizza and Pasta and the total bill for three of us was 96 RMB (about 15 USD).

The Jin Ding International Club is right across the parking lot from the hotel. The building is a converted sports facility with 60 plus rooms of various sizes (cheapest minimum room is 680 RMB) with a separate building of luxurious party rooms for bigger parties. We reserved a 780 RMB minimum room that requires one DJ (300 RMB minimum tip) and one Service Boy (100 minimum tip). My customers decided to purchase the buy two get one free package of Chivas which included 12 bottles of mixers (coke, soda water, tonic water, green tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc.). Working girls (WG) line up started at 7:30 pm (a bit later than the usual CP flower street time) which is nice as there is no rush getting to the KTV early for best selection. Girls were brought in 5 to 10 at a time and probably because it was a Saturday night (the busiest party night of the week), we saw no more than 100 girls; however, it was more than enough as we were able to choose 5 girls easily as the talent was quite good. The WGs were split into two categories (4/10/15 and 5/15/20). Other than not having a flower street and having less number of girls, the partying was actually just the same as CP. The attitude of the girls were much better than CP once was, as most of these girls (before CP was basically shutdown) entertain local Chinese where the men only sits them and rarely takes them out but they work later and drinks much more than the foreign customers do. None of the girls asked to leave early and party with us all the way till we ended the party which was amazingly close to 1 am when we asked for the bill. Both of my customers took one of their WG’s out and paid the other three for their sitting fees. The next day report on the two girls that were taken out was good, no hurried service, one left after short time with the other leaving the next morning.


25-01-2015, 02:13 PM

Daytime in DS is very much like it was in CP - which translates to not much to do. We had dim sum in the hotel restaurant then went out to Starbucks at the Aeon shopping center (27704;26106;24191;22330 on motorbikes. Then we went to a local salon for a facial and hair wash and because the guys had a long flight and a bit jet-lagged, they went back to the hotel for a quick nap. We went to a Hong Kong style Chinese Café for dinner and then proceeded to the Dynasty Club at the LiJng Hotel. Lijing Hotel is a four star hotel with very nice accommodations. The Décor is very similar to CP Yihao hotel. The KTV is in a separate building and we reserved a medium size room with a 1,180 RMB minimum which requires one DJ and one Service Boy. WGs here are in three categories: 3/8/12, 4/10/15, and 5/15/20. Most likely because it was a Sunday, there were an abundance of girls to choose from. With one night experience under their belt, my two customers took their time selecting their companions for the evening. The whole process must have taken over an hour and we may have looked at over 200 girls. The girls here are a bit more pretty and I saw some familiar faces as half of the girls there came from Yihao, Eurasia, and Mayflower. The line-up of girls seems to get prettier and prettier but because my customers have already selected two girls each, they decided not to get more and stopped the viewing. Once we started playing, we noticed that the girls here behave very much like the girls that were in CP. One girl within half an hour told my customer that her period came and wants to leave, I spoke to her and told her to stay a bit longer but my customer was nice just gave her the sitting fee and she left. Another one, after a couple hours of partying, pretended that she was drunk and slept on the couch for the next two hours while we were partying; however, the remaining two was good and partied with us till the end of the evening. At one point of the evening, the manager came into the room and said that they heard that there may be potential room inspections that evening and said that it was not advisable for the girls to stay overnight at the hotels. My customers still decided to take their girls out for short time, one of the two girls either really like my customer or was scared to go to his hotel and asked him to go to her apartment instead. This normally is not an advisable thing to do but because we know where she works and her mommy and the KTV manager vouched that it would be safe, my customer decided to go to her place instead and it turned out to be a fantastic experience for him. It was possible that she was very comfortable in her own environment but he told me that she did not let him sleep very much all night, while my other customer's girl was a bit nervous and her service was a bit rushed and left as soon as they finished.

Since Monday and Tuesday are not typically busy days, I decided to leave it unplanned to make sure that the guys wanted to continue to party in the evening before making any plans at any of the other two KTVs. Instead of staying in town, the guys decided to go to the beach which is about 20-25 minutes from the hotel. I called one of the mommies that I know and she came along as a guide and brought couple of her girls with us and one of my customers brought his day one girl with him as well. She told him that none of her customers had ever taken her out during the day before and she was very happy that he did that and because the mommy and this girl was from Jing Ding, they decided to party there again in the evening. The beach amazingly was very clean and because it is Monday and a bit cool, there were hardly anyone there. There were numerous boats available for hire. For 7 people and approximately one hour, the boats can take you out for a brief tour of three islands nearby for 150 RMB. There are also horses (30 RMB) and dune buggies (50 RMB) available for a 15 minutes ride. I can imagine that it would be very busy here at the beach during the summer months so it was very enjoyable and relaxing and everyone really had a good time. It was getting into late afternoon and the mommy suggested that we go to a nearby farm for dinner. The farm was actually very close to the hotel (about 11 minutes away, we timed it on the way back after dinner). It was great having dinner at the farm as everything we ate was fresh. The ladies went into the fields and handpicked vegetables. The fish and chicken were farm raised. We had a delectable meal and were ready for night 3. Again, we booked a 780 RMB room but tonight the line-ups were fantastic. Perhaps it was because it is Monday night but we saw a lot of girls that we did not see on Saturday night. One of my customers sat his girl that he brought to the beach / farm during the day and said that he was sticking to his lone girl but a smoking hot chick came in and he could not resist sitting her especially with the urging of me and my other customer. His first chick got a bit jealous but that made it more of an exciting evening as the second girl was quite friendly to everyone in the room. My other customer pick two new girls for the evening and again the evening turned out to be super fun. The hot super fun chick was disappointed that no one took her out that evening but my customer asked her to join us the next evening and she gladly said ok. The repeat girl gave a super GFE to my customer and he was glad that he did not take the super fun girl and saved her for the last night and my other customer again had wonderful service from his chick and kept her overnight.


25-01-2015, 02:15 PM

When I arrived at the hotel the next morning, both of my customers were in the room and seem to be a little upset. It turned out that one of my customer's GF have been looking for him and by ignoring her has now caused a big potential problem back home. His GF asked him to buy for her something in HK but because the next day they have to leave for HKIA from DS direct, they will not have enough time to transit through HK. So I suggested that he go to HK that day and deal with the shopping so that he don't have to do it the next day carrying his luggage around and can leave for HKIA from DS direct. He took my advice so we had to change our plans. Since there is an airport shuttle (only 4 a day) for 220 RMB per person from the Lijing hotel and we were going to party there again in the evening, I suggested that we move to stay there for one night (438 RMB per room per night). So, after lunch, we packed up and went to check in at the Lijing. At the front counter, you can purchase the airport shuttle tickets. I had the concierge arrange a car to take my customer to Luohu so he can take the subway to wherever he had to go in Hong Kong and buy whatever he had to buy and hopefully be back in time for girl picking - and for those of you that have been to CP before, picking girls is always the most important task for the day. LOL. While that customer went shopping, my other customer and I decided to go get a foot massage at the hotel. We had a couple very fun girls and a very relaxing time. Time flies when you are having fun and soon it was dinner time. We decided to have a simple meal and then back at the Dynasty club for the last party of the trip. The super fun girl was right on time and met us at the room. The room we had this evening was perfect as all it has was one large table and plenty of room for dancing and fun. My customer also made it back just in time for the line-up and again we were not disappointed as it seems that there were so many girls we had to tell them to stop at one point. In addition to super fun girl from JingDing, we selected 3 more girls and there were a super cute newbie DJ that they asked if she can learn in our room; so we took her as well and there were a total of 6 girls (2 DJs, 4 WGs) for the three of us – or so we thought. Once the WG pickings were done, my customer that went to HK for shopping decided to go to his room to take a quick shower so the poor two of us had to deal with the 6 girls by ourselves. LOL. As most of you know, even though you tell them to stop bringing girls into the room, the mommies will still bring girls in and as it often happens, the hottest girl usually shows up after you have finished picking girls and it happened to us. The customer that stayed in the room said he did not want to pick another one since he already had two (one too many as he is sitting the super fun chick) and suggest I ask my other customer that is taking a shower; so I sent him a message and told him what happened and he immediately said that since it was their last night in DS, told me to go ahead and take her as well - and good thing he did as it ended up that this was the girl that he took out at the end of the evening. When he came back from taking a shower, he was fully occupied with three chicks and we decided to play the open party game where all the girls were open to everyone in the room. For those of you that played this game with me in the past, know exactly how much fun it actually is. Needless to say, it ended up to be the most fun we had the four days we were in DS. We had so much fun that everyone did not want to leave but of course, we actually ended up leaving close to 2 am in the morning. Both the super fun and super-hot chicks were taken out for overnight. All the other girls were paid and a couple genuinely looked sad that they were not taken out. It was quite a memorable evening.

The next morning after breakfast, my customers checked out and boarded the airport shuttle promising to come back again soon. Of course coming from the US, soon most likely means at the earliest next year and who knows, CP may be back up and running again by that time; but if not DS, does serve as a good alternative for the time being. DS is definitely not CP and as a matter of fact it sort of reminds me of what CP was like 6 years ago when I first came to China. The girls were fun, not as spoiled as the CP girls. The town is definitely not as tailored to foreigners as CP, but is adequate. For the old timers, there will always be a comparison to CP but for the newbies, it will be more fun and enjoyable experience for you as we old-timers like to reminisce the good old times during the hey-days of wild wild CP.

NOTE - the above is C and P of an AGENT report from another forum.

25-01-2015, 02:16 PM
NOTE: The following is another C + P of an agent report from another forum.

Boluo Marhenton and Danshui Jin Ding
Just spent a couple days at Boluo Marhenton Hotel and Danshui Jin Ding Hotel.

Boluo Marhenton (aka Desert Storm) Hotel is about 45 minutes from CP. Reason it is called desert storm is that the road leading to this hotel is quite dusty due to road construction. I remember taking this road prior to the road construction and it was quite bad for a busy street, but with the road construction nearly finished (anticipated date of completion is in May), getting to / from this hotel will be much much better, quicker, and safer. It was my first time there as it has opened for less than a year. I have been asked by many former CP managers, mommies, and WGs to bring customers there but was a bit hesitant and to my surprise, the hotel is not as bad as I thought. It's not a big hotel, perhaps maybe the size of CP HuiMei as reference. The rooms were new and cost 320 RMB for the biggest single room. There is not much around the hotel so if you decide to stay here, don't expect too much. There is a Western restaurant on the ground floor and a Chinese restaurant on the 2nd. There are a few small local restaurants around the hotel but it's quite dark and desolate at night, so beware of walking around by yourself. There is a foot and body massage place that is right next to the hotel which is new, so is quite clean and closes at 2 am. But, as most of you know, we don't go to places like this for accommodation, food, or massage, we are there for the KTV and to my surprise again, it's not so bad. The KTV rooms are nice with good sound system but the choice of songs a bit limited compared to the higher end KTVs we are used to in CP or DS. The WGs are split into three categories and there is a quasi -flower street from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in two separate large KTV rooms. The 3/8/12 (green string) WG’s dress in white were in one room and the 4/10/15 (red string) and 5/15/20 (blue string) WGs dressed in magenta were in another room. There were a few familiar faces as it appears half of the girls were formerly from CP. My customers chose one girl each from the flower street and took my advice on picking a second girl in the room. Unless you see two absolutely must have girls at the flower street, my recommendation is to always just pick only one and then pick the second one from the in-room line-up. The reason is that when you get to the room from flower street, your first girl will be waiting for you while you settle in. By the time flower street is over, you will have about one hour of time when you can focus on your girl and when you should have a pretty good idea whether that girl is good enough for you to take back to the room or not. If you like her well enough, you can just stay with her or when the line-up of girls come around, you can pick another girl as a backup - or just for additional enjoyment; you always don't want to get the girl that you want to take back to your room get too intoxicated and unfortunately a lot of people make that mistakes in a KTV party. Also, with line-up girls you get a 10 minutes grace period and you can reject them without paying the sitting fee if you decide to boot them. One of the thing I recommend my customers to do is to always immediately play liar's dice with her and within a 5 hands game, you should have a pretty good idea on her personality and whether you want her to stay or not. There were about 200 girls available for a Thursday night - not bad if you compare it to the state of what CP is like these days. Quality wise, I think it is comparable to CP and price is about the same.

The second day we went to Danshui but on the advice of the mommy that I booked with, she suggested we stay at the New Regent Hotel but party at Jin Ding International Club, which is only 5 minute walk from the hotel. The New Regent is going through some renovations and room prices ranges from 298-328 for Single rooms and 368 for a suite, which is good value as you get an additional seating area - so if you are in a group of a few, it's nice to have a separate room to hangout and chat prior to or after the KTV party. The hotel is centrally located and is right across the street from two big shopping centers, so there are a lot of restaurants, shops, movie theater, etc. After dinner, we went to the Jin Ding International Club KTV and perhaps because it was a Friday night and with the new opening of the Ramada hotel, there were not many girls working there. We had a bit of a hard time choosing the girls as we saw only 5 line-ups of about 70 girls total. We had to have them repeat it once before we were able to settle in with our 5 girls to party with for the evening. The WGs are split into two categories: 4/10/15 and 5/15/20 and because they have no system of splitting the girls, you must ask how much and whether they are available to go out or not. I find this to be a bit of a hassle and a bit awkward - so for those of you that frequent this establishment, please make a comment, as I did, for them to consider using a color name tag or color strings as CP once had, so that it is clear for the customers to know the pricing and availability prior to selection. Another annoying thing we encountered was that when we got the bill, we could not pay with an Internationally issued credit card, so please bring cash or a Chinese issued credit or debit card to pay the bill.

We had great, fun girls with no issues in both places; perhaps it is the training by the establishments, perhaps we were good at making selections, perhaps we were just lucky but most likely it's because it is close to Chinese New Year (it is only a month away) and the WGs a bit desperate to make some extra money before heading home.

Huizhou (the city where both of these towns resides in) is a great alternative to CP's past - so for those of you who miss the good old days of CP KTV parties, HZ is a great alternative. At least for the time being, so enjoy it while you can.

Stay safe!

25-01-2015, 09:20 PM
Thanks brother SEAJ.

26-01-2015, 01:28 AM
Thanks brother SEAJ.
You're very welcome.

And just as an aside - guys, please do NOT PM me for contacts of this agent or even which Forum I copied this report from. (I've already received a couple of these PM's). Hope/think you all will understand.


26-01-2015, 03:27 AM
since CP's demise.. your share of the FR (what's C+P btw?) has GOT TO BE the best piece of info i've read in this forum

mega props !!!!

now... all i gotta do is to go dig around for the alt forum and get the contact of the agents that wrote up those FRs you share... damn....

You're very welcome.

And just as an aside - guys, please do NOT PM me for contacts of this agent or even which Forum I copied this report from. (I've already received a couple of these PM's). Hope/think you all will understand.


26-01-2015, 09:07 AM
since CP's demise.. your share of the FR (what's C+P btw?) has GOT TO BE the best piece of info i've read in this forum

mega props !!!!

now... all i gotta do is to go dig around for the alt forum and get the contact of the agents that wrote up those FRs you share... damn....

And C+P = copy and paste

27-01-2015, 01:58 PM
I intend to merge this thread to Huizhou thread and rename the Huizhou thread as " Danshui / Huizhou Recommendations"

Any feedback?

27-01-2015, 02:31 PM
I intend to merge this thread to Huizhou thread and rename the Huizhou thread as " Danshui / Huizhou Recommendations"

Any feedback?

Yes please, good move

27-01-2015, 02:47 PM
I intend to merge this thread to Huizhou thread and rename the Huizhou thread as " Danshui / Huizhou Recommendations"

Any feedback?
Huizhou is a perfecture level city and Danshui is just a sub-district of Huyang district within Huizhou.

Perhaps "Huizhou/Danshui" better?


30-01-2015, 02:46 PM
Just to share a bit about Dansui.

Who you book KTV room from in Dansui is very important. It will affact the number of gals that will be coming into your room.

In Dansui, if a gal sit in a room book by another mummy, the gal mummy will need to split the earning with the mummy who book the room. Thus alot of mummy will not bring their best gals or even will not bring at all to room book by mummy, untill the very last choice. They will bring the gals to room book by manager and DJ first coz those room will not share in their earning.

Unlike CP where there is no spliting of the earning and Shenzhen where all the room are split irregardless of who book the room.


30-01-2015, 03:33 PM
Just to share a bit about Dansui.

Who you book KTV room from in Dansui is very important. It will affact the number of gals that will be coming into your room.

In Dansui, if a gal sit in a room book by another mummy, the gal mummy will need to split the earning with the mummy who book the room. Thus alot of mummy will not bring their best gals or even will not bring at all to room book by mummy, untill the very last choice. They will bring the gals to room book by manager and DJ first coz those room will not share in their earning.

Unlike CP where there is no spliting of the earning and Shenzhen where all the room are split irregardless of who book the room.

I didn't know that. Very good info for DS.
Upz your point for good input. 8)

30-01-2015, 03:53 PM
Just to share a bit about Dansui.

Who you book KTV room from .....
Welcome back Lookingaround! Long time since ....

Great informative Intel

sex crusader
30-01-2015, 03:53 PM
Just to share a bit about Dansui.

Who you book KTV room from in Dansui is very important. It will affact the number of gals that will be coming into your room.

In Dansui, if a gal sit in a room book by another mummy, the gal mummy will need to split the earning with the mummy who book the room. Thus alot of mummy will not bring their best gals or even will not bring at all to room book by mummy, untill the very last choice. They will bring the gals to room book by manager and DJ first coz those room will not share in their earning.

Unlike CP where there is no spliting of the earning and Shenzhen where all the room are split irregardless of who book the room.

Yo bro...long time no see! Hope everything is ok at your new place! What if I bk through stealth agent Ler? So no gal will cum in at all huh? :D I just love to kaw guan stealth agent Ler !:D

30-01-2015, 04:02 PM
Yo bro...long time no see! Hope everything is ok at your new place! What if I bk through stealth agent Ler? So no gal will cum in at all huh? :D I just love to kaw guan stealth agent Ler !:D

Yap, Long time.....

Things are good at my new place. Thank you.

Stealth Agent? 007? hehehehhe, Ask your 007 who he book from lor. :D

02-02-2015, 02:03 AM
Yap, Long time.....

Things are good at my new place. Thank you.

Stealth Agent? 007? hehehehhe, Ask your 007 who he book from lor. :D

wow!! long time no see my old friend!!!

how are you bro? where u at now?

03-02-2015, 01:32 AM
Just learned that the new Guangzhou East to Chao Xian Line just opened starting yesterday, February 1st.
Fare is 35.50 one way and travel time is about an hour.

As of right now, there are only 3 trains going from CP to HZ and 2 trains coming back.

CP to HZ South:
09:54 11:00
12:56 14:02
18:36 19:37

HZ South to CP:
10:07 11:07
18:44 19:47


08-02-2015, 12:00 AM
how are you bro? where u at now?

Bro Lookingaround2 should be in Danshui now ba. :)

23-02-2015, 11:18 AM
So quiet on this thread..
Any brother 避年 and go chionging during CNY? Can share FR? 8)

23-02-2015, 05:42 PM
Maybe most brothers find nothing worth going back to this place for. :D

07-03-2015, 10:15 AM
Anyone got further info to share? I will be going up soon and will write an FR on my return. Cheers.

07-03-2015, 11:26 AM
Anyone got further info to share? I will be going up soon and will write an FR on my return. Cheers.

Yes please. Got any current update?
I also going there soon

08-03-2015, 04:23 PM
Please take your squabbles to the battle zone. Thank you.

10-03-2015, 12:30 AM
Hi bro,

going to Zhongshan for some work coming weekend,
and planning to drop by danshui for a few days.

any brother can give direction as to how to get to danshui
from zhongshan.

thanks alot in advance

13-03-2015, 10:05 PM
Bros, this thread died down quite significantly.. Am going to danshui early next month.. Any recommendations from experienced bros there? Need a good trip for a friend's bachelor party... Thanks!

13-03-2015, 11:41 PM
Bros, this thread died down quite significantly.. Am going to danshui early next month.. Any recommendations from experienced bros there? Need a good trip for a friend's bachelor party... Thanks!
What to do... Moderater say if got nothing to share, DUN POST mah...

Who dare to post anything if nothing to share haha

13-03-2015, 11:51 PM
Bros, this thread died down quite significantly.. Am going to danshui early next month.. Any recommendations from experienced bros there? Need a good trip for a friend's bachelor party... Thanks!

My best recommendation. Bring more RMB! :D

14-03-2015, 03:58 AM
My best recommendation. Bring more RMB! :D

if go huizhou or danshui
must try the cheapo bbs
50 rmb per pop
you cannot find that price for bbs in shenzhen
unless you go to far flung shenzhen west
i would love to stay in longgang area if i travel down to shenzhen
longgang is so near to huizhou our new paradise
where pussy is so much much cheaper than downtown shenzhen hahaha

14-03-2015, 02:22 PM
if go huizhou or danshui
must try the cheapo bbs
50 rmb per pop
you cannot find that price for bbs in shenzhen
unless you go to far flung shenzhen west
i would love to stay in longgang area if i travel down to shenzhen
longgang is so near to huizhou our new paradise
where pussy is so much much cheaper than downtown shenzhen hahaha

Can share where can find such bbs? Or could u just PM me the info plse. Going DS soooooon! 8)

15-03-2015, 01:54 PM
Can share where can find such bbs? Or could u just PM me the info plse. Going DS soooooon! 8)

near the huizhou south train station many outer districts should have small
bbs massage shops or streetwalkers hidden in the back alleys
the last time i went was some months back
if you go now do kindly update us latest info many thanks

15-03-2015, 11:34 PM
near the huizhou south train station many outer districts should have small
bbs massage shops or streetwalkers hidden in the back alleys
the last time i went was some months back
if you go now do kindly update us latest info many thanks

Bro MichaelWinn care to share the exact location via PM?

Thank you. :)

16-03-2015, 10:38 AM
near the huizhou south train station many outer districts should have small
bbs massage shops or streetwalkers hidden in the back alleys
the last time i went was some months back
if you go now do kindly update us latest info many thanks

Thanks for info, but could u share more? Too wide area to search for it.
8P. Can send PM to me please?

16-03-2015, 05:00 PM
Thanks for info, but could u share more? Too wide area to search for it.
8P. Can send PM to me please?

i remember 2 months back when i was there
the streets were 4 or 5 blocks away from the train station
i cannot remember the street name
but it all was behind a cluster of old houses and rundown small shops
many small bbs massage shops and hair salons with the occassional streetwalkers
you can pretend to be a fujian chinaman and ask around some of the ticket touts .buy them a packet of cigarettes will do
do not go with them, just ask them for directions and go on your own
just speak with a fujian accent and no one knows you are a foreigner

16-03-2015, 05:17 PM
the streets were 4 or 5 blocks away from the train station
i cannot remember the street name
but it all was behind a cluster of old houses and rundown small shops
many small bbs massage shops and hair salons with the occassional streetwalkers

Bro MichaelWinn much appreciate the info. :D

20-03-2015, 05:32 PM
Thanks brother Michael.

Btw, I will be at DS next week, anyone wanna to meet up to drink Kopi together, and TCSS please PM me..

i remember 2 months back when i was there
the streets were 4 or 5 blocks away from the train station
i cannot remember the street name
but it all was behind a cluster of old houses and rundown small shops
many small bbs massage shops and hair salons with the occassional streetwalkers
you can pretend to be a fujian chinaman and ask around some of the ticket touts .buy them a packet of cigarettes will do
do not go with them, just ask them for directions and go on your own
just speak with a fujian accent and no one knows you are a foreigner

24-03-2015, 10:03 AM
I am at DS since yesterday.
Will be here for a few days... Any brother nearby wanna to catchup to TCSS, PM me.

2 rounds away!!!!!! Siok !!!! Song!!!

Going to eat seafood for lunch.. Yummy!! And recover some energy from oysters... Haha..

24-03-2015, 12:10 PM
I am at DS since yesterday.
Will be here for a few days... Any brother nearby wanna to catchup to TCSS, PM me.

Bro Islands where is good to chiong in Danshui now? :)

24-03-2015, 07:08 PM
I am at DS since yesterday.
Will be here for a few days... Any brother nearby wanna to catchup to TCSS, PM me.

2 rounds away!!!!!! Siok !!!! Song!!!

Going to eat seafood for lunch.. Yummy!! And recover some energy from oysters... Haha..

What's the "real" damage cheonging in DS? U cheong solo or wif mix K? The mm standard and their charges.
If u willing to share info with like-minded bros, its always so much better to get 1st hand info.


25-03-2015, 12:22 PM
What's the "real" damage cheonging in DS? U cheong solo or wif mix K? The mm standard and their charges.

Found detailed FRs (http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=12067293#post12067293) by bro panado.

25-03-2015, 02:11 PM
What's the "real" damage cheonging in DS? U cheong solo or wif mix K? The mm standard and their charges.
If u willing to share info with like-minded bros, its always so much better to get 1st hand info.


Was at Legend KTV last night. I would say that the strength and quality of MMs are much better as compared to my Dec trip. More good looking MMs around. I got a Chen Hui Ling alike MM costing me RMB 2000 for Overnight. Her rate is 5/15/20.

I was there with another Samster, and Philip helped me to combine with another group of 2 to share the cost.
We partied till almost 1am. The K room was once became a dance floor for all of us.

Super high and fun... Feeling of partying in CP is back!!!

Happy man so far after 2nights.. 8)

25-03-2015, 03:26 PM
Can anyone comment on the SN at DS now?
Still operating in 'Stealth Mode'? :)

25-03-2015, 04:16 PM
Can anyone comment on the SN at DS now?
Still operating in 'Stealth Mode'? :)
Yes. Still in stealth mode. I was there (one of them) with 2 other brothers.
You need an agent to gain access. No way you can go without their appointed agent.

25-03-2015, 05:00 PM
Yes. Still in stealth mode. I was there (one of them) with 2 other brothers.
You need an agent to gain access. No way you can go without their appointed agent.

Thanks bro for the updates! :)

25-03-2015, 11:35 PM
Her rate is 5/15/20.

With rates like this, I will rather stick to my 3.8.12 at the nearby KTV at CP. :D

26-03-2015, 01:18 AM
With rates like this, I will rather stick to my 3.8.12 at the nearby KTV at CP. :D

Yup, a bit ex. Normally I will not take from this this category. But, no pian. This gem to Swee to be missed. 8P
Btw, Still have 3,8,12 and 4,10,15 categories to choose from.

26-03-2015, 03:32 AM
Bro, the problem is many girls I know from CP days were 1300. Now they want to charge me 2000 in DS.
Imagine traveling to a place further than CP for a over-price pussy that used to be 1300. Maybe they are like wine, it gets more expensive as they aged, LOL.

26-03-2015, 03:34 AM
I wonder why I got zap. Can whoever zap me explain? Thanks.

26-03-2015, 04:06 AM

HUIZHOU Manhattan Hotel KTV Temporarily closed for two(2) days

I have heard some recent news that, HUIZHOU Manhattan Hotel was raided on the 24th of March around 10:30 PM. All KTV bills was required to be settle within 1 hour and all girls were released after paying their sitting fees.

Starting today management have advised that KTV is currently closed for two(2) days or until further notice. Stay tuned and will provide additional info and status as soon as it recovers.


PHILLP aka Japantvb

26-03-2015, 03:15 PM
Bro, the problem is many girls I know from CP days were 1300. Now they want to charge me 2000 in DS.
Imagine traveling to a place further than CP for a over-price pussy that used to be 1300. Maybe they are like wine, it gets more expensive as they aged, LOL.

This gem I got used to be price at same rate at CP days.. 8)

26-03-2015, 06:46 PM
Was at Legend KTV last night. I would say that the strength and quality of MMs are much better as compared to my Dec trip. More good looking MMs around. I got a Chen Hui Ling alike MM costing me RMB 2000 for Overnight. Her rate is 5/15/20.


2000 rmb
that is 400 plus sing dollars
you rich man bro
poor me can only afford bbs hahaha

27-03-2015, 05:43 PM
2000 rmb
that is 400 plus sing dollars
you rich man bro
poor me can only afford bbs hahaha

一分钱一分货brother.. I used to owned a Honda civic 1.6L since 2005 (see, I am Not rich), COE was merely $18k. Total cost was $70k.

Today, 10 years laters, this fucking $70k merely enough to pay for a fxxxking cat A COE. So, times has changed.....
Please do not make sure comment anymore.... Anybody has their own budget in mind...

27-03-2015, 09:56 PM
With rates like this, I will rather stick to my 3.8.12 at the nearby KTV at CP. :D

the huizhou bbs still cheap at 50 rmb
but quality not as good as shenzhen
shenzhen very hard to find 50 rmb bbs except in longgang and longhua district
try to stay longgang area shenzhen as it is so near to huizhou
the last metro station stop in shenzhen is shuanglong which brings you within 30 mins of huizhou south

27-03-2015, 11:15 PM
Manhattan KTV back to normal :D

27-03-2015, 11:20 PM
Btw, Still have 3,8,12 and 4,10,15 categories to choose from.

In Danshui KTVs the availability of the 3-8-12 category hostesses are very few only. Majority are 4-10-15 category hostesses.

And the funny thing is that the 4-10-15 category hostesses in Shenzhen are so much better looking than the 5-15-20 category hostesses in Danshui. Now the 6-18-23 category hostesses are available in Danshui. :D

27-03-2015, 11:21 PM
Manhattan KTV back to normal :D

Marhenton KTV (Longxi) or Manhattan KTV (Changping)? :confused:

27-03-2015, 11:56 PM
Bro, the one in longxi.

To the KTV agent who zap me, shame on you. lol. :cool:
I am just saying the truth mah, the girl I met 2 years ago is 1300 now is 2000. Some more she now older and not as pretty.
Like what bro Tencent said, shenzhen KTV has much prettier gals.

Pts should be upped for speaking the truth in this forum, no?

28-03-2015, 03:06 PM
Manhattan KTV back to normal :D

Marhenton KTV (Longxi) or Manhattan KTV (Changping)? :confused:

Bro, the one in longxi.

It is Marhenton KTV not Manhattan KTV. :)

I was shocked to hear Manhattan KTV is back to normal. As far as I know no KTV in Changping is back to "normal" yet.

30-03-2015, 07:40 PM
I was chatting with a MM today, she planned to go 清明扫墓this coming weekend, so I guess some MM may do so if their hometown is not too far away.

Brother going over this coming weekend (5/4) please managed your expectation. Girl selection not too choosy, once see any girl you like, ask them to sit down, first 5min sitting fee is waived.

Good luck and enjoy!

05-04-2015, 10:32 PM
On behalf my friend now in DS Fr 4/4. Ard shen airport 1615hr. Ard dan shui hotel(丽景)1825hr. Some traffic delay. Mumy booked vip rooms(adjacent to ktv) for us, 500rmb per nite due 400rmb room were packed. Ard ktv 1900hr thinking we were too late to find quality gals. To our surprise there were stil some quality gals . My word, there were batches of gals(each batch abt 8) sent in to our room continously till i had to call for a stop after picking 5 gals 😍 ! Previously, we struggled to find even one who was acceptable. Current rates now: 400-1000-1500 n 500-1500-2000. Daren chose two 5 series gals. An An(安安) fm hubei. She is pleasant n sweet-looking, 23yr, good shape, b cup with light brown nipples, 1.66m, wet, horny, frenching n kum. She looks like ann kok ! My bro shot her 3 times(2245hr, 0130hr, 0830hr). Her downsides are not tight n after removal of make-up look like bbs 😀. Overall sextisfaction rating: 7.5. I chose 2 gals, one 5 series n one 4 series. I chose the 4 series for bonk bec she is fresh. Started work 2nd day. Li Li(丽丽) is also fm hubei. She is 23yr, 1.68m, very fair, good shape, b cup, pleasant-looking, tight, wet n horny. Downsides dark nipple n no kum. Overall rating: 7.5. This ktv is clearly bustling with busines reminiscent of the beginning of some dong guan ktv like prince ktv. Abt 600 gals yesterday to our shock. As we assessed there are stil a lot of jewels to be picked we wil change rotation. 2moro we will go cp(1 hr away) to check out the mkt. Wed or thu noon we wil return to dan shui bec wed, thu a lot gals will be available😍.

06-04-2015, 03:22 AM
Oe struggled to find even one who was acceptable. Current rates now: 400-1000-1500 n 500-1500-2000. .

thanks for update. now got cat 2000.things getting expensive in guangdong.sigh

06-04-2015, 09:06 AM
thanks bro craftkline for a detail and good FR, it makes me "gain" again.. 8)
Upz for u.
On behalf my friend now in DS Fr 4/4. Ard shen airport 1615hr. Ard dan shui hotel(丽景)1825hr. Some traffic delay. Mumy booked vip rooms(adjacent to ktv) for us, 500rmb per nite due 400rmb room were packed. Ard ktv 1900hr thinking we were too late to find quality gals. To our surprise there were stil some quality gals . My word, there were batches of gals(each batch abt 8) sent in to our room continously till i had to call for a stop after picking 5 gals 😍 ! Previously, we struggled to find even one who was acceptable. Current rates now: 400-1000-1500 n 500-1500-2000. Daren chose two 5 series gals. An An(安安) fm hubei. She is pleasant n sweet-looking, 23yr, good shape, b cup with light brown nipples, 1.66m, wet, horny, frenching n kum.
thanks for update. now got cat 2000.things getting expensive in guangdong.sigh
Bro MichaelWinn, I thought u knew it it has 2000 cat.
You had commented on my FR abt too expensive and I used COE example to explain demand and supply theory. 8)

07-04-2015, 06:55 PM
Send on behalf my friend
6/4 fr. We selected gals via photos.A recalled his dao tao(小微) fm last trip when his selected bbs gal was busy. He shot her 3 times(2230hr, 0100hr, 0800hr) bloody animal ! 21yr guangxi gal. 1.66m, very fair, soft skin, gd shape, meaty, c cup-1 with light brown nipples. Passionate kum, frenching, doggy n on-top. One downside is her face has pimples though pic looks perfect 😄 Damage 2000rmb. Overall sextisfaction rating: 9 over 10 ! Bad day me. Chosen xi jiang gal was sent off as cannot meet my min standard when arrived. I recalled by dao tao last trip(雨亭) abt 12 midnite。 though she looks better with more wt n fair, 23yr, 1.68m, b cup me I/A knn 😔. May be too tired that time n lost of mood due to xi jiang gal's diappointment. Damage 1500rmb. Today will go mahattan ktv to check mkt. Dj will arrange gals via photos. Special remarks; massage/sauna gals fm outside now go to hotel rm upon request.

08-04-2015, 11:52 AM
Send on behalf my friend
7/4 fr. Bot some nice stuffs on a lazy day: leather carrier bag, led torch lights hp cover etc. 7pm ard miraton ktv(美宜登)。clearly it is recently renovated posh place but few customers. D gal chose fm hp pic. Bbs type: 1.56m, b cup-, 22yr, ok fair n sweet looking. Good singer. Downsides: too short, dark nipples, no frenching n a long ops scar on her body perhaps due to abortion n an 'attitude' dead crab. Damage 1100rmb. Sextisfaction rating: 6.5. My gal came 1930hr. the actual person -30% fm the pic. So I sent her off in 5mins knn. Damage 100rmb. Lucky yesterday saved rmb 😀for thu dan shui. Special remarks: cp (dong guan)still under mild 'yellow' ops. The grapevine news is beginning may, cp will hv mumy back to work. Once this happens thousands of gals 😍 all over china will stream back to cp, or rather dong guan bec of the existing developed facilities. In Dan shui ktv, the eateries n shopping areas are literally not convenient. With the end of zhou yong kang, dongguan (include cp) are indeed showing some flicker of lights at the end of a very long dark tunnel.

08-04-2015, 01:39 PM
Special remarks: cp (dong guan) still under mild 'yellow' ops. The grapevine news is beginning may, cp will hv mumy back to work. Once this happens thousands of gals all over china will stream back to cp, or rather dong guan bec of the existing developed facilities.

In Dan shui ktv, the eateries n shopping areas are literally not convenient.

With the end of zhou yong kang, dongguan (include cp) are indeed showing some flicker of lights at the end of a very long dark tunnel.

Let's hope things will turn around soon. :)

Mayflower KTV is opening on 12th Apr.

10-04-2015, 01:41 AM
Bro, the one in longxi.

To the KTV agent who zap me, shame on you. lol. :cool:
I am just saying the truth mah, the girl I met 2 years ago is 1300 now is 2000. Some more she now older and not as pretty.
Like what bro Tencent said, shenzhen KTV has much prettier gals.

Pts should be upped for speaking the truth in this forum, no?

Acidman, I can vouch for the situation. Tonight in Legend my friend had a girl from CP. In CP she was only 1200, now sheis 2000 here in DS. Inflation...:D

10-04-2015, 01:48 AM
Bro FGG,
It was indeed a pleasure to meet you here in Legend, fate ma.. Thank you for dropping my room, really fun to have you around with your beautiful chicks. See you tomorrow in Foshan .

Bro Vertu,
Sorry for interupting earlier. My sincere apologies..

10-04-2015, 11:33 PM
Sending on behalf my friend
Fr 9/4. Ard ktv 1830h. My word ! We saw hundreds of dj, some stunning ones near the lift lobby reminiscent of the glory days of cp (eg. Oya ktv). Along the ktv rm corridor mumies fervourly leading n promoting their gals. Est abt 600-700gals. A lot gals(4 n 5 series) no 'seats' bec not enough rooms n customers. 80 rms sold out knn. Same for 2nite. We chose 5 gals 😍 [强]after abt 10 rounds of selection. D's gal(菲菲) fm hubei, 1.6m, b cup, plenty kum n frenching. D shot her 3 times (2330hr, 0100hr, 0830hr), real animal ! Downsides are 31yr old matured gal with dark nipples 😔 . Overall sextisfaction 7.5. Damage 1500rmb overnite for 4 series. Me managed to shoot a 24yr chongching gal 1.63m, sweet looking, wet, tight, b+ cup, gd shape n passionate frenching. Downsides: dark nipples n no kum. Damage 1500rmb 1 shot for 5 series. Overall sextisfaction 6.5. Special remarks: this ktv is cfm hot. Now we are planning to screw as many gals as we can before we take off 2moro with or without semen [呲牙]

11-04-2015, 02:22 PM
Sending on behalf my friend
Fr 9/4. Ard ktv 1830h. My word ! We saw hundreds of dj, some stunning ones near the lift lobby reminiscent of the glory days of cp (eg. Oya ktv).

Which KTV is this? :confused:

12-04-2015, 10:40 PM
Send on behalf
10/4 Finally, while cp(dong guan)is not dead it is dormant stage waiting for the right time to come back to life. 五月花ktv resumed business(but no mumy) on thu. A big flicker of light. So far no raid report. The rest sure to follow suit. The mumies n gals(registered abt 1k) at dan shui, namely, 丽景皇朝ktv are watching intently. The truth is the ktv area is not convenient for shopping, makan etc. This is where cp win hands down. The hearsay now is cp to resume normal business in early may or end dec. Bros, while waiting for cp 彩旗飘飘 again, meanwhile, dan shui is without doubt the nxt good option. See u in july. Bye for now.

13-04-2015, 10:18 AM
Send on behalf
10/4 Finally, while cp(dong guan)is not dead it is dormant stage waiting for the right time to come back to life. 五月花ktv resumed business(but no mumy) on thu. A big flicker of light. So far no raid report. The rest sure to follow suit. The mumies n gals(registered abt 1k) at dan shui, namely, 丽景皇朝ktv are watching intently. The truth is the ktv area is not convenient for shopping, etc. This is where cp win hands down. The hearsay now is cp to resume normal business in early may or end dec. Bros, while waiting for cp 彩旗飘飘 again, meanwhile, dan shui is without doubt the nxt good option. See u in july. Bye for now.

Your friend damn solid!! Every MM shot 3 bullets, and continues for few night! He must have a super young and fit body!! Can recover so far and last for so many days!! Admire!!
Me old liow, barely make it 2 shots a day and in between, got IA for second shot.. 8P

13-04-2015, 04:00 PM
Bro FGG,
It was indeed a pleasure to meet you here in Legend, fate ma.. Thank you for dropping my room, really fun to have you around with your beautiful chicks. See you tomorrow in Foshan .

Bro Vertu,
Sorry for interupting earlier. My sincere apologies..

nice to see you again bro. n thanks for dropping by my gals birthday party

13-04-2015, 04:49 PM
will be going DS in May. However my grp of kakis undecided whether should book ktv room thru agent or mummy.

13-04-2015, 05:42 PM
will be going DS in May. However my grp of kakis undecided whether should book ktv room thru agent or mummy.

Believe u guys not go to HZ for 1 day only right??? Sure no enuf wan. Book 1 nite from agent and 1 nite from mummy and see the difference lor... hehe

But most impt, is to update all bros here so that we know for our next trip of cheonging.

Thanks in advance.

13-04-2015, 11:39 PM
will be going DS in May. However my grp of kakis undecided whether should book ktv room thru agent or mummy.

If you go eat at a restaurant. You book through their manager or chef is better or through some tour agency?
What you think? Maybe you tell me the answer :D

14-04-2015, 10:56 AM
If you go eat at a restaurant. You book through their manager or chef is better or through some tour agency?
What you think? Maybe you tell me the answer :D

I have diff opinion on booking through mummy. The down side of booking KTV through mummy is you will ONLY get to see the MMs under this mummy or her kaki mummy first, other mummy will be blocked to bring in MM into your KTV room until you have seem her own MMs. ie, you may miss some gem avail during early hours, by the time u have decided not to take mm from their own MM, it will be too late to have good MM avail from "outsider" Mummy.

If u really dun want to book through agent, you can book KTV through the KTV area manager, mummy also get room from this few area manager (区总)。

PM me if u need the area manager contact. I knew one during my Dec trip.

14-04-2015, 11:27 PM
Totally agree with you on this. Try not to get room via Mummy. She will really block other Mummy's group from entering.

I just went Dynasty just now. MM about 400+ tonight as per informed by my agent. Generally still think CP MM look better. But there are still gems around. Like what my agent told me, expectation has to set lower abit. Really cannot complain, enjoyed my session there and now going for my live firing. Cheers to Bros I have met earlier. You guys enjoy :)

I have diff opinion on booking through mummy. The down side of booking KTV through mummy is you will ONLY get to see the MMs under this mummy or her kaki mummy first, other mummy will be blocked to bring in MM into your KTV room until you have seem her own MMs. ie, you may miss some gem avail during early hours, by the time u have decided not to take mm from their own MM, it will be too late to have good MM avail from "outsider" Mummy.

If u really dun want to book through agent, you can book KTV through the KTV area manager, mummy also get room from this few area manager (区总)。

PM me if u need the area manager contact. I knew one during my Dec trip.

15-04-2015, 12:55 AM
I have diff opinion on booking through mummy. The down side of booking KTV through mummy is you will ONLY get to see the MMs under this mummy or her kaki mummy first, other mummy will be blocked to bring in MM into your KTV room until you have seem her own MMs. ie, you may miss some gem avail during early hours, by the time u have decided not to take mm from their own MM, it will be too late to have good MM avail from "outsider" Mummy.

If u really dun want to book through agent, you can book KTV through the KTV area manager, mummy also get room from this few area manager (区总)。

PM me if u need the area manager contact. I knew one during my Dec trip.

I agree bro, I usually book thru the area manager too. And sometimes princess that are very close with me. So far I find booking thru princess is the best. As they are close to the ground and sometimes reserve the best gems for me. Some of them are also very close to the big bosses and amazingly I can get better corkage fee sometimes. Other times, they will smuggle in for me :D

15-04-2015, 06:57 AM
Thanks to all for their feedback. Some of the thinking process that you mentioned did come up to me also. I also understand that if booking thru agent, likely mummies that do not want to give a cut will be blocked too. However the mummy is quite a close friend of my group and in the past in cp, no issue since we picked the gals thru flower street. Now no flower street, this is a problem as we would still wanna maintain a rather friendly relationship with the mummy and yet still have more choices for my grp of khakis. The mummy has assured me that she would not block other grp of gals for us, but not blocking does not mean not delaying, and as a bro has mentioned, the gems would be gone.

15-04-2015, 09:35 AM
I agree bro, I usually book thru the area manager too. And sometimes princess that are very close with me. So far I find booking thru princess is the best. As they are close to the ground and sometimes reserve the best gems for me. Some of them are also very close to the big bosses and amazingly I can get better corkage fee sometimes. Other times, they will smuggle in for me :D

Another potential setback of going KTV booking via mummy is:-
Understood that all mummy in legend only got allocated with ONE (1) KTV room, if your preferred mummy got other friends and brothers also booking through her on the same day as you, she will need to ask a favor from other mummy or even going through bidding from mummy with room avail (but no customer); the risk of no room is especially high during peak period (like my last visit in end March). Going through area manager will reduce risk of no room. Alternative of going through agent is good also, as agent may book KTV room at other KTV, u got to choose your MM and play at other KTV.

15-04-2015, 10:45 AM
Agents also have ties with some of the mummys. So same problem la. Just don't over-think and expect a perfect scenario. Your mind plays game with you, as you would expect better stock from next batch. Luck plays a part too...

15-04-2015, 02:17 PM
Agents also have ties with some of the mummys. So same problem la. Just don't over-think and expect a perfect scenario. Your mind plays game with you, as you would expect better stock from next batch. Luck plays a part too...
Yes, just like life itself, always plus or minus about each choice.

The only thing I arm myself with is as much knowledge as I can gather, know fully who I'm dealing with, and then negotiate my own terms and conditions.

There's always somebody eager to assist/comply when I'm spending my hard earned money.


15-04-2015, 02:32 PM
I have diff opinion on booking through mummy. The down side of booking KTV through mummy is you will ONLY get to see the MMs under this mummy or her kaki mummy first, other mummy will be blocked to bring in MM into your KTV room until you have seem her own MMs.

If u really dun want to book through agent, you can book KTV through the KTV area manager, mummy also get room from this few area manager (区总)

Totally agree with you on this. Try not to get room via Mummy. She will really block other Mummy's group from entering.

I agree bro, I usually book thru the area manager too. And sometimes princess that are very close with me. So far I find booking thru princess is the best.

Thanks to all for their feedback. Some of the thinking process that you mentioned did come up to me also. I also understand that if booking thru agent, likely mummies that do not want to give a cut will be blocked too.

Another potential setback of going KTV booking via mummy is:

Agents also have ties with some of the mummys. So same problem la. Just don't over-think and expect a perfect scenario. Your mind plays game with you, as you would expect better stock from next batch. Luck plays a part too...

No issues for me and my group. Doesn't matter we book KTV room from manager, mummy, DJ or agent we always grab girls by the corridors. :p

15-04-2015, 05:01 PM
No issues for me and my group. Doesn't matter we book KTV room from manager, mummy, DJ or agent we always grab girls by the corridors. :p
Just a suggestion/IMHO.

Playing in Huizhou, you may want to be a bit more circumspect. Unlike Chang Ping which caters to customers from all over, entertainment venues in hz has always catered first to the needs and wants of a more localized clientele and these locals may not appreciate outlandish antics.


RotiPrata Man
15-04-2015, 07:50 PM
Hmm any suggestions on hotel rooms? I stayed in Masterland for my previous trip and I really hate it.

I also agree should book ktv rooms from area manager or dj. The last trip I last min travel from GZ to huizhou cos my friend wanna go see his gal. Booked through the mummy and selection was rather weak. Maybe we were late as well.

17-04-2015, 03:53 PM
Hmm any suggestions on hotel rooms? I stayed in Masterland for my previous trip and I really hate it.

Not much action at Masterland Hotel's location. Yes it's a boring residential and commercial area. Hahaha I know that place quite well as one of my KC stays around there.

In Danshui I think most people prefer to stay at New Regent or Legend International Hotel for massage and KTV action. :)

19-04-2015, 06:48 PM
Been to both Dynasty and Emerald in Apr and so far both are not bad but i still miss the old flower street. It's harder to select based on the mami bringing their girls into the room. Looking forward to my next trip~~~
Cheers all bro

25-04-2015, 04:33 PM
To all newbies...pls support all the advertisers or sponsors found in the stickies...you are going to have fun and they are all legal...:)

Dun use those who try to befriend you and scam you...:)

25-04-2015, 05:30 PM
Danshui Room Service SN

Starting from today, there will be call to hotel room SN services available in Danshui for guests staying in Legend or New Regent Hotel.

Pricing will be at 600RMB for 60 mins single shot. Bros who are keen can add wechat DS_Escort_Service for more information.:D

If we are at the SN, do we get single shot or double shot for the same rate? Previously in CP, double shots were provided at the SN. :p

25-04-2015, 07:17 PM
Like what you have said, previously in CP. How I wished CP is still the CP it was 4 or 5 years back. Back than, virgin sauna was going at 300/400rmb per 2 hours session plus 248/268rmb room fees. So all in was 600+/700+. But times have changed ever since the clean up. If you were in CP maybe 9 years back, KTV girls' rates starts from 1/3/6.

Back to the topic, the current rate of 600RMB per hour for sauna service is what I feel, a fair rate given the current situation. Some might find it a bit on the high side. However, if you have been to a sauna recently, you would realised that the sauna now is much more expensive as compared to pre clean-up days. Take Legend for example, rates for SN girls starts from 800rmb and goes all the way up to 1600RMB. For me to be able to pick a ok looking one, I would have to look at those 1100rmb onwards.

If you are someone who wants to enjoy the services of a sauna girl but maybe couldn't manage 2 shots within the given time due to fatigue, or you might want to save some bullets for the upcoming ktv session at night, than I would say this mini sauna is tailored just for you. You can try out the service first before committing to the second shot.

Last but not least, you reckon having a session in a sauna as compared to your own hotel room, which is safer? Just sharing some thoughts with all brothers here.;)

So I conclude it is for Single Shot even in the SN or hotel room. Thanks :)

I am not saying the rates are high or low. Just want to know if it is the same for either in the SN or in the hotel room. I am more a SN guy than a KTV guy. SN girl provides assurance that the service is there rather than a KTV girl. I had my fair share of experience bringing back KTV girls and getting a 'dead fish' or 'dead log' on my bed. :(

I rather get my 2 shots from a SN girl than bring back a KTV girl for 'fast food' or overnight. :D

25-04-2015, 11:45 PM
If you go to a sauna now in Danshui, the rates are for 2 hours 2 shots. What we have here is a mini sauna by a freelance that goes for 600RMB a shot for 60 minutes in your hotel room.

Am pretty sure a lot of us here have our experience with dead fishes. To each, their own. There are people who doesn't really enjoy sauna but prefer the companionship of those ktv girls with a happy ending (deadfish or not). ;)

Thanks for the clarification! ;)

26-04-2015, 01:35 AM
To all newbies...pls support all the advertisers or sponsors found in the stickies...you are going to have fun and they are all legal...:)

Dun use those who try to befriend you and scam you...:)
Agents are legal?! Haha

In what way are they legal? Haha

26-04-2015, 09:17 AM
Agents are legal?! Haha

In what way are they legal? Haha

He meant legal in Sbf cos they paid up. That's what made the master (here) and its dog sniffing up and down the threads these days :D

26-04-2015, 04:21 PM
My friend informed me some raids happened in Danshui on Friday. Scary leh! :eek:

27-04-2015, 09:48 AM
My friend informed me some raids happened in Danshui on Friday. Scary leh! :eek:

Care to share where it got raid? I was we-chatting with 2 Legend MMs I met from last 2 visit there, apparently they were working on Friday and seems to be normal lei?

27-04-2015, 09:58 AM
Care to share where it got raid? I was we-chatting with 2 Legend MMs I met from last 2 visit there, apparently they were working on Friday and seems to be normal lei?


27-04-2015, 12:00 PM

Don't know which hotel is that?

27-04-2015, 08:46 PM
Time to move on from China ... With current situation in China, be it Suana or overnight services. All are not safe. Why do we want to pay a premium price for the same piece of meat/service and yet risk getting into unnecessary problems.

My piece of advise, party in Vietnam, Philippines or Thailand will be a better choice. Big head, Small head.. which head are you using ?? lol

Best regards,

28-04-2015, 12:19 PM
Time to move on from China ...
My piece of advise, party in Vietnam, Philippines or Thailand will be a better choice. ..
Yeah - which country then?
Pros and cons. I can C+P your response to my thread about finding new destinations.
You have "hold-hand service" to all these countries?

29-04-2015, 06:17 PM
From the reports , first photo which the guys sitting on the right dress like sillypo or boleh people leh .....

01-05-2015, 11:28 AM

I don't provide "hold-hand service".. It is just my personal recommendation to move on.

Thank you,

Yeah - which country then?
Pros and cons. I can C+P your response to my thread about finding new destinations.
You have "hold-hand service" to all these countries?

01-05-2015, 12:11 PM

I don't provide "hold-hand service".. It is just my personal recommendation to move on.

Thank you,

Thank you
Although I AM interested to hear your personal recommendation on where are good alternatives.
Please feel free to give your recommendations directly on my thread - Thanks!


24-05-2015, 09:58 PM
streetwalker murdered by customer in huizhou
breaking news click link below

RotiPrata Man
25-05-2015, 08:36 AM
streetwalker murdered by customer in huizhou
breaking news click link below

Wa.. don't like that leh.. going there this Sat. :o

By the way near 丽景 any nice massage place?

25-05-2015, 08:38 PM
you might want to try out the one at legend itself;)

25-05-2015, 09:50 PM
you might want to try out the one at legend itself;)

Other than that everywhere you go, you need to take transport.
And don't expect the same standard as CP, wash leg will be in a bucket.

26-05-2015, 01:25 AM
Other than that everywhere you go, you need to take transport.
And don't expect the same standard as CP, wash leg will be in a bucket.

legend footie ok but always busy, need advance booking :mad:

26-05-2015, 03:40 AM
high profile trial of zhengzhou nite club boss sentenced to jail for organising vice ring

RotiPrata Man
26-05-2015, 04:27 AM
Was informed that HZ recently just got checked.. now Legend toning down. Only left with 100+ mm working per day.

02-06-2015, 11:08 AM
Was informed that HZ recently just got checked.. now Legend toning down. Only left with 100+ mm working per day.

It was tone down ( Stop operating ) all mms and mummy are ask to take off and half of manager and GM are also on off for the pass few days , HIGH ALERT !

翡翠 opening tonight , lets see how things goes after these few nights.

Any Bros who are there now can share latest update ?