Experience of Dating app in Singapore
I had a few college girls. One was okay. The others were always flaking on dates because they are busy with their college lives. The last thing they wanted to do was hang out with an old guy, even if it was while wining and dining. They would rather be partying with their friends. Many times after we banged, the girl couldn't wait to take off and go clubbing with her friends. And it will eventually be a downer when you realize that hot young guys are fucking these girls for free and even treating them like shit but the girls worship them anyway. And no way you can.keep your identity hidden. You will slip. You will accidentally give them too much info about yourself and you have to make reservations in your name, and also.use your credit card for stuff. All this involves your name. And in Singapore, you don't think you will.ever run into them sometimes? Maybe not now but maybe a few years from now? And college girls will enter the workforce. Might they enter your industry? Anyway, I do understand the appeal. I did it for a year and a half and often had several Sugarbook GFs at a time. One girl who was 28 asked me if the age difference was awkward.but at that time she was the oldest SA girl that I was banging out of 5. LOL. Anyway, good luck.