An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
RothChild, Delano, Roosevelt, these are big time opium drug traffickers n China, and their wealth came from drug money.
Only with the rise of War Lord Chinese China today can take on the Rothchild empire.
Good watch of the late 21st Century to see how warlord Chinese partner with warlord Russia to take on Rothchild empire and the USArseA.
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Opium Trade was Big Business for Americans
Also, it wasn’t just England involved; many Americans in New England also made their fortunes in the opium trade after the slave trade was outlawed. For example, Franklin Roosevelt’s grandfather, Delano, made most of the family fortune in the Chinese opium trade.
He was not alone. Many of the wealthy New England families built their fortunes on slave and opium trading. In fact, most of the American Ivy League universities were funded to a great degree when dirty money from the slave and opium trade was washed and then use to build new reputations for these families.
For example, John Cleve Green donated much of his opium profits to Princeton University, Abiel Abbott Low used his opium fortune to finance the construction of Colombia University, John Murray Forbes financed the Bell Telephone Company, Joseph Coolidge’s son organized the United Fruit Company and his grandson was the founding executive officer of the Anglo-American Council on Foreign Relations. This is just the tip of the iceberg in showing how many among the power elite made their fortunes with the China opium trade.
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