An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
After dinner last night with my folks at Chomps, we hopped over to NTUC Finest nearby. Did groceries shopping and ended up with a huge trolley load of things.
While paying, the cashier asked – “any link card?” Of course I don’t.
Somehow, I just don’t understand all this idea of whatever Link to collect whatever points. It all adds up to cost of goods and does not benefit consumers at all.
All these so-called rebates are all funded by consumer themselves, isn’t it?. You pay $9 membership a month and you shop at NTUC to get points to get rebate. Seriously, a joke, and most importantly, the consumer footing the costs involved for the whole Link point setup – from IT system and staff costs to maintain the Link points infrastructure.
If NTUC is really a cooperative wanting to help Singaporeans, it should just take a nominal 2% marked up after deducting cost of goods and other related costs for selling the goods.
And somehow, I suspect that they are not sourcing the goods from manufacturers and suppliers at the cheapest possible price.
For instance, a Rexona deodorant stick costs $3.40 in NTUC. Beauty Language, a home and personal care shop, sells the same product for $1.90.
Either NTUC is maximising more than 100% profit margin or some dumb idiot in NTUC is sourcing from the wrong supplier.
Similarly, my above comments apply to whatever Passion Card as well.
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