An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
In his last election speech tonight (Sep 9), former Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong attacked the Opposition parties for making Singaporeans unhappy over his government policies like housing, transport, immigration and healthcare.
Lee Hsien Loong did not acknowledge that any of his policies have any fault and have pined the blame for his unpopularity on the Opposition parties, whom he claimed, make speeches to rile people up.
“What have they done what are they trying to do? Well, they are trying to make people unhappy. Unhappy over the government, they look for subjects which they think will annoy people, rile people up and make a fuss in election. Housing, transport, immigration, healthcare. They stirred up, they make raving speeches, they see which catches fire. When people boo loudest, they make more speeches.”
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