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Old 15-06-2015, 11:32 PM
alexanderhou alexanderhou is offline
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Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

上个星期去深圳出差,酒足饭饱后朋友提出去桑拿,带我们在福田找了家洗浴中心。按摩期间和小姐闲聊小姐说她 正在找中介办理新加坡签证要来这边做工,我问她为什么要来新加坡。她讲去过的朋友基本是这么跟她讲的,人傻 ,钱多,速来。新加坡人有钱吗?人均GDP当然比周围国家都高出太多。新加坡人傻么?当然不傻,新加坡小学 生平均IQ可是全世界第一,但是为什么在中国小姐眼里新加坡是这样的印象?为什么她们挤破头要 来新加坡呢?

首先说说小龙女。中国的小姐以及很大部分的中国人都是向钱看的,钱重于一切。所以来新加坡做工的中国小妹唯 一的目的就是把你们的钱变成她们的钱,你别指望她们服务能有多好,更别妄想她能爱上你,她们只 爱Yusof Ishak。聪明一点的做工的时候会在把你挑逗兴奋的时候来一句:要不要加钟啊?然而也有蠢的一见面第一句 话就是帅哥双飞吧,先把钱付一下。遇到这种情况当然是直接谢谢再见。俗话说干一行爱一行,小姐这一行爱倒不 必强求,但起码的职业道德还是应该有的。但在新加坡别看网上写的她们每个人好像十八般武艺保证做够钟不后悔 ,现实情况是她们只会出尽绝招快快逼出你的子孙,她们了解男人射了之后便没了兴致,她们就可以接下一个客人 继续赚钱了。所以明目张胆一点的会在刚刚给你开始做的时候就在电话里跟另一个讲还有半个小时就好,一个钟挣 双份。

然而奇怪的是同样是中国小姐,她们在深圳东莞的洗浴中心里却是另一番境况。我在深圳去过的桑拿里,小姐做工 都很认真,按摩用力到位,服务做的也专业,给人的感觉也很好,不商业化。为什么她们来到新加坡就变成了那样 ?我认为还是制度使然。新加坡不像中国和马来西亚有大型的桑拿洗浴中心,按摩服务基本上是靠O2O,网上找 到资料,线下成交,颇为隐蔽。这样的形式本身就不利于建立一套奖惩制度。在洗浴中心每个小姐有编号,统一培 训,统一管理。每个人都面临着竞争和KPI,由于这种竞争是透明的,自然促使大家都努力工作,争取更多的回 头客点钟,并没有什么歪门邪道可取。但是在新加坡,所谓的review大部分都是网主自己写来招揽客人的, 对于一个小姐的服务好坏甚至长相在试之前根本没法知道,如果碰到差的多半也只能吃哑巴亏,等等,新加坡人不 是最擅长complain么?怎么能甘愿吃亏呢?别忘了,找小姐可不是什么光彩的事,生气也不过去SBF发 个帖子,还有可能一不小心被删掉。所以这种制度本身就导致了小姐可以投机。网上挂几个ps过的照片,服务吹 的天花乱坠,再花点钱请人写假的review,每天便客源不断,这种当然不会有回头客,但是新加坡出来玩的 男人又实在太多,每个人骗一次也够装满钱包回家了。当然并不是所有中国妹都这样,也有服务好的态度好的,但 是在这种制度下她们也很艰难,付出比别人多,收获可能还不如别人,如果你恰好遇到了,请对她好 点吧。

在这个产业链里面,小姐不过是底层的劳工,摆弄操纵他们的网主,中介才是最无良的一群人。办一张新加坡签证 不过30块,他们先要收几万块人民币的中介费,等小姐来这边以后又收高额的房租和广告费。一套3000块的 房子每天100多块租给三个女孩,净赚200%,每个女孩每个月再收至少四五百的广告费,这样网上随便有十 几二十个女孩收入就上万了。这种压力迫使她们必须每天努力赚钱接客,不然前期的中介费都白费。小姐努力工作 ,他们坐享其成。
总之这个地下产业在新加坡存在太多的问题,有了一两次不愉快的经历后我宁愿麻烦点过去马来西亚,花一半的钱 不说还能得到质量的保证,不愿意在涉足这个鱼龙混杂的市场,更没有精力去SBF一页一页翻帖子看评论。人性 的需要是不会改变的,然而体制可以让它变得更简单高效。
Old 15-06-2015, 11:35 PM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

PM me for exchange pics / contacts
Email me at [email protected]

How I saw my mom had sex:
Old 16-06-2015, 02:37 AM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by IwantbustyKim View Post
The pictures says it all
Old 16-06-2015, 02:32 PM
alexanderhou alexanderhou is offline
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Hope some bro can initiate a nonprofit rating website consolidating all girls profile
Old 16-06-2015, 03:59 PM
cktfrancis cktfrancis is offline
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Cant read chinese
Old 16-06-2015, 04:19 PM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Sg got alot of Roberto
Old 16-06-2015, 04:47 PM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by cktfrancis View Post
Cant read chinese
Use google translator .
Old 16-06-2015, 04:54 PM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

This was explained to me by a PRC friend who is the cashier at a flower hanging joint. One day after closing shop she said to me.... "U know... a business like this cannot possibly exist in China. Only S'poreans would pay money to hang flowers on the singer he likes with a very slim possibly of getting laid."

One guy would pay $100 to impress the singer....then someone else gets jealous and would pay $200 and so on.

In a nutshell, I guess that's why PRC gals love to work in S'pore. They can earn good money even without getting humped.
Old 16-06-2015, 04:55 PM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by cktfrancis View Post
Cant read chinese
Summarize for you .....

Singapore ...... money many many ....... good !!!!!!!!!!
Old 16-06-2015, 09:43 PM
alexanderhou alexanderhou is offline
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by RotiPrata555 View Post
Summarize for you .....

Singapore ...... money many many ....... good !!!!!!!!!!
Soooooooo goooooood!
Old 16-06-2015, 11:02 PM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?


every heard a group of singaporean women in their girls talk?

This man drive a XXX, earns XXXX a month, stay at XXXX, have how many property etc etc.
Can goes on for hrs without touching about the kind of man or personality or even hobby.
Old 16-06-2015, 11:51 PM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by RotiPrata555 View Post
Summarize for you .....

Singapore ...... money many many ....... good !!!!!!!!!!
You loti plata charpati
Old 17-06-2015, 01:24 AM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by alexanderhou View Post
For those bros who don't read Chinese, the story is almost the same as the one as below.

Singaporean men are considerate, generous and yet, stupid.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 17-06-2015, 02:09 AM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by alexanderhou View Post
Hope some bro can initiate a nonprofit rating website consolidating all girls profile
It has nothing to do with whether the website makes profit or not. Being as a cheongster, what we want is nothing more just a good bonk and probably engage with some hoes we prefer for a cheap romance.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 17-06-2015, 02:10 AM
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Re: Why PRC ladies like Singapore?

Originally Posted by fictionman View Post
Sg got alot of Roberto
tong xiang,tong xiang,
end up lost all money, kena swindled.
targetting those kopi shop uncles.
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