An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
There has been a number of posts expressing the likelihood that PAP will lose the Government soon or in the near future. Both are not possible unless the Party splits or implodes.
1) PAP currently holds 80. It won 81 seats in GE2011 but lost one in a By-election. During GE2011. there was 26 contests, Tanjong Pagar was a walkover. It won 24 contests (SMC plusGRC). Those are powerful numbers.
2) The opposition must take 37 more seats from the PAP to remove its minority. Is that a possibility
3) Even if PAP only secures 43 seats, just missing the majority, can the Opposition unify to form a coalition or will the PAP end up running a minority Govt.
So we are looking at big numbers to see change and are there enough viable parties and candidates to mount the challenge.
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