An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
"Epi-Lasik (without flap method): During the Epi-Lasik, a minimally invasive surgical procedure is performed which does not involve the cutting of a flap and therefore, more cornea tissues can be preserved. The structure of the cornea will remain strong since no damage is done by cutting. Epi-Lasik only involves a fast vibrating blade that removes the outermost thinnest layer of the cornea known as the epithelium and the laser will then be applied on the underlying tissue to correct your degree. The epithelium will then grow back on its own after 3-5 days. As such, Epi-Lasik avoids the danger of cutting a cornea flap that is well demonstrated to be the most complication prone step of the Lasik procedure. Epi-Lasik preserves more cornea tissue and is thus better suited for those with thin cornea of high myopia and astigmatism where more cornea tissue needs to be removed. Your cornea is the most sensitive part of your whole body and has thousands of nerve endings. These endings are cut during Lasik which causes or worsen dry eyes. In some cases, dry eyes after Lasik is permanent. Epi-Lasik does not cut cornea nerves and is much less likely to cause or exacerbate dry eyes. Epi-Lasik is the military approved Lasik procedure as there is no risk of the cornea flap dislocating. For those who are in active vocation or sports, like commanders, navy divers, airforce pilots, nautical experts, rugby and soccer players etc, Epi-Lasik is the safer choice."
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