An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
DPM Tharman and 2nd Min for Env Grace Fu have dropped broad hints of a looming water shortage inferring a rise in water rates. Why is there going to be a water shortage despite spending millions on Newater and desalination to bolster traditional raw water from Malaysia? Simple answer: We have more than 2 million foreigners who are siphoning off and sponging on our water. Must Singaporeans suffer because we have to share our life giving water with pesky foreigners.
They have stolen our jobs, our housing, our individual space, our transport and what not. Now they want to steal our precious water.
If there is a price increase, PAP will face an unhappy local population in the coming polls.
SINGAPORE: With the prolonged dry spell and rise in daily water demand, it is important to make adjustments like cutting down on non-essential water usage -- Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said this on Saturday at one of the five fringe activities celebrating World Water Day in Singapore.
Mr Tharman said it is also important to ensure stable water supply, but emphasised that everyone must make a determined effort to conserve water.
He added: "PUB is increasing the use of NEWater and desalinated water because there is less local water catchment. These two taps don't depend so much on the weather. So even during a dry spell, we have NEWater and desalinated water.
"But to make NEWater and desalinated water, we need energy. And, fuel is needed, electricity has to be generated. So we can't over-depend on NEWater and desalinated water in the long run."
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