An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
In Singapore, a freshie not being able to find job doesn’t mean that they would stay unemployed or doomed to non-permanent employment for the rest of their lives.
Singapore has only 1.8% unemployment. This means a good 98% of the citizens have jobs. Flip the newspapers and the job-seek websites – there are so many good jobs around. It is a fact that Singapore is an employee’s market, made more so by recent policy changes on foreign manpower.
From my observation, fresh graduates who claim they cannot find jobs – are victims of excessive options. I’ll be downright frank here – complaining there are no jobs here is akin to a girl, looking at her well-stocked closet and then lamenting there is nothing to wear.
I know there are many well-meaning sites offering advice, guidelines and statistics which makes a degree holder think he/she deserves a high position or salary. In the real world, no one “deserves” a high starting salary. It is always your skills and abilities that command what you get
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