An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Where is the return of HAZE? Fucking bunch of clowns...
Ever since Indonesia President You Don't Know No apologized for the haze, and took measures to douse it on their side of the forests, the haze never come back......YET.....
I would like to say that our Minister Vivien Bala, also NEA and some dumb-shit MPs I don't remember their names had warned Singaporeans that the haze will come again.....BUT where is the haze?? So far so fucking good. Cheebye, they can't even get their intelligence right....just simply shoot off their cheebye mouths anything that comes to their minds.
Always playing the fear card with us, but when the shit hits the fan, it is always caught unaware and totally surprised and blamed it on every 50 years anomaly but when intelligence is needed to predict the future, always blunder and have zero foresight...
So these bunch of clowns tell us to be warned that the haze will return.......SO WHERE IS THE RETURN OF THE FUCKING HAZE??
KNN, waste my fucking time listening to dumb advice from a bunch of fucking stupid clowns!!
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