View Full Version : 2014_12_10 Signs when Something's Wrong...

13-12-2014, 09:43 PM
Thank you for approving my thread moderators.

With that last chapter, I'd like to talk about signs that some thing's not right.

By she, I am typing with the recent memory I had as a good lesson learnt, I actually mean it can refer to both guys/girls.

1. She is always secretive with her phones, it is always locked or on silent.

2. She does not pick her your calls and return your calls hours later.

3. There are periods of times she constantly MIA on you.

4. That she needs to tell me that she is with her good friend whom I know, when I was actually concerned if she was drunk, and ok, when she answers her phone at 4am.

5. When you go shopping, she stands at the cashier and expects you to pay. When you take someone as your BF, they are not your ATM. It is a kind gesture on our parts, not an obligation. In most cases, guys are always poorer cause they spend everything on the pussy. When you don't pay, she gets angry. Finally when I try to pacify her, her reply is, You can tell me You are Broke, but don't tell me Why Should I Pay.

6. Her words are not consistent with her actions. Eg, I told her I was going away. Someone who was really into you would be thinking, Ok, when will you be going? When coming back? When can I see you again? I'm going to miss you. Let's spend more time together to make up for it. BUT no, all playing with words like tonight.

7. Trust your own feelings. Talk about it with a good friend. Post it here, ask the SBF bros.

8. You find yourself Smiling when you think of her, A LOT. You find yourself looking and waiting for her texts and phone, and you are so happy when you finally get it or get to see her. Point is, you start wondering if the feeling is mutual, when it starts feeling one-sided.

9. They start noticing the things you like, they talk about it excitedly like it excites them. But when you actually set out to do it, they don't "follow through". Example, she told me she likes gaming, she likes gory/bloody movies, but her interest wasn't in the game and we didn't even complete the movie.

Nex up, I'd like to talk about how pro players operate in my next post, The "Kung Fu Master's" Guide to the Sibeiii Pro Player.