View Full Version : Sharing of Protection and Detachment

22-06-2012, 07:15 AM
For reading pleasure...:):D

It is important for those interested in spiritual development to know more about their energy field or aura. The aura is an electromagnetic energy field around us. It is not visible to most people, but it is instinctively sensed or experienced by others. Your aura is not a closed system as it is continuously exchanging energy with entities and things around it. Thus, it is up to you to decide what or whom you want to exchange e...nergy with. The aura is felt, perceived or sensed by people in various ways such as colours and textures, and people can be trained, over a period of time, to sense or "see" the human aura. Whether or not you consciously sense it, everyone reacts to these energies. Your energy shifts and moves with mood changes, strong thoughts and interactions with other people, animals and plants, as well as crystals and minerals.

When it comes to being aware of our energy, and taking responsibility for what we do with it, most human beings are at the infancy stage. They have very little, if any, self-control. They get upset or angry, and start to throw or spill energy onto others. This applies to all strong emotions. The expression, exploding with enthusiasm or happiness is an example of what our energy does when we have an intense emotion. Whether we are happy, sad, angry or sexually aroused, the energy would spill onto the people around us.

Do you have a relationship that you are struggling with? Learn to clear your energy and cut the inappropriate ties. Allow the other party their freedom and allow yourself that freedom. Detachment does not mean that you do not care. It simply means that you let go of your expectations of what something should be like, how that person should act and how things ought to be.

If you are angry and feel like assaulting someone, it is quite likely that you will throw a little piece of your energy onto the person. There is no good reason to throw energy, even if he does it to you first. Whenever you throw something, you stand a higher chance of getting attacked by someone else, or an entity, or your energy depleted in some way. Eventually this will have physical consequences. Someone shouts at you in the MRT? It is very common to react by throwing a little energy at that obnoxious person. Think you will teach him a lesson? He will feel it all right, but it will also leave you open to having energy thrown back at you. My advice is, never throw energy at anyone. That is a form of a psychic attack and has serious side effects and consequences for the person who does it. Any time you use energy for your own selfish use, it is wrong and there will consequences.

Psychic attacks can be as complex as someone cursing you, using black magic or as subtle as living with a spouse or other family member who often angry with you. You might be able to work with people who do not like you. There may be no outer show of what they feel, but you 'know' that something is going on. Psychic attack is anything that interferes with and invades your energy field.

One of the most important things a person must understand about a psychic attack is each of us bears a share of responsibility for the psychic attack we receive. If you are under an attack from someone or something, it is because you have opened yourself up to it. Sometimes, there is an obvious reason for a situation to exist. In these cases, it is necessary for you to own your share of what is going on. When you do this, the energy behind the attack often reduces significantly.

It is similar to a situation where two people are arguing. If one is willing to apologise, the tension will often reduce instead of escalating. When you admit you have some responsibility in a negative situation, it can often affect the outcome in a very healthy and positive way. Anger towards a person leaves you open. If you are feeling attacked by someone, then you may also feel angry or resentful. If you are angry or resentful with someone, then admit it to yourself. However, it is also necessary to take steps to deal with your emotions. Psychic protection techniques will not stop a psychic attack if you are holding onto intense feelings towards 'the attacker.' There must be detachment from the person who you believe is attacking you. Fear, jealousy, hatred, resentment, bitterness are examples of emotions that leave our aura susceptible to psychic attacks.

Facing how you feel about a person or situation is not easy. Sometimes, it takes a lifelong commitment to master it. If you are willing to face how you feel and accept that this is where you are right now, then you can begin to move through it. Just accept it. Changing how you feel begins with acceptance of yourself and of the other person. Sometimes, the willingness to confront your share of a situation will come with time. Time can bring you some detachment and with it, clarity.

Note: One of the modules that I teach in my Manifesting Wealth & Creating Abundance Course is on psychic protection and personal detachment.See More

22-06-2012, 08:32 AM
Sorry, what are U trying to say? I think I got lost in that long article :confused:

22-06-2012, 09:52 AM
I see some connections. I am dealing with my own demons.

Very interested to know more.

TS please share and carry on this tropic.

Thanks and best of regards.

23-06-2012, 01:19 AM
Do you have a relationship that you are struggling with? Learn to clear your energy and cut the inappropriate ties. Allow the other party their freedom and allow yourself that freedom. Detachment does not mean that you do not care. It simply means that you let go of your expectations of what something should be like, how that person should act and how things ought to be.

i like this the most... thanks for sharing... ;)

23-06-2012, 10:01 PM
What's this? Non-religious spiritual healing?

23-06-2012, 10:08 PM
protection from KC is it? :o

24-06-2012, 12:13 AM
Any time you use energy for your own selfish use, it is wrong and there will consequences...

All actions have consequences. I agree about that. But what makes something right or wrong? Why are self-serving actions wrong?

25-06-2012, 09:26 AM
This has just helped me with some of inner demons. Thank you for sharing this.

I really needed some sort of guidance to help get over something.

jacky chan
26-06-2012, 09:43 AM
Master K9696, I need some guidance too..:(

26-06-2012, 09:59 AM
Master K9696, I need some guidance too..:(

Sifu K9696, Me too :D
Facing a personal situation between 2 nos from DongBei :p