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19-04-2016, 06:57 PM
Dude, you cannot be serious with your comments, are you? Can you please share where on planet earth does "No money, No honey" will not apply?

It apply only when you finding a whore.


It doesnt apply when you in a relationship with a girl crazily in love with you.

20-04-2016, 09:49 AM
Good morning to all esteemed bros n samsters,

I hv enjoyed reading the discussions posted here in the past 7-8 days.

I shall not dignify you-know-who by replying to his posts. His many claims hv been verified as false by my grp kakis. I still like him because he is so entertaining n comical. Many of my kakis voted to expel him. He should come clean...it will take a real courageous MAN to do so.

I'll give him some slack as he is very young, around 29-30?, slightly younger than my kids, and if he gets his life together, he can still hv a very bright future. I do wish him the very best.


Bro WB

The student surpass mentor? ................The harder part is still punching above one's weight, especially when Chinese is not my first language. I mean I can flirt a lot in Chinese; but to flirt like how one would flirt in English to another.......... It is human nature to have emotional attachments after a while, especially if you are the provider. The Baoer maybe ugly like fuck but still there will be emotions especially if you are together for some time. Been there and done that.
You are so full of crock. Seriously. When I smell shit, there is shit around................ I think a lot of people here bed more girls than you bedding your imaginary women who you bonked and basically can assault and claim that is it because of your bad boy behavior that gets you into their pants. If that is the way you get into their pants, donkeys can fly. Whoops. You are that donkey aren't you?

Actually, I am not sure wtf you are talking about crying all night long in what group. But I do have nightmares when I see your photo; I am assuming that is you because you have yet to refute the issue that you have been accused of whacking up an FL............

Bro Nato17,

Great posts!

I'm no mentor. I'm just a diligent learner, in the process of improving myself, in every way, every day. It's a slow journey.

Language is a factor. But over 90% of human communication is by eye contact, body language and voice tonality. I know you're already punching above ur weight...


Bro WB

wah what photo sia. all the talk here so chim I cannot comprehen
I think he is the most handsome man ever in the history.
aaron kwok yes i agree but not this green flyQUOTE]

Bro Korean,

Very insightful posts. It's possible that some SYTs may love him, at least in the short term. One doll's prince is another doll's toad hahahe

[QUOTE=groo;14464026]- Wechat group can have 1000 strong meh?
- I thought only limited to 500 strong max?
- And all 1000 of them, if possible, syts ah?
- Wu nya boh? ................

Bro groo,

Tks for ur post.

He uses Meipai. He thinks he can make money if only he has more fans.

I hv never met his phantom "SYTs." About three years ago he claimed that his dad was the owner Tian An Men joints n he could give me discounts for my outings. Oh, he added that his older sis was running those joints.

I had invited him umteen times to TAM but he never showed up. I even offered to pay all his expenses, still no appearance. He was much harder to get than my prettiest SYTs!! Always had an excuse the last minute. Early last yr he agreed to go to Dynasty for HH. Last minute he said he had an argument w/ his GF who won't let him come.

Once he told me he had several very pretty SYTs from China/HK for BY n invited me to meet them at the Holiday Inn late at night. When I was ready to go he canceled again.


Bro WB

Even our rich Aaron Kwok oso chi bu xiao when in dealing wif his materialistic model gf, Moka Fang who keep on pestering him to buy a luxury apartment in shanghai for her. His materialistic gf is believed to hv undergone plastic surgery in the past few years.
Aaron Kwok last nett worth is 275 Million. What is one luxury apartment really to give away?

Bros, I think Aaron must be bored w/ his GF as she is getting old.

A gal's physical beauty n fertility peak at around age 21-22.

So u think g-dragon as above picture looks better than u?
Probably so. So that speaks loads right? QUOTE]
[QUOTE=korean;14466289]Seriously he is ugly like shit. If u think u are worst than him I feel sorry for u Ur gf pic aso so so. Same for aaron ex gf.
If u want to impress other, try to at least find a decent example.
R u trying to boast our moral here? If yes then u r dann successful :p but seriously pls get a more decent one next time, it is insulting us, we don't feel happy to be better than a shit
Probably someone said he looks like g dragon, I feel so sorry for him But we must thanks him for contributing to national wide of setting the bar dann low. Everyone suddenly feel like brad Pitt
I really pity u resort of using him to go against others Are u too used to dealing with other with mask on like those in korea I feel bless after seeing his look with make up plus under the surgery. I hope u do feel bless too, amen
Then It is time for u to start saving money :p
the nite still young and alredi start dreaming ah by looking at ur photo it is as amazing as the pig will fly

Bro Korean, tks so much for ur posts!!

I don't think it's his looks. The real problem is his insecurity, neediness n low self esteem. He craves constant validation n approval. He has mentioned going to hv plastic surgery in Korea. He is obsessed w/ getting a masculine chin, like some Ang Moh men.

Two rich men but they handling relationship r both in different way.
Aaron Kwok who is ranked among the 10 richest singers of china in year 2014 with total asset of 275 million. .................http://www.therichest.com/celebnetworth/celeb/singer/aaron-kwok-net-worth/
Kenny B over pampered his ex-wife, over splurging money to support his ex wife lavish lifestyle end up in divorce n bankrupt. http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2013/09/24/ent-81398.html

Bro orangeproud,

Tks so much for the info. It's obvious that Kenny B got KC-ed badly by a gold digger. He is partly to blame as he himself lacks emotional n self mastery.

No man should live beyond his means.


Bro WB

Even in his age nw, he rather stay single n the gf he hv is getting younger n younger.


Most men prefer much younger women. I like to BY dolls in the 18-23 age grp.

Seriously, you sound like a guy is totally sour grapes that others have money to sleep around.
Look, you may have youth at your side and we guys have cash on our side.
I don't care how good looking you are if you are young, but at the end of the day you will grow old..................Whether I bao a girl or not is NOT your business right? So why come here to prove otherwise? U seriously have a chip on your shoulder.


He could be mentally disturbed. He is still angry w/ me for expelling him from my chat grp of tycoons, traders, ladies men n badass gentlemen. They voted to kick him out. I also inadvertently deleted his personal wechat.

Haizz youre wrong again.
It's more complicated than that.
Even Andy secretly married for years n Leon marry n divorced.
Aaron got a complicated relationship with his very longtime manager............. Patrick tse at 70 with 20 yr old gf damn weird.

Bro, tks for ur post. Life is always complicated.

Getting marry is more complicated than staying single. As an entertainer, Aaron Kwok knw d importance of staying fit n keep a gd shape of his body, so he has been going gym for the last 12 yrs. . ......................................http://www.tnp.sg/m/music/age-just-number-which-means-nothing
As for 70yrs old Patrick Tse wif his younger gf, outsiders may feel weird seeing them in pair but as long as Patrick Tse is happy can liao, anyway it's jz a fling to him.

Bro, very good post!

It is simple. To KC a girl, you will always need funds. The saying is No Money, No Honey has never been disputed throughout the history of time. Also, you try KCing a girl when you have 0 funds.
TS, has NOT said that you cannot take advantage of your youth, wealth or good looks to tilt the odds to your favor. KCing a girl is NOT a science. If you have looks, wealth and youth, you rock! If you have something lacking, you can compensate for it through different ways. And that is what TS is advocating a lot.


Excellent analysis! You must join my outings. Peace Centre joints?

Dude, you cannot be serious with your comments, are you? Can you please share where on planet earth does "No money, No honey" will not apply?


Unless the gender role is reversed haha.

It's much better n more natural for a man to be a dominant, high status n excellent protector, provider n lover to his dolls. The key is for him to own their pussies, their hearts n minds.


Bro WB

20-04-2016, 11:06 AM

It is still pretty sad when u still living in your own world. I give u a chance to meet and take my aimee for bao,you claim too expensive.:D Anyone who join ur grp can see your members get played by ktv mei mei day after day,night after night. I always request to meet fl okts and have meet some of them what the big deal abt meet you,:;)

I got another offer for u at 35k a mth.


Based on ur photos and standards,my girls are much higher quality than urs.:p

20-04-2016, 11:20 AM
Esteemed Bros should cool it n stop comparing who is richer, more established, more yandao, more successful or got younger n prettier gals or BY, at better pricing or bargains!

Life is short, enjoy it while we can, peace to ALL fellow Eateemed Bros and Taokays!

20-04-2016, 12:01 PM

This current gal from you-know-who is not pretty enough n not kawaii enough for me. Not sure if she is Aimee, who was shown to my grp in a Meipai video only. I did ask for more photos.

He quoted Aimee for BY at 25K a month I almost immediately told him in the chat grp I'm very interested in BYing her, he suddenly said she was taken!!

On 14/12/15, his exact words: aimee already taken no pt asking. I found many of my msg expressing instant interest in keeping her n his many msg saying she was already taken. He then showed me other gals who ready CMI. He thought his price tag of 25K a month was beyond me n my kakis. He couldn't be more wrong.

I'll upload n post some of the captured chat photos on this thread to see who is the liar. He showed Aimee's Meipai video, then I expressed immediate interest in keeping her at his suggested price of 25K sgd a month. He replied 12 hrs later that she was taken!! I repeated my interest over the next two days...

If he comes clean, I'll not post photos of his msg. I'll give him one day.

Frankly, my year 96 young lao po n another year 97 mistress earlier this yr are both much better looking n more SYT than the gal in the pic.


Bro WB

20-04-2016, 12:17 PM

This current gal from you-know-who is not pretty enough n not kawaii enough for me. Not sure if she is Aimee, who was shown to my grp in a Meipai video only. I did ask for more photos.

He quoted Aimee for BY at 25K a month I almost immediately told him in the chat grp I'm very interested in BYing her, he suddenly said she was taken!!

On 14/12/15, his exact words: aimee already taken no pt asking. I found many of my msg expressing instant interest in keeping her n his many msg saying she was already taken. He then showed me other gals who ready CMI. He thought his price tag of 25K a month was beyond me n my kakis. He couldn't be more wrong.

I'll upload n post some of the captured chat photos on this thread to see who is the liar.

If he comes clean, I'll not post photos of his msg. I'll give him one day.

Frankly, my year 96 young lao po n another year 97 mistress earlier this yr are both much better looking n more SYT than the gal in the pic.


Bro WB

Lol! 25k! You guys are too rich for my blood.

At the rate you guys are pushing the limits, I think I will settle down soon. How to keep paying this rate sia? :)

20-04-2016, 12:28 PM
Lol! 25k! You guys are too rich for my blood.

At the rate you guys are pushing the limits, I think I will settle down soon. How to keep paying this rate sia? :)

Bro Nato17,

I believe he was offering her at 25K a month to improve his status in my chat grp. I don't think he was her agent for BY. She was just a random gal he found in Meipai.

I'll post captured photos on my chat grp to show who is a liar. I stand by every word I hv ever written on this thread.


Bro WB

20-04-2016, 12:49 PM
Esteemed Bros should cool it n stop comparing who is richer, more established, more yandao, more successful or got younger n prettier gals or BY, at better pricing or bargains!

Life is short, enjoy it while we can, peace to ALL fellow Eateemed Bros and Taokays!


Tks for ur advice.

I'm a lao chee ko pek n I hv nothing to prove. But I don't want a certain bro who keeps posting BS n lies on my thread. I hv all the photo evidence in my wechat grp.


Bro WB

20-04-2016, 01:08 PM

Tks for ur advice.

Bro WB, i am in no position to give advices to u or fellow Bros here.

I have been following your thread in your early days of BYing/KTVs till now, learning the ropes not in BYing but rather your coolness n financial capabilities to BY multiple Dolls at 25k+ a month each where some of us cannot even earn 25k a year!

You have been my inspiration to work harder and smarter each day!

20-04-2016, 02:57 PM
The figures you guys are throwing about are too crazy for me. But having said that, I would love to join for one of the outings, am sure will learn a lot from you guys. :D

20-04-2016, 03:41 PM

This current gal from you-know-who is not pretty enough n not kawaii enough for me. Not sure if she is Aimee, who was shown to my grp in a Meipai video only. I did ask for more photos.

He quoted Aimee for BY at 25K a month I almost immediately told him in the chat grp I'm very interested in BYing her, he suddenly said she was taken!!

On 14/12/15, his exact words: aimee already taken no pt asking. I found many of my msg expressing instant interest in keeping her n his many msg saying she was already taken. He then showed me other gals who ready CMI. He thought his price tag of 25K a month was beyond me n my kakis. He couldn't be more wrong.

I'll upload n post some of the captured chat photos on this thread to see who is the liar. He showed Aimee's Meipai video, then I expressed immediate interest in keeping her at his suggested price of 25K sgd a month. He replied 12 hrs later that she was taken!! I repeated my interest over the next two days...

If he comes clean, I'll not post photos of his msg. I'll give him one day.

Frankly, my year 96 young lao po n another year 97 mistress earlier this yr are both much better looking n more SYT than the gal in the pic.


Bro WB

You beg me to join yr grp which i kind of not interested. The only reason i join is to investigate your background. When u post the photo of ur meeting at fairmount hotel and event,i roughly can identify u and whether u r a suitable client. i not interested in any of ur outings. I am a relationship headhunter.

The msg send to u was sent to many of my clients. She got a better offer frm a younger richer and handsome man. Your age is a huge problem. After which many of ur kakis are unhappy with the insane amt of 25k. i speak the truth u better check the chat log properly.

As you mention your kakis r rich,i identify into kk,zhiwei photo etc background,all of them r not suitable. I do my cia work very well. Just saying if u think that ur girls is prettier than my models keep on dreaming.

You can post anything as long if u step onto my privacy i step on into yours.

20-04-2016, 06:02 PM
This thread is getting more interesting. I dreaming every day for a nice girl to fall into my hands. Enjoy reading the discussions.:D

20-04-2016, 06:30 PM
Interesting articles abt China culture;):p



20-04-2016, 06:46 PM
You beg me to join yr grp which i kind of not interested. The only reason i join is to investigate your background. When u post the photo of ur meeting at fairmount hotel and event,i roughly can identify u and whether u r a suitable client. i not interested in any of ur outings. I am a relationship headhunter.

The msg send to u was sent to many of my clients. She got a better offer frm a younger richer and handsome man. Your age is a huge problem. After which many of ur kakis are unhappy with the insane amt of 25k. i speak the truth u better check the chat log properly.

As you mention your kakis r rich,i identify into kk,zhiwei photo etc background,all of them r not suitable. I do my cia work very well. Just saying if u think that ur girls is prettier than my models keep on dreaming.

You can post anything as long if u step onto my privacy i step on into yours.

I am NOT sure what you are trying to prove, PERIOD. 25k maybe a large sum to me because at 300k, I can do a lot with it. But that doesn't mean I have not paid that amount to enjoy a girl I like etc.

From what I gather, you are still a young adult. Someone who has a chip on his shoulder. Sorry, but that is how I view you. You said you do CIA work on people who would bao your girls. So are you saying you are an agent? If you are an agent, then it further makes this a business transaction in which, there is nothing more to say, since you are levels below the baoee.

Enuff said.

20-04-2016, 06:48 PM
I am a relationship headhunter.

I have been in business sometime already and first time I come across this term a relationship headhunter! To me, what it resonates with is a pimp trying to sound business-like. Correct me, if I am wrong. You headhunt women who can be baoyang by rich people and get a fee for it. Tell me I am wrong. If that is the description of your job, then all you are is you are a pimp.

20-04-2016, 06:50 PM
Bro Nato17,

I believe he was offering her at 25K a month to improve his status in my chat grp. I don't think he was her agent for BY. She was just a random gal he found in Meipai.

I'll post captured photos on my chat grp to show who is a liar. I stand by every word I hv ever written on this thread.


Bro WB

I cannot afford 25k SGD. I can only afford 25k sperm. Can that be considered as down payment? lol.

20-04-2016, 07:30 PM
I cannot afford 25k SGD. I can only afford 25k sperm. Can that be considered as down payment? lol.

25k sgd/mth....way way out of my league. Think also don't dare to think.

20-04-2016, 09:28 PM
I have been in business sometime already and first time I come across this term a relationship headhunter! To me, what it resonates with is a pimp trying to sound business-like. Correct me, if I am wrong. You headhunt women who can be baoyang by rich people and get a fee for it. Tell me I am wrong. If that is the description of your job, then all you are is you are a pimp.

Pimp is selling sex,i dont sell sex. Relationships headhunters are plentiful in the showbiz and entertainment industry in hongkong. Same for football agents,some football agent jordge mendes are richer than peter lim owner of valencia club.

jjlin has his own agent when he wants to find a particular model to date with. Both parties has their own agents.

爱情猎头 u never heard of?What is 25k a mth when there so many millionares around.

20-04-2016, 10:04 PM
Pimp is selling sex,i dont sell sex. Relationships headhunters are plentiful in the showbiz and entertainment industry in hongkong. Same for football agents,some football agent jordge mendes are richer than peter lim owner of valencia club.

jjlin has his own agent when he wants to find a particular model to date with. Both parties has their own agents.

爱情猎头 u never heard of?What is 25k a mth when there so many millionares around.

I totally agree with you. You are correct in saying that you don't sell sex. But in legal terms, you are as guilty as selling sex cos you are the facilitator in this sex arrangement. Hope that you get the message?

Are you sure that the soccer agent is richer than Peter Lim? Please get your facts right.

20-04-2016, 10:21 PM
I totally agree with you. You are correct in saying that you don't sell sex. But in legal terms, you are as guilty as selling sex cos you are the facilitator in this sex arrangement. Hope that you get the message?

Are you sure that the soccer agent is richer than Peter Lim? Please get your facts right.

There is absolutely no sex arrangement. The model has no obligations to provide any sex to the client. Dating is provided by the company with registered lawyers. Anything else is between themselves.

Jorge mendes is a super agent :p The answer is so obvious who is richer and more powerful owning the football industry.

20-04-2016, 10:22 PM
Very interesting discussion.
Brother WB have shared with me some photos of his BYs some years back.
I must say he have a great taste and eye for beautiful women.
I envy him for getting the prettiest girls.
Keep it up Bro WB.

20-04-2016, 10:22 PM
I totally agree with you. You are correct in saying that you don't sell sex. But in legal terms, you are as guilty as selling sex cos you are the facilitator in this sex arrangement. Hope that you get the message?

Are you sure that the soccer agent is richer than Peter Lim? Please get your facts right.

Actually, there are a lot of ppl in the gambling world who are richer than Peter Lim. :)

21-04-2016, 12:44 AM
Very interesting discussion.
Brother WB have shared with me some photos of his BYs some years back.
I must say he have a great taste and eye for beautiful women.
I envy him for getting the prettiest girls.
Keep it up Bro WB.

Seriously my new 98 doll look much better.:p



It is the natural 瓜子脸 i looking at. Pure syt

21-04-2016, 02:17 AM
Good morning to all bros, kakis n samsters,

I'm going to post some screen shots from my wechat grp abt the phantom Aimee from u-know-who.

Draw your own conclusions.

I must be so captivated n beguiled by the dancing n singing of the "Aimee" in the Meipai video that I overlooked the homely gal which accompanied the video. I thought it couldn't be Aimee. Now I know this Aimee who was priced for BY at 25K sgd a month by the "Phantom Bro" or PB is very plain n not my type n honestly CMI. I'm now very ashamed of my temporarily low standards. Did I kena gong tao??!

After PB placed her Meipai in my chat grp n stated the price of BY, I saw the video about 5 hrs later n I immediately expressed my keen interest in BYing her. I somehow ignored the plain looking gal in the pic!! But I did ask for some basic info about her. Nothing, not even the height was given.

Then about 12 hrs after placing the video n offering her to the grp for BY, PB stated that she was taken!!!! He offered other gals for BY but they all CMI. And now I know even the "Aimee" CMI.

PB had been in my grp for abt 6 months n no bro was able to meet him. He won't even give his HP no n wanted to meet me alone. Frankly, I would need two bodyguards just to meet him.

In addition to be a scion of a wealthy family who used to own TAM joints, he also implied that he was a big shot at Robert Walters in Singapore n HK!! I hv those screen shots too. Will release them when n if necessarily. I'll not do so for now because I don't want Robert Walters to sue him for slander.

I believe PB is a psychotic young man who doesn't hv a regular job n who is spending lots of time in front of his computer n HP, watching meipai n porn n jerking off. All his thousands of SYTs are in his fantasy.

I invited him to my chat grp I thought his family owned TAM joints n he could intro the prettiest sex dolls to me. I was fooled repeatedly.

I shall put him on ignore, if there is such a function. And I'll not even respond to his posts indirectly.

He can still redeem himself by bringing two prettiest SYTs to my outing. The more the better of course. Dinner also ok for me. I shall invite my kais too. I'll pay for his expenses. The offer has no expiration date, period. I'll post my requirements later. No plastic surgery please. I hv sent it to mummies, agents male friends n dolls. They say hard to find. A friend who is in 100 plus wechat grps say got, but I must BY them in China. The prettiest of them won't come to Sg.

Here are the screen shots I hv promised. I hv blocked out his pic n others' ID.

21-04-2016, 02:57 AM
25k sgd/mth....way way out of my league. Think also don't dare to think.

I believe high quality girl are often seek upon,such as meng niao one of the tabao models way better quality than ktv. Most of the sexy models go for 高富帅.

My little aimee

Obviously warbird is neither 高 富 or 帅:D It is hard to believe that his girls is quality. It must either come frm ktv whores or some rural places in china like xiamen.

21-04-2016, 03:04 AM

21-04-2016, 03:07 AM

21-04-2016, 03:16 AM

21-04-2016, 03:22 AM

Aimee is one of the best looking syts far sweeter than any of the ktv girls. She is such an angel that one of my client has offered 30k on top of huge tips and gifts. I have to pass the offer becos the innocent yet sexy girl wanted a strong young man. Wb take too long to respond and i have to go with the girl requirements.

My little aimee part 2pic


My beautiful angel.;)

21-04-2016, 03:29 AM

Aimee is one of the best looking syts far sweeter than any of the ktv girls. She is such an angel that one of my client has offered 30k on top of huge tips and gifts. I have to pass the offer becos the innocent yet sexy girl wanted a strong young man. Wb take too long to respond and i have to go with the girl requirements.

My little aimee part 2pic


My beautiful angel.;)

seriously I dont find she is tat pretty. She looks unnatural, under the knife b4?

21-04-2016, 03:50 AM
seriously I dont find she is tat pretty. She looks unnatural, under the knife b4?

She is a youngest model to take part in china beauty pagent a natural beauty.

My next upcoming model 糖小妹 with boobs far bigger than any of the ktv whores,she at the upper class society of putong shanghai. A true doll.



wb dolls has no match for my dolls in a beauty pagent. He has little pic to show and no fight for my beauty angels. Last but not least why will any dolls fall for an old and ugly lao ah pek like wb.

His bullshit theory and self serving thread has the God of kc frown upon with utter disgust. He should go b to the basics on the art of kcing.

21-04-2016, 04:30 AM
don't feed the troll

21-04-2016, 06:59 AM
Hmm. Maybe beauty is in the eye of beholder.
So it is confirmed. You are an OKT, eager to push your wares.
Good job. But why squabble with your potential clients on line? Professional?
Good night everyone. It is miserably wet in Houston.

21-04-2016, 07:58 AM

Aimee is one of the best looking syts far sweeter than any of the ktv girls. She is such an angel that one of my client has offered 30k on top of huge tips and gifts. I have to pass the offer becos the innocent yet sexy girl wanted a strong young man. Wb take too long to respond and i have to go with the girl requirements.

My little aimee part 2pic


My beautiful angel.;)

Seriously, nothing against you or your girls, but as a "relationship agent" which you self profess to be doing on a professional level, I find that there are multiple problems with you

1) when you have offered a girl up for a client's choice, shouldn't you be transparent in your dealings? I find that informing client the availability of the girl to be very important, for example, you have to notify a player if there are other players in the ring, deadline for answer, why etc, as an agent you have no right to be so "bossy", you owe an obligation both to the girl and your prospective clients.

2) doing CIA work on your clients is although frowned upon, but correct, but the only thing you should assess are probably 2 things, does the client have a history of abusing women (emotionally and physically), or less importantly, is the client "rich"? to be honest the 2nd question is not important, as long as he is able to pay the required fee which is 25k a month, who gives a flying fuck how rich is he, if he earns only 25k a month and wishes to spend 25k a month on your girl, that's his issue. Payments are prompt, there's no problem. for a start if you are so doubtful of the status of your clients, request for a down payment of X months. and then from there on pay your girl per month, that's your job. Why bother to do CIA work on a prospect, even if he does show you his declared income, seriously how many people on this level have hidden income, assets yet undeclared, and if the "IRAS" or relevant authorities cannot uncover the bottom of the ice berg, how can you? in your line when you are dealing with rich men and tycoons, to be very honest, I deal with a lot my self, most don't flaunt it out. So what if they have 100 million available to throw at a moment's notice, most would not spend more than 10-20% of it, reason is simple: cashflow and liquidity on a rainy day. your idea of a rich man is fundamentally flawed, no respect deserving self made man will throw money like confetti on you unless they are just rich bastards borned with a golden spoon, aka spoiled monkeys, or just washing away not so honest gains on an untraceable and unchecked avenue such as this.

my humble opinion, don't be offended, as I was (and still am) in the trade that you professed yourself to be, don't worry we ain't from the same territory in terms of geographical placement. So there is no competition. Oh, one more thing, don't you have a wide range of high net worth clientele to cater to? I see you have a lot of time available to spend online yea.

21-04-2016, 10:14 AM

Good morning to all bros n samsters,

I hv put PB on Ignore.

Don't waste time w/ him. Unless n until he brings two prettiest NATURAL dolls to my dinner or outing to redeem himself haha. Even his fantasy gals taken randomly from Meipai are so so at best.

A picture is better than a thousand words. But, seeing the sex dolls in person is more illuminating than 1000 pictures n video clips haha.

I often need to see the dolls again in the afternoon, wearing hot pants to see her ass n legs n gait before deciding. And without make up. Still occ surprises when they r stark naked. Need to qualify them better. Lol

I'm in Gotham city now n will return to SG soon. You're invited to join me for dinner or outings. PM your ctc.


Bro WB

Bro WB, i am in no position to give advices to u or fellow Bros here.

I have been following your thread in your early days of BYing/KTVs till now, learning the ropes not in BYing but rather your coolness n financial capabilities to BY multiple Dolls at 25k+ a month each where some of us cannot even earn 25k a year!

You have been my inspiration to work harder and smarter each day!


The most I ever paid to BY a doll is 15 k a month, I like to buy underpriced stocks n pussies. I hv not met one who is worth more than that in Sg, except KP.

Yeah, must work hard, save n invest wisely.

Good luck!

Bro WB

The figures you guys are throwing about are too crazy for me. But having said that, I would love to join for one of the outings, am sure will learn a lot from you guys.


Have u been to my outings? Pm ur ctc if interested.

This thread is getting more interesting. I dreaming every day for a nice girl to fall into my hands. Enjoy reading the discussions


Reprogram ur S mind. With the right mindset, you will get ur dream gal.

Interesting articles abt China culture;):p



Bro, tks for the articles. Everything is a function of supply n demand.

I am NOT sure what you are trying to prove, PERIOD. 25k maybe a large sum to me because at 300k, I can do a lot with it. But that doesn't mean I have not paid that amount to enjoy a girl I like etc.

From what I gather, you are still a young adult. Someone who has a chip on his shoulder. Sorry, but that is how I view you. You said you do CIA work on people who would bao your girls. So are you saying you are an agent? If you are an agent, then it further makes this a business transaction in which, there is nothing more to say, since you are levels below the baoee.

Enuff said.

Bro Nato17,

He is aspiring to be a high class pimp. But he is not smart enough n honest enough to be very successful on his own.


Bro WB.

I have been in business sometime already and first time I come across this term a relationship headhunter! To me, what it resonates with is a pimp trying to sound business-like. Correct me, if I am wrong. You headhunt women who can be baoyang by rich people and get a fee for it. Tell me I am wrong. If that is the description of your job, then all you B you are a pimp.

I cannot afford 25k SGD. I can only afford 25k sperm. Can that be considered as down payment? lol.


Just a pimp.

25k sgd/mth....way way out of my league. Think also don't dare to think.


Get FOC a suggested by u-know-who.

I totally agree with you. You are correct in saying that you don't sell sex. But in legal terms, you are as guilty as selling sex cos you are the facilitator in this sex arrangement. Hope that you get the message?

Are you sure that the soccer agent is richer than Peter Lim? Please get your facts right.


Thanks for ur post.

Very interesting discussion.
Brother WB have shared with me some photos of his BYs some years back.
I must say he have a great taste and eye for beautiful women.
I envy him for getting the prettiest girls.
Keep it up Bro WB.

Bro besafe,

Tks for ur post, you make my day!!

Beauty is in the eyes of eye of the beholder. I guess our taste for pussies quite similar.

Remember Helen? She was my mistress briefly in 2009, we separated n I let her go completely. I gave u the phone no. to call her in July 2010. You said she was very cautious n won't want to meet anyone.

Well, she was being kept by a rich bachelor around 30 at the time. They had a big argument in late 2010 n she left him. He regretted it n tried to get her back. He became needy n desperate, Even called her mom in china n offered to give her 100K sgd, a condo n marriage!! She avoided him as if he was a leper. She initiated ctc w/ me in Jan 2011 n asked me to BY her.

I kept her for the next 4 plus yrs n let her go home to get married as per her parents' demand in March last yr. I met her in SHA last July n she came to be w/ me in Oct last yr. Just spoke w/ her the other day n she is still not married. Her pussy is still mine haha.

Take home lesson: If you love or like a doll very much, let her go. If she comes back to you, she may be yours forever. if she doesn't, then it was never meant to be.

If you become jealous, needy, clingy and desperate, you will lose her forever

I must remind myself of this everyday.


Bro WB

Actually, there are a lot of ppl in the gambling world who are richer than Peter Lim. :)

Yes, Sheldon Adelson n Stanley Ho are just two examples.

seriously I dont find she is tat pretty. She looks unnatural, under the knife b4?


You're right!!


Bro WB

Actually, there are a lot of ppl in the gambling world who are richer than Peter Lim. :)

Yes, Sheldon Adelson n Stanley Ho are just two examples.

seriously I dont find she is tat pretty. She looks unnatural, under the knife b4?


You're right!!
don't feed the troll
Bro, you're right. He is desperately seeking attention.
Hmm. Maybe beauty is in the eye of beholder.
So it is confirmed. You are an OKT, eager to push your wares.
Good job. But why squabble with your potential clients on line? Professional?
Good night everyone. It is miserably wet in Houston.
It's his dream to become a high class pimp. In real life, he is a nothing.
Seriously, nothing against you or your girls, but as a "relationship agent" which you self profess to be doing on a professional level, I find that there are multiple problems with you

1) when you have offered a girl up for a client's choice, shouldn't you be transparent in your dealings? .............
2) doing CIA work on your clients is although frowned upon, but correct, but the only thing you should assess are probably 2 things, does the client have a history of abusing women (emotionally and physically), or less importantly, is the client "rich"? to be honest the 2nd question is not important, as long as he is able to pay the required fee which is 25k a month, who gives a flying fuck how rich is he, .................................my humble opinion, don't be offended, as I was (and still am) in the trade that you professed yourself to be, don't worry we ain't from the same territory in terms of geographical placement. So there is no competition. Oh, one more thing, don't you have a wide range of high net worth clientele to cater to? I see you have a lot of time available to spend online yea.

Thank you for ur insightful post!
BTW, any very pretty SYTs to intro to me for BYing? PM me pls.
Bro WB



What a wonderful day!!

I hv new insights n revelations on how to get the prettiest dolls emotionally n sexually addicted to a man. Will share them when I'm free.


Bro WB

21-04-2016, 11:52 AM
Hmm. Maybe beauty is in the eye of beholder.
So it is confirmed. You are an OKT, eager to push your wares.
Good job. But why squabble with your potential clients on line? Professional?
Good night everyone. It is miserably wet in Houston.

To clarify warbird is no potiental client. I dont believe he got the funds to bao for 25k a month. His wechat id has been leaked to certain people in the ktvs,most of them can testify he is rather stingy person.

Another thing he beg me to join his grp when i actually dont require,in fact he beg me many times. The reason why he is so emotionally upset is because i reject his offer for aimee. haha.

The irony part is he claim aimee is not good enough for him,yet repeatedly interested in her.:p Just saying he needs to learn to take rejections and not affected by it. That is a true grandmaster. Full control of emotions :D

21-04-2016, 07:56 PM
bao this kind of goods also need 25k..lol
go hk 141 this kind of looks plenty.. 收皮啦
budget airline return tix less than $500 , overnight 3000hkd
1 month also no need 25k sgd

21-04-2016, 08:20 PM
bao this kind of goods also need 25k..lol
go hk 141 this kind of looks plenty.. 收皮啦
budget airline return tix less than $500 , overnight 3000hkd
1 month also no need 25k sgd

Agreed with you. But i suggest we should stay out of the war zone.:p:p

21-04-2016, 08:22 PM
bao this kind of goods also need 25k..lol
go hk 141 this kind of looks plenty.. 收皮啦
budget airline return tix less than $500 , overnight 3000hkd
1 month also no need 25k sgd

Before angelababy got married,how much do you think she worth a mth?

21-04-2016, 10:06 PM
warbird bro, can you share with us some tips on how to get rich? My current take home salary is not even a fifth of 15k - the amount you spend BYing girls every month. I get it that you worked hard for many years, but even if I work hard for as many years, I won't have such spending power as you do?

21-04-2016, 11:00 PM
Sometimes I find it fascinating when some people who haven't made it in life yet do not seem to have the humility to acknowledge their place in this world.

What could possibly one really achieve by being rude, impolite, and talking loud?

Especially when it comes to asking people to part with their money ;)

22-04-2016, 12:56 AM
Apparently warbird was interested in another of my dolls,萌鸟,she was one of the best and he had to keep asking abt her in wechat when i was with her in singapore. He is full of jealousy and envy over my dolls.



22-04-2016, 01:02 AM
Apparently warbird was interested in another of my dolls,萌鸟,she was one of the best and he had to keep asking abt her in wechat when i was with her. He is full of jealousy and envy over my dolls.


Sorry, but I wouldn't part with 25k for her. 25K sperm also not my taste. :)

22-04-2016, 01:03 AM
Sometimes I find it fascinating when some people who haven't made it in life yet do not seem to have the humility to acknowledge their place in this world.

What could possibly one really achieve by being rude, impolite, and talking loud?

Especially when it comes to asking people to part with their money ;)

I hear you loh. It is strange that the person keeps on saying like he is very zai, when in reality it is just a pimp.

22-04-2016, 01:19 AM
Sorry, but I wouldn't part with 25k for her. 25K sperm also not my taste. :)

She is a model with elite models management shanghai,the same modelling agency as fan bing bing. :p

I told wb not to think abt it,25k wont be enough. i like her photo shoot



22-04-2016, 01:46 AM

Yes, Sheldon Adelson n Stanley Ho are just two examples.

Bro WB

Actually, there are still a number of Billionaires who are flying the radars who made their money from gambling etc. And they don't have the huge expenses that Stanley Ho and/or Sheldon Adelson have. They are always under the radar and certainly richer or on par with some of the richest in SG.

22-04-2016, 02:00 AM
bao this kind of goods also need 25k..lol
go hk 141 this kind of looks plenty.. 收皮啦
budget airline return tix less than $500 , overnight 3000hkd
1 month also no need 25k sgd

Bro Kobayashi99,

Tks for ur post, very astute observations. I couldn't agree w/ u more!!

Some sex 141 dolls are very pretty SYTs!!

Before I started spending more time in Sg towards the end of 2008, I had visited HK many, many times. Mainly for biz, but I took the opportunity to sample many 141 SYTs there, mostly PRC, but some local gals too. Really very cheap.

Many gals there were 18-19 yo n they got fucked by all types of men 7-10 times a day for HK 700-900 per shot or so. The OKT syndicate would take a big cut too.

And when they were a little older, some of them would show up in SG as students, tourists or singers. Strangely, once they got here, they would suddenly play hard to get haha. They thought we SG men all were born suckers or roberts.

I actually met several of them who came to work at TAM joints haha. I was surprised, to say the least. They were older n yet they wanted more money for ST? One very pretty n fair SHA gal, around 20, wanted 15k sgd a month for BY!! That was in 2009! Whereas 1 1/2 years earlier, I paid her the customary fee of HK800 plus 200 to come to my hotel room in HK. After some resistance, I was able to up her for $300 SGD per shot, because I had promised that I would never reveal her little secret haha. She was 165, snow white, very pretty w/ slim wrists n very proportionate body. Natural C n no plastic surgery. I hv not seen a doll like that in SG since I met KP in March 2014. She was on student visa. I think later she was kept by a towkay.

Yeah, 25K a month?? I may seriously consider if the gal is KP herself.


Bro WB

Agreed with you. But i suggest we should stay out of the war zone.:p:p

I hv already put u-know-who on IGNORE. He is a disgrace to my thread. I only like to share real pussies, not phantom ones anyone can copy n paste from the internet, and to discuss how to find them, bed them, keep them and, most importantly, how to get them emotionally n sexually addicted.

Many bros believe that very pretty dolls will get addicted only to young men who are very good looking, very tall, very rich, very smart, n built like Adonis... think again.

If a doll likes u very much, doesn't mean she is sexually attracted to you. If she is very attracted to you, doesn't mean she will ever be addicted to you.

Elvis Presley couldn't even get his legal wife addicted to him. When she filed for divorce, Priscilla was happy n Elvis became despondent. Then he sang the famous song: You're always on my mind.

A man needs to stimulate the right mixture of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins n oxytocin, over a few months, to make a doll totally addicted. Sexual or emotional addiction alone is insufficient.


Bro WB

warbird bro, can you share with us some tips on how to get rich? My current take home salary is not even a fifth of 15k - the amount you spend BYing girls every month. I get it that you worked hard for many years, but even if I work hard for as many years, I won't have such spending power as you do?


No short cut unless you inherit a large fortune. Don't envy the rich kids though because they never learn to work hard, to improve themselves daily. They are unhappy n very empty inside. Many end poorly.

Don't envy the rich n famous rock stars either. Prince just died at 57.

It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.

Study hard, work hard n invest wisely. Reprogram ur S mind to achieve awesome emotional mastery.

How do I want to finish?

At 90, I want to pass on, after giving my very pretty 19 yo SYT mistress CVOs that she has never experienced n will never ever experienced for the rest of her life.

That is a very badass (gentleman) statement haha. I stand by the statement.

I was in a very prestigious n lucrative profession in Gotham City. I used to work 90-100 hour weeks. Cut throat competition against privileged Ang Mohs who were very average to me. They were average because they were lazy n really not that smart. What they took 30 minutes or more to do I would take 10 minutes or less. The faster the better! Unlike sex, where the man should last at least 15 minutes.

I'm still quite poor compared w/ a few of my relatives. But I'm much healthier n more contented haha. They are completely clueless in terms of RS n sex.


Bro WB

Sometimes I find it fascinating when some people who haven't made it in life yet do not seem to have the humility to acknowledge their place in this world.

What could possibly one really achieve by being rude, impolite, and talking loud?

Especially when it comes to asking people to part with their money ;)


Tks for your insightful post! Keep it coming.

There are some who don't even know that they don't know. I feel sad for them.


Bro WB

22-04-2016, 02:12 AM
Actually, there are still a number of Billionaires who are flying the radars who made their money from gambling etc. And they don't have the huge expenses that Stanley Ho and/or Sheldon Adelson have. They are always under the radar and certainly richer or on par with some of the richest in SG.

Dear bro Nato17,

Thanks for ur posts! Keep them coming.

Yeah, u-know-who is only a phantom pimp, not even a real life one.

There r many billionaires who own private companies. They are largely unknown to the public, especially in America.


Bro WB

22-04-2016, 02:18 AM
She is a model with elite models management shanghai,the same modelling agency as fan bing bing.

I told wb not to think abt it,25k wont be enough. i like her photo shoot




Other than faguoren can make it. The rest really cant in the grp,please take a mirror can look into urself. I recieve several request on the members photos ,i shall keep the privacy as such though i like playing with photos.

Warbird look urself in the mirror and tell the samsters why would 100 ladies want to bed with u?This is equally puzzling to me.:confused: Do u look like andy lau?haha

Another question if u r ugly and old how do u actually feel confident?U mean u r proud of ur disgusting look

22-04-2016, 03:07 AM
Many bros believe that very pretty dolls will get addicted only to young men who are very good looking, very tall, very rich, very smart, n built like Adonis... think again.

If a doll likes u very much, doesn't mean she is sexually attracted to you. If she is very attracted to you, doesn't mean she will ever be addicted to you.

Elvis Presley couldn't even get his legal wife addicted to him. When she filed for divorce, Priscilla was happy n Elvis became despondent. Then he sang the famous song: You're always on my mind.

A man needs to stimulate the right mixture of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins n oxytocin, over a few months, to make a doll totally addicted.

U been posting rubbish past 5yrs still not enough. i can identify all kinds of errors and flaws in your posts,the wonder yr grp keep falling into kc traps,organise outings to be carrot heads.

It is the truth that pretty ladies are attracted to 高富帅 what. U improve all areas of ur life,money is not the key to attraction. if u r ugly work on ur appearance go to gym if u r fat. If u r old work on ur maturity what the point of u hunting young girls. There r mature ladies who r beautiful in heart and look like vivan chow. Are u crazy ?old pervert?

Lastly how to stimulate to make young dolls sexually attracted to u?You old enough to be their grandfather. This is damn weird.

22-04-2016, 08:30 PM
Wah, bro-WB, I've been away so many years and you r still here dispensing with your wisdom on BY-ing n investment, this time with a young bird rival in tow to boot... :D

If I dunno any better, reading up on you on this thread, I'd think you are that certain Wayne fella from Gotham City but without the batty persona... :D:D:D
Dear bro Nato17,...Thanks for ur posts! Keep them coming....Yeah, u-know-who is only a phantom pimp, not even a real life one....There r many billionaires who own private companies. They are largely unknown to the public, especially in America...

22-04-2016, 09:07 PM
Hey DonJuan

Would be keen to learn the finer act of making girls crazy for me especially those with A4 size waist n big ET phone home eyes

How about you start a new thread or you might already have

Lastly I m not successful yet at least financially , hence asking if the 25 k per mth bao fee have like single day or better still half day ������

At this stage of my life I can afford 833$ Per day lol

22-04-2016, 10:29 PM
Hey DonJuan

Would be keen to learn the finer act of making girls crazy for me especially those with A4 size waist n big ET phone home eyes

How about you start a new thread or you might already have

Lastly I m not successful yet at least financially , hence asking if the 25 k per mth bao fee have like single day or better still half day ������

At this stage of my life I can afford 833$ Per day lol

Ya i do have my thread. You can find my masterpiece here. If warbird can be fooled repeatedly by me,he will be fooled by the top notch seductress,the siren,or the ktv dolls.


read my last quote

- If he gets close to a woman she will not relent cheaply. If he expends all his wealth into her he will not be able to support himself and starve to death. A True Sammyboy never ‘buys’ a woman.

23-04-2016, 12:52 AM
errrrrr...your thread 2010...that time iphone is iphone3 era

26-04-2016, 11:24 AM
Wah, bro-WB, I've been away so many years and you r still here dispensing with your wisdom on BY-ing n investment, this time with a young bird rival in tow to boot... :D

If I dunno any better, reading up on you on this thread, I'd think you are that certain Wayne fella from Gotham City but without the batty persona... :D:D:D

Bro groo,

Thank u for ur post.

Where hv u been?

I'm not qualified to dispense any wisdom on investing n BY-ing, I'm merely sharing what little I know n hoping for feedback, lessons,insights, strategies, methods, discussions, criticisms n debate w/ bros who hv had real life experiences n who are willing to share what they hv learned.

You must be referring to a samster living in fantasyland. No one I know has ever been able to meet him in person. Could even be a she. I hv put this samster on IGNORE some time ago.

Hahaha, I'm a real person, not a fictional cartoon character.

BTW, I'll be too busy to post for the next 7-10 days, except when I want to invite bros/kakis for outings. Will leave Gotham City for Sg by the end of the week.


Bro WB

26-04-2016, 01:30 PM
The common response frm the society is Lao ah pek. Lao tiko,ah buey si. Still haven die.:D

26-04-2016, 09:37 PM
I have met bro Warbird a long time ago, I can vouch his personality and in person he taught me alot

Take care bro Warbird !

27-04-2016, 12:31 AM
The common response frm the society is Lao ah pek. Lao tiko,ah buey si. Still haven die.:D

The problem here is you have NO one vouching for you, whereas WB has lot of people vouching for him.

To us samsters, you are just a sour grape.

27-04-2016, 12:42 AM
The problem here is you have NO one vouching for you, whereas WB has lot of people vouching for him.

To us samsters, you are just a sour grape.

Erm i got thousands of female fans vouching for me. I dont like guys cos i not gay.:D:D:D

27-04-2016, 01:07 AM
Erm i got thousands of female fans vouching for me. I dont like guys cos i not gay.:D:D:D

You got to be kidding. Thousands of female fans vouching for you on what?
People are vouching for WB character. Female fans vouch for you on what?
Are you seriously delusional?

27-04-2016, 01:30 AM
You got to be kidding. Thousands of female fans vouching for you on what?
People are vouching for WB character. Female fans vouch for you on what?
Are you seriously delusional?

Nah women dont go for character,they go for handsome young bad boys. Obviously warbird is a lao tiko,a normal girl will surely run away and be frightened of a lao chee ko peh.

I dont need a dick vouching for a dick. Just like g dragon there so many female fans vouching for his look,he can be a playboy who cares?

Warbird has zero females vouching for him,that is a huge problem vs the God of Kc.

27-04-2016, 08:02 PM
Bro WB! Let's just say I've been away for health reasons and taking time out to smell the Rose. :D Even before I was distracted that many years ago, you were already strutting your stuff. Good stuff, I might add! Haha!

As for your Joker "friend" (also from Gotham? Bwahahaha), I can only say childish, what the Chinese Hokkiens would say "baby bird doesn't know the elastic (catapult) - jiao kia mmm part lastic"...:rolleyes:. It's just like that housefly buzzing around your head irritating you but you can't do much about it...

Those MM pics are so ***bleah***. If you travel often to China, especially Shanghai, and if you know your stuff, you would know that the best girls stay in China. They don't venture overseas. And many of them are way, way smarter and streetwise. They wouldn't be so easily exploited as portrayed by you-know-who...:D

Cheers and chill, bro... :p
...not qualified to dispense any wisdom on investing n BY-ing, I'm merely sharing what little I know n hoping for feedback, lessons,insights, strategies, methods, discussions, criticisms n debate w/ bros who hv had real life experiences n who are willing to share what they hv learned...You must be referring to a samster living in fantasyland. No one I know has ever been able to meet him in person. Could even be a she. I hv put this samster on IGNORE some time ago...

02-05-2016, 07:15 PM
Bro WB! Let's just say I've been away for health reasons and taking time out to smell the Rose. :D Even before I was distracted that many years ago, you were already strutting your stuff. Good stuff, I might add! Haha!

As for your Joker "friend" (also from Gotham? Bwahahaha), I can only say childish, what the Chinese Hokkiens would say "baby bird doesn't know the elastic (catapult) - jiao kia mmm part lastic"...:rolleyes:. It's just like that housefly buzzing around your head irritating you but you can't do much about it...

Those MM pics are so ***bleah***. If you travel often to China, especially Shanghai, and if you know your stuff, you would know that the best girls stay in China. They don't venture overseas. And many of them are way, way smarter and streetwise. They wouldn't be so easily exploited as portrayed by you-know-who...:D

Cheers and chill, bro... :p

Bro groo,

Tks for the excellent post!

I'm sure that you're now in the pink of health. Yes, we must all slow down n smell the roses. Life is too short. I really like to enjoy the scent of fresh n pretty pussies everyday!!

What did u do to our phantom "rock star"? He has vanished! Actually bragging n seeking validation are signs of a beta male (boy) who is extremely insecure. He just couldn't control his neediness n desperation to show us the internet n Meipai dolls. His phantom dolls r so so at best.

Yes, the best quality PRC gals rarely come to SG. If I see a 级品美人 in Sg,she is usually in the arms of a wealthy patron or 富二代.


Bro WB

02-05-2016, 07:53 PM
Bro groo,

Tks for the excellent post!

I'm sure that you're now in the pink of health. Yes, we must all slow down n smell the roses. Life is too short. I really like to enjoy the scent of fresh n pretty pussies everyday!!

What did u do to our phantom "rock star"? He has vanished! Actually bragging n seeking validation are signs of a beta male (boy) who is extremely insecure. He just couldn't control his neediness n desperation to show us the internet n Meipai dolls. His phantom dolls r so so at best.

Yes, the best quality PRC gals rarely come to SG. If I see a 级品美人 in Sg,she is usually in the arms of a wealthy patron or 富二代.


Bro WB

I guess the phantom rock star was busy in the geylang section to support his bro max_priest as both of them are under moderation control (almost got banned). He is diverting his energy to flame geylang section, as well as bombarting another samster baotohk in every single section of sbf. :eek:


03-05-2016, 01:40 AM
I guess the phantom rock star was busy in the geylang section to support his bro max_priest as both of them are under moderation control (almost got banned). He is diverting his energy to flame geylang section, as well as bombarting another samster baotohk in every single section of sbf. :eek:



who is 神目

later post more to show wb how he beg me join his grp. This 神目 u close up look like a piece of shit lei. So does fatso nato17. haha.

03-05-2016, 08:21 AM

who is 神目

later post more to show wb how he beg me join his grp. This 神目 u close up look like a piece of shit lei. So does fatso nato17. haha.



03-05-2016, 08:49 AM

U ask me, I ask who.

Sometime I wonder with ur look which was exposed by others, why do u have guts to laugh at other ppl :D


who is 神目

later post more to show wb how he beg me join his grp. This 神目 u close up look like a piece of shit lei. So does fatso nato17. haha.

03-05-2016, 09:36 AM

U ask me, I ask who.

Sometime I wonder with ur look which was exposed by others, why do u have guts to laugh at other ppl :D

My fans r vast and plentiful:D The society lookup on me.

I got zhiwei,kk,faguoren etc photo then u all vote. Nato fatso,the problem is why some ppl so old liao mentality like a kid. :p

03-05-2016, 01:26 PM
whats with posting dudes photos... we only wanna see mm ones.. :D:D:D

03-05-2016, 03:13 PM
To all bros,

Tks for all the posts n discussions. I'll reply when I hv time.

BTW, I'm back in SG.

I go to Peace Centre joints including Dynasty from 5:15-6:30 PM 4-5 times a week. Just to looks see n get ctc if I see a gal who is at least mildly interesting.

I usually go to dinner after 6:30 PM n may or may not hv an outing at PC or elsewhere or other activities after dinner.

All bros are encouraged to meet me at Peace Centre n we can look at as many dolls as possible FOC. Yes, FOC. Just PM your ctc if I don't hv it.

Don't be shy, join me for the fun.

If anyone knows of a place in SG where I can see more dolls than PC in the late afternoon, PM me asap.


Bro WB

03-05-2016, 11:29 PM
My fans r vast and plentiful:D The society lookup on me.

I got zhiwei,kk,faguoren etc photo then u all vote. Nato fatso,the problem is why some ppl so old liao mentality like a kid. :p

I fatso so? lol. And thank you for the compliment that I am so old and have the mentality of a kid. I have the mentality of a genius kid because unlike you, the sperm that made me had the correct Y chromosome, whereas yours seems to be a mix of X and Y, thus you have XYX chromosome instead.

PS. You are a freak of nature, no thanks to your mom sleeping around. :)

03-05-2016, 11:31 PM

U ask me, I ask who.

Sometime I wonder with ur look which was exposed by others, why do u have guts to laugh at other ppl :D

I have just accepted the fact that our dear Mr. Don Juan lacks attention and his way for compensating for his mom's infidelity is the reason he seeks so badly to get affirmation that he is still a boy. lol. So let him be loh.

03-05-2016, 11:42 PM
My fans r vast and plentiful:D The society lookup on me.

I got zhiwei,kk,faguoren etc photo then u all vote. Nato fatso,the problem is why some ppl so old liao mentality like a kid. :p

You got what photo? Got them masturbating you or not. If you get the photos of them masturbating you then come and say. Otherwise, I think it is time to petition for Mr_Don_Juan to have his account terminated!

04-05-2016, 12:47 AM
whats with posting dudes photos... we only wanna see mm ones.. D




This is one of my exclusive dolls. anyone interested to know more can pm me. nato17 has no chance cos she apparently reject fatsos.;) My standard is certainly higher than any of the ktv whores.

04-05-2016, 01:02 AM
You got what photo? Got them masturbating you or not. If you get the photos of them masturbating you then come and say. Otherwise, I think it is time to petition for Mr_Don_Juan to have his account terminated!

apparently u cant do the shortcut,but u can petition to zap me to moderation. :D

04-05-2016, 03:04 AM



This is one of my exclusive dolls. anyone interested to know more can pm me. nato17 has no chance cos she apparently reject fatsos.My standard is certainly higher than any of the ktv whores.

Lol! I wish I was fat. Next time ask around before you assume Uncle is fat. Uncle is quite slim, that is why able to get into the pants of your mom. :)

04-05-2016, 07:31 AM



This is one of my exclusive dolls. anyone interested to know more can pm me. nato17 has no chance cos she apparently reject fatsos.;) My standard is certainly higher than any of the ktv whores.

Why are you carrying out personal attacks on strangers you haven't met before online?

Is fighting a meaningless internet "flame war" worth it for a person of your "stature", whoever you make yourself out to be, you clearly don't behave the way you should represent yourself.

Last I know, nobody ever openly solitcits (agent or girl herself) on the internet looking for a rich caretaker with photos of said participants included.

Even if it were true, people worth their monies worth want exclusivity and privacy, the same goes for their dolls, letting the world know the girls are up for grabs going for the highest bidder is not professionalism, you as the agent should know that, first come first serve. You as the agent don't make the say either for who qualifies for your girls or not. If there is a prospect just set up a meeting between the 2, let the 2 parties decide for themselves.
Who are you to say no I reject so and so, so and so is fat ugly and poor.

I will like to think that when you have openly put them up for offer here, I hope it is not in their knowledge you are bashing potential buyers for them, they will be very disgusted with you,if they even know you in the first place..

And if you are such a successful pimp with so many beautiful ladies under your belt, shouldn't you be very busy indeed? having to cater to your girls and your existing and future clients? I see you have a lot of spare time in your hands doing a load of negative bollocking online.

04-05-2016, 10:57 AM
Good morning to all bros!

Tks for all the posts.

I fatso so? lol. And thank you for the compliment that I am so old and have the mentality of a kid. I have the mentality of a genius kid because unlike you, the sperm that made me had the correct Y chromosome, whereas yours seems to be a mix of X and Y, thus you have XYX chromosome instead.
PS. You are a freak of nature, no thanks to your mom sleeping around. :)
I have just accepted the fact that our dear Mr. Don Juan lacks attention and his way for compensating for his mom's infidelity is the reason he seeks so badly to get affirmation that he is still a boy. lol. So let him be loh.
You got what photo? Got them masturbating you or not. If you get the photos of them masturbating you then come and say. Otherwise, I think it is time to petition for Mr_Don_Juan to have his account terminated!
Lol! I wish I was fat. Next time ask around before you assume Uncle is fat. Uncle is quite slim, that is why able to get into the pants of your mom. :)

Bro Nato17,

I wonder if "he" could be the freak result of female to male gender reassignment surgery?


Bro WB

Why are you carrying out personal attacks on strangers you haven't met before online?

Is fighting a meaningless internet "flame war" worth it for a person of your "stature", whoever you make yourself out to be, you clearly don't behave the way you should represent yourself.

Last I know, nobody ever openly solitcits (agent or girl herself) on the internet looking for a rich caretaker with photos of said participants included.

Even if it were true, people worth their monies worth want exclusivity and privacy, the same goes for their dolls, letting the world know the girls are up for grabs going for the highest bidder is not professionalism, you as the agent should know that, first come first serve. You as the agent don't make the say either for who qualifies for your girls or not. If there is a prospect just set up a meeting between the 2, let the 2 parties decide for themselves.
Who are you to say no I reject so and so, so and so is fat ugly and poor.

I will like to think that when you have openly put them up for offer here, I hope it is not in their knowledge you are bashing potential buyers for them, they will be very disgusted with you,if they even know you in the first place..

And if you are such a successful pimp with so many beautiful ladies under your belt, shouldn't you be very busy indeed? having to cater to your girls and your existing and future clients? I see you have a lot of spare time in your hands doing a load of negative bollocking online.

Hi bro abugga,

This person has too much insecurity n inferiority complex. He is dying for validation n approval. Even from strangers.


Bro WB


To bros at SBF,

I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:

First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a light drinker, 2) pls smoke outside the room.

Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.

The two types of joints:

1) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5-5:30 till 9-9:30pm.

Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.

2) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:30pm-2:30am.

Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500!

I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?

Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas higher quality dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.

PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate HH or SH.


Bro WB

04-05-2016, 11:27 AM
Thank you for sharing such good thread.

04-05-2016, 08:38 PM
a very good thread to read...

yeah what warbird said is very true but personally i find ktv girls overrated

i cant agree with the 'bao yang' part unless we are in china. sg is too small to do that

04-05-2016, 10:53 PM
pick up many ktv girls and bonk them in discreet area within the building
It was fun

05-05-2016, 03:20 PM
Thank you for sharing such good thread.

Bro, you make my day!

a very good thread to read...

yeah what warbird said is very true but personally i find ktv girls overrated

i cant agree with the 'bao yang' part unless we are in china. sg is too small to do that


Yeah, have to be discreet. I hv an advantage as my family is in Gotham City.

Living in China would be very good. Many pretty SYTs for BY.

pick up many ktv girls and bonk them in discreet area within the building
It was fun


Good for u! Care to share more details?


Bro WB

05-05-2016, 03:37 PM
Good afternoon!

A certain bro has kept on posting dolls tat are not available to "him" or anyone else.

I used to visit HK very often, from 2005-2008. That was my pre-BY era. I had used the sexual services of dozens SYTs from Sex 141 in those days, as I was clueless about BY. It was very satisfying, none the less.

I looked up my old computer n was surprised to discover that I still hv pics of some of these babes. Mostly HKD 700-800 for 1 hr/1 shot. I used to pay extra 200HKD just to get them to come to my hotel room haha.

A few of these gals would come to Sg later n worked at high end joints n HFJs when they were 2-3 years older. Some even got student visa.

I think it's ok to post their pics here because they were on Sex 141 n that was 8-9 years ago.


05-05-2016, 03:44 PM

The last doll has body n figure that I covet. Very proportionate w/ slim arms, wrists n legs. Look at her ass!!

Actually I had many more but would need time to find them.

I think the quality of the 141 gals in HK is not as good nowadays. I would like to BY gals like these in SG. I like them although I'm aware that one man's meat is another man's poison haha. Or shall I say beauty is in the eye of the beholder?


Bro WB

05-05-2016, 08:37 PM
I love this war of photos than the war of words.
Keep them coming. Loving it every bit.

06-05-2016, 12:43 AM
I love this war of photos than the war of words.
Keep them coming. Loving it every bit.

The difference is mine are exclusive photos taken by mm for me while his can be google search. Even then his pics are way below my standard. My girls are 白富美 and princesses.:D

06-05-2016, 09:46 AM
Good morning!

What an auspicious day!!

I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:

First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a light drinker, 2) pls smoke outside the room.

Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.

The two types of joints:

A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5-5:30 till 9-9:30pm.

Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.

B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:30pm-2:30am.

Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500!

I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?

Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas higher quality dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.

PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.

BTW, I hv not forgotten the goal of this thread. We should all be connecting w/ pretty dolls of our type, anytime and anywhere in the world.


Bro WB

06-05-2016, 09:53 AM
The golden word is:D
Got $ Got Talk
No $ No Talk

06-05-2016, 12:02 PM
Thank you bro warbird for sharing.

06-05-2016, 10:26 PM
Hi bro Warbird,

I am amazed by your stamina in pursuing your quest for SYT after all these years ... So far any good stocks over at KTV front? The good quality stock has dwindled in the legal scene @ GL over the years ... It looks like those better quality stocks prefer to work in city like Taipeh, Macau, HK, etc. more than Singapore GL. Hence the latter is now left with miserable bread crumbs ... But we still have some gorgeous stocks in the FL scene if one has the stamina to sieve them up ...

Hi bro Mr_Don_Juan,

I am pretty amazed by your vast resources of SYT stocks ... Any good stocks in FL Dome to recommend me?


07-05-2016, 01:10 AM
Bro Mr_Don_Juan,

Don't waste your time arguing with that hypocrite Korean. What good can it be from the mouth of a hypocrite like Korean who pretended to be friendly with samster Saabking and at the same time tried to attack the latter from behind just because of certain GL raw pussies ... Hahaha ... And now both Saabking & Korean are still on talking terms but not sure they genuinely have become friendly ... Prolly this Saabking is similarly a hypocrite considering the way he tried to trick WLs into leaving GL ... As the saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together ... Hahaha ... That's why they are back together as buddies. :D

Korean's intel on GL WLs are mostly based on hearsay as he does not patronize GL WL anymore ever since he is on the verge of walking the aisle with a ex whore (hearsay from my mate) ...

He is just like some of the GL thread folks who accuses those whose FR indicated that they frenched and had passionate sex with the WL are fake. I believe Korean and these folks have never been Frenched by and/or received passionate sex from WLs before ... Bwahahaha ... Prolly also they have very little experience in the GL cat150 industry.

He kept saying I wrote FR to get raw from WLs ... So what if I got raw ... He must be a jealous prick for not able to get raw ... Bwahahaha ...

Korean is a late forties lonely prick as he has no life outside SBF and GL. In addition, he loves to KC GL whores whilst people go to GL to fuck whores. Sometimes he did not even fuck the whores as he can't get an erection (based on hearsay as well as two of his ex regular WLs told me) ... Hahaha ... These are Korean's dark secret. :D

07-05-2016, 11:15 AM
I love this war of photos than the war of words.
Keep them coming. Loving it every bit.

Bro besafe,

These are pics of some of Sex141 SYTs I actually fucked in HK, for peanuts, 700-800 HKD, plus 200 to get them to my hotel room. That was mostly in 2005-2008, before I started this thread.

The services were quite good too.


Bro WB

Hi bro warbird.

Keep it up the good thread. Had a good time reading on those girls. Up you my point for a good thread. :)

Thank u, bro.

The golden word is:D
Got $ Got Talk
No $ No Talk

Bro Eddie Tan,

Wise words!

Thank you bro warbird for sharing.


Thank you for ur post!

Hi bro Warbird,

I am amazed by your stamina in pursuing your quest for SYT after all these years ... So far any good stocks over at KTV front? The good quality stock has dwindled in the legal scene @ GL over the years ... It looks like those better quality stocks prefer to work in city like Taipeh, Macau, HK, etc. more than Singapore GL. Hence the latter is now left with miserable bread crumbs ... But we still have some gorgeous stocks in the FL scene if one has the stamina to sieve them up ...

Hi bro Mr_Don_Juan,

I am pretty amazed by your vast resources of SYT stocks ... Any good stocks in FL Dome to recommend me?


Esteemed bro MP,

Thanks for ur post. I'm still going strong. But the quality of KTV gals in SG has been declining n is now very very bad.

Despite going to these places very frequently, I may find, in one full year in SG, 2-3 SYTs who look close to the SEX141 dolls I upped in HK a long time ago for peanuts. They usually don't do ST n want a lot for BY. I believe I'm very objective, but I may be a bit biased n sentimental?

I often go to a KTV n can't find one gal I like enuff just to sit w/ me. Otherwise, I would love to go everyday. Even many years ago, bro DYBJ would ask, there are 50-60 gals standing outside now, can't fine one? Yes, can't find one even If I compromise n lower my standards. I hv also eliminated height requirement for BY-ing a mistress. I prefer gals 168-172, now I'll take anyone not shorter than 160.

It's sad to hear that the quality of GL cat 150 gals has also declined a lot. There were very good ones in the earlier years. The damage has not changed for the last 7-8 years! Perhaps a high end cat of $250 could draw better looking gals.

Yeah, we get scraps n crumbs in SG. I'm making plans to relocate to China for good.

Are there really some gorgeous stocks in the local FL scene? Pls PM me if you find a gem. It's very time consuming to find them. I like to see 500 SYTs within one hour. I don't like those w/ any facial surgery or fake boobs.

I'm importing some gals directly from China, usually introduced by friends n BY agents. They hv never been here. It's an expensive n tedious process. I see their pics n I do video chat w/ them. But nothing like meeting in person.

You got PM haha.


Bro WB

Bro Mr_Don_Juan,

Don't waste your time arguing with that hypocrite Korean. What good can it be from the mouth of a hypocrite like Korean who pretended to be friendly with samster Saabking and at the same time tried to attack the latter from behind just because of certain GL raw pussies ... Hahaha ... And now both Saabking & Korean are still on talking terms but not sure they genuinely have become friendly ... Prolly this Saabking is similarly a hypocrite considering the way he tried to trick WLs into leaving GL ... As the saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together ... Hahaha ... That's why they are back together as buddies. :D

Korean's intel on GL WLs are mostly based on hearsay as he does not patronize GL WL anymore ever since he is on the verge of walking the aisle with a ex whore (hearsay from my mate) ...

He is just like some of the GL thread folks who accuses those whose FR indicated that they frenched and had passionate sex with the WL are fake. I believe Korean and these folks have never been Frenched by and/or received passionate sex from WLs before ... Bwahahaha ... Prolly also they have very little experience in the GL cat150 industry.

He kept saying I wrote FR to get raw from WLs ... So what if I got raw ... He must be a jealous prick for not able to get raw ... Bwahahaha ...

Korean is a late forties lonely prick as he has no life outside SBF and GL. In addition, he loves to KC GL whores whilst people go to GL to fuck whores. Sometimes he did not even fuck the whores as he can't get an erection (based on hearsay as well as two of his ex regular WLs told me) ... Hahaha ... These are Korean's dark secret. :D

Esteemed Bro MP,

Aiyo, let bygone be bygone. Both u n Korean are my friends.

May I be a mediator? Like they say, the best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend.

That is one of the secrets of Benjamin Franklin's astonishing success n accomplishments. Yup, he is the fat, old man in the US 100 bills.

BTW, he is history's ONLY babe magnet, according to Time magazine. He bewitched so many high quality n high society French women that the French govt helped America defeat the British in the Revolutionary War. He was America's secret weapon haha. And he was already old, rotund n bald when he was in Paris. http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1005155,00.html


Bro WB

07-05-2016, 11:40 AM
Esteemed Bro MP,

Aiyo, let bygone be bygone. Both u n Korean are my friends.

May I be a mediator? Like they say, the best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend.

That is one of the secrets of Benjamin Franklin's astonishing success n accomplishments. Yup, he is the fat, old man in the US 100 bills.

BTW, he is history's ONLY babe magnet, according to Time magazine. He bewitched so many high quality n high society French women that the French govt helped America defeat the British in the Revolutionary War. He was America's secret weapon haha. And he was already old, rotund n bald when he was in Paris. http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1005155,00.html


Bro WB

Bro WB, also need to play mediator. Great guy to know!

07-05-2016, 03:49 PM
Bro WB, which part of China do you intend to relocate to???

07-05-2016, 04:05 PM
Bro WB,
Thank you for introducing many gems to me. This includes Jelly many years ago from the house that is no more. Your taste is quite similar to mine. Thank you.
I will be back soon to experience the sex scene soon.

10-05-2016, 03:30 PM
Bro WB, also need to play mediator. Great guy to know!

Bro Performer,

I believe in peace, not war. There are always many sides to the same story.

Look up The Rashomon Effect, one of my favourite topics.

Bro WB, which part of China do you intend to relocate to???

Bro AAdam,

I thought of going to Xiamen n Shanghai, but air quality not good. Perhaps Zuhai or Macau. Any suggestions?

Bro WB,
Thank you for introducing many gems to me. This includes Jelly many years ago from the house that is no more. Your taste is quite similar to mine. Thank you.
I will be back soon to experience the sex scene soon.

Bro besafe,

You're welcome!! I remember Jelly, a Hubei gal w/ big boobs. The same house had Sugar in 2010, my no.1 GL Cat 150 gal of all time, in terms of looks n body/limb proportions. Local gal G was quite good too.

Do let me know if you discover any gems in FL or GL.


Bro WB


Good afternoon!

Some bros hv ridiculed me for being very stingy especially on KTV spending. Strangely, 2-3 years earlier, the same bros accused me of throwing money on KTV hoes. Yes, I'm extremely frugal. No one reading this thread should be surprised as the purpose of this thread is to reduce the friction cost of getting pussies to the minimum. I always pay my equal share of the expenses even though I don't drink one drop of alcohol n I often leave very early.

I love value investing, and I love to get $100 worth of pussies for spending $50. I'm learning the virtue of frugality from Benjamin Franklin.

The global pussy market is irrationally n notoriously inefficient. I hv posted some of the HK 141 gals I met a long time ago. I forgot abt them until just days ago. These gals were 18-19. I paid them 700-800HKD or 120-140 SGD. I often paid an extra 200HKD to get them to my hotel rm, a much safer option. Some of these dolls, after working 2-3 yrs as 141 gals n in some KTVs or brothels in China, would then come to SG to work in HFJs/KTVs n the value of their pussies would shoot up 300-1,000 %. Even more if they get BY-ed haha. Most of them would play hard to get in SG. Imagine a hoe turning into a nun right after landing at Changi haha!! And many bros got profoundly n painfully KC-ed...you can imagine the consequences. The current quality of 141 has declined a bit, but there are still many 18-19 SYTs, for 900-1000HKD.

I must thank u-know-who for prompting me to rediscover these pics from a very long time ago. It has bolstered my abundance mindset.

From now on, whenever I see any doll, I'll compare her to my 141 SYTs. Then It's easier for me to estimate the intrinsic value of her pussy. Really not very much, yeah? I know I'm in SG n hv to make compromises n settle for much lower quality dolls at higher prices. What an Intolerable combination!

Over the years many bros hv spoken abt doing this or that as not being challenging enough. That is their problem, not mine. Many of them may find falling asleep or waking up in the morning or commuting to work challenging. Why would I give a fxxk abt what they think! Like David X says, who cares what she thinks. That is his rule no. 1 in dealing w/ gals. I go a lot further to include everyone. BTW, a badass gentleman (BG) is completely detached from the opinions n judgements of every other human on earth. He doesn't need the approval n validation of anyone, not even from his parents. This is one of the secrets, and a vital character trait, of a BG.

Over a year ago, an esteemed bro urged me to go after singers at big joints because bedding singers are somehow more "challenging." To him maybe. I gave my reply. Pls read #4017 hahaha.

There are some bros who assert that bedding a gal FOC is much more challenging. Especially a non WL FOC. Really? But getting "FOC" by false pretenses n false promises n pretending to be a man of high status n high social value, when one is not, is downright immoral n will bring very bad karma. Don't do it. Don't be so desperate for a pussy. Besides, It may take more time to get so-called FOC. An elderly Ang Moh colleague in Gotham City kept telling me that there were many women in their 30s-40s who were begging to be fucked. I told him they were just too old for me. I might take a look at their daughters haha. BTW, a married woman is the easiest to fuck. A no-no for me.

A woman n a man meeting for sex is THE most natural n splendid thing on earth. We are hard-wired by a million years of evolution to do just that. We become our worst enemies by thinking that it's a difficult process. There is nothing to brag about even if it's FOC n she is a beautiful non WL.

Inside every human is an insecure, needy n fearful little child. There are no exceptions. The First Emperor of China was very insecure. He was hiding n running for his life during his early childhood. But all of of us can become much more secure, self-assured n non needy after years of conscious efforts.

Here is a challenge. Finding pretty SYTs you really like when they are as rare as unicorns. The ONLY real challenge for me at this time is achieving ABSOLUTE emotional mastery (and self mastery) or AEM. I believe it's the most difficult thing for a human to achieve. Unless a man knows his true self n true nature, he will never achieve AEM. How do I know if a man has AEM? When he is completely detached n non reactive n he remains cool, calm n relaxed, even when facing the most horrific adversities or imminent n painful death.

Achieving AEM may be impossible for most of us, but greatly improving one's emotional mastery is not difficult. Why is it so important n why is it relevant to male-female RS? I shall present some interesting materials written by a guru next time.

BTW, David X's rule no. 2 is that YOU are the most important person in the relationship. He has only these two rules.


Bro WB

10-05-2016, 06:33 PM
Bro WB,
I like gals from Chong Qing though.

11-05-2016, 10:23 AM
Bro WB,
I like gals from Chong Qing though.

Bro, I second that. I find most Chong Qing gals I know to be above average standards. My one and only China GF was also from CQ.

11-05-2016, 02:09 PM
Bro WB,
I like gals from Chong Qing though.

Bro, I second that. I find most Chong Qing gals I know to be above average standards. My one and only China GF was also from CQ.


Tks for ur posts.

Yes, many CQ gals very pretty. Chengdu gals may be fairer.

But once I live in Zuhai, I can BY gals from anywhere in China.


Bro WB


Good afternoon,

Two bros suddenly want to go Dynasty HH today. I said OK. We hv limited space available. PM or SMS me asap to confirm.

I hv balance, so if bros don't drink much, expense per pax would be $30-40 or LESS.

Sorry for being such last minute.


Bro WB

12-05-2016, 11:00 AM
Good morning!

My HH outing to Dynasty yesterday was oversubscribed. We had 6 bros, one old kaki came very late n wasn't charged. Although he wanted to pay.

Expense per pax is $30, could hv been $25. Booking a doll is $150. the gals were so so, although one man's meat is another man's poison.

A new kaki must hv a more special RS w/ the joint, he opened a new bottle for HH price but was able to continue for SH for free. We each paid him the $30. And I thought Johnny was a special friend!!

I actually booked two gals, one I saw a long time ago. She looked more attractive as she had lost some weight. The other is a new one who wanted BY. An agent friend said, she is a SYT who looked like your young lao po. Body similar, but not as young n cute, at least to me. I frenched her n squeezed her butt. Quite ok. I don't mind upping her, but not sure abt BY.

BTW, a Lido mummy sent me some pics of dolls. All don't do ST. Two look interesting from the pics. Booking for SH is $500 for the tall one n $300 for the shorter one. Will go in the next few days to look at them in person.

Bro WB

12-05-2016, 11:14 AM
BTW, some bros hv kept mentioning FOC as if its the holy grail in woman-man RS. What is the big fxxking deal?

Two days ago I casually asked a pretty local staff nurse to go dinner. She was flattered n said anytime. She owns a home nursing agency n has provided service to my mom.

She is single, in her late 20s. Abt 162 n very very fair for a local gal. Body quite proportionate too. Worth a FOC fuck, yeah? She is among the best looking local gals I hv seen in a long time. If I see a better n younger one, I'll ask immediately. I hv not asked a local gal to go out since I got married decades ago.

A good friend says since she knows my mom n my wife from Gotham City, don't touch her. He is thinking too much. Who cares?


Bro WB

12-05-2016, 12:00 PM
Cheers to bro WB, thank you for sharing so much.

13-05-2016, 12:11 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,

It's lovely to catch up with you yesterday even if its less than 15 minutes. I hope to join you in future outings soon.

My perspective (ex Patron of several BY):

1) I agree with you on getting FOC as not being the "Holy Grail". To have such a mindset is, in essence, an ego trip and validation of the self esteem. I have no need for this.

The real issue is the efficiency and effectiveness of landing a BY that delivers on what you deemed as aesthetically beautiful. A BY that delivers the right strokes and pushes your right buttons when it comes to GFE.

A KTV setting offers the most efficient way to "sort" and shortlist. On average, the girls at a KTV is aesthetically more pleasing than the sort where you hope to meet on chance encounters.

2) Let's be realistic here, a working girl that seeks your patronage will mostly present her best side. Her odious behaviour is obscured and less than flattering looks are minimised. At least before the "take you for granted stage", whereby its the signal for you to dump her and move on.

If you want the warts and all, authentic girl who gives "real" GFE, then BY is not for you.

* Cynics like myself recognise that GFE is always contextualised and oftentimes used as a leverage to forward their vested interest.

3) To me, to be able to land a mistress that delivers great sex and nice GFE is analogous to find a great employee. You treasure her services for as long as she delivers. It is like contractual obligation. One that is more "honest" in that hidden agendas and womanly wiles are reduced because of the explicitness of the defined roles and concomitant rewards.

4) Some brothers like to compete against another. To land a hong pai in the face of challenges from other men who may be richer and perhaps handsomer than you seems like a victory and a psychic trophy. Others simply relish the self mastery aspect the game. I am of the latter.

For me, in this game, ego management, emotional control, value propositions and great sex are overriding considerations. I also enjoy the psychological dynamics that are involved in this game.

5) To be sure, in the world of BY, an ineluctable factor is money. It takes money to structure the type of relationship and interaction you want from a BY. Brothers who think otherwise are only deceiving themselves.

The challenge is how to deliver maximum gains for your money! Literally the best bang for your buck!

6) The BY game is more honest. The fall out from the relationship is less damaging to both patron and BY. Brothers who have been through a messy, acrimonious, expensive divorce know exactly what I am talking about!

In summary, the BY game also affords:
i) variety,
ii) the thrill of chase,
ii) efficiency in locating and selecting your aesthetic type,
iv) clearer definition and demarkation of gender dynamics,
v) demanding and getting the type of sex you want,
vi) emotional mastery of self (especially the control of ego urges ... hanging flower "battles" are classic examples of poor ego mastery!)
vii) .... it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!

Cheers to one and all!

13-05-2016, 01:17 PM
Wow, bro-Justime! Your eloquent piece really encapsulates the essence of what BY is all about. I especially like your last statement, "...it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!!" Haha, great stuff!

It's always a pleasure to read experienced and senior bros' writings, which give personal and accurate insights into the various aspects of adult gaming. Adult gaming, ha! :D

Bro-WB always writes with humour and calm, never slinging mud at anyone. This in SBF is rare as even senior cheongsters here would kpkb at the slightest provocation. :D I would think that a lesser younger being would be utterly exasperated after having cross swords with him. Out of desperation, all sorts of name calling would appear, "you fat, bald, old, ugly, I-handsome, SYTs-love-me, blah-blah-blah...". Oh-My-Wahlau-ay! Bwahahaha!

It's nice to come back to SBF and see that our Sexmeritus-Mentor-Cheongsters are still at it and going strong... Cheers n Cheong-ahhh...! :D

Hi Bro Warbird,...In summary, the BY game also affords:
i) variety,
ii) the thrill of chase,
ii) efficiency in locating and selecting your aesthetic type,
iv) clearer definition and demarkation of gender dynamics,
v) demanding and getting the type of sex you want,
vi) emotional mastery of self (especially the control of ego urges ... hanging flower "battles" are classic examples of poor ego mastery!)
vii) .... it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!
...Cheers to one and all!

13-05-2016, 05:29 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,

It's lovely to catch up with you yesterday even if its less than 15 minutes. I hope to join you in future outings soon.

My perspective (ex Patron of several BY):

1) I agree with you on getting FOC as not being the "Holy Grail". To have such a mindset is, in essence, an ego trip and validation of the self esteem. I have no need for this.

The real issue is the efficiency and effectiveness of landing a BY that delivers on what you deemed as aesthetically beautiful. A BY that delivers the right strokes and pushes your right buttons when it comes to GFE.

A KTV setting offers the most efficient way to "sort" and shortlist. On average, the girls at a KTV is aesthetically more pleasing than the sort where you hope to meet on chance encounters.

2) Let's be realistic here, a working girl that seeks your patronage will mostly present her best side. Her odious behaviour is obscured and less than flattering looks are minimised. At least before the "take you for granted stage", whereby its the signal for you to dump her and move on.

If you want the warts and all, authentic girl who gives "real" GFE, then BY is not for you.

* Cynics like myself recognise that GFE is always contextualised and oftentimes used as a leverage to forward their vested interest.

3) To me, to be able to land a mistress that delivers great sex and nice GFE is analogous to find a great employee. You treasure her services for as long as she delivers. It is like contractual obligation. One that is more "honest" in that hidden agendas and womanly wiles are reduced because of the explicitness of the defined roles and concomitant rewards.

4) Some brothers like to compete against another. To land a hong pai in the face of challenges from other men who may be richer and perhaps handsomer than you seems like a victory and a psychic trophy. Others simply relish the self mastery aspect the game. I am of the latter.

For me, in this game, ego management, emotional control, value propositions and great sex are overriding considerations. I also enjoy the psychological dynamics that are involved in this game.

5) To be sure, in the world of BY, an ineluctable factor is money. It takes money to structure the type of relationship and interaction you want from a BY. Brothers who think otherwise are only deceiving themselves.

The challenge is how to deliver maximum gains for your money! Literally the best bang for your buck!

6) The BY game is more honest. The fall out from the relationship is less damaging to both patron and BY. Brothers who have been through a messy, acrimonious, expensive divorce know exactly what I am talking about!

In summary, the BY game also affords:
i) variety,
ii) the thrill of chase,
ii) efficiency in locating and selecting your aesthetic type,
iv) clearer definition and demarkation of gender dynamics,
v) demanding and getting the type of sex you want,
vi) emotional mastery of self (especially the control of ego urges ... hanging flower "battles" are classic examples of poor ego mastery!)
vii) .... it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!

Cheers to one and all!

Bro Justime, good sharing on your part. Love this thread cos of the many sharing of other bros experiences. Always got new things to learn. Up you with my humble 7 points. :D

13-05-2016, 06:06 PM
Wow, bro-Justime! Your eloquent piece really encapsulates the essence of what BY is all about. I especially like your last statement, "...it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!!" Haha, great stuff!

It's always a pleasure to read experienced and senior bros' writings, which give personal and accurate insights into the various aspects of adult gaming. Adult gaming, ha! :D

Bro-WB always writes with humour and calm, never slinging mud at anyone. This in SBF is rare as even senior cheongsters here would kpkb at the slightest provocation. :D I would think that a lesser younger being would be utterly exasperated after having cross swords with him. Out of desperation, all sorts of name calling would appear, "you fat, bald, old, ugly, I-handsome, SYTs-love-me, blah-blah-blah...". Oh-My-Wahlau-ay! Bwahahaha!

It's nice to come back to SBF and see that our Sexmeritus-Mentor-Cheongsters are still at it and going strong... Cheers n Cheong-ahhh...! :D

Agreed. A successful man once told me. "When you know you have more money than them, no need to insult them." :)

13-05-2016, 06:27 PM
Funny thing is, when you have more money than (some of) them, they insult you leh... Bwahahaha! :D:rolleyes::D
Agreed. A successful man once told me. "When you know you have more money than them, no need to insult them."

14-05-2016, 12:18 AM
Agreed. A successful man once told me. "When you know you have more money than them, no need to insult them." :)

Another wise man said: Have more than you show. Speak less than you know.

14-05-2016, 11:10 AM
Hi Bro Warbird,
It's lovely to catch up with you yesterday even if its less than 15 minutes. I hope to join you in future outings soon.
My perspective (ex Patron of several BY):
1) I agree with you on getting FOC as not being the "Holy Grail". To have such a mindset is, in essence, an ego trip and validation of the self esteem. I have no need for this.
The real issue is the efficiency and effectiveness of landing a BY that delivers on what you deemed as aesthetically beautiful. A BY that delivers the right strokes and pushes your right buttons when it comes to GFE.
A KTV setting offers the most efficient way to "sort" and shortlist. On average, the girls at a KTV is aesthetically more pleasing than the sort where you hope to meet on chance encounters.
2) Let's be realistic here, a working girl that seeks your patronage will mostly present her best side. Her odious behaviour is obscured and less than flattering looks are minimised. At least before the "take you for granted stage", whereby its the signal for you to dump her and move on.
If you want the warts and all, authentic girl who gives "real" GFE, then BY is not for you.
* Cynics like myself recognise that GFE is always contextualised and oftentimes used as a leverage to forward their vested interest.
3) To me, to be able to land a mistress that delivers great sex and nice GFE is analogous to find a great employee. You treasure her services for as long as she delivers. It is like contractual obligation. One that is more "honest" in that hidden agendas and womanly wiles are reduced because of the explicitness of the defined roles and concomitant rewards.
4) Some brothers like to compete against another. To land a hong pai in the face of challenges from other men who may be richer and perhaps handsomer than you seems like a victory and a psychic trophy. Others simply relish the self mastery aspect the game. I am of the latter.
For me, in this game, ego management, emotional control, value propositions and great sex are overriding considerations. I also enjoy the psychological dynamics that are involved in this game.
5) To be sure, in the world of BY, an ineluctable factor is money. It takes money to structure the type of relationship and interaction you want from a BY. Brothers who think otherwise are only deceiving themselves.
The challenge is how to deliver maximum gains for your money! Literally the best bang for your buck!
6) The BY game is more honest. The fall out from the relationship is less damaging to both patron and BY. Brothers who have been through a messy, acrimonious, expensive divorce know exactly what I am talking about!
In summary, the BY game also affords:
i) variety,
ii) the thrill of chase,
ii) efficiency in locating and selecting your aesthetic type,
iv) clearer definition and demarkation of gender dynamics,
v) demanding and getting the type of sex you want,
vi) emotional mastery of self (especially the control of ego urges ... hanging flower "battles" are classic examples of poor ego mastery!)
vii) .... it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!

Cheers to one and all!

Dear bro Justime,

Thanks for your excellent n insightful post!! It was indeed my pleasure to be able to meet you the other night!!

You hv gone though some tough times but you hv emerged stronger n more confident/dominant than ever before!! You're as cool n as calm as cucumber. It's a reflection of your underlying MASSIVE EMOTIONAL STRENGTH!!

Here is a badass gentleman quote of the week:


"My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man."

Bro Justime, you hv something very very difficult for a woman to find in a man.

Your insights n advice on BY-ing are very useful to all of us here.

I like to add that a doll's character n personality matter a lot in a LT rs, including LT BY. It's unimportant in a ST, except that we should be able to identify n avoid the pyscho n the very rare female serial killer hahaha. It does happen: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/09/justice/prostitute-yacht-killing/

I hope you could share your wisdom n BY pearls w/ all of us here on a regular basis. Your command of English is excellent n I always enjoy your erudite n informative posts.


Bro WB

Wow, bro-Justime! Your eloquent piece really encapsulates the essence of what BY is all about. I especially like your last statement, "...it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!!" Haha, great stuff!

It's always a pleasure to read experienced and senior bros' writings, which give personal and accurate insights into the various aspects of adult gaming. Adult gaming, ha!

Bro-WB always writes with humour and calm, never slinging mud at anyone. This in SBF is rare as even senior cheongsters here would kpkb at the slightest provocation. :D I would think that a lesser younger being would be utterly exasperated after having cross swords with him. Out of desperation, all sorts of name calling would appear, "you fat, bald, old, ugly, I-handsome, SYTs-love-me, blah-blah-blah...". Oh-My-Wahlau-ay! Bwahahaha!

It's nice to come back to SBF and see that our Sexmeritus-Mentor-Cheongsters are still at it and going strong... Cheers n Cheong-ahhh...!
Bro groo,

It's our good fortune to hear from bro Justime again. He IS the orginal Bao King of SG!! I hv learned so much from him during my formative years here in SG. I last met him in March of 2012 at LV 5th fl. Time really flies!!


Bro WB

Bro Justime, good sharing on your part. Love this thread cos of the many sharing of other bros experiences. Always got new things to learn. Up you with my humble 7 points.

Bro Alfonse,

I hope bro Justime could help take the effectiveness n value of this thread to new heights!

Agreed. A successful man once told me. "When you know you have more money than them, no need to insult them."

Very true.

Funny thing is, when you have more money than (some of) them, they insult you leh... Bwahahaha! :D:rolleyes::D

It's called ENVY.

Another wise man said: Have more than you show. Speak less than you know.

You're right.

Empty vessels make the most noise.


Bro WB

.................................................. ..........

Good morning!!

I hv not forgotten abt the materials I'm going to post on Emotional Strength. It's coming very soon.


Bro WB

14-05-2016, 11:26 AM
Bro groo,

It's our good fortune to hear from bro Justime again. He IS the orginal Bao King of SG!! I hv learned so much from him during my formative years here in SG. I last met him in March of 2012 at LV 5th fl. Time really flies!!


Bro WB

When there is a King always there is a Queen? So who is she?

Thank you for sharing and look forward to your post on "Emotional Strength".

14-05-2016, 06:15 PM
Bro, thank you for sharing all your nice pickup stories.

15-05-2016, 03:56 PM
Just wondering anyone end up falling for and marrying the BY babe?

15-05-2016, 10:32 PM
When there is a King always there is a Queen? So who is she?

Thank you for sharing and look forward to your post on "Emotional Strength".


A king has a queen n many concubines. Will get ready to discuss about "emotional strength" or "emotional mastery."


Bro, thank you for sharing all your nice pickup stories.

Tks for ur post.

Just wondering anyone end up falling for and marrying the BY babe?


I hv one former mistress who married a rich young men in SG n another gal I used to ST who married a rich young man in Malaysia. I'm sure there are others but I hv lost ctc w/ some of them.

I do hv some KC for most of my LT mistresses. I may want a few of them to bear my kids. Can't marry anyone because I'm already married.



Good evening!

I went to Lido SH last night w/ two young professional bros. Since one of the bros had balance, the expense per pax is very modest. There were some gems n we had a doll each. Mine is a 20 yo cute SYT, very fair, good body/limb proportions n full natural B. Only 160, 45 kg. Her 2nd day in SG. I saw her passport. Height is no longer very important to me as long as the doll has the right proportions n small wrists.
I met her this afternoon. A very good fuck!! Great kisser n good BBBJ. Very wet n orgasmic. She wanted more...very disappointed that I couldn't take her to dinner. May offer her BY.

.................................................. .................

I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:

First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a light drinker, 2) willing to smoke outside the room.

Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.

The two types of joints:

A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.

Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.

B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.

Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! If I hv a balance, expense per pax could be as low as $50!

I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?

Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.

PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.


Bro WB

16-05-2016, 08:02 PM

I hv one former mistress who married a rich young men in SG n another gal I used to ST who married a rich young man in Malaysia. I'm sure there are others but I hv lost ctc w/ some of them.

I do hv some KC for most of my LT mistresses. I may want a few of them to bear my kids. Can't marry anyone because I'm already married.


Bro WB

Hi bro,
Thanks for sharing. I heard stories of how some really fall for the BY babe and end up marrying. But happy ending or not, i dont know.

I also hear stories like the SD treat BY babe like gf/wife but didnt realised that when the SD is not around, the babe stayed with her bf. The sad thing is the SD thought the babe is hanging out with family or friends.

17-05-2016, 01:29 PM
Hi bro,
Thanks for sharing. I heard stories of how some really fall for the BY babe and end up marrying. But happy ending or not, i dont know.

I also hear stories like the SD treat BY babe like gf/wife but didnt realised that when the SD is not around, the babe stayed with her bf. The sad thing is the SD thought the babe is hanging out with family or friends.


Some marriages do turn out well, but nothing lasts forever.

Yeah, some mistresses do cheat. At least 50% of legal wives also cheat.

Be THE MAN w/ awesome emotional mastery.


Bro WB


Good afternoon,

I'm reading this e-book entitled Secrets to Success with Women by Michael W for the second time. I wish I had read it 5 times a few years ago.

Here is what the guru has to say about being THE MAN:


Women are unconsciously attracted to power in all its forms, but not all its

forms create the same kind of desire or even the same degree of desire.

A sexy appearance is a SIGN of power in the sense of vitality/good genes.

Wealth is a SIGN of power in the sense of secure resources for her children.

But when it comes to creating RAW SEXUAL DESIRE in a woman, these are all INDIRECT signs. They give indirect directions on her mental map. They say, for example, “I am good looking, I may therefore have good genes, you may therefore want me”. And maybe she will, maybe she won’t.

It’s like me giving you directions to go right, then left, then right, then make two lefts, and on and on, when I could have just told you to just cross the street to get to the damn place! Maybe you’ll make it there the first way, maybe you won’t!

The most important power you can have is knowing how to DIRECTLY stimulate the “nerves” of her SEXUAL desire, through your DISTINCTLY MASCULINE SEXY BEHAVIOR that indicates you are her other half, required for her to feel complete. Think yin/yang here, the masculine balancing the feminine and vice versa.

By behaving in a masculine way, you create the CLEAREST CONNECTION TO A WOMAN’S SEXUAL DESIRE.

It’s like your sign now reads: AS YOU CAN FEEL, I AM YOUR SEXUAL DESIRE INCARNATE.

It’s like waving a glass of water to a man dying of thirst in the desert!

No explanations and no interpretations are necessary!


When you behave as THE MAN, you are giving her the most DIRECT “SIGN” of your sexual worthiness - the sign that says you are her missing component, you are the masculine to balance her feminine.

The other “signs” of power are like a roundabout route to a destination instead of the direct route. The other signs are unclear from a sexual perspective, since they are not distinctly sexual. After all, a woman can have money, and a man’s looks may be deceiving.

But a man’s actions speak louder about his sexual attractiveness than his wallet, his looks or his words:

If he BEHAVES like a MAN, he probably IS.
DING! Sexual desire in a woman is now stimulated.

Think of it this way:
Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness

BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness

By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.

Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.

And what do all these behaviors have in common? The answer is EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.

(To Be Continued)

To me, Emotional Strength is the same as Emotional Mastery n Self Mastery.


Bro WB

17-05-2016, 01:43 PM

My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.

You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.

For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether its financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.

But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?

A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.

He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a billionaire and is not an emotional winner.

A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.

Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.

Women desire to be with this type of man, because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.

As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.

The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.

Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.

It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.

Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.

And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.

That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.

Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.

When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.

If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.

Now you know why my ONLY challenge in life is to achieve ABSOULTE EMOTIONAL MASTERY ( OR STRENGTH ) AND SELF MASTERY!!

To do so, I must first know my TRUE SELF or TRUE NATURE.

The benefits are far reaching n well beyond getting n keeping the prettiest dolls. In fact, the prettiest dolls n all other worldly possessions will be totally irrelevant. It's unimaginable!!


Bro WB

17-05-2016, 08:47 PM
Well said bro, always enjoyed reading your advice and a good reminder to me of the importance of emotional mastery :cool:

18-05-2016, 11:42 AM
Well said bro, always enjoyed reading your advice and a good reminder to me of the importance of emotional mastery :cool:

Bro Libero,

Tks for ur post.

Yes, nothing come close to awesome emotional mastery in attracting women. However, It does take time for a woman to fully appreciate a man's emotional strength.

The more stressful, real life situations the better. Yeah, bring it on! It's when she finds out if you're a MAN or a little boy. You need to remain very calm, very relaxed, very confident n totally non-reactive. Be her 避风港,her rock of Gibraltar!! Don't disappoint her.


Bro WB


Good morning!!

I married a very beautiful young TW gal many decades ago n brought her to Gotham City. She was the daughter of a police major in TW. She married me because of my prestigious profession.

My mom in law told her that 你老公的外表根本配不上你. Her sister's male classmates told my sis in law 你姐是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上 haha. They were exaggerating a bit. I knew that n I felt slightly insecure. That wasn't the problem. My body language wasn't manly enough. She always say, 看到陌生不要眨眼睛 动作忙点 要挺身肢正 说话慢点 吃饭慢下来 不要狂傲要很笃定 很冷静很放松...her exact words she has repeated thousands of times. She was describing the body language n behaviour of a MAN w/ awesome emotional strength!! I just didn't realize the significance until recently!!

笃定 is not commonly used. But it's the hall mark of THE MAN!

It's inexplicable that that she was giving me, many decades ago, exactly the same advice given by the modern RS gurus!! A woman's intuition is truly amazing. She is a very smart person, but aloof n a bit cold. BTW, I'm still married to her. We hv two adult children, both graduates of Ivy league schools. She knows what I'm doing in SG but has chosen to accept it. She is now a devout Buddhist.

Lastly, let me remind all bros here the attitude of a badass gentleman:

"Behave as if you hv 100 very beautiful women of your type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling you everyday and wanting to fuck you everyday."

Repeat 100 times daily. Perhaps a very 狂傲 statement, but it works like magic!


Bro WB

18-05-2016, 08:31 PM

Some marriages do turn out well, but nothing lasts forever.

Yeah, some mistresses do cheat. At least 50% of legal wives also cheat.

Be THE MAN w/ awesome emotional mastery.


Bro WB

Thank you!

25-05-2016, 10:56 AM
Thank you!

Bro, you're welcome!

Good morning!

What an auspicious day!

Who is a badass gentleman? He is a MAN who behaves as if he has 100 very beautiful women of his type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling him everyday and wanting to fuck him everyday. 他非常冷静笃定自信又很谦虚 才智超人博览群书 气质非凡文质彬彬 可是胆大包天 处世沉稳镇定 即使是泰山压顶也会面不改色...

Be such a MAN. And the most beautiful dolls will flock to YOU! Even if you look no better than Benjamin Franklin or Sean Stephenson.

Two months ago, I received yet another e-mail from a guru Alex Allman:

Life kicking you in the nuts? Here's how to win...

We have all been in the fire, my friend. That is just part of this crazy journey we call life.

And you already know: The secret to getting out the other side alive and thriving is to stay positive when the chips are down.

But sometimes... even the best of us just struggle to get just back up, much less stay positive.

This "public service announcement" is for YOU if you're struggling right now...

Dr. Sean Stephenson's new book: "How To Stay Positive When Life Gets Crazy" is available for pre-order right now for only $10 (plus some cool bonuses) and you NEED it.

If you're new to me and The Allman Report, then you may not know about Sean-- I'm proud to call this man my brother, one of my closest amigos, and a guy I look up to and seek out for advice all the time.

He's not easy to look up to either, because he's only 2.5 feet tall. And he's broken more than 200 bones in his life. And he's in a wheelchair to get around...

So I'm not saying his problems are necessarily harder than yours... I'm just saying that he knows what the f--- he's talking about.

You walk down a public street, through a mall, or into a restaurant pushing Sean's chair and you see people look at him and quickly look away like, "oh, that poor little man!"

And you know what?

I can guarantee you that it's poor THEM! Because Sean lives like a rock star. He's got closer friends, more love, more play, more purpose, more HAPPINESS and pure good vibes than just about anyone you'll ever meet.


Because he's delighted to be under 3 feet tall and having to ask for help to use the bathroom?

No bro, because he WORKS at it, and he knows his shit.

There is no one in the world like Sean Stephenson. Period.

If you feel like life is kicking you when you're down, then you wanna get to know Sean right now. Pre-order the book and get the goodies, and get ready to have your brain (and your heart) blown wide open.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot: TODAY IS THE LAST DAY...


I guarantee you'll be thanking me.

For Passion,


Google Sean Stephenson. I was hesitant to post this e-mail because I didn't want to be misconstrued as promoting him or any other gurus. I'm merely sharing what I find inspiring...I hv been naming the gurus since some bros accused me of plagirisng a few months ago.

I believe most of us at SBF look slightly healthier n more manly than Sean, yeah? But do we hv his emotional strength?


Bro WB

27-05-2016, 11:22 AM
Good morning!

I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:

First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a light drinker, 2) willing to smoke outside the room.

Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.

The two types of joints:

A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.

Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.

B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.

Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! If I hv a balance, expense per pax could be as low as $50!

I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?

Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.

PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.


Bro WB

27-05-2016, 11:28 AM
Bro WB, thank you for all your great sharing. Wish you have a nice weekend.

27-05-2016, 08:43 PM
Who is a badass gentleman? He is a MAN who behaves as if he has 100 very beautiful women of his type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling him everyday and wanting to fuck him everyday. 他非常冷静笃定自信又很谦虚 才智超人博览群书 气质非凡文质彬彬 可是胆大包天 处世沉稳镇定 即使是泰山压顶也会面不改色...

Be such a MAN. And the most beautiful dolls will flock to YOU! Even if you look no better than Benjamin Franklin or Sean Stephenson.

Two months ago, I received yet another e-mail from a guru Alex Allman:

Life kicking you in the nuts? Here's how to win...

[SIZE="4"]We have all been in the fire, my friend. That is just part of this crazy journey we call life.

And you already know: The secret to getting out the other side alive and thriving is to stay positive when the chips are down.

But sometimes... even the best of us just struggle to get just back up, much less stay positive.

This "public service announcement" is for YOU if you're struggling right now...

Dr. Sean Stephenson's new book: "How To Stay Positive When Life Gets Crazy" is available for pre-order right now for only $10 (plus some cool bonuses) and you NEED it.

If you're new to me and The Allman Report, then you may not know about Sean-- I'm proud to call this man my brother, one of my closest amigos, and a guy I look up to and seek out for advice all the time.

He's not easy to look up to either, because he's only 2.5 feet tall. And he's broken more than 200 bones in his life. And he's in a wheelchair to get around...

So I'm not saying his problems are necessarily harder than yours... I'm just saying that he knows what the f--- he's talking about.

You walk down a public street, through a mall, or into a restaurant pushing Sean's chair and you see people look at him and quickly look away like, "oh, that poor little man!"

And you know what?

I can guarantee you that it's poor THEM! Because Sean lives like a rock star. He's got closer friends, more love, more play, more purpose, more HAPPINESS and pure good vibes than just about anyone you'll ever meet.


Because he's delighted to be under 3 feet tall and having to ask for help to use the bathroom?

No bro, because he WORKS at it, and he knows his shit.

There is no one in the world like Sean Stephenson. Period.

I believe most of us at SBF look slightly healthier n more manly than Sean, yeah? But do we hv his emotional strength?


Bro WB

Wo jue de sheng huo yue li yue feng fu de Nan ren zui you mei li le.
Yao zuo dao chu shi du ding, chen zuo leng jing fei yao jing li guo sheng huo de mo lian cai neng you zhe yang de jing jie.;)
Yue neng jing de qi sheng huo shang zhong zhong kao yan de nan Ren sheng shang san fa yi zhong lin ren nan yi kang ju de mei li.:cool:


Sorry for my system can't show mandarin wording when I input Han yu pin yin. If can, help me to show the mandarin wording. Thanks!

This Sean Stephenson is an extraordinary person, he is indeed someone with a very super strong emotional strength, determination, confidence, persistence n optimistic mindset. We mayb physically more well off than him, but our mentality n emotional strength r definitely nt as strong as him. He let me think of another extraordinary guy-Nick Vujicic. I think most of us here know him. Another strong man WHO NEVER DEFEAT BY HIS OWN DISABILITY N FAILURE IN LIFE!


29-05-2016, 11:58 AM
Bro WB, thank you for all your great sharing. Wish you have a nice weekend.

Bro, you're welcome!

Wo jue de sheng huo yue li yue feng fu de Nan ren zui you mei li le.
Yao zuo dao chu shi du ding, chen zuo leng jing fei yao jing li guo sheng huo de mo lian cai neng you zhe yang de jing jie.;)
Yue neng jing de qi sheng huo shang zhong zhong kao yan de nan Ren sheng shang san fa yi zhong lin ren nan yi kang ju de mei li.:cool:


Sorry for my system can't show mandarin wording when I input Han yu pin yin. If can, help me to show the mandarin wording. Thanks!

This Sean Stephenson is an extraordinary person, he is indeed someone with a very super strong emotional strength, determination, confidence, persistence n optimistic mindset. We mayb physically more well off than him, but our mentality n emotional strength r definitely nt as strong as him. He let me think of another extraordinary guy-Nick Vujicic. I think most of us here know him. Another strong man WHO NEVER DEFEAT BY HIS OWN DISABILITY N FAILURE IN LIFE!


Both Sean n Nick are MEN of courage n incredible emotional strength.

I'll now give an example of a famous male, who was voted The Sexiest Man Alive twice, but nonetheless has poor emotional mastery.

Who is he? Johnny Depp of course.


What really happened is unclear. His wife is probably a bitch but there is never an excuse for beating a woman. Could she hv become a bitch because he had failed to give her lots of CVOs? We will never know.

I feel very sorry for him n wish him well. I did enjoy his "Pirate" movies n "Don Juan DeMarco," hahaha. What has happened to our Don Juan of Asia??

He has failed w/ women, period. Still don't understand why he married her. His troubled marriage lasted only 15 months. Should have kept her as one of his mistresses.


My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.

Now you know why I want to achieve ABSOULTE emotional mastery.

Your comments will be appreciated.


Bro WB

30-05-2016, 01:31 AM
Bro WB, your threads are always so rich in content.....thanks for the wisdom imparted through your writings here, it is always a pleasure reading them. hehe...really need to make time meeting u live at the K men!! :-)

30-05-2016, 10:24 AM
Bro WB, your threads are always so rich in content.....thanks for the wisdom imparted through your writings here, it is always a pleasure reading them. hehe...really need to make time meeting u live at the K men!! :-)

Bo Rain-Men,
You make my day!!

My "wisdom" is largely gleaned from many sources. I hv carefully analyzed all of my personal experiences, including many failures n some successes, and those of others. I post only what I believe will work very well in real life situations.

I'm a very avid reader n a diligent learner. I'm improving everyday...
It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts.
It's sad that most men still don't get it when it comes to man-woman RS.
BTW, it would be my honour if you care to join one of my outings.

Bro WB


Good morning!
Another day, another pretty doll!

Some of my musings on what kills attraction.
If a man doesn't believe he has more value than the doll, he will be rejected.
Aggressive chasing and/or excessive contact guarantees rejection.
Neediness and insecurity kill attraction.
Fear of losing your woman destroys attraction.
Even caring too much will drive your woman away.
Actually, all of the above apply to a gal you just met 10 minutes ago and to a woman who has been with you for over 10 years.

I hv an outing to Lido SH this Wed. We hv balance n the expected expense per pax is about $70. Booking a gal is $300, but a few gals may demand $500. We hv one, maybe two slots left. PM or SMS me if you're interested. For bros who are light drinkers n who are willing to smoke outside the rm.

BTW, Lido SH offers the best chance of meeting a chio gal of your type. I went there twice recently and I met two SYTs I like. Whereas, my numerous outings to Peace Centre joints last year resulted in three SYTs of my type. It's very rare that I don't get to ST or BY a SYT of my type. Unless the doll is already attached, but such a gal will not show up to work, yeah?

Bro WB

30-05-2016, 10:26 AM
Good morning and thank you bro WB for all the great sharing. Please keep up the good effort!

01-06-2016, 11:16 AM
Good morning!

The quality of air inside KTVs is very bad. It's hazardous to your health. My original idea of picking up gals outside KTVs makes a lot of sense. I'll still go inside KTVs with a singular purpose: To see as many chio SYTs as possible, in the shortest possible time.

That said, there are certain KTVs whose air quality is much better. I will not name any. You should know.

It's my civic duty to present the following medical facts:

"In fact, many physicians and researchers believe that passive smoke — the smoke exhaled by others — is potentially even more dangerous than actively inhaled smoke.

The reasoning is this: When someone smokes actively, the hot acrid fumes taken in are such an irritant that they often trigger an instant cough, thus limiting exposure to lung tissue, at least to some extent. Passive smoke, on the other hand, is dilute and not so hot. As a result, it tends to be inhaled and drawn in more deeply without causing an immediate reaction.

What is quite clear is that lungs exposed to cigarette smoke — whether it is actively or passively inhaled — are black and pigmented from all the chemicals in the smoke, many of which are cancer-causing.

There’s also the issue of “third-hand smoke,” in which particles and chemicals exhaled can settle on surfaces like chairs and desks and pose a further health hazard."


Dana Reeve died at 44 of lung cancer, from second hand smoke.

"If you have health you have hope, if you have hope you have everything."


Bro WB

04-06-2016, 12:02 PM
Hi bro punterguy,

Your mailbox is full.

After seeing your posts, I want to join your to high end SH this Saturday night. What's the expense? How much for booking and taking gal out to hotel? Thanks!


I may be busy tmr night. We go next week. Your contact number?

I hv balance at Lido n expense per pax is about $60-70. Booking a gal is $300. Take her to hotel is 1-1.5K. But not all gals will go.

If no balance, expense per pax is around $150, although subsequent visits will be $60-70.


Bro WB

.................................................. ........

Good afternoon!

I went to Lido for SH the other night n failed to find a SYT of my type. There was a yr 96 Hunan doll, pretty n cute, but unfortunately, her arms n legs are larger than I could accept.

Since the beginning of 2015 I hv found a grand total of 3 SYTs last yr n 2 this yr who are close to my type. I BY-ed four of them n the fifth one LL agreed too. LL only asked for half the going rate for full BY. I was hesitant as her shoulders were a bit broad due to regular swimming. I had two full time mistresses at the time which dampened my sexual interest for her. She was really pissed off n returned to China earlier. I now wish that I did BY her. I often think of the one who got away because she now seems better than I perceived at the time.

BTW, a very esteemed bro has a secret GF. I found this out inadvertently. I didn't know he is such a naughty badass gentleman haha! His doll continues to work because there are so many suckers throwing money at her n getting nothing. Way to go! Well, I hv a secret SYT GF too haha. Since she continues to work, she saves me a bundle. She makes very good money daily just sitting. She is a naughty little SYT haha. Life is fun!!

My new Chengdu mistress LS just arrived a few days ago. Her first time in SG. She is a tall, slim n attractive model. About 172, 49-50 kg. I told her to put on 1-1.5 kg. Very easily orgasmic w/ loud moaning n screaming. She had been kept for 4 years by a rich Beijing biz man in Chengdu since she was a uni student. He met her only once a month. They broke up over six months ago. She never needed to work a day in her life. When her BF wasn't around she would use 跑蛋 to pleasure herself. I may not keep her LT as she is a bit old for me. She will be 25 this month. She commented on the size of my didi which is about the same as her ex BF's, especially its ample girth 你龟头大. Her ex is a northern Chinese n taller than me. After testing her n myself w/ Oraquick, I did her raw n shot my load as her auntie left yesterday. She said I had a huge load as lots of spunk was dripping out for sometime. I hope she doesn't get pregnant.

Incidentally, LS and my secret GF live in the same building, on different floors. That adds to the fun, yeah?

I always welcome kakis to join my outings to either Peace Centre joints for HH or high end joints for SH. Yesterday I dropped by a PC joint around 9:45 PM to say hello to some friends. I was surprised to see a pretty, tall n slim SYT coming to the room. Why wasn't she working in some high end joint?? My dear friend saw her first, what to do? I won't touch her unless he gives up on her. But it's a certainty I could up her. Why? Because I'm a badass gentleman...


Bro WB

05-06-2016, 11:27 PM
Very interesting thread sia! Thank you big bro warbird! :D

07-06-2016, 11:08 AM
Good morning!

Are u falling for the wrong gal? Are u in a miserable LT relationship or marriage? Most men are in such pathetic and unhappy situation. Choose your gal wisely and carefully before making any commitment. In a LT relationship, a gal's character and personality are as important as her looks and figure.

At least 50% of marriages end in divorce. In other 46-48% of marriages, one or both parties are unhappy n miserable.

Here is a good article on the subject.


How do you know if she's right for you?

It can be pretty hard to tell in the first few dates. Women
are tricky creatures to understand and they play their cards
pretty close to their chest...

But what if you knew what to look for when assessing her
long-term future with you?

How can you tell if she's gonna be an awesome co-star in
your life or if she's gonna be a psycho?

It's all in this blog post I wrote:

Blog: 10 ways to know she's right for you

It's a pretty comprehensive list and it has plenty for you to
think about. Check it out before it's too late to back out.


I look forward to your comments and hearing your success stories.

Your friend,

Slade Shaw
Author and Relationships Coach

10 Ways To Know She’s Right For You

I still remember getting the call, the call I knew would come but was nonetheless shocked to hear. My friend, Johnny, after just 10 months of marriage to a girl everyone knew was wrong for him, had gotten divorced. Instead of becoming a happily-ever-after couple, Johnny and Marissa had joined millions of other Americans and become statistics. Statistics of the all-too-common divorce.

It’s funny how these short-term marriages and long-term miseries occur. Usually it begins with a bad case of “Oneitis.”

Don’t know the word Oneitis? Well, surely you know this infectious disease’s symptoms:

– You think you’ve met the girl who’s perfect for you, who you can have a great relationship with and eventually marry
– You ignore the bitchy behavior and abuse that comes from this girl, still believing that she’s “The One”
– You see and know girls who you know would be much better for you, but ignore them because the girl you’re with is better-looking, taller, skinnier–a number of superficial qualities that don’t add up to the love you know you could get elsewhere
- You spend lots and lots of money on this girl, and she never bothers to thank you–or if she does, it’s less than sincere
- Your friends all tell you that this girl isn’t right for you, but you ignore their advice
- Maybe your friends have even fought with this girl, but you defend her even though you know deep-down her behavior is unacceptable
- You spend all your time with this girl, and ignore your friends and family
- You find yourself calling her all the time to see what she’s doing, and who she’s with
- You can’t get this girl out of your head, even when she’s long gone!

If you’ve ever watched the classic film Swingers, then you know what Oneitis is: it’s the character of Mikey!

Unfortunately, a lot of guys become the Mikeys of this world. And while some men may just go through this with a girl they’re only dating, other guys, like Johnny, take this obsession all the way to marriage. And that’s when the “disease” becomes deadly.

How do you know when a girl is right for you? I could write book after book after book about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what it comes down to are ten essential ingredients for lasting success:

She supports and encourages your goals and interests. A girl who’s right for you should follow you on your path–not try to re-direct it her own way. Unfortunately, Johnny’s wife wanted him to do something completely different to the direction he wanted to head, so it was little wonder that their romance fizzled out so quickly.

Guys, if you can’t be open about your feelings, interests, passions and purpose, then you shouldn’t be with the girl. She should be able to listen and understand, not disregard and sneer.

You can accept her and her goals and interests. Just like a woman should support and push you on the path you want to head, so too should you be able to do the same for her. If she’s into motorcycling and you hate it, or if she wants to travel the world and you just want to stay in one place, then chances are you two aren’t made for each other.

Likewise, you should be able to understand her emotions and concerns–both of you MUST be good, compassionate listeners.

She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. So many rich and powerful men have destructive relationships with women. Why? Because the woman aren’t marrying these men–they’re marrying their money. And divorce isn’t cheap, so even when these guys break up with the bloodsuckers, the women still get a hefty chunk of the pie!

She generally gets along with your family and friends–and doesn’t mind seeing them. So many guys seem to forget this, watching dumbly as their girlfriend pulls them further and further from their family and friends to have him all for her own. I’ve got an uncle who blindly allowed himself to end all contact with his family because his wife hated them. Somehow they’re still married, but is that the kind of woman you want to be with?

She’s on the same page, spiritually, as you. Spirituality is a big thing for couples–it can unite them like nothing else. I know so many couples who are happily married because they believe in the same God, the same purpose in life, the same deep feelings about their existence.

Conversely, couples who battle over the questions of life just do not have the same loving romance. A girl who’s right for you doesn’t necessarily have to believe in the same religious principles and dogmas as you, but if she’s an atheist and you’re a Christian, things may not work out long-term.

She wants to spend as much time with you as with her own friends and family. This may seem like an obvious one, but so many guys fawn over girls who only see them on THEIR schedule. If a girl is really right for you, you shouldn’t have to obsess over her or ask her permission to see her. You should both WANT to see each other and miss being with one another–that’s a sign that you’re both in love.

You both share the same feelings for another. If you know deep in your heart that you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life with her, but she’s non-committal and vague, then you should certainly move on. A true, loving partner should accept you completely for who you are and what you feel.

On the other hand, if you both feel comfortable sharing feelings with each other, and she accepts the deep things that you reveal to her, then you’ve found a true catch!

You both make time for each other, even through work and school. Spending quality time with one another is crucial. If your girl is always at her job, concentrating on her career, or studying for a degree, and not making an effort to be with you, then it’s time to move on. True love knows no bounds–including time. While it’s great to have a girl who’s serious about her career and education, this can also be a relationship-breaker if she takes either too seriously.

Money and possessions are not as important as love. This is a simple one: If your girl only talks about possessions and money, if that’s where her true values lie, then you might want to back out of the relationship. Every girl wants good things in life, but if she really loves you, then how much you make and how much you give her shouldn’t be #1 on her priority list.

You both are able to put each other ahead of yourselves. This can be the make or break of a relationship. If she’s willing to do things for you, sacrifice time with her friends or time at work to be with you and make you meals, then you’ve found yourself a winner. However, if she’s always cancelling dates, spending more time with her friends than with you, and never gets you any gifts or acts of service, then you’ve found yourself a bitch. Move on. When she treats herself more important than you, then you’re heading towards disaster.

In the end, you want a girl who can you be you around, and know that you’re valued by her night and day. If you’re in a relationship now that you want to be more serious, ask yourself if the woman you’re with fulfills these 10 requirements. And if you’re looking for love, don’t get too far into it unless you really feel that the girl treats you right.

And remember: There’s a big difference between “The One” who’s right for you…and “The One” who will become your biggest nightmare!

That’s all for now. Tell me if you can think of any other ways you know she’s right for you. I’d love to hear your opinion!

07-06-2016, 11:36 AM
Bro WB is the best. Always guiding newbies. Well done. Hv a nice week.

09-06-2016, 11:41 PM
Bro WB is the best. Always guiding newbies. Well done. Hv a nice week.

Bro cowgal,

Tks for your interest. Pls share your insights on man-woman RS.


Bro WB


Good evening,

I hv an outing to Dynasty Classic 2nd fl at Peace Centre for happy hour tomorrow. 5:30-9:30PM. Expected expense per pax is $40. For light drinkers and those who are willing to smoke outside the room.

Pls confirm asap.


Bro WB

12-06-2016, 02:10 PM
I just started a new thread "kakis needed for outings to high end KTVs" under Health Centre and KTV Lounge.

Good afternoon,

I'm starting this new thread for like-minded bros to find 'very attractive ' gals at high end KTVs. It has been increasingly difficult for me to meet the type of girls I like to ST or BY at budget joints in SG. It's true that occasional gems may be found at HH sessions at Peace Centre budget joints. In fact, some of the prettier ones there will go on to high end joints for SH. Some singers at small joints also moonlight there for HH. However, it's very time consuming n the yield has been very low for me.

My taste for dolls is actually not high, it's just different from most bros. I look at the whole package w/ emphasis on youthfulness n aesthetically pleasing proportions of EVERY body part. I will reject a doll if she has obvious facial surgery, is a smoker or has relatively thick arms, wrists n calves or has any part that is out of proportion to the rest of her. I do make exceptions sometimes because of a doll's other desirable attributes. A 'very attractive' gal to me could be very ugly to u, and vice versa. So don't mock me. One man's meat is another man's poison. Take a look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's LT mistress and you will know what I mean.

If I meet a rare gem at a budget joint, it's because her best friend or sister brought her to Sg n she chooses to work at the same joint. At least in her early days or weeks here.

In the whole of 2015, I managed to meet 3 SYTs of my type, after over 150 visits to budget joints at Peace Centre. That was 1 in 50 visits...fortunately, all three of them agreed to BY. One yr 96 became my young lao po. The yr 97 one is still undecided about returning on student visa. I now regret that I didn't consummate the BY on the third one, a yr 93 doll, because she was a swimmer n her shoulders were slightly broad. She later did quite well at Lido.

Although the majority of girls at high end joints also can't make it, there are always some gems who are kept by certain mummy groups for their select clients, available only by prebooking. We intend to become these select clients by going there at least once or twice every week. The yield, for me, could be 1 in 5 visits, or 10X more productive than visiting Peace Centre joints. It may actually save time n money for me.

BTW, I do hv many kakis who frequent these high end joints. And they are great pals. But they are drinkers n many also smoke. I can only join them very infrequently.

Where are these high end joints?

1) Lido palace, 2) Palace 8, 3) The Central, 4) Harman, 5) 5-Star Club...

I'm familiar only w/ the first two. Standard hours usually from 9:00 PM till 2:30 AM.

We shall limit the number of participants for each outing from 3-5 bros. Expense per pax is approximately $125 (5 bros)-210 (3 bros) if we open a new bottle. Every kaki will share the expenses EQUALLY, except for gals' tips. Booking a gal is $300 and some gals may demand $500. We can keep the bottle for at least two months. Expense per pax for subsequent visits could be as low as $60-80. BTW, I'm a teetotaller n I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

My ideal kaki should be 1) financially able to afford to visit these high end joints regularly, 2) light drinkers, 3) willing to smoke outside the room and 4) willing n eager to up the gals of your type there (not in the room please, but at another time outside the KTV). Try not to behave like a girlie man or a eunuch in front of the gal you want to fxxk.

I already hv several kakis who fit the above criteria and we hv been to Lido three times. But I like to hv many more. Unity is strength n power.

If you are interested in joining my SH outings to these high end joints, PM me.

Oh, I'll still go to peace centre joints 3-4 times a week. To chill n to look-see. Who knows...a doll of my type may appear suddenly haha.


Bro WB

14-06-2016, 12:51 PM
Support you for new thread but I not really keen to chiong. Wish bro WB success!

I just started a new thread "kakis needed for outings to high end KTVs" under Health Centre and KTV Lounge.

Good afternoon,

I'm starting this new thread for like-minded bros to find 'very attractive ' gals at high end KTVs. It has been increasingly difficult for me to meet the type of girls I like to ST or BY at budget joints in SG. It's true that occasional gems may be found at HH sessions at Peace Centre budget joints. In fact, some of the prettier ones there will go on to high end joints for SH. Some singers at small joints also moonlight there for HH. However, it's very time consuming n the yield has been very low for me.

Bro WB

14-06-2016, 12:53 PM
Bro WB is in the big league.

15-06-2016, 02:32 PM
Support you for new thread but I not really keen to chiong. Wish bro WB success!

Don't cheong if you are in a committed RS.

Bro WB is in the big league.


Not in a big league, just looking fro SYTs of my type.

.................................................. ......

From my new thread:

Good afternoon,

I'm starting this new thread for like-minded bros to find 'very attractive ' gals at high end KTVs. It has been increasingly difficult for me to meet the type of girls I like to ST or BY at budget joints in SG. It's true that occasional gems may be found at HH sessions at Peace Centre budget joints. In fact, some of the prettier ones there will go on to high end joints for SH. Some singers at small joints also moonlight there for HH. However, it's very time consuming n the yield has been very low for me.

My taste for dolls is actually not high, it's just different from most bros. I look at the whole package w/ emphasis on youthfulness n aesthetically pleasing proportions of EVERY body part. I will reject a doll if she has obvious facial surgery, is a smoker or has relatively thick arms, wrists n calves or has any part that is out of proportion to the rest of her. I do make exceptions sometimes because of a doll's other desirable attributes. A 'very attractive' gal to me could be very ugly to u, and vice versa. So don't mock me. One man's meat is another man's poison. Take a look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's LT mistress and you will know what I mean.

If I meet a rare gem at a budget joint, it's because her best friend or sister brought her to Sg n she chooses to work at the same joint. At least in her early days or weeks here.

In the whole of 2015, I managed to meet 3 SYTs of my type, after over 150 visits to budget joints at Peace Centre. That was 1 in 50 visits...fortunately, all three of them agreed to BY. One yr 96 became my young lao po. The yr 97 one is still undecided about returning on student visa. I now regret that I didn't consummate the BY on the third one, a yr 93 doll, because she was a swimmer n her shoulders were slightly broad. She later did quite well at Lido.

Although the majority of girls at high end joints also can't make it, there are always some gems who are kept by certain mummy groups for their select clients, available only by prebooking. We intend to become these select clients by going there at least once or twice every week. The yield, for me, could be 1 in 5 visits, or 10X more productive than visiting Peace Centre joints. It may actually save time n money for me.

BTW, I do hv many kakis who frequent these high end joints. And they are great pals. But they are drinkers n many also smoke. I can only join them very infrequently.

Where are these high end joints?

1) Lido palace, 2) Palace 8, 3) The Central, 4) Harman, 5) 5-Star Club...

I'm familiar only w/ the first two. Standard hours usually from 9:00 PM till 2:30 AM.

We shall limit the number of participants for each outing from 3-5 bros. Expense per pax is approximately $125 (5 bros)-210 (3 bros) if we open a new bottle. Every kaki will share the expenses EQUALLY, except for gals' tips. Booking a gal is $300 and some gals may demand $500. We can keep the bottle for at least two months. Expense per pax for subsequent visits could be as low as $60-80. BTW, I'm a teetotaller n I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

My ideal kaki should be 1) financially able to afford to visit these high end joints regularly, 2) light drinkers, 3) willing to smoke outside the room and 4) willing n eager to up the gals of your type there (not in the room please, but at another time outside the KTV). Try not to behave like a girlie man or a eunuch in front of the gal you want to fxxk.

I already hv several kakis who fit the above criteria and we hv been to Lido three times. But I like to hv many more. Unity is strength n power.

If you are interested in joining my SH outings to these high end joints, PM me.

Oh, I'll still go to peace centre joints 3-4 times a week. To chill n to look-see. Who knows...a doll of my type may appear suddenly haha.


Bro WB

15-06-2016, 07:30 PM

Oh, I'll still go to peace centre joints 3-4 times a week. To chill n to look-see. Who knows...a doll of my type may appear suddenly haha.


Bro WB

Yes! to look-see. Last Saturday I got one tall lady wearing white dress and in front Peace Centre traffic junction with high heel smile at me and she looks blurred ask me where is China Doll. I ask her first time here she says yes. Straight away I ask her want to have fun in my place. Her reply was so fast first time know me want to go your place. If she say yes! I will booked her but she hesitated then I tell her, then next time.:)

Sometime look see look see you may bumped into gem.

16-06-2016, 02:41 PM
Yes! to look-see. Last Saturday I got one tall lady wearing white dress and in front Peace Centre traffic junction with high heel smile at me and she looks blurred ask me where is China Doll. I ask her first time here she says yes. Straight away I ask her want to have fun in my place. Her reply was so fast first time know me want to go your place. If she say yes! I will booked her but she hesitated then I tell her, then next time.:)
Sometime look see look see you may bumped into gem.


Thanks for ur post. I hv more comments when I hv time.


Good afternoon,

I hv an outing to Lido for SH this Saturday. One slot left. Pls confirm asap.

We hv balance. For a kaki who is a light drinker n who is willing to smoke outside the room.


Bro WB

16-06-2016, 02:56 PM
May I ask what is your age group preference (if there is one)?

16-06-2016, 10:55 PM
May I ask what is your age group preference (if there is one)?


For kakis? No preference. My kakis range in age from 21 to 70s.

For dolls? The younger the better, starting at her 18th birthday.


Bro WB

16-06-2016, 11:07 PM

For kakis? No preference. My kakis range in age from 21 to 70s.

For dolls? The younger the better, starting at her 18th birthday.


Bro WB

lol. I subscribe to the notion that the younger the better for dolls. :)

17-06-2016, 11:44 AM
lol. I subscribe to the notion that the younger the better for dolls. :)

Bro Nato17,

I couldn't agree w/ u more!

The beauty n sexual attractiveness of a female peaks around 21-22. After that, there is no where to go but down...it correlates very well w/ her fertility n fecundity.


Bro WB


Good morning!

Yesterday I didn't hv time to give a more complete answer to bro AAconnection's post.

Yes! to look-see. Last Saturday I got one tall lady wearing white dress and in front Peace Centre traffic junction with high heel smile at me and she looks blurred ask me where is China Doll. I ask her first time here she says yes. Straight away I ask her want to have fun in my place. Her reply was so fast first time know me want to go your place. If she say yes! I will booked her but she hesitated then I tell her, then next time.:)

Sometime look see look see you may bumped into gem.

Bro AAconnection,

Tks for your post. A man must always be prepared because he may bump into his dream gal unexpectedly.

Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.

I hope you have her contact info, either wechat or HP or both. Contact her n up her asap. We await your FR.

You could hv been more direct, don't use euphemism. I like to say the magic words. 我们去做爱.

It has worked like a charm for me. Let me give u an example.

On Tues 29 Jan 2013, I had a HH outing to LV 5th fl at the TAM building. The gals were so so there. I didn't bring a mistress. After HH, around 9:40PM, I walked w/ bro FA to the hall where a lot gals congregate. I was looking at every doll coming for SH. Then, out of the blue, a beautiful woman w/ good height n poise just walked pass me, her sexy body just grazing against my right arm. I got a whiff of her sweet body aroma. I quickly took a step forward n grabbed her left forearm n pulled her slightly toward me. She turned around to face me, then I said the magic words...

Me: 我们去做爱! (my first five words to her)
She: 不! 我不出街
Me:好啊! 那我可以考虑包养你。你叫什么?
She: 青青 (QQ)
Me:我是XXX, 你手机号码?

She gave me her HP no. I didn't book her for SH n I left LV almost immediately. The next day around 1:00PM I took my LT mistress HW to the airport. The first time ever sending a gal to Changi. Never since then. That evening, I took QQ to the Spice Cafe at The Concorde Hotel. My purpose was to qualify her, including looking at her gait from behind. After dinner, we sat in the lobby n I informed her that I was going to BY her. I never asked for her opinion, I assumed that she was dying to say yes. She agreed immediately, w/o telling me her terms. But I said that my family would be arriving in SG the next day, for two weeks, and that I could only start our RS after that. She said OK.

She was 30 yo then, the oldest woman I ever BY-ed. But she was very beautiful, to me at least. Originally from Xian, but living in Xiamen. 167, natural B, about 50 kg. And she was very orgasmic n squirted every time!! About 30-40 ml each time. And very wet. It was a part time BY, but she worked only occasionally w/ my permission. The reason was that I would be leaving for Gotham City soon n didn't want to make a full commitment. I also didn't wan to pay her anything while I was in Gotham City. I told her perhaps we could do full time BY on my return. She was on a tourist visa.

She extended her stay, but I dumped her before she returned to China. Reason: One Friday I told her earlier that we were not going to meet, but called her the last minute to see me n she said she had been booked. After I said goodbye, she was very angry. She said that to be kept by me was her biggest mistake ever! She never returned to SG. Wonder if any bro met her before.

I hv said the magic words many times since. I booked my current secret GF, a 20 yo SYT, only once before she became my lover. The sole reason? I said the magic words...and I'm the ONLY man she ever met who is so assertive n so bold, yet I look like a very educated, kind n trustworthy gentleman. Wow, I'm greatly flattered that she thinks I'm a Prestigious Man. I hv much more say abt this term.


Bro WB

Good morning!

My SH outing to Lido has been changed to Friday, today. Can hv one more bro. Pls PM me.


Bro WB

18-06-2016, 11:05 AM
Bro WB, thank you and thumbs up to you for guiding newbies here.

19-06-2016, 11:28 AM
Bro WB, thank you and thumbs up to you for guiding newbies here.


Thank u for ur support.


Good morning!

Time flies! Can't believe I started this thread over 7 years ago. Although I was already a lao chee ko pek back then, I was a greenhorn, having had my first ever BY 37 days earlier. It was a total failure. The doll was HW, a SYT who agreed to BY after 8 1/2 months. HW left me after two weeks. I BY-ed her again briefly in late August that yr. Another failure haha.

I met HW again in Dec 2009 when she tried to intro her best friend for me to BY. Her GF wasn't my type. But that day HW was the prettiest ever. She was at the peak of her physical beauty as she just turned 22. She was being kept by a rich young man around 31-32 at that time n she broke off all ctc w/ me shortly afterwards.

She broke up w/ her man in Dec 2010.

She didn't delete my MSN. She contacted me in late Jan 2011 and, shortly thereafter, had become my old lao po until last Oct. We are still friends. She is the one w/ violent orgasms. I hv learned the most from my LT RS w/ her.

I agree that men w/ the dark traits may attract a certain type of women, at least for brief RS. But almost all women would prefer the PRESTIGIOUS MAN or PM, for both brief encounter n LT RS.

What is a PM n why is he most attractive to girls/women? PM is very similar to a badass gentleman. He is better than the so-called Alpha Male.

I hv a slightly different take on the subject which I'll elaborate. Suffice to say that the PM is not badass enough. I believe in being 90% beast n 10% sweet.

It's a long article n it behooves you to read it a few times. I'll only post the Conclusion here.

The Myth of the Alpha Male



It is neither the alpha nor the beta male that is most desired by women.

Taken together, the research suggests that the ideal man (for a date or romantic partner) is one who is assertive, confident, easygoing, and sensitive, without being aggressive, demanding, dominant, quiet, shy, or submissive. In other words, a prestigious man, not a dominant man.

In fact, it appears that the prestigious man who is high in both assertiveness and kindness is considered the most attractive to women for both short-term affairs and long-term relationships. This research should offer some assurance that the genuinely nice, passionate kid who learns a culturally valued skill can be immensely attractive.

Further, seeking to become a prestigious man is not only the surest route to success with women, but achievement in any area of life.

Thus, I think a much more effective and healthier route for men having difficulty attracting women is not to attempt to cultivate the traits of the stereotypical, dominant “alpha,” but to cultivate the traits of the prestigious man. This means developing a skill that brings value to society, and cultivating a stable sense of identity. Such a route will not only make you more attractive to women, but will also create the most satisfying life for yourself in general. In my view, attempting to don the persona of the “alpha” is analogous to building a house of cards. There’s no stable foundation supporting your worth.

It’s time we shed these black and white categories, and embrace a much more multidimensional concept of masculinity. The most attractive male is really a blend of characteristics, including assertiveness, kindness, cultivated skills, and a genuine sense of value in this world. The true alpha is fuller, deeper, and richer.

Your comments n criticisms will be greatly appreciated!

BTW, I hv a SH outing to Lido tmr, Monday. Again, only one slot left. PM me asap.


Bro WB

19-06-2016, 08:00 PM
hi warbird

if i want to BY a girl in shanghai for 1 week but the standard has to be same if not better than those ktv girls in those high end joints like lido or p8 how much is the market rate?

20-06-2016, 12:08 AM
Bro WB

Picking up your thread after five years.

Thanks for all your eye-opening insights as usual.

Just curious whether you would still be a badass gentleman spending your time and money on BY if your family were with you all the while?

21-06-2016, 02:58 PM
hi warbird

if i want to BY a girl in shanghai for 1 week but the standard has to be same if not better than those ktv girls in those high end joints like lido or p8 how much is the market rate?

Hi bro maomaoz,

SH is expensive. You will get prettier n younger gals than you will ever find in SG.

There is a wide range, depending on the gals. And your negotiating skill. For full BY a month of a very pretty n sexy SYT in SH could set you back 50-100K RMB or more, plus condo rental. For just one week BY, the damage could range from 20-50K RMB or more.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Picking up your thread after five years.

Thanks for all your eye-opening insights as usual.

Just curious whether you would still be a badass gentleman spending your time and money on BY if your family were with you all the while?

Bro juzz,

Welcome back!

It's a moot question. I tell my legal wife to stay in America. She will visit my mom in SG once every yr during CNY. I do return to Gotham City three times a year, but most of my time is spent here.

If I don't spend money on BY-ing SYTs I like, what is the use of money?


Bro WB

21-06-2016, 03:02 PM
From my new thread:

Good afternoon,

I'm starting this new thread for like-minded bros to find 'very attractive ' gals at high end KTVs. It has been increasingly difficult for me to meet the type of girls I like to ST or BY at budget joints in SG. It's true that occasional gems may be found at HH sessions at Peace Centre budget joints. In fact, some of the prettier ones there will go on to high end joints for SH. Some singers at small joints also moonlight there for HH. However, it's very time consuming n the yield has been very low for me.

My taste for dolls is actually not high, it's just different from most bros. I look at the whole package w/ emphasis on youthfulness n aesthetically pleasing proportions of EVERY body part. I will reject a doll if she has obvious facial surgery, is a smoker or has relatively thick arms, wrists n calves or has any part that is out of proportion to the rest of her. I do make exceptions sometimes because of a doll's other desirable attributes. A 'very attractive' gal to me could be very ugly to u, and vice versa. So don't mock me. One man's meat is another man's poison. Take a look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's LT mistress and you will know what I mean.

If I meet a rare gem at a budget joint, it's because her best friend or sister brought her to Sg n she chooses to work at the same joint. At least in her early days or weeks here.

In the whole of 2015, I managed to meet 3 SYTs of my type, after over 150 visits to budget joints at Peace Centre. That was 1 in 50 visits...fortunately, all three of them agreed to BY. One yr 96 became my young lao po. The yr 97 one is still undecided about returning on student visa. I now regret that I didn't consummate the BY on the third one, a yr 93 doll, because she was a swimmer n her shoulders were slightly broad. She later did quite well at Lido.

Although the majority of girls at high end joints also can't make it, there are always some gems who are kept by certain mummy groups for their select clients, available only by prebooking. We intend to become these select clients by going there at least once or twice every week. The yield, for me, could be 1 in 5 visits, or 10X more productive than visiting Peace Centre joints. It may actually save time n money for me.

BTW, I do hv many kakis who frequent these high end joints. And they are great pals. But they are drinkers n many also smoke. I can only join them very infrequently.

Where are these high end joints?

1) Lido palace, 2) Palace 8, 3) The Central, 4) Harman, 5) 5-Star Club...

I'm familiar only w/ the first two. Standard hours usually from 9:00 PM till 2:30 AM.

We shall limit the number of participants for each outing from 3-5 bros. Expense per pax is approximately $125 (5 bros)-210 (3 bros) if we open a new bottle. Every kaki will share the expenses EQUALLY, except for gals' tips. Booking a gal is $300 and some gals may demand $500. We can keep the bottle for at least two months. Expense per pax for subsequent visits could be as low as $60-80. BTW, I'm a teetotaller n I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

My ideal kaki should be 1) financially able to afford to visit these high end joints regularly, 2) light drinkers, 3) willing to smoke outside the room and 4) willing n eager to up the gals of your type there (not in the room please, but at another time outside the KTV). Try not to behave like a girlie man or a eunuch in front of the gal you want to fxxk.

I already hv several kakis who fit the above criteria and we hv been to Lido three times. But I like to hv many more. Unity is strength n power.

If you are interested in joining my SH outings to these high end joints, PM me.

Oh, I'll still go to peace centre joints 3-4 times a week. To chill n to look-see. Who knows...a doll of my type may appear suddenly haha.


Bro WB

21-06-2016, 04:31 PM
Dear Warbird. Really admire your capability to BY these China dolls and having the time to spend with them. Your expenses must be quite high when also visit KTV practically every 2/3 times a week. How did you do it?

22-06-2016, 11:07 AM
Dear Warbird. Really admire your capability to BY these China dolls and having the time to spend with them. Your expenses must be quite high when also visit KTV practically every 2/3 times a week. How did you do it?


You can do much better than me if you really want to.

I hv the time because I'm not gainfully employed n don't run any biz. I hv a little money left because of a lucky investment made decades ago.

Let me recommend a book. How to be Rich by J. Paul Getty. Read it 10 times. Oops, I hv only read it 3 times, I better read it 7 more times...

But whatever you do, make sure you hv AWESOME EMOTIONAL MASTERY. If you hv, you will do well in every area of your life, eventually. You will hv money, women n good health to boot.

If a man has very poor emotional mastery, his women will leave him, period. Even if he is rich n famous n the sexiest man alive, like Johnny Depp. Elvis Presley didn't do much better either. I rest my case.

I hv analysed all my past failures w/ women. The root cause? Poor emotional mastery.


Bro WB

22-06-2016, 11:20 AM
Good morning!

Several like minded bros hv elected to join my SH outings. Thank you all!

I just posted this on my other thread:

Dear Warbird. Really admire your capability to BY these China dolls and having the time to spend with them. Your expenses must be quite high when also visit KTV practically every 2/3 times a week. How did you do it?


You can do much better than me if you really want to.

I hv the time because I'm not gainfully employed n don't run any biz. I hv a little money left because of a lucky investment made decades ago.

Let me recommend a book. How to be Rich by J. Paul Getty. Read it 10 times. Oops, I hv only read it 3 times, I better read it 7 more times...

But whatever you do, make sure you hv AWESOME EMOTIONAL MASTERY. If you hv, you will do well in every area of your life, eventually. You will hv money, women n good health to boot.

If a man has very poor emotional mastery, his women will leave him, period. Even if he is rich n famous n the sexiest man alive, like Johnny Depp. Elvis Presley didn't do much better either. I rest my case.

I hv analysed all my past failures w/ women. The root cause? Poor emotional mastery.

A Lido assistant mummy posted this in her Moments this morning:

千万记住:一个人,如果连自己的情绪都控制不了,即便给你整个世界,你也早晚毁掉一切!早安早 安。


Bro WB

23-06-2016, 11:27 AM
千万记住:一个人,如果连自己的情绪都控制不了,即便给你整个世界,你也早晚毁掉一切!早安早 安。

Good morning!

I told the Lido mummy I used her quote for SBF.


千万记住:一个人,如果你能够完全控制自己的情绪,即便你现在一无所有, 你终於会拥有一切的!早安早安。

I'm inviting YOU to KTV outings if u are a very light drinker n willing to smoke outside the rm.

I hv a SH outing to Lido this Sat. Confirm ASAP.


Bro WB

23-06-2016, 02:59 PM
Hi WarBird, understand that LIDO is pretty classy and expensive. Been a few times to those KTV in peace centre. Usually can get some pretty and classy PRCs there. But most of the time, all will be anxious to leave for places like Orchard & LIDO after 8pm. Inbetween, they are flying all over the place. Sit 10-20mins, ran away. Come back a while to collect tips, then time up. Really wish to have your charm to hook them for outside actions.

24-06-2016, 02:52 PM
Hi WarBird, understand that LIDO is pretty classy and expensive. Been a few times to those KTV in peace centre. Usually can get some pretty and classy PRCs there. But most of the time, all will be anxious to leave for places like Orchard & LIDO after 8pm. Inbetween, they are flying all over the place. Sit 10-20mins, ran away. Come back a while to collect tips, then time up. Really wish to have your charm to hook them for outside actions.


No charm needed, just judicious use of money and a badass gentleman mindset.

You must be bold, dominant, confident, assertive, but respectful n and kind. You're the PRIZE!


Bro WB

.................................................. .....

Good afternoon!

Four bros are confirmed for SH outing to Lido this Sat, tmr. One slot left. PM me asap.

My mission is to form a grp of like minded bros for these high end joints.

Unity is strength.

We will become a dominant grp, a force to reckon with. Some ones from our exclusive grp will hv an outing there 7 days a week! Imagine how the mummies n the joints will treat us haha!!

We shall respect the brotherhood code. If a bro in our grp books a gal first n is interested in making love to her, all other bros will not touch her. He needs to make his intention n his RS w/ her very clear though.

I do hv secret GFs, they are fair game for every bro, unless I ID them for u. I seldom, if ever, book them.

So far about 8-9 bros hv signed up. But some may not be available on certain days. So I want many more comrades.

Check the following post to see if you qualify.

I know there are many well to do bros who are very frugal. That is fine. Then join my outings to budget joints at Peace Centre, yeah? Mr. Buffett would never, ever pay $300 for a doll to sit w/ him. To each his own.

From my new thread:

Good afternoon,

I'm starting this new thread for like-minded bros to find 'very attractive ' gals at high end KTVs. It has been increasingly difficult for me to meet the type of girls I like to ST or BY at budget joints in SG. It's true that occasional gems may be found at HH sessions at Peace Centre budget joints. In fact, some of the prettier ones there will go on to high end joints for SH. Some singers at small joints also moonlight there for HH. However, it's very time consuming n the yield has been very low for me.

My taste for dolls is actually not high, it's just different from most bros. I look at the whole package w/ emphasis on youthfulness n aesthetically pleasing proportions of EVERY body part. I will reject a doll if she has obvious facial surgery, is a smoker or has relatively thick arms, wrists n calves or has any part that is out of proportion to the rest of her. I do make exceptions sometimes because of a doll's other desirable attributes. A 'very attractive' gal to me could be very ugly to u, and vice versa. So don't mock me. One man's meat is another man's poison. Take a look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's LT mistress and you will know what I mean.

If I meet a rare gem at a budget joint, it's because her best friend or sister brought her to Sg n she chooses to work at the same joint. At least in her early days or weeks here.

In the whole of 2015, I managed to meet 3 SYTs of my type, after over 150 visits to budget joints at Peace Centre. That was 1 in 50 visits...fortunately, all three of them agreed to BY. One yr 96 became my young lao po. The yr 97 one is still undecided about returning on student visa. I now regret that I didn't consummate the BY on the third one, a yr 93 doll, because she was a swimmer n her shoulders were slightly broad. She later did quite well at Lido.

Although the majority of girls at high end joints also can't make it, there are always some gems who are kept by certain mummy groups for their select clients, available only by prebooking. We intend to become these select clients by going there at least once or twice every week. The yield, for me, could be 1 in 5 visits, or 10X more productive than visiting Peace Centre joints. It may actually save time n money for me.

BTW, I do hv many kakis who frequent these high end joints. And they are great pals. But they are drinkers n many also smoke. I can only join them very infrequently.

Where are these high end joints?

1) Lido palace, 2) Palace 8, 3) The Central, 4) Harman, 5) 5-Star Club...

I'm familiar only w/ the first two. Standard hours usually from 9:00 PM till 2:30 AM.

We shall limit the number of participants for each outing from 3-5 bros. Expense per pax is approximately $125 (5 bros)-210 (3 bros) if we open a new bottle. Every kaki will share the expenses EQUALLY, except for gals' tips. Booking a gal is $300 and some gals may demand $500. We can keep the bottle for at least two months. Expense per pax for subsequent visits could be as low as $60-80. BTW, I'm a teetotaller n I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

My ideal kaki should be 1) financially able to afford to visit these high end joints regularly, 2) light drinkers, 3) willing to smoke outside the room and 4) willing n eager to up the gals of your type there (not in the room please, but at another time outside the KTV). Try not to behave like a girlie man or a eunuch in front of the gal you want to fxxk.

I already hv 8-9 kakis who fit the above criteria and we hv been to Lido 5-6 times. But I like to hv many more comrades. Unity is strength n power.

If you are interested in joining my SH outings to these high end joints, PM me.

Oh, I'll still go to peace centre joints 3-4 times a week. To chill n to look-see. Who knows...a doll of my type may appear suddenly haha.


Bro WB

24-06-2016, 06:05 PM

No charm needed, just judicious use of money and a badass gentleman mindset.

You must be bold, dominant, confident, assertive, but respectful n and kind.

End of the day, what are the objectives of this BY game?
Is it for sex? For companion? To prove some Theory of Mankind? Or to actually conceal the hidden insecurity, inferior complex or the longing sense of validity of ones worth?

25-06-2016, 10:27 AM
I have promised Bro Warbird that I will share an insight when I returned to Singapore and here is me delivering on this promise.

Please kindly note that I am currently am NOT a patron for a BY and that my last BY was more than five years ago. This alone should serve as a caveat that whatever advice I dispense here may not necessarily be salient or have sufficient recency to be of use to you here. The world of BY, like a lot of social phenomenon, evolves and changes while still operating on certain core fundamentals.

Talking about core fundamentals, I shall talk elaborate about one important aspect here in this post: The identification of a prospective BY (in a KTV setting).

A KTV setting, ipso facto, advantages you at the outset and frames the relationship dynamics that is quite analogous to a BY. A prospective BY has to put on her best behavior, present her best appearance, tolerate your idiosyncrasy – all for the almighty dollar.

I would presume here that you would already know the difference between a wife, girl friend(s) and BY(s) by now so I shall not delve much into this except to underscore the fact that a BY’s time and energy “must” revolve around you. For a price! .... mostly monetary!

As an analogy, you are like the sun, giving life sustenance to the BY’s earth. Without you, there is no life (as we know it) in the BY’s world.

(BTW, it’s a sex forum, so do not start talking about planetary microbial life, panspermia etc here in this thread. I am not a Michio Kaku or Carl Sagan!).

To get a person to organize her life around you takes a certain personality type. It’s really YOUR choice what behavior turns you on, it may even be a “dominatrix” (in this case, it’s only apparent power i.e. facade). The key to it, is that with a snap of finger, you can assert your demands onto a BY and she has to submit to it.

For me, I therefore prefer to find a personality with a predisposition to OBEDIENCE in all my BY relationships. You may tame a wild horse or find one that has a tendency to be domesticated. Both can be championship racehorse thoroughbreds. Do NOT equate feral and wild as being more passionate and more physically robust to deliver on sensual pleasure. An OBEDIENT personality can take on behavior that is wilder, more spontaneously passionate than a wild one. Just trust me on this one ……:p

Now that I have provided a conceptual framework, let’s delve into the nuts and bolts: The praxis itself on how to identify an OBEDIENT personality.

(To be continued as I got to run an errand …… but here is a “teaser” for my next posting on identification of an Obedient personality)

“One favourite modus operandi of mine is to take your prospective BY to place where she is not familiar with the food.

It’s good that a prospective BY possess an attitude of openness and receptivity to trying out new things. Not will this allow you to introduce sexual fetishes down the line, its also a gradual way to ease a girl who is a neophyte and “virgin” to the world of BY.

As a suggestion, know that there are still many China Girls who eschew “raw” taste of sashimi or can’t take the aroma or “strong” taste of curry. Once you persuade a prospective open minded BY to enjoin you for a meal whereby she is not familiar with the food, it’s actually good that your prospective BY do NOT like the food served.

You can now show your “displeasure” on her attitude and “force’ her to have an some additional bites and serving. This is the part whereby you have to observe her body language very carefully. If she is insistent that she does not like the food and that no amount of “persuasion” can make her eat any additional food, she does NOT possess an obedient personality.

If however, she forces herself to eat more of the food that she finds distasteful to her palate, she just puts another proverbial “tick in the box” in the OBEDIENT personality test.”

25-06-2016, 10:36 AM
Bro WB, thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend.

25-06-2016, 10:39 AM
If however, she forces herself to eat more of the food that she finds distasteful to her palate, she just puts another proverbial “tick in the box” in the OBEDIENT personality test.”

.. and if she forces herself to eat everything in the plate - all just so as not to earn your displeasure or disapproval - to the point whereby she gets teary eyed and obvious physical discomfiture in order to not waste YOUR money ... put THREE ticks in the OBEDIENT personality box!!!!!!!! :)

25-06-2016, 03:32 PM
“One favourite modus operandi of mine is to take your prospective BY to place where she is not familiar with the food.

Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes! For me I also like to take BY to strange place and you can see how she would endure man. :)

26-06-2016, 03:17 PM

No charm needed, just judicious use of money and a badass gentleman mindset.

You must be bold, dominant, confident, assertive, but respectful n and kind.

End of the day, what are the objectives of this BY game?
Is it for sex? For companion? To prove some Theory of Mankind? Or to actually conceal the hidden insecurity, inferior complex or the longing sense of validity of ones worth?

Bro AAdam,

The objectives of BY would vary a lot, depending on the persons involved. It's like asking what are the objectives of human life? Or of marriage? Or of education?

Personally, It's wonderful for a lao chee ko pek like me to BY pretty SYTs, as it's great for my physical n mental health. Yes, it's primarily for my sexual gratification n companionship. But it's much more than that...BY-ing a pretty SYT full-time is like getting married to her, with all the benefits, but w/o the drawbacks n negative consequences.

I hv written many posts to share my opinions on female attraction, sexology n how a MAN should behave to maintain a smooth long-term RS w/ his women.

In my BY journey in the last 7 1/2 yrs, I hv discovered THE most attractive masculine trait - emotional strength or mastery. However, my attempt to achieve awesome emotional mastery has taken me further n further into the spiritual realm, unexpectedly. I now realize that it's impossible to achieve absolute emotional mastery w/o enlightenment. And it's impossible to achieve enlightenment w/o knowing n understanding one's true self. How to fully know n understand one true self? It's up to each of us to find out.


Bro WB

I have promised Bro Warbird that I will share an insight when I returned to Singapore and here is me delivering on this promise.

Please kindly note that I am currently am NOT a patron for a BY and that my last BY was more than five years ago. This alone should serve as a caveat that whatever advice I dispense here may not necessarily be salient or have sufficient recency to be of use to you here. The world of BY, like a lot of social phenomenon, evolves and changes while still operating on certain core fundamentals.

Talking about core fundamentals, I shall talk elaborate about one important aspect here in this post: The identification of a prospective BY (in a KTV setting).

A KTV setting, ipso facto, advantages you at the outset and frames the relationship dynamics that is quite analogous to a BY. A prospective BY has to put on her best behavior, present her best appearance, tolerate your idiosyncrasy – all for the almighty dollar.

I would presume here that you would already know the difference between a wife, girl friend(s) and BY(s) by now so I shall not delve much into this except to underscore the fact that a BY’s time and energy “must” revolve around you. For a price! .... mostly monetary!

As an analogy, you are like the sun, giving life sustenance to the BY’s earth. Without you, there is no life (as we know it) in the BY’s world.

(BTW, it’s a sex forum, so do not start talking about planetary microbial life, panspermia etc here in this thread. I am not a Michio Kaku or Carl Sagan!).

To get a person to organize her life around you takes a certain personality type. It’s really YOUR choice what behavior turns you on, it may even be a “dominatrix” (in this case, it’s only apparent power i.e. facade). The key to it, is that with a snap of finger, you can assert your demands onto a BY and she has to submit to it.

For me, I therefore prefer to find a personality with a predisposition to OBEDIENCE in all my BY relationships. You may tame a wild horse or find one that has a tendency to be domesticated. Both can be championship racehorse thoroughbreds. Do NOT equate feral and wild as being more passionate and more physically robust to deliver on sensual pleasure. An OBEDIENT personality can take on behavior that is wilder, more spontaneously passionate than a wild one. Just trust me on this one ……:p

Now that I have provided a conceptual framework, let’s delve into the nuts and bolts: The praxis itself on how to identify an OBEDIENT personality.

(To be continued as I got to run an errand …… but here is a “teaser” for my next posting on identification of an Obedient personality)

“One favourite modus operandi of mine is to take your prospective BY to place where she is not familiar with the food.

It’s good that a prospective BY possess an attitude of openness and receptivity to trying out new things. Not will this allow you to introduce sexual fetishes down the line, its also a gradual way to ease a girl who is a neophyte and “virgin” to the world of BY.

As a suggestion, know that there are still many China Girls who eschew “raw” taste of sashimi or can’t take the aroma or “strong” taste of curry. Once you persuade a prospective open minded BY to enjoin you for a meal whereby she is not familiar with the food, it’s actually good that your prospective BY do NOT like the food served.

You can now show your “displeasure” on her attitude and “force’ her to have an some additional bites and serving. This is the part whereby you have to observe her body language very carefully. If she is insistent that she does not like the food and that no amount of “persuasion” can make her eat any additional food, she does NOT possess an obedient personality.

If however, she forces herself to eat more of the food that she finds distasteful to her palate, she just puts another proverbial “tick in the box” in the OBEDIENT personality test.”

Bro Justime,

Thanks so much for ur insightful n witty post. You're still -a true master of BY.

Your "obedient personality test" is brilliant!

In fact, this is also one of many tests that can be used to qualify a prospective legal wife.

I invite u to contribute regularly to this thread if you hv the time.

Hope that you could join one of my outings soon.


Bro WB

Bro WB, thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend.

Thanks for ur support.

.. and if she forces herself to eat everything in the plate - all just so as not to earn your displeasure or disapproval - to the point whereby she gets teary eyed and obvious physical discomfiture in order to not waste YOUR money ... put THREE ticks in the OBEDIENT personality box!!!!!!!! :)

I like such a doll!

Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes! For me I also like to take BY to strange place and you can see how she would endure man. :)

Yeah, we all hv much to learn from bro Justime.

26-06-2016, 10:40 PM
May I know what's BY stand for ? I think SH is standard hour right ? Thanks.

27-06-2016, 10:16 PM
Bro warbird

Hope to join your session one day.

28-06-2016, 10:35 AM
May I know what's BY stand for ? I think SH is standard hour right ? Thanks.

Yes, SH is standard hour.

BY = Bao Yang

Bro warbird

Hope to join your session one day.


Pls join one of my outings,


Bro WB


Good morning!

Do u know what are the four most dangerous words in cheonging, BY-ing and, in fact, in EVERY man-woman RS?

This (my) girl is different.

No, she is NOT! NOT to me n billions of other men. It's a pure illusion in the mind of the hapless man who got deeply KC-ed.

So thought the "Sexiest Man Alive" Johnny Depp about his wife Amber Heard, a bisexual golddigger. I assume that King Fuchai must hv thought Xi Shi was somehow mysteriously different from all his other concubines. Billions of men in human history also thought their women were somehow unique, yeah?

But YOUR girl, no matter how beautiful, sexy n perfect YOU think she is now, will get old, ugly, sick n die. Her beauty n uniqueness are temporary n illusional, at best.

I'm a member of a wechat grp of KTV gals n hoes. There are 498 members. I use a female ID to get in. Why? Because “知彼知己, 百战不殆"

There are dozens of ad such as the two below:

"福建福州招美女,酒店式公寓,到手300-500一单一结,综合自身条件做最稳妥价位,需要条件身高1.55以上25岁以下,没有生过孩子或无明显疤 痕和妊娠纹,每天5-8单,每月3-5万有意私聊.注:需要提供照片,自拍.艺术照皆可 ,微商务扰."

"🇨🇦加拿大🇨🇦Moonwaiting 公司诚聘高素质女生[表情]高档公寓一对一应有尽有[表情],私密性极高,绝对安全可靠,客源素质高以华人为主,美眉到手[表情]8000-10000 每天,外加小费[Grin],不PK,最短可做3个月,亦可长期做,无需频繁换场。收入可观,资源丰富,一切问题都可以帮您解决,有问 必回。持有美国绿卡🇺🇸,台湾🇹🇼,香港🇭🇰,新加坡🇸🇬,澳门🇲🇴护照的女生可免签直接进入 加拿大。

Simple deduction tells me that almost ALL PRC gals who come to work in the nite scene in SG hv previously worked in brothels, saunas, KTVs, private clubs/hotels or as 141 gals in China/HK/Macau and elsewhere.

The difference when they come here? They are older n uglier now. Oh, there is another difference.

(From post #4342 "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs")

The value of their pussies would shoot up 300-1,000 %. Even more if they get BY-ed haha. Most of them would play hard to get in SG. Imagine a hoe turning into a nun right after landing at Changi haha!!

Therefore, we must put everything into perspective and don't treat these gals as if they were virgin nuns, ok?


Bro WB

28-06-2016, 01:46 PM
yesterday i went to one ktv at selegie. my friend got one china girl. she very happening and let him lick her boobs. later on as i went to the toilet i saw another friend from another room. go in to say hi and saw the same china girl servicing his friend by letting him lick her boobs too.

now i'm thinking that the china girl let so many guys lick her boobs without cleaning..yucks! :eek: lucky i only touch mine, never go and kiss any part of her.

01-07-2016, 12:00 PM
yesterday i went to one ktv at selegie. my friend got one china girl. she very happening and let him lick her boobs. later on as i went to the toilet i saw another friend from another room. go in to say hi and saw the same china girl servicing his friend by letting him lick her boobs too.

now i'm thinking that the china girl let so many guys lick her boobs without cleaning..yucks! :eek: lucky i only touch mine, never go and kiss any part of her.


Most WLs are like that.

Exclusivity is expensive and often not 100% exclusive. Even if the man is two times the "sexiest Man Alive" n a mega movie star like Johnny Depp.

King Fuchai owned the body of Xi Shi for many years, but her heart always belonged to Fan Li. He lost her to him in the end, and he also lost his country, his family and his own life.


Bro WB


Good morning!

I'm planning a SH outing to Lido Saturday, tmr.

For timing and damage, see previous post.

Please confirm asap.


Bro WB

02-07-2016, 10:37 AM
Good morning!

If you still feel a bit of uneasiness and frustration when you get rejected by a very beautiful non-WL, you're no prestigious badass gentleman yet n you still hv insufficient emotional mastery. You're still reactive and u really don't consider yourself the PRIZE.

Here is a little help from a guru, until you hv gained more emotional mastery n are able to get your act together.

3 Things You Must Do If You Get Rejected

You’re sitting at the bar when you see her looking at you.

She’s smoking hot and totally your type…

… and she’s smiling and making eye contact over her pink girly drink.

You’re thinking about going over there and talking to her…

And that’s when the voices start.

What if I screw this up?

What if I run out of things to say and look like a dumbass?

What if she’s an ice cold bitch and humiliates me in front of everyone?

What if everyone sees me get rejected and I get laughed out of the room?

Look, man.

Let me ask you a serious question…

What action do you take in that moment?

Do you go for it, or do you back down?

Do you plow through your mental barriers and emerge victorious and confident on the other side?

Or do you let your fear of rejection keep your ass glued to that stool at the bar…

… and quickly order another drink so you can pretend like you didn’t just wuss out?

Look, if you fall in that second category, I totally get it, I really do.

But you don’t plan on staying that way, right?

Of course not. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this right now.

Well, the cold, hard truth is…

When you make the bold decision to step off that comfortable bar stool and approach the women you really want…

Yes, you will get rejected from time to time.

But that’s okay!

You just need to know how to handle it, so it doesn’t ruin your mood and wreck your chances with every other girl.

So let me give you some rock-solid advice that I wish I would have known when I was in your shoes.

Here are 3 things you must do if you get rejected:

1 - Take the high road. Even if she’s being a huge bitch…

Don’t react to her. Be BETTER than that.

She doesn’t even know you - she’s just emotionally reacting.

It may not even have anything to do with you - you can’t know or control that.

A confident guy would never allow himself to get flustered or thrown off by things he can’t control.

2 - Smile. Even if you’re seething mad on the inside…

Because no one else knows that you just got rejected...

UNLESS you show it on your face.

Then it’s obvious, and every other girl who sees that will probably reject you too.

3 - Move on immediately. Find another girl, a friend, a bartender… literally anyone else to talk to.

The last thing you want is to stand around by yourself, feeling butt-hurt because some random girl who knew you for 1 minute didn’t like you…

It does nothing for your confidence, and it makes you less attractive to every other girl.

So make like Taylor Swift and shake, shake, shake it off, bro.

Make sense?

You can totally see yourself doing that, can’t you?

You’re goddamn right you can.

And now nothing can stop you.

Get out there and make it happen this weekend.

Rooting for you,

- Mike Wright

A prestigious badass gentleman would feel sorry for the hot gal because it's her BIG Loss.

BTW, I hv an outing to Lido for SH today and coming Monday. Pls see my previous posts for terms n estimated damage. Confirm asap.


Bro WB

04-07-2016, 11:27 AM
Good morning!

Do u consider yourself THE PRIZE to all women of your type?

Are u always very calm, relaxed, self-assured, confident, assertive, bold, yet caring, kind and humble?

Do you hv awesome emotional mastery?

If you answer YES to all the above, you're a prestigious badass gentleman or PBG!

In that case, you will never be insecure or become jealous when your lovers say 有很多人追我...

Because if you do, they will leave you, eventually.

If you're a PBG n if your lover leaves u for a younger, richer, better looking man, it's her BIG loss. Her new man will be an insecure little boy, like 99.9% of men, and sooner or later, she will want to come back to you haha. Don't take her back!! Because you hv many younger n prettier gals of your type lining up for u.

Here is an email from a guru on the subject.

Please Don't Ever Be That Guy

Hey My Friend,

Did you go on that date?

I hope you did.

And if you didn’t get that date, I hope you did your best.

As long as you did everything in your power, it doesn’t really matter if you went on that date or not.

The only thing that matters is that you took action.

Failing is okay and an inevitable part of the process. Not taking action, however, is inexcusable.

What if you went on a date with a beautiful girl and you can even imagine a relationship with her?

Then you should know the one thing that you should NEVER be around a woman.

No matter if you just had your first date or if you are already celebrating your first wedding day…

Don’t be the jealous guy!

I am dead serious.

Jealousy is the number one thing that destroys relationships and kills love faster than you can say “labia”.

The real reason why jealousy is so unbelievably dangerous is because the media displays it as something romantic, as a sign of deep love.

Well, it’s not.

It’s a sign of deep insecurities.

The true reason why you are jealous is because you feel unworthy of her.

If you felt worthy of her, you wouldn’t be so freaking paranoid about her leaving you for another guy.

What can you do to get rid of your jealousy?

Realize that you are a valuable human being.

You don’t need a yacht, a Rolex, or a sports car to have value, even if the advertisement industry tries to sell this poisonous idea to you.

Become aware of your positive features and accept the fact that you are an awesome guy.

She is together with you because she knows that you are an awesome guy.

Don’t allow your jealousy to change her mind.

Your Friend,



Bro WB

07-07-2016, 02:42 PM
Good afternoon!!

What a fantastic day!!

Some new bros only want to join my outings to budget joints for HH. So I like to update my outings info below.

I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:

First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.

Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.

The two types of joints:

A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.

Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.

B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.

Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! If I hv a balance, expense per pax could be as low as $70!

I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?

For high end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...

Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.

PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.


Bro WB


If you hv been w/ a doll/woman long enough, there will be times when she is upset, perhaps very rarely. Because You are The Prize n she is afraid to lose You.

I got this email from a RS guru:

What She Really Wants From You When She’s Upset

Now I know that men are forever expected to be able to fix everything; that broken shelf, the car, the computer… the list is ongoing. And women love that you do this, seriously.

It’s hot when a guy wants to fix the oven himself rather than get someone in.

But there is ONE important time in your relationship when your lady doesn’t WANT you to fix it. When you trying to fix it is only going to make it WORSE.

Have you ever had a woman in your life tell you a problem, then get all mad and upset with you when all you did was try to give her some advice?

Makes absolutely no sense, right!

But here’s the reason behind the madness: what your lady REALLY wants from you when she’s upset and telling you about a problem is NOT your advice on how to fix it, but simply your ACTIVE LISTENING and SUPPORT.

Huh? But if she’s telling me about a problem, doesn’t she want the solution?

Sure, she does want to fix the problem. And she probably even has a good idea of how to do this. But fixing it is not on her mind right now. What she needs to deal with first is the EMOTION that has come along with this problem.

Right now, her negative feelings are the problem.

For example, the anger she feels at being passed over for a promotion at work.

How hurt she feels after a fight with her best friend.

How anxious she feels about a big presentation she has to do.

What she needs is to be able to share these emotions, and make sense of them. Only once she has dealt with her emotions can she go on to find a practical solution to the problem.

What it feels like to her if you try to give advice:

When you jump in and tell her what she needs to do to fix it (no matter how good your intentions are), she feels like you are not actually listening to what she is trying to communicate to you.

She feels angry and frustrated because you are missing the point.

You are trying to tell her how to fix it, while she is trying to tell you about her feelings.

She gets mad and upset because you are acting like she can’t even handle the problem herself.

Wow. Can you see why she gets those claws out now?

What it feels like to her if you just listen and support:

It empowers her when you listen without telling her what she should do, because she is still in control of the situation.

When you just pay attention and listen, she feels heard, loved and cared for, which fuels feelings of closeness towards you.

It may feel like you’re not really helping, and this can be really hard. But know that by not trying to fix it, you are actually helping her the most.

HOW to Actively Listen and Support

If you’re a guy who has always approached problems with a practical, fix-it attitude, then trying to step back and just listen rather than offer a solution may be a real challenge for you.

It may make you feel useless, because you don’t feel like you’re helping, or frustrated, because it seems like her problem could be solved with such a simple answer.

But the key is just to remember that it’s her EMOTIONS that are the problem.

So let’s go through how you listen and attend to these emotions now and ‘fix it’ in a way that you never have before.

1. When your date, girlfriend, or wife approaches you with a problem, give her your full attention. Make eye contact and keep your gaze on her, sit down together if you can, and try to block out any distractions.

2. Let her get it ALL out – allow a short silence if you need to, to make sure she has finished. Try to avoid jumping in too early and cutting her off at all costs.

3. As she is talking, take note of not only the actual problem she is facing, but also what her feelings are about the problem, that she is communicating to you.

Remember back to one of our examples above – “I feel so angry that they gave Sandra the promotion at work over me”.

Here, the PROBLEM is being passed over for a promotion, but her FEELING is anger.

4. The most effective way of making her feel heard and supported is to mirror her emotions back to her.

For example; “I can see how that made you feel really angry”

“I’m sorry that hurt you, babe”.

5. Use touch! Even if she seems really worked up, what she really needs right now is your touch.

Giving her a hug, putting an arm round her shoulder, wrapped your arms around her from behind, kissing her on her forehead, or holding her hand – any of these will help to calm her emotions and make her feel really loved and supported by you.

6. Once you have comforted her and worked through her feelings, you may be able to talk through a solution to the problem together. But just make sure this is initiated by her – she may or may not want to do this.

What if she does ask for my advice?

If she does directly ask for your advice or opinion, help to guide her to come to her own solution. It will still help her to feel better about herself if she feels she was able to come up with a fix, even if it was with your guidance.

At the very least, be gentle and thoughtful about how you come across when giving your advice, rather than just bombarding her with ‘Do this’. For example, you might ask in a questioning way “Hmm… do you think it might help if (fill in your suggestion here)?”

This way, you are offering a suggestion but still asking for her input, which keeps her in control.

So men, resist the urge to fix.

Remember this simple rule: Pay more attention to what she is saying about her FEELINGS than the PROBLEM itself.

And be prepared to become the world’s best boyfriend.

Brooke Ryan

07-07-2016, 03:50 PM
Bro warbird

"Booking" means the girl will be with you thru out your whole session, strictly no butterflying ?

Other than this, I understood all you wrote above the dotted line. Those below dotted line too chim. Lol.

Good afternoon!!

What a fantastic day!!

Some new bros only want to join my outings to budget joints for HH. So I like to update my outings info below.

I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:

First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.

Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.

The two types of joints:

A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.

Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.

B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.

Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! If I hv a balance, expense per pax could be as low as $70!

I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?

For high end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...

Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.

PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.


Bro WB


09-07-2016, 03:49 PM
Bro warbird

"Booking" means the girl will be with you thru out your whole session, strictly no butterflying ?

Other than this, I understood all you wrote above the dotted line. Those below dotted line too chim. Lol.


Yes, you understand booking well.

Read it again a few times, it's NOT too chim.


Bro WB

10-07-2016, 11:28 AM
Good morning!

Some musings on man-woman RS.

IMHO, the most powerful attitude a man has in terms of getting n keeping his dream girl/woman or any desirable female of his type is to communicate, by body language, voice tonality n words, that he wants her BUT he doesn't need her. There is a huge difference between wanting n needing!

Yes, he must show interest in her. He must let her know he finds her very attractive, sexy, feminine...and he wants to make love to her, again n again. But he doesn't need her at all because he is the PRIZE n he behaves as if 100 beautiful dolls...

And, he has zero fear of losing her. Even if he has deep KC for her n he loves her dearly. She can take it or leave it. It matters not whether he has known her for 20 secs or 20 years. He can behave this way because of his awesome emotional mastery n his gal knows it. It creates massive attraction in her subconscious mind. Even if she leaves him for whatever reason, she will try to come back to him. Because she has fallen for him. I'm 100% certain. :D;)

Here is a brief article which is relevant to what I'm discussing.

The Power of Walking Away


April 2, 2015

Having the balls to walk away from a potential lover, business offer or situation that doesn’t meet your own needs is one of the most powerful things you can do. It communicates to others that you are a Man who knows what he wants and values his own time.

I have had a number of consultations with Men who have learnt this one principle and they have told me it has changed their own life for the better.

Example from recent client email follow-up:

I can’t thank you enough for all your advice from our last consultation! Since the last time we talked I have dedicated more of my time doing things I want to do and not allowing the opinions of others to dictate what I want. I feel my confidence has developed ten fold. The one thing I’ve noticed is the new found freedom and respect I get from others who before never exercised much respect towards me.

My attraction in the eyes of Women has gone up massively. Last week I blew off a date with an extremely sexy young Woman because she was fooling around with the original plans I laid down. Rather than get upset or angry I simply called the date off and made other plans for that night. Couple days ago she contacted me saying shes going to make it up to me and to cut a long story short she came over and the rest is history ;). I would never have thought this possible and I used to believe I had to make sure I was pleasing Women rather than directing and leading the way I wanted things to go. The Power to walk away is so powerful I wish I did it years ago in all areas of my life.

I am not going to lie…this brought a large smile on my face. This was a drastic turn around and a massive realisation for him. He listened to my advice and trusted what I was teaching him and he is now reaping the rewards in his own life.

I have had a number of people contact me offering business opportunities that were not in alignment with what I am all about here on my blog. My younger self would have become persuaded with their offers, however knowing that I wasn’t 100% sure on whether it was right, becoming resentful and feeling out of pocket later on. The Power to Walk away and say No is a must to become a Man.

Yes Men don’t get as much respect as Men who exercise No when they aren’t satisfied. You always know what you want. You aren’t getting what you want? You’ve always got a choice to walk. You can follow blindly in hope but remember if you get lead down somewhere you do not like you have to deal with that fact you gave up that control by following in the beginning.

A Man has to demonstrate he can be decisive and make decisions.

So what do you do if you don’t feel you are getting what you want after expressing what you want?

You Walk

Your comments?

Do u have the balls to walk away from your dream girl/woman? If you do, she may fall for u! She can't help it.


Bro WB

10-07-2016, 11:59 AM
Bro WB, thank you for guidance. Have a great Sunday.

11-07-2016, 01:18 PM
Good morning!

The Power to walk away is so powerful I wish I did it years ago in all areas of my life.

Your comments?
Do u have the balls to walk away from your dream girl/woman? If you do, she may fall for u! She can't help it.


Bro WB

Yes! The power of walk away is damn power ! Out of 10 women I walk away 3 came back and wanted me.

11-07-2016, 07:38 PM
Seems like it is a game of Art of War ya....
What a tiring game. Hahahah

12-07-2016, 11:02 AM
Yes! The power of walk away is damn power ! Out of 10 women I walk away 3 came back and wanted me.

Bro AAconnection,

You're on the right track!

If you're willing to walk away from a gal/woman you like very much, it means a lot of things. It tells the world that you're the MAN w/ awesome emotional mastery, of course you're the Prize, and that you're secure, confident, self-assured, very comfortable in your own skin n you hv the abundance mindset.

Conversely, if you hv the slightest fear of losing a gal, whoever she is, you hv just become very repulsive to her...how can she depend on you for protection of her n her offspring if you are afraid of her and/or her actions??? You're NOT a man!! Think about this for a moment. Baffling to most clueless men n it may all start in her subconscious mind. A recent example of a clueless man? Johnny Depp of course.

If a gal rejects u and you remain very calm and as cool as cucumber, and then you just smile n walk away. I bet she will regret it n, after a period of time, she will chase u!! It may take days to many months. It has happened to me many times. I hv one gal who did that after 8 months of no contact!


Bro WB

Seems like it is a game of Art of War ya....
What a tiring game. Hahahah

Bro AAdam,

You're half right. No, its not a game. Yes, it's war.

It's about a man's happiness n contentment and the survival of his genes. It's what life is all about.

Pls read Sperm Wars.

Life can be tiring n full of sufferings, especially if you hv a scarcity mindset. Scarcity of money n pussies. If you change it to an abundance mindset, you will hv everything you ever want. But don't be too greedy, yeah. Must do everything in moderation.


Bro WB

16-07-2016, 12:03 PM
Good morning!

Yesterday I had a SH outing to P8 w/ three new young kakis and a more regular kaki. Expense per pax $125.

But there was a dearth of pretty SYTs n young women at P8. Two kakis booked a gal n the other two couldn't find a gal they liked enough. The mummy brought a newly arrived singer for me. She was ok in looks n figure for a quick ST. But she is not good enough for BY. Besides, I don't hv the time or money or engery for BY-ing a singer at this time. Right now in SG, I hv a full time mistress, two part time GFs plus another potential part-time, n my old lao po HW will be coming end of this month...my young lao po shortly thereafter. AND, there are many pretty SYTs in China waiting for me for BY. Lol. BTW, all my gals are year 95-97, excepting for my old lao po whom I first met in 2008. HW is 28, will be 29 in less than three months.

Our best bet for finding pretty SYTs n young women at this time is HH at Peace Centre joints n SH at Lido. If any bros know of a better place, let us know asap.

Why do I need so many pussies? Overcompensation for deep-rooted insecurity or pyschopathic personality or sexual perversion? Perhaps, but I do hv a very strong libido. And I can do what I'm doing n I'm improving everyday...why not?

I like to share an article on my favourite topic. A badass gentleman. Or a prestigious beadass gentleman.

The Return of the Badass Gentleman: Traditional Touches For The Modern Man


Your comments and criticisms will be greatly appreciated.

There was a phantom bro who wrote that a badass was natural, whereas a badass gentleman was unnatural. He has not given his explanation. Where is he? I really miss him!!


Bro WB

16-07-2016, 03:12 PM
Good afternoon!

My latest post on my other thread

Bro, from what i've heard, you don't practice what you preach leh. Whenever your ktv kaki talk with your girl or sing with her, you get insecure. :D

Hi bro,

Hahaha, you got it all wrong.

If a gal is a mistress, I don't give a fxxk. I always encourage her to talk to all bros, play dice n sing w/ them. Isn't that true? If she leaves me for another man, it's her BIG LOSS. And I don't want her n I don't need her. Why? Because I hv 100 very pretty SYTs/women...you know the quote.

But if I'm booking a new gal for the first time n a bro wants to play dice w/ her, he should ask my permission. I hv always said yes. Don't forget he is delaying my interaction w/ her to up her asap. I work lightning fast like a cowboy in the wild West. Get it? Otherwise, he should pay for part of her booking. Fair enough? I don't sing n I always encourage a new gal to sing w/ others.

Let me tell u a true story.

On 4th Oct of 2013, I saw a 20 yo cute n tall SYT Bao Er during HH at LV 5th fl. A Hunan gal. A famous bro SW n I saw her at the same time, but I walked up to her n booked her first. Later, SW was sitting to her right in the room and I was to her left. I hv a video clip on Bao Er, SW n his gal to his right, haha. He got her HP no when I went to the toilet. Although I didn't know at the time, he was enamoured of her haha. Must be love at first sight!! If he had been frank w/ me from the very beginning, I would be happy to let him hv her.

That same night I offered full time BY while she was in LV for SH w/ other customers. She accepted my offer n I consummated the union the next day. A few days later, I brought Bao Er to one of SW's outings at the Verge n he didn't take it well. His body language n eyes were full of envy n frustration. Only then did I realized how much he liked her!!

A week later, Bao Er showed me numerous messages from SW, asking how much I was paying her n he offered to pay much more! He was desperate n it must be true love, no? She ignored him completely. I had zero fear of losing her. She was on a visitor pass, she returned to China for a week n came back for another month, she never returned to SG. She got married.

Yes, I hv the video clip n I hv showed it to one of my wechat groups, but I won't disclose the ID of this famous SBF bro here haha.


Bro WB

16-07-2016, 03:45 PM
Yes, I hv the video clip n I hv showed it to one of my wechat groups, but I won't disclose the ID of this famous SBF bro here haha.


Bro WB

Wah lau. You going to post the id of me? Don't leh. Please la. :D

16-07-2016, 04:13 PM
If a gal rejects u and you remain very calm and as cool as cucumber, and then you just smile n walk away. I bet she will regret it n, after a period of time, she will chase u!! It may take days to many months. It has happened to me many times. I hv one gal who did that after 8 months of no contact!

TS had spoken and must heed advice. Bro TS, wish you had a nice weekend.

16-07-2016, 10:59 PM
Why will gals come back to you??? Not because of any of your theories. It is because of only and one only reason and the reason in MONEY. Stop living in self denial or inferiority complex or insecurity.. Or to prove the validity or truthfulness of your so called theories.
Your playground is just purely a business transaction. Nothing more. Nothing less. Your area of indulgence is Money Talk, Bull shit Walks.
TS, wake up please....

17-07-2016, 12:22 AM
Lol still got people listen to him fart

17-07-2016, 11:08 AM
Wah lau. You going to post the id of me? Don't leh. Please la. :D

Bro Nato17,

Very funny, hahaha.


TS had spoken and must heed advice. Bro TS, wish you had a nice weekend.

Bro kpkblppl,

Have a great weekend!

Why will gals come back to you??? Not because of any of your theories. It is because of only and one only reason and the reason in MONEY. Stop living in self denial or inferiority complex or insecurity.. Or to prove the validity or truthfulness of your so called theories.
Your playground is just purely a business transaction. Nothing more. Nothing less. Your area of indulgence is Money Talk, Bull shit Walks.
TS, wake up please....

Lol still got people listen to him fart


Tks for your posts. But I really don't give a fxxk what you or anyone else in the world think, feel, say or do. That is one of the traits of a prestigious badass gentleman.

These are not my theories. They are the theories of many RS n sex gurus, scientists n medical experts. I merely posted them here n added my personal experiences, both positive n negative.

If their theories are all BS, why don't you enlighten us. Tell us what really works PLEASE.

Please relate you own personal experiences to prove that all their theories are BS.

Talk is cheap. I want evidence.

Would you two great gurus join my outings? I'll pay your expenses, except your tips for the gals.

I suppose you two only get the most beautiful non-WLs FOC, then let me invite both of you to dinner, bring your beautiful GFs n I'll pay all expenses.

It will be my honor. Pls PM me. I hope you two don't charge me like Warren Buffett.

However, I don't believe life is so simple where money can buy everything. NO way, Jose. Why would any gal choose to leave a wealthy man like Johnny Depp? Why? Never mind that he is also a very famous mega movie star n talented musician AND a two times The Sexiest Man Alive.

Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...

Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.

You also forgot another big factor: TIME

Searching for the prettiest SYTS/women will take time. Inside n outside KTVs, outside schools, inside shopping malls, road side, libraries, dance classes, gym, carnivals, museums, websites...anytime n anywhere in the world. Even need time to tell many agents n friends what type of gals you want. Many very wealthy men hv very little time.

You also forgot about family n social constraints which frustrate many men. I don't give a fxxk.

Then a lao chee ko pek needs to be very healthy n virile to be able to fxxk all these SYTs n young women so frequently.

Many masculine character n personality traits are important.

A man's social status, educational level, profession/career n intelligence are also vital. Not every beautiful pussy wants to be the mistress of a billionaire drug kingpin or a shady businessman, yeah?

The most important of course is Emotional Mastery. This is the hardest to achieve n is THE most attractive masculine trait.

Last but not least, I'm very frugal n I always pay my mistresses n GFs in the lower range of the prevailing rates. They all say 你很小气 很抠...well, they can take it or leave it. I behave as if I hv 100...you know the quote. I'm going to live in China in a yr n I don't think I want any gals who hv been to SG.

I'll patiently await your detailed reply.

Pls think carefully before replying. Like they say, the devil is in the details haha.

Merely saying all my posts are BS will earn you zero respect n will expose your ignorance n bias. I welcome a point by point rebuttal. Go ahead, make my day!!

Have a great weekend!!


Bro WB

17-07-2016, 11:31 AM
Lol shut up what gurus hahha

17-07-2016, 12:51 PM
Bro warbird,

Come to think of it, probably monk can achieve the ultimate Emotional Mastery. what do u think?

17-07-2016, 12:58 PM
Good afternoon!

I'm waiting for detailed point by point rebuttal from the two self-proclaimed RS n sex gurus. I'll give them 48 hours.

If they fail to deliver, I'll assume they are intellectually challenged n put them on IGNORE.

They hv contributed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to this thread thus far. Zilch, dummy, zippo, diddly...I assume their brains are the same hahaha.


Bro WB

17-07-2016, 01:00 PM
Bro warbird,

Come to think of it, probably monk can achieve the ultimate Emotional Mastery. what do u think?

Hi bro Korean,

Tks for ur post! Very true.

Fortunately, they are usually not after pretty SYTs n young women. Otherwise, they would be formidable competitors.


Bro WB

17-07-2016, 01:23 PM
Good afternoon!

I'm meeting a newly arrived year 97 singer this afternoon. She has agreed for me to up her. I hv only seen her photos n video, so must meet her in person first.

I'll be very busy today n tomorrow n may not reply to the two self-proclaimed gurus until Tuesday or Wednesday.

But they can go ahead and make my day.

I love discussions, criticisms n debate. It greatly sharpens my mind n compels me to learn a lot n be a much better person...

IMHO, an old n penniless monk w/ absolute emotional mastery will easily make a pretty SYT fall for him. Whereas a wussy boy like Johnny Depp may get the pussy of the same gal by paying a lot, but he will never, ever own her heart. King Fuchai was the same as Johnny haha.


Bro WB

17-07-2016, 01:37 PM
Good afternoon!

I'm meeting a newly arrived year 97 singer this afternoon. She has agreed for me to up her. I hv only seen her photos n video, so must meet her in person first.

I'll be very busy today n tomorrow n may not reply to the two self-proclaimed gurus until Tuesday or Wednesday.

But they can go ahead and make my day.

I love discussions, criticisms n debate. It greatly sharpens my mind n compels me to learn a lot n be a much better person...

IMHO, an old n penniless monk w/ absolute emotional mastery will easily make a pretty SYT fall for him. Whereas a wussy boy like Johnny Depp may get the pussy of the same gal by paying a lot, but he will never, ever own her heart. King Fuchai was the same as Johnny haha.


Bro WB

Looks like I should not throw away the idea of improving my Buddhism knowledge in Tibet in months time even I'm still in relationship with my prc gf :p

17-07-2016, 01:57 PM
Bro Nato17,

Very funny, hahaha.


Bro kpkblppl,

Have a great weekend!


Tks for your posts. But I really don't give a fxxk what you or anyone else in the world think, feel, say or do. That is one of the traits of a prestigious badass gentleman.

These are not my theories. They are the theories of many RS n sex gurus, scientists n medical experts. I merely posted them here n added my personal experiences, both positive n negative.

If their theories are all BS, why don't you enlighten us. Tell us what really works PLEASE.

Please relate you own personal experiences to prove that all their theories are BS.

Talk is cheap. I want evidence.

Would you two great gurus join my outings? I'll pay your expenses, except your tips for the gals.

I suppose you two only get the most beautiful non-WLs FOC, then let me invite both of you to dinner, bring your beautiful GFs n I'll pay all expenses.

It will be my honor. Pls PM me. I hope you two don't charge me like Warren Buffett.

However, I don't believe life is so simple where money can buy everything. NO way, Jose. Why would any gal choose to leave a wealthy man like Johnny Depp? Why? Never mind that he is also a very famous mega movie star n talented musician AND a two times The Sexiest Man Alive.

Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...

Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.

You also forgot another big factor: TIME

Searching for the prettiest SYTS/women will take time. Inside n outside KTVs, outside schools, inside shopping malls, road side, libraries, dance classes, gym, carnivals, museums, websites...anytime n anywhere in the world. Even need time to tell many agents n friends what type of gals you want. Many very wealthy men hv very little time.

You also forgot about family n social constraints which frustrate many men. I don't give a fxxk.

Then a lao chee ko pek needs to be very healthy n virile to be able to fxxk all these SYTs n young women so frequently.

Many masculine character n personality traits are important.

A man's social status, educational level, profession/career n intelligence are also vital. Not every beautiful pussy wants to be the mistress of a billionaire drug kingpin or a shady businessman, yeah?

The most important of course is Emotional Mastery. This is the hardest to achieve n is THE most attractive masculine trait.

Last but not least, I'm very frugal n I always pay my mistresses n GFs in the lower range of the prevailing rates. They all say 你很小气 很抠...well, they can take it or leave it. I behave as if I hv 100...you know the quote. I'm going to live in China in a yr n I don't think I want any gals who hv been to SG.

I'll patiently await your detailed reply.

Pls think carefully before replying. Like they say, the devil is in the details haha.

Merely saying all my posts are BS will earn you zero respect n will expose your ignorance n bias. I welcome a point by point rebuttal. Go ahead, make my day!!

Have a great weekend!!


Bro WB

Actually bro, I agree that you made a valid argument. Its not as simple as throwing money away. My friends used to tell me - want gf? got car got $$ can already!
So I work my ass off to get both. I learnt to be responsible, develop my capabilities in work. But still no change. On the other hand you hear stories of pretty girls paying for their asshole boyfriends who cheat on them and live off them.
What am I doing wrong sia?!?

So I scour the forum seeking inspiration. So I have to thank you for sharring your theories. Among the many theories, as long as ONE works, I have benefited, so please continue contributing. I've also learnt that the thing about people is they cannot be calculated or predicted. These theories only improve your chances, but there is no 100% guarentee that it will work on all girls either.

Intellect exudes from your words, so may I appeal to bro to not make this an argument but continue the discussion which is the original purpose of the thread?

17-07-2016, 02:14 PM
Actually bro, I agree that you made a valid argument. Its not as simple as throwing money away. My friends used to tell me - want gf? got car got $$ can already!
So I work my ass off to get both. I learnt to be responsible, develop my capabilities in work. But still no change. On the other hand you hear stories of pretty girls paying for their asshole boyfriends who cheat on them and live off them.
What am I doing wrong sia?!?

So I scour the forum seeking inspiration. So I have to thank you for sharring your theories. Among the many theories, as long as ONE works, I have benefited, so please continue contributing. I've also learnt that the thing about people is they cannot be calculated or predicted. These theories only improve your chances, but there is no 100% guarentee that it will work on all girls either.

Intellect exudes from your words, so may I appeal to bro to not make this an argument but continue the discussion which is the original purpose of the thread?

You must be very ugly then! Lol this thread never fail to make me lol!

18-07-2016, 11:25 AM
Looks like I should not throw away the idea of improving my Buddhism knowledge in Tibet in months time even I'm still in relationship with my prc gf :p

Hi bro korea,

Tks for ur post. Do more meditation.

Buddhism is very scientific n I agree w/ all its doctrine including “随其缘对,善有善报,恶有恶报,” w/ only one important exception. I vehemently disagree that humans hv free will.

《缨络经·有行无行品》:“又问目连:‘何者是行报耶?’目连白佛言:‘随其缘对,善有善报,恶有恶报。’ ”

The position of every particle, known n unknown, in our universe since the Big Bang, has followed the laws of physics n is predetermined. To change the position of just one particle for a tiny fraction of one mm would require unimaginable force from outside our universe. A human is composed of particles. How could a human or anything else hv free will?

What is the true self or true nature of a human? Particles n forces.


Bro WB

Actually bro, I agree that you made a valid argument. Its not as simple as throwing money away. My friends used to tell me - want gf? got car got $$ can already!
So I work my ass off to get both. I learnt to be responsible, develop my capabilities in work. But still no change. On the other hand you hear stories of pretty girls paying for their asshole boyfriends who cheat on them and live off them.
What am I doing wrong sia?!?

So I scour the forum seeking inspiration. So I have to thank you for sharring your theories. Among the many theories, as long as ONE works, I have benefited, so please continue contributing. I've also learnt that the thing about people is they cannot be calculated or predicted. These theories only improve your chances, but there is no 100% guarentee that it will work on all girls either.

Intellect exudes from your words, so may I appeal to bro to not make this an argument but continue the discussion which is the original purpose of the thread?

Hi bro latemax,

Thanks so much for your post. Congrats to you for improving yourself everyday.

It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts!

Yes, every doll is different.

Perhaps you're too nice n you care too much n you're too attached to the outcome.

If you hv the mindset of a prestigious badass gentleman n if you hv awesome emotional mastery, your chances are greatly increased.

Remember this: You're forever the prize n you always assume that all the pretty dolls of your type are greatly attracted to you. And you want their pussies, but you don't need them. They can take it or leave it.

One of our two resident RS n sex gurus calls you ugly just because you hv not been as successful as you want. How could he possibly know that from reading your post n looking at your nick? Is he a psychic? Or is he delusional? I

It's very likely your standards are very high n you don't want to settle or lower ur standards.

From their posts which are very scanty in words, I surmise that they believe only two factors will attract beautiful pussies: A man's money n his good looks. If that were true, why would an old n over-the-hill woman (I consider any woman over the age of 30 as old) leave a wealthy man who is The Sexiest Man Alive?

I'll tell u why. We are most attracted to a doll's looks n figure, whereas dolls are most attracted to a man's behaviour n character traits. And the most attractive masculine trait is a man's emotional n self mastery.

My conclusion: The old woman left her wealthy n "The Sexiest Man Alive" husband because he has zero emotional mastery, period. Same for Elvis Presley n many other clueless n childlike "men." They are not men in my book, just little boys.

Let's talk about the "UGLY" bro, shall we? From reading his posts here n on other threads, I hv to conclude that he is intellectually challenged n I'm being politically correct n very kind here. Not sure if it's congenital or acquired. Could be both nature n nurture? But there is something a lot more troubling n more sinister...which implies a very poor prognosis.

He is "laughing out loud" constantly n inappropriately!

Some of the more common causes: Drug or medication abuse, alcohol intoxication, brain tumor, dementia, pseudobulbar palsy, extreme social anxiety or phobia, temporal lobe injury, major psychosis...

His delusion n inappropriate laughter are suggestive of a major psychosis plus extreme social phobia. But such a man is often very intelligent. I can't explain his low IQ. Brain tumor? Early dementia? Brain trauma? Substance abuse?

My advice is for him to seek immediate medical attention. I never met him, but I do wish him well.


Bro WB

18-07-2016, 01:09 PM
Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...

Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.

You also forgot another big factor: TIME

Yes! Some Pussies will say no to all the money once they know that name of honor is worth a million. I do experience it in my life.

18-07-2016, 01:57 PM
Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...

Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.

You also forgot another big factor: TIME

Yes! Some Pussies will say no to all the money once they know that name of honor is worth a million. I do experience it in my life.

Bro AAconnection,

Yes, I hv experienced it in my life too.

Some girls/women would rather die than lose their integrity/chastity. They hv earned my greatest respect.

Here is a good quote from a Japanese man.

“You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour.”

― Miyamoto Musashi, from A Book of Five Rings

Honor, above all other things, is what makes a true prestigious badass gentleman. It is easy to be tough and mean, but honor is what makes the difference between a MAN and a coward.


Bro WB

18-07-2016, 11:16 PM
Good evening!

I hv a SH outing to Lido Palace (Havelock n Outram) tomorrow.

I hv balance and four bros hv confirmed. I like to invite one more kaki so that the outing will be more fun. PM me if interested.

Pls refer to my post on 7 July for details including expense per pax.

BTW, I warmly welcome the two resident sex gurus (bros topman n AAdam) to my Lido outing tmr n I'll pay for their expenses except booking of gals. However, they MUST bring their beautiful GFs/lovers, fair enough? PM me asap. It will be an eye opener for me as they ridicule the theories of ALL the famous gurus as BS. Yup, I love to wake up tomorrow evening when I meet them and their gorgeous SYTs. They can drink all they want n I'll pay for the extra bottle myself. But they hv to smoke outside the room.


Bro WB

19-07-2016, 02:13 AM
Bro War Bird

just read your last 3 pages. Interesting enough, it is the exact items i am missing. Emotional master.

Spent too much time reading tech and stuff that is bringing me nowhere. Hopefully I will be able to pick up the EQ portion fast enough. will be helpful in terms of work and relationship management. ( have wife liao... kid coming soon too.)

Nice writing on the learnings. Thumbs up for effort!

19-07-2016, 12:10 PM
Bro War Bird

just read your last 3 pages. Interesting enough, it is the exact items i am missing. Emotional master.

Spent too much time reading tech and stuff that is bringing me nowhere. Hopefully I will be able to pick up the EQ portion fast enough. will be helpful in terms of work and relationship management. ( have wife liao... kid coming soon too.)

Nice writing on the learnings. Thumbs up for effort!

Bro XinJiao,

Thanks for your post. You make my day!!

Yeah, if a man doesn't hv good emotional n self mastery, nothing else will work for him. Not just in his RS w/ gals/women, but also in biz, career n other areas of his life.


"My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man."

Let me be introspective n be brutally honest w/ myself n rate my own success w/ gals/women of my type.

From a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being the worst n 10 being the best. When I joined SBF in 2007, I was 0-1. And now, maybe 4-5. I hv a long way to go. My overall success parallels my improvement in emotional n self mastery.


A man w/ zero emotional mastery is a coward. Does a coward hv gallantry n honor? Could he provide for n protect his woman n her kids in times of needs n in dangerous situations? A coward will only dare to bully n assault people weaker than him.

The fictional Caledon Nathan Hockley in Titanic was a rich n handsome young man. He is a classic example of an evil coward!!


Bro WB

20-07-2016, 02:38 PM
Good afternoon!

I'm deeply disappointed that the two local RS n sex "hotshots," who derided the theories n collective wisdom of all the famous gurus n medical experts as bogus n "fart," hv not responded to my challenge.

Not even a hint of a "fart" from them. And neither did they show up yesterday at my outing.

I was looking forward to learning something revolutionary n enlightening.

My conclusion: They are intellectually challenged, wussy cowards. No gallantry, no honor n no responsiblity. They won't even dare to defend their views n position. They hv zero self respect n zero emotional mastery!! One of them may also hv a concomitant medical condition whose prognosis is guarded at best.

BTW, my SH outing to Lido last night w/ 4 bros was also disappointing. The quality of gals was so so except for a SYT I had upped several times before. She was shy n tried to hide from me. I pretended I didn't see her. I called two singers w/ very nice badonkadonk to sit w/ me so that I could squeeze their butt. They are both quite old.


Bro WB

21-07-2016, 04:10 AM
outing with no good returns on the ladies is kinda dulan and disappointing...

better luck next time.

21-07-2016, 10:59 AM
outing with no good returns on the ladies is kinda dulan and disappointing...
better luck next time.

Good morning bro XinJiao,

No, not dulan.

Can't expect to meet a new SYT/woman of my type everyday. By going often, my odds of finding one are increased.

I'm always n forever mode one. When I meet a gal I like to up, I'll whisper to her exactly what is in my mind asap. I'm radically honest, direct n upfront. If I want to up her tmr, I'll say so. If I find her sexy, I'll explain to her why. Must point out some of her flaws too...

If you're always brutally honest w/ a gal, she will find you more trustworthy, more genuine, more attractive, more masculine n less manipulative than a wussy "nice guy" who tries to flatter or suck up to her in order to get into her pants.

I was mode one w/ the two old singers the other day. One said I was very cute n the other said she would go to dinner w/ me FOC, but she would need to return to Lido by 8:30PM. I may not hv time for them.

Always have the abundance mindset n be mode one. Most importantly, you must possess formidable emotional mastery like a zen master.

Be very calm, relaxed, happy n self-assured whether your dream gal has just agreed to be your lover or just flatly rejected you. You feel exactly the same n you're totally detached to the outcome. She rejects u because she is not wise enough n well informed enough 还不开窍 to recognize your value, you must give the hapless gal more time to recognize u as the prize.


Bro WB

21-07-2016, 11:07 PM
Hi bro Warbird,

I'm quite interested in the topic "emotional mastery". I believe it is a huge topic to be covered, and personally I have many questions in my mind. But let me throw out each question one by one.

I did ask u abt whether monk has the ultimate emotional mastery. As there are many type of emotions, and I believe monk does has symphathy for lifes, I wonder whether that considered as emotional mastery. I do understand that the "emotianl mastery" we covered in this thread is mainly for bf/gf relationship....

Yes I agree monk has the ultimate "emotional mastery" for bf/gf relationship aspect, however personally I feel ladies won't be interested in monk as they know monk will never fall in love with them, and they basically got near to zero chance to win monk heart. What attract the ladies is you need to give them some hopes that they maybe able to win your heart, and typically you need to show them some emotion, but a controlled one. So I believe the ultimate emotional mastery is you can fully release your REAL emotion towards the ladies, but you can cut off or control your emotion as well as and when necessary, in chinese 收放自如. You let the ladies fully indulge in ur emotion, at the same time she is afraid of losing it as she know u can take it back too. I think gigolo probably has this ability at best in general, that y u can see so many ladies willing to folk out money to buy gigolo heart, even willing to die for the man if u had watched the hk rated movie "gigolo king I"

update: lol I just realize I didn't really ask any questions but sharing my thought, and I have somemore "questions" in my mind but will share with you next time. Just like to hear your opinion.

22-07-2016, 11:15 AM
Hi bro Warbird,

I'm quite interested in the topic "emotional mastery". I believe it is a huge topic to be covered, and personally I have many questions in my mind. But let me throw out each question one by one.

I did ask u abt whether monk has the ultimate emotional mastery. As there are many type of emotions, and I believe monk does has symphathy for lifes, I wonder whether that considered as emotional mastery. I do understand that the "emotianl mastery" we covered in this thread is mainly for bf/gf relationship....

Yes I agree monk has the ultimate "emotional mastery" for bf/gf relationship aspect, however personally I feel ladies won't be interested in monk as they know monk will never fall in love with them, and they basically got near to zero chance to win monk heart. What attract the ladies is you need to give them some hopes that they maybe able to win your heart, and typically you need to show them some emotion, but a controlled one. So I believe the ultimate emotional mastery is you can fully release your REAL emotion towards the ladies, but you can cut off or control your emotion as well as and when necessary, in chinese 收放自如. You let the ladies fully indulge in ur emotion, at the same time she is afraid of losing it as she know u can take it back too. I think gigolo probably has this ability at best in general, that y u can see so many ladies willing to folk out money to buy gigolo heart, even willing to die for the man if u had watched the hk rated movie "gigolo king I"

update: lol I just realize I didn't really ask any questions but sharing my thought, and I have somemore "questions" in my mind but will share with you next time. Just like to hear your opinion.

Hi bro Korean,

Thank you so much for your post.

Self mastery n emotional mastery is NOT specific to man-woman RS.

A man who has even a little of it will never need to be a gigolo. Such a lowly person will hv little control when he meets his special one. King Fuchai had very little n Johnny Depp has none.


Two examples:

1) If you are captured by a group of terrorists n they are going to torture you n kill you slowly, yet you smile n hv zero fear.

2) A woman you hv loved deeply for years suddenly wants to leave you w/ your beloved kids, for no apparent reason. You smile n wish her well. You leave n never look back. You feel the same joy as if you just won the grand prize in Powerball.

IF you're such a MAN, then I'll kneel down n call you my master n sifu. I'll do whatever it takes to become such a MAN asap. Provided you're not demented n not a psychotic.

Saint Paul exhibited absolute self mastery when he was in the infamous Mamertine Prison in ancient Rome, before his crucifixion.

The MAN in the poem IF is good enough for me:

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

There is not a greater power on earth for a MAN to possess than absolute self n emotional mastery.

“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
― Lao Tzu


Bro WB

22-07-2016, 05:05 PM
Self mastery n emotional mastery is NOT specific to man-woman RS.

yes definitely not. That why I said it is a broad topic. For e.g. parent-son RS. I dunno what will be example like for absolute emotional mastery for such RS? Treat them like any other stranger as how monk does?

A man who has even a little of it will never need to be a gigolo. Such a lowly person will hv little control when he meets his special one. King Fuchai had very little n Johnny Depp has none.


Two examples:

1) If you are captured by a group of terrorists n they are going to torture you n kill you slowly, yet you smile n hv zero fear.

2) A woman you hv loved deeply for years suddenly wants to leave you w/ your beloved kids, for no apparent reason. You smile n wish her well. You leave n never look back. You feel the same joy as if you just won the grand prize in Powerball.

lol...for (1) I believe most if not all people can achieve that with ZERO fear, not sure abt monk though. I'm not afraid to die, may not be ZERO fear but probably close to, but I afraid of suffering from pains. If I die with minimal pain, no big deal for me, but torture with pain with zero fear, wow I must say this is really ultimate and whether u know of such cases n persons (to get into such situation is already a low probable event, to prove he has zero fear will be even tougher as the terrorists wont get him a physologists or scientist to study his mental state lol)

for (2), the woman I love most wanted to leave me not too long ago as she thought she could be the one causing me to divorce with my wife, ended up with zero cents in my pocket and she cannot bear to see me end up in such situation. She would not like to see herself as a potential culprit to damage a family, she pities for my wife too. Although I kept on convincing her tat even without her, I will do the same but she just want to stay away from such situation. Honestly I believe I can hardly find anyone more suitable than her to be my lifetime partner, however respect her decision and wish her well unhappy. Why I'm not happy, becoz I know she is deeply suffering from the departure, and I wish she should be happy if she decides to leave me. This is not one of the perfect scenario for me, that's why I cannot be happy. We decided wont contact each other anymore, so she deleted my wechat and qq acounts. Honestly I missed her for a few days, mainly becoz I can feel she is not doing well. If she is more happy by leaving me, I will be happy for her. She needs to find her happiness whether it is with me or others or alone, in order for me to feel joy n happy. Few days later, she contacted me back, which surprised me as I knew she is quite cruel from the past after leaving her bfs. She asked me to see her parents during next cny, so our rs resumes again. Yes I can leave her with smile, but I gotta make sure she is doing better without me. :)

I have 4 rs in my life so far (1st love, wife, 2 gfs in sequence), far cry from many bros n esp u. 1st love and both gfs used to leave me once or several times due to various reasons. I couldn't say I have zero emotion for such breaking up, but I'm getting better and better after every breaking up, not sure due to numbness or what. What I did well ever since my 1st love many years ago was, after breaking up, I resisted from contacting them, even some of them try to contact me back. I do not know whether anything to do with self mastery, but I believe it will happen again n again, but I do not wish tat to happen again and try to settle with the current one if not be single forever as I cannot bear to see woman suffering becoz of me. Probably I fail the emotion mastery of symphathy but I'm much better than before.

22-07-2016, 05:39 PM
which ktv? https://shardsofchina.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/ktv-girls-of-china.jpg

23-07-2016, 03:20 PM
yes definitely not. That why I said it is a broad topic. For e.g. parent-son RS. I dunno what will be example like for absolute emotional mastery for such RS? Treat them like any other stranger as how monk does?

lol...for (1) I believe most if not all people can achieve that with ZERO fear, not sure abt monk though. I'm not afraid to die, may not be ZERO fear but probably close to, but I afraid of suffering from pains. If I die with minimal pain, no big deal for me, but torture with pain with zero fear, wow I must say this is really ultimate and whether u know of such cases n persons (to get into such situation is already a low probable event, to prove he has zero fear will be even tougher as the terrorists wont get him a physologists or scientist to study his mental state lol)

for (2), the woman I love most wanted to leave me not too long ago as she thought she could be the one causing me to divorce with my wife, ended up with zero cents in my pocket and she cannot bear to see me end up in such situation. She would not like to see herself as a potential culprit to damage a family, she pities for my wife too. Although I kept on convincing her tat even without her, I will do the same but she just want to stay away from such situation. Honestly I believe I can hardly find anyone more suitable than her to be my lifetime partner, however respect her decision and wish her well unhappy. Why I'm not happy, becoz I know she is deeply suffering from the departure, and I wish she should be happy if she decides to leave me. This is not one of the perfect scenario for me, that's why I cannot be happy. We decided wont contact each other anymore, so she deleted my wechat and qq acounts. Honestly I missed her for a few days, mainly becoz I can feel she is not doing well. If she is more happy by leaving me, I will be happy for her. She needs to find her happiness whether it is with me or others or alone, in order for me to feel joy n happy. Few days later, she contacted me back, which surprised me as I knew she is quite cruel from the past after leaving her bfs. She asked me to see her parents during next cny, so our rs resumes again. Yes I can leave her with smile, but I gotta make sure she is doing better without me. :)

I have 4 rs in my life so far (1st love, wife, 2 gfs in sequence), far cry from many bros n esp u. 1st love and both gfs used to leave me once or several times due to various reasons. I couldn't say I have zero emotion for such breaking up, but I'm getting better and better after every breaking up, not sure due to numbness or what. What I did well ever since my 1st love many years ago was, after breaking up, I resisted from contacting them, even some of them try to contact me back. I do not know whether anything to do with self mastery, but I believe it will happen again n again, but I do not wish tat to happen again and try to settle with the current one if not be single forever as I cannot bear to see woman suffering becoz of me. Probably I fail the emotion mastery of symphathy but I'm much better than before.

Hi bro korea,

Thank you for your post.

Supposing there is a man who loves his kids unconditionally, but he doesn't feel sadness and pain if something tragic should happen to one of them. That is an example of absolute emotional mastery. He accepts whatever is happening in his life n he is happy now. He knows everything n every event is predetermined.

Such a man will also hv zero fear when facing torture n death. Saint Paul was such a man when he was incarcerated in the infamous Mamertine dungeon in ancient Rome.

Wow, you truly love your current GF. Congrats! And of course you will hv zero jealousy if she leaves u for another man.

As St. Augustine said, “He that is jealous is not in love.” That is the test of true love!!


Bro WB

which ktv? https://shardsofchina.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/ktv-girls-of-china.jpg


Why don't you find out n tell us?


Bro WB

25-07-2016, 11:25 AM
Good morning!

If your legal wife/mistress/lao po/GF/lover is a very attractive SYT/young woman, you should expect many hungry, frustrated n wussy men to hit on
her everyday. You should welcome that. Because it's a strong confirmation that your doll is very attractive n desirable. And, as a prestigious badass gentleman, you hv zero jealousy n zero fear of losing her, yeah?

You hv zero fear because you hv the mindset that a 100 very attractive young women of your type, mostly non WLs, are calling you n wanting to fuck you every day...it may actually be a blessing if you lose your ALL your current gals. Believe it in your S mind n see miracles happen!

Not to mention that you also hv formidable emotional mastery n self mastery. Many hungry n desperate young men after your doll? Bring it on! They better watch out because u COULD easily walk away w/ their prettiest dolls, IF, and this is a big IF, they hv even one GF good enough for you. Of course, you should do so only when it's safe. These desperate men may resort to violence. You COULD, but you won't want to.

I just received the following email from David Deangelo on the above subject. He has sent me the same email several times in the past. I first read his ebooks about 8 years ago.

Competition From Other Men - How To Handle It

Hi Bro Warbird,

Make 5 small tweaks to the way that you carry yourself (in other words, how you stand and walk).

These will automatically cause your body to project what's called PRIMAL DOMINANCE.

When you do, it's scientific:

You trigger feelings in a woman that she can neither HELP nor RESIST...a literal animal attraction that draws her to YOU (whether she wants to meet a man right now or not).

Click here to make it happen TONIGHT!


I am recently divorced and found myself having a
hard time making connections with women after
being in a 9-year relationship. Before I met my
ex-wife I considered myself as a "player" and had
little trouble finding girls to go out with.
After being out of the scene for so long, I had
lots of trouble trying to get back in to the
swing of things. Your ebook and emails have
instantly put me back in the game and I am now
getting dates with very attractive women! It's
been amazing!!
Thank You!

Now for the question. All these attractive women
have brought something into my dates that I am
not used to, Men (Cock Blockers)! Currently, I
am dating this "bomb-shell" occasionally and when
we go out on a date, men will hit on her as soon
as they get a chance. If I turn my back for
second, some guy will try to make eye contact or
say something to her. I don't blame the guys
because she is very hot, but how do I deal with
this in a way that shows I am 100% confident?
Typically, I just laugh and continue to have a
good time by ignoring the lame ass attempts to
pick up on my date, but there has to be a way
that I can turn this around to make me look more
confident in her eyes.

You're the man,

B from Colorado


Well then...welcome back!

I've noticed that the period after breaking up with a long-term girlfriend or spouse is often a difficult one.

I think it's easy for men (and women) to become so comfortable and emotionally dependent in a relationship that they experience a lot of FEAR
when ending that relationship...

"What's going to happen?"

"Will I ever meet another woman?"

"How do I get started?"


I can remember breaking up with long-term girlfriends in years past, and feeling an empty, fearful, LONELY combination of emotions in my gut that was HORRIBLE.

That ALONE feeling is enough to cause a lot of problems.

Add to that, not knowing where to start, what to do, or how to "get your game back" if you had it in the past, and you usually get a bad situation.

I've learned that knowing how to go out anytime and meet women has a couple of MAJOR benefits when it comes to this area:

1) When you know that you can meet women anytime you want, it makes you stop acting so NEEDY and CLINGY in a relationship. Most needy and
clingy Wuss behaviors are rooted in the FEAR that you'll never be able to find another woman.

2) When it comes to ENDING a relationship, this skill makes things MUCH easier. Too many guys stay in relationships that are bad for them, and
are afraid to END a relationship because of that deeply-rooted insecurity that comes from not knowing how to walk out the door anytime, anywhere and meet women. When you know how to do this, you won't try to hold on like a girly-man, sacrifice your own respect and dignity, pleading and begging, and ultimately make the situation much worse than it would have been if you would have just walked away.

In short, what I'm trying to say is that I think understanding this area called "How to attract women" is KEY to having a good relationship.

When you have that inner confidence and KNOWING, it makes you more attractive...period.

Now let's talk about what to do when there is competition from other guys...

First I want to talk about what I believe is at the ROOT of the problem:



When you are insecure, you're always wondering if some other guy is going to come along and steal your girl.

This often shows up as a combination of feelings that make you worry about losing your girl, and at the same time worrying about not being able to find another one if you DO lose this one.

This is a BAD, BAD thing because it then CLOUDS YOUR THINKING, and creates an illusion that the woman you're with is BETTER than she is, and that you're WORSE than you are.

We're talking about some deep issues here, but this is the stuff that triggers the ULTIMATE WUSS types of behaviors.

Then, as if things weren't bad enough, you go out with your girl, and other guys start hitting on her right in front of you.

This triggers MORE insecurity, and then the REAL problem...JEALOUSY.

Jealousy is an incredibly powerful emotion.

It often leads people to KILL people they love.

One scientist wrote an entire book about Jealousy, and basically claimed that it was the most powerful and important emotion ever! (The book is called "The Dangerous Passion"...referring to jealousy)

When you're out with your girl, you turn around to order a drink, and when you turn BACK around there's some guy talking to her with that "I'd love to take you home and do things that the lord forbids", it can trigger a few emotions...

This is very natural. Animals have this same response in similar situations. I personally believe that we come pre-wired with BOTH of these things:

- We come pre-wired to want women that other men already have (Don't covet thy neighbor's wife).

- We come pre-wired to feel jealousy if we suspect that our spouse is cheating or if we think that someone is going to take them from us.

Again, normal and natural stuff.

If Yoda were here, he'd probably say:

"Jealousy is useless...

...Jealousy leads to anger, anger leads to INSECURE WUSSY BEHAVIOR... and insecure Wussy behavior leads to the DARK SIDE."

Now, jealousy doesn't always lead to insecure WUSSY behavior, sometimes it leads to insecure DUMB ASS behavior, like getting into a fight, or shooting someone.

Some men enjoy fights and violence.

And some women have no problem dating a man who likes to beat other men up (or beat her up).

I personally think that violence and hurting other people is the IGNORANT way to deal with things.

But, I also know that there are a lot of guys out there that don't share my views.

The POINT I'm trying to make is that insecurity and jealousy make people do all kinds of stupid and thoughtless things.

These emotions take over your mind and body, and can trigger some of the most short-sighted behaviors you'll ever experience.

These are complex emotions that have evolved over millions and millions of years...and they're not going away anytime soon. In many cases, they literally take control of your mind and body.

For instance...

Let's say you've just broken up with your girlfriend or wife, and it took you a long time to finally get a date with an attractive woman. Maybe you were feeling insecure and didn't know if you could meet another woman, and let's say that the breakup was hard on you as well.

Let's say you're out at a bar with your new date and you excuse yourself to use the boy's room... and when you get back, there are TWO big, handsome guys talking to your date, and she's laughing hysterically at what they're saying.

What would most guys do in this situation?

THEY'D FREAK. That's what.

All kinds of fear, jealousy, insecurity, etc. would INSTANTLY take over, and there would be thoughts of her wanting to be with these guys, them taking her away, etc.

And what do most guys actually DO in one of these situations?

They walk over, act nervous, and try to take the girl away from the situation. And they make the mistake of making it OBVIOUS that they're all
freaked out, intimidated, jealous, and insecure.

This, of course, only makes the other guys feel more powerful, and makes the woman realize that she's with an insecure WUSS.

It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, in most cases.

As a side note: I have met and know of guys who actually ENJOY picking up women who are out with other guys. It's a game to them.

And they've found that it's EASY, because most men are insecure, and most women don't want to be with a WUSS...

So what's the answer here?

(To Be Continued)

25-07-2016, 11:29 AM
So what's the answer here?

What's the best thing to do when a guy is making his move on your girl?

Well... let's start from a little BEFORE that.

And before I give you my take, I want to recommend that you ALSO get your hands my "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts Women" program.

This program will help you develop a DEEP and important part of yourself...
that will help fix some of the issues we're talking about here.


The best thing you can do in one of these situations is what you do BEFORE it ever happens... and it's a combination of things:

1) Realize that there's nothing to be insecure and jealous about, and that these things only lead to fear and loss.

2) Get your game in shape with women. Get yourself to the point where you can meet women in ANY situation. This way you always know DEEP
DOWN that if any woman you're with ever decides to leave, you can turn around and start meeting women. This eliminates insecurity.

3) Mentally prepare. Take some time to imagine that you're in one of these situations, and notice the feelings you have. Go over it in your mind until you can think about it without having any negative emotions triggered.

And here's what to do when you're actually IN
the situation...

1) EXPECT IT. If you start dating hot women, other men will hit on them, GUARANTEED. It's part of life, man. You must expect that it's going to
happen and not be surprised when it does.

2) Learn how to have FUN with it. Most guys have no game at all...and it's kind of funny to watch and listen to them. I enjoy watching guys try to meet women, because they FAIL miserably in most cases. I like to wait until a guy is finished trying to pick up on the girl I'm with, and then get her to share the details so I can laugh.

3) Suggest that she date the guy. One of my favorite things to do is say, "Hey, you guys would make a cute couple...I think you should go for him." Of course, this is all said in a light, fun way.

4) If you suspect that the girl you're with is actually TRYING to make you jealous, talk to other women. If you actually think that a woman is deliberately trying to make you jealous, you must do some thinking as well. Some women enjoy making men compete over them and you probably don't want to be with one of these women. They're a pain. But if you think it's just a typical situation and the girl is trying to figure out if you "really" like her (because you'll get jealous if you do), then just turn around and start a conversation with a group of girls...and wait for her to come and find you.

The point I'm making is that you MUST get over that fear/insecurity/jealousy issue, and realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The only power that other guys will have with your date is the power that you GIVE them... so don't give them any power by acting like a WUSS. Keep your power for yourself. The main reason that other guys try to hit on your girl is because they don't have one themselves. Remember that.

...and if you're reading this right now and thinking to yourself, "You know, I need to learn this stuff about how to meet and attract women so I can get rid of that insecure and fearful feeling I have" then YOU'RE RIGHT!

I think that every man should invest in himself and learn this skill.

Unfortunately, most guys never take the time and invest in themselves... and they wind up going their whole lives WISHING that they could attract the kinds of women that they want.

Well, I used to be one of the guys who didn't know what he was doing with women. Now I'm one of the guys who can go out anytime, in any situation
and attract women.

What's the difference?


And if you'd like to learn then I recommend you learn the things that I learned FIRST.

It's taken me a long time to figure all this stuff out, and it's also taken a lot of time, effort, and energy on my part to put it all down on paper and on video...so that any guy can learn from the things I've discovered.

I'd like to personally invite you to check out my materials. In a matter of hours you can learn things that it took me YEARS to figure out...all from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

My Advanced Dating Techniques Program has over 12 full hours of me teaching live...all recorded and edited in high-quality digital video
streaming format that you can watch right now, online. It contains literally HUNDREDS of great ideas for meeting and dating women... and it's probably the single best investment you can make in your dating life.

My eBook "Double Your Dating" is the FOUNDATION for everything I teach in these newsletters, and for everything I teach in my Advanced Series. It's a "must read" and you can download it online and be reading it in about
5 minutes...

I'll talk to you again soon.

Your friend,

David DeAngelo

Any comments n criticisms?

David D. is certainly not the last word on man-woman RS.


Bro WB

25-07-2016, 12:43 PM
Brp WB, today I learned this from your thread

"Competition From Other Men - How To Handle It"

I shall try to use what I learned.

Hope you have a nice day.

25-07-2016, 04:15 PM
Any comments n criticisms?


Bro WB

Dear Warbird,

I enjoy reading your insights, allow me to share my opinion

In the context of KTV girls, the parties involved know very well of their roles in the dynamics, no?

Any women, whether they're young/old/beautiful/plain looking, they all like successful men, even more so the KTV girls. They are after all, in the business, looking for a better living. The motives are obvious.For them, it's just a matter of sizing up, which one has the deeper pocket and would be willing to part with their money, and which one they would settle for.

In a way, wouldn't it be nothing but a no-contest situation? If you have a boatload of money, more than the rest, of course you could choose as you please. You know it, they know it. Some girls might not want to look that obvious, but a Powerplay is a powerplay.

A different dynamics would entail however, had the girls been in a more even playing field. As in, they know they have a lot going in their lives, thus diminishing the 'power play' underlying premise.

Don't you think that's where the real emotional mastery lies?

If I could ask you a personal question sir, what made a successful man like you, settle for the woman you married in the first place? Because I think, the greatest gift that a man could give a woman, is 'marriage' that he make that promise to be the man just for her.

26-07-2016, 02:36 PM
Brp WB, today I learned this from your thread

"Competition From Other Men - How To Handle It"

I shall try to use what I learned.

Hope you have a nice day.

Bro Emotional,

Tks for ur post.

Dear Warbird,

I enjoy reading your insights, allow me to share my opinion

In the context of KTV girls, the parties involved know very well of their roles in the dynamics, no?

Any women, whether they're young/old/beautiful/plain looking, they all like successful men, even more so the KTV girls. They are after all, in the business, looking for a better living. The motives are obvious.For them, it's just a matter of sizing up, which one has the deeper pocket and would be willing to part with their money, and which one they would settle for.

In a way, wouldn't it be nothing but a no-contest situation? If you have a boatload of money, more than the rest, of course you could choose as you please. You know it, they know it. Some girls might not want to look that obvious, but a Powerplay is a powerplay.

A different dynamics would entail however, had the girls been in a more even playing field. As in, they know they have a lot going in their lives, thus diminishing the 'power play' underlying premise.

Don't you think that's where the real emotional mastery lies?

If I could ask you a personal question sir, what made a successful man like you, settle for the woman you married in the first place? Because I think, the greatest gift that a man could give a woman, is 'marriage' that he make that promise to be the man just for her.

Dear randyrockhard,

Thank u so much for ur post.

Yes, for most WLs, spending sufficient money is a prerequisite in getting their pussies. But money is often NOT the only factor, especially if the doll you are after is very cute/attractive n has many suitors. Besides, no amount of money will capture her heart.

I know n you know that many attractive n intelligent dolls would never want to be the mistress of a billionaire drug kingpin or a very wealthy crooked businessman/gangster. No trust and no respect for these criminals.

In fact, I hv stated my beliefs on topics you just commented in my recent posts #4429, 4438, 4440, 4443, 4446 n 4447.

I'll now address your personal question.

Firstly, I only hv had a modicum of success w/ SYTS/young women. I rated my success 4-5 out of a scale of 10. I hv a lot of room for improvement. If I were 10 now, I won't hv anything to look forward to.

Secondly, I was a lot more successful in my profession in Gotham City. I would rate myself 8-9 in this area. I was working 80-100 hours per week. Being a foreigner, I had to work a lot harder n be a lot better than my American colleagues.

Thirdly, I will never settle for just any woman, period. Whether she is a legal wife or LT mistress/lover.


Bro WB

26-07-2016, 02:39 PM
Brp WB, today I learned this from your thread

"Competition From Other Men - How To Handle It"

I shall try to use what I learned.

Hope you have a nice day.

Bro Emotional,

Tks for ur post.

Dear Warbird,

I enjoy reading your insights, allow me to share my opinion

In the context of KTV girls, the parties involved know very well of their roles in the dynamics, no?

Any women, whether they're young/old/beautiful/plain looking, they all like successful men, even more so the KTV girls. They are after all, in the business, looking for a better living. The motives are obvious.For them, it's just a matter of sizing up, which one has the deeper pocket and would be willing to part with their money, and which one they would settle for.

In a way, wouldn't it be nothing but a no-contest situation? If you have a boatload of money, more than the rest, of course you could choose as you please. You know it, they know it. Some girls might not want to look that obvious, but a Powerplay is a powerplay.

A different dynamics would entail however, had the girls been in a more even playing field. As in, they know they have a lot going in their lives, thus diminishing the 'power play' underlying premise.

Don't you think that's where the real emotional mastery lies?

If I could ask you a personal question sir, what made a successful man like you, settle for the woman you married in the first place? Because I think, the greatest gift that a man could give a woman, is 'marriage' that he make that promise to be the man just for her.

Dear randyrockhard,

Thank u so much for ur post.

Yes, for most WLs, spending sufficient money is a prerequisite to owning their pussies. But money is NOT the only factor, especially if the doll you are after is very cute/attractive n has many suitors. Besides, no amount of money will capture her heart.

I know n you know that many attractive n intelligent dolls would never want to be the mistress of a billionaire drug kingpin or a very wealthy crooked businessman/gangster. No trust and no respect for these criminals.

In fact, I hv stated my beliefs on topics you just commented in my recent posts #4429, 4438, 4440, 4443, 4446 n 4447.

I'll now address your personal question.

Firstly, I only hv had a modicum of success w/ SYTS/young women. I rated my success 4-5 out of a scale of 10. I hv a lot of room for improvement. If I were 10 now, I won't hv anything to look forward to.

Secondly, I was a lot more successful in my previous profession in Gotham City. I would rate myself 8-9 in this area. I was working 80-100 hours per week. Being a foreigner, I had to work a lot harder n be a lot better than my American colleagues.

Thirdly, I will never settle for just any woman, period. Whether she is a legal wife or LT mistress/lover.


Bro WB

26-07-2016, 04:56 PM
Bro Warbird,

I fully understand what you meant about having money does not mean you will have her heart. 100% agreed.

If I read your post correctly, that you want to have the woman's pussy AND heart - which is totally sensible - However, what I do not understand is, why would anyone want the heart of someone that sleeps with men for money in the first place?

The progression of events that you seem to look for, is the reverse of what regular 'loving couples' goes through (where usually the men win the women's heart FIRST, then their pussies).

Are you sure it is not just a different way of saying that you actually want a better service? :)

27-07-2016, 11:52 AM
Bro Warbird,

I fully understand what you meant about having money does not mean you will have her heart. 100% agreed.

If I read your post correctly, that you want to have the woman's pussy AND heart - which is totally sensible - However, what I do not understand is, why would anyone want the heart of someone that sleeps with men for money in the first place?

The progression of events that you seem to look for, is the reverse of what regular 'loving couples' goes through (where usually the men win the women's heart FIRST, then their pussies).

Are you sure it is not just a different way of saying that you actually want a better service? :)

Hi bro randyrockhard,

Tks for ur post.

I guess you don't know or pretend not to know how the world really works.

I want to be radically honest. Every pretty doll sleeps w/ a man or many men for money, unless she is from a billionaire family. But even a doll from super rich family will often enter into a union w/ a man for biz n strategic alliance that will benefit her family.

From modern America:

"A lot of people don’t understand why a woman would become a ho. What they don’t realize is that for many pretty women with little education, hoing is their best option. She gets to feel like a star out on the track she gets to provide for her man and herself and she gets temporary love, attention and pleasure from the tricks. When her other option is a lifetime of working at burger king for minimum wage, it makes her decision a lot easier to understand. For more educated and well bred women they become the highest form of ho, the trophy wife."

A very attractive doll will either be a traditional ho or the highest form of ho as a trophy wife or trophy mistress.

"Hoing " in Asia is even more pervasive, yeah?

Google "marriage is legal prostitution."

Your so-called loving couples is THE REVERSE of what had happened throughout human history, until the last 50-100 years.

The problem is that "romantic love" is fleeting, whereas "commitment love" can be very lasting. Now you know why divorce rate is over 50%.

Why do I want a doll's pussy n heart? It's not just me, but it's hard-wired in the brain of every man. She is more likely to be faithful to me. When I keep a mistress, she doesn't work. The benefits for a MAN if he owns his doll's pussy n heart exclusively:

1) Less risks of STDs n HIV
2) Sex is a lot better
3) If she is pregnant, it's much more likely the child is his
4) She will be very frugal w/ his money
5) She is more likely to be in love w/ him

And, last but not least:

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

I hv given many details about myself in my posts here. Let me ask you some personal questions:
1) Your approximate age, occupation, ethnicity and educational level
2) Marital status
3) Your purpose of becoming a samster
4) Your love history. Have you been in love w/ a doll of your type before? Does she love u? What has happened?
5) What is your life mission?
6) How you envision your future love life in 10 years, in 30 years?

Here is my personal opinion on female attraction:

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

It will be very difficult for her to leave such a MAN, period. Become such a MAN. That is a really prestigious badass gentleman.

I await your answers to my personal questions.


Bro WB

27-07-2016, 01:47 PM
Bro randyrockhard,

My statement "A very attractive doll will either be a traditional ho or the highest form of ho as a trophy wife or trophy mistress." is not entirely correct, as there is a wide spectrum of "hoing." From the streetwalkers or hoes in brothels to KTV/HFJ gals to those in the entertainment n modelling biz, to the trophy mistresses or wives. There is also a lot of overlap...for example, Marilyn Monroe went from an underaged ho in a brothel to becoming a mega movie star to a trophy wife/mistress. There are sad cases of regressing from a trophy mistress/wife to a street begger, when the woman had become too old n ugly to be a ho.

I also forgot to ask for ur honest ratings on your own success w/ gals/women of your type. And how you would rate your success in your biz, career or job.

Oh, there is one thing that will greatly diminish a man's attractiveness to his woman. He is infertile n can't give her kids. Many women will never be contented until they hv given birth to their own kids. The maternal instinct is a very powerful force!!

Have I missed anything else?


Bro WB

29-07-2016, 03:03 PM
Good afternoon!

What a beautiful day!!

I'm still patiently waiting to know a little more about bro randyrockhard. I'm eager to find out what makes him tick.

He was quick to pontificate n dogmatize his personal views on sex, man-woman relationship, "hoing" and about my claims and to query me on my love life including my motivation for capturing my gal's heart. I did promptly reply to him truthfully, to the best of my ability, and in return, I expect him to tell me a little about himself.

Actually I have many more questions for him depending on his answers.
I'm very disappointed that he has gone on total radio silence, just like the phantom bro n the two self-proclaimed relationship "hotshots" before him.

This is a forum where ideas and views can be exchanged, not a police interrogation or investigation of bro WB. This should be a two way street, a give n take or an exchange, yeah? I'm able n ready to defend n debate every sentence I hv written here on this thread since June 2009. If I hv made a mistake, I'll quickly admit it.

Speaking of exchange, IMHO, every human interaction is an exchange of some sort, be it money, treasures, gifts, sex, friendship, companionship, love, hatred, anger, memories, beliefs, principles, ideas, kindness...from the exchange between a ho and her client to a husband and his trophy mistress/legal wife, to the RS between a mother and her kid. A man may sacrifice his life for his country, but in return, he gets the satisfaction of becoming a hero, fulfilling his needs, beliefs n passion in the S mind. I hv written about this many times before. There must be a balance, negatives must equal positives, yin and yang. Action n reaction are equal n opposite...it's a constant interaction of particles and exchange of energy in our universe n nothing ever happens in a vacuum.

I still welcome bro randyrockhard, the two "hotshots" n the phantom bro to my outings. I can't really blame them for expressing scepticism about my beliefs n claims. How could a lao chee ko pek get the prettiest SYTs/young women of his type for paying less than most other younger, better looking n richer suitors? And why are his gals having such a difficult time leaving him? Read the theories on RS n sex advocated by the gurus n experts and you will understand why. I would love to discuss in greater details abt these theories when I meet them in person.

PM me if any bro wants to join my outings. But you must be a very light drinker n smoke outside the room.


Bro WB

29-07-2016, 05:25 PM
Good day everyone~

Yesterday I wrote quite a lengthy reply and somehow the post didn't show up on the thread, I checked my user Control Panel where the post DID appeared there. But today the post is already gone along with the post info in CP. I hope I didn't break any rules which warranted post deletion by the mod? :eek:

Anyway, it was never my intention to condescend, pontificate, or judge what people do, or whatnots, especially towards the people I barely know online and if I appeared to do so, it is really further from the truth.

The reason I joined the forum was out of curiosity, especially about the other side of life that I never experienced. To be honest with you, the farthest I have engaged myself with 'commercial sex' was visiting strip clubs, then go home. All my usual sexual encounters have been with my acquaintances, friends, girlfriends, never with strangers. Yeah, I'm old fashioned that way :p

I expressed what I only understand about the kind of relationships which I have experienced. That's why it came as a surprise for me to read the evolution of the thread, where picking up KTV girls was no longer portrayed as purely about lust/money, but much more than that. Hence my somewhat intrusive questions.

And to answer some of bro warbird's questions:
I'll be turning 40 soon, was born into a middle-class Chinese family but grew-up pretty much in a non-Chinese culture, currently working for a professional consulting company which has enabled me to live/work across Asia/Australia. My livelihood here as a foreigner is modest, and probably gonna take me a long time to reach the 'filthy rich' level.

The last heartbreak I had was with a Korean girl I knew during my time in Sydney some years ago. She had clear ideas about what she wanted in life, and with me being not-well-established, I knew my game was limited. That Korean girl went to live off a Taiwanese/Argentinian/Australian man. She left him after she got the Australian Permanent Residence. Such is life.

I supposed what bro warbird wrote about 'every woman is some man's ho, to an extent' does hold some truths to it. :)

For me, when I was younger.. from 10 women that I approached, probably just 1 would agree. As I grow older, I got a little bit better, perhaps 1.1/10?? :D hahahaha One valuable lesson that I learned over the years was that for a specific type of fish, we need to use specific type of lure. And I also learned that no matter how hard we try, sometimes the fish may not bite at all, sometimes they bite and left, and sometimes you got bored of it you have to let go.

One common thread though, that deep down inside every woman, there's a little girl. If you could reach to her very core, she would be yours. I am currently in a relationship with a strong-headed career woman and hopeful to settle down and have kids soon.

I have no doubt that bro warbird knows very well & really good at what he's capable of, with the KTV SYTs and everything. I am fully aware of my limitations at this point in time of my life, hence warmingly thank his generosity and would have to graciously decline his offer.

30-07-2016, 02:43 PM
Good day everyone~

Yesterday I wrote quite a lengthy reply and somehow the post didn't show up on the thread, I checked my user Control Panel where the post DID appeared there. But today the post is already gone along with the post info in CP. I hope I didn't break any rules which warranted post deletion by the mod? :eek:

Anyway, it was never my intention to condescend, pontificate, or judge what people do, or whatnots, especially towards the people I barely know online and if I appeared to do so, it is really further from the truth.

The reason I joined the forum was out of curiosity, especially about the other side of life that I never experienced. To be honest with you, the farthest I have engaged myself with 'commercial sex' was visiting strip clubs, then go home. All my usual sexual encounters have been with my acquaintances, friends, girlfriends, never with strangers. Yeah, I'm old fashioned that way :p

I expressed what I only understand about the kind of relationships which I have experienced. That's why it came as a surprise for me to read the evolution of the thread, where picking up KTV girls was no longer portrayed as purely about lust/money, but much more than that. Hence my somewhat intrusive questions.

And to answer some of bro warbird's questions:
I'll be turning 40 soon, was born into a middle-class Chinese family but grew-up pretty much in a non-Chinese culture, currently working for a professional consulting company which has enabled me to live/work across Asia/Australia. My livelihood here as a foreigner is modest, and probably gonna take me a long time to reach the 'filthy rich' level.

The last heartbreak I had was with a Korean girl I knew during my time in Sydney some years ago. She had clear ideas about what she wanted in life, and with me being not-well-established, I knew my game was limited. That Korean girl went to live off a Taiwanese/Argentinian/Australian man. She left him after she got the Australian Permanent Residence. Such is life.

I supposed what bro warbird wrote about 'every woman is some man's ho, to an extent' does hold some truths to it. :)

For me, when I was younger.. from 10 women that I approached, probably just 1 would agree. As I grow older, I got a little bit better, perhaps 1.1/10?? :D hahahaha One valuable lesson that I learned over the years was that for a specific type of fish, we need to use specific type of lure. And I also learned that no matter how hard we try, sometimes the fish may not bite at all, sometimes they bite and left, and sometimes you got bored of it you have to let go.

One common thread though, that deep down inside every woman, there's a little girl. If you could reach to her very core, she would be yours. I am currently in a relationship with a strong-headed career woman and hopeful to settle down and have kids soon.

I have no doubt that bro warbird knows very well & really good at what he's capable of, with the KTV SYTs and everything. I am fully aware of my limitations at this point in time of my life, hence warmingly thank his generosity and would have to graciously decline his offer.

Hi bro randyrockhard,

Thank you so much for your reply. I must apologize for putting u in the same category as the three RS "hotshot."

I'm going to be radically honest. Your ex-Korean GF is a ho, period. It's a compliment because every attractive young woman is some man's ho. A fugly old woman can't even be a ho.

I hope you do find the right SYT/young woman to be your lawful wife. Here is a good link: https://boldanddetermined.com/pick-the-right-wife/

Personally, I would marry a very pretty SYT of my type, aged 18-21, preferably a virgin.

I still like to invite u to join one of my outings at my expense, except tip for your doll should you care to book one.


Bro WB

30-07-2016, 02:52 PM
Korean gals are very similar to China Gals .....

Be weary of them .

31-07-2016, 11:12 AM
Korean gals are very similar to China Gals .....
Be weary of them .

Hi bro demonhunter,

You're right!

Actually the relationship and sexual behaviour of all gals are basically similar, in their S mind, regardless of their ethnicity, culture, nationality and creed. It's in their genes.

The two sexes play a complementary n coupling role in the survival n propagation of the species. Yin and Yang. Unfortunately, men n women often hv opposing n selfish needs, which often lead to conflicts n confrontation.

Men n women choose their coupling partner based on survival n replication (reproduction) value.

Here is a paragraph from "The Mystery Method."

"People are designed to select in favor of higher survival and replication value. When a woman observes two men, her circuitry will quickly assess the survival value and replication value of each man. She will then emotionally
perceive the result of this calculation. She will naturally be attracted to the man with the highest value. The healthiest man, the most intelligent man, the most socially-connected man, the most financially independent man, the most sexually pre — selected man — these sorts of traits will attract the woman because such a man provides survival and replication value to her, as well as to her offspring."

Become such a MAN who is coveted by all gals/women. Notice that among the highest value is "the healthiest man." Quit smoking, drinking NOW and slim down to ur ideal BMI n be physically very fit. A MAN can easily father a child until his mid 80s.

In a recent post I hv given my own opinion on female attraction:

These principles are applicable to all heterosexual women.

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

I also wrote that his attractiveness would be greatly diminished if he is infertile. Sorry, must wait for next life.

As for what type of gals attract men, I will not elaborate. Suffice to say that we men are much more visual... and that we r generally attracted to those who appear to hv good genes n to be very fertile. And most of us want to up them asap, to spread our genes widely, because we could never be sure if a child is ours, until 20 years ago.

Many bros may want to question me re dominant power, etc. Let us discuss n debate this most fascinating topic.


Bro WB

31-07-2016, 02:07 PM
Good afternoon!

I hv a SH outing to Lido Palace tomorrow. A new kaki from Hong Kong n another new local kaki will be joining me. Only two slots left.

Pls conform asap to avoid disappointment.

For expense per pax n hours, pls read my previous posts.


Bro WB

01-08-2016, 12:29 PM
As for what type of gals attract men, I will not elaborate. Suffice to say that we men are much more visual... and that we r generally attracted to those who appear to hv good genes n to be very fertile. And most of us want to up them asap, to spread our genes widely, because we could never be sure if a child is ours, until 20 years ago.

Bro WB

Yes! gals are attracted to men who can elaborate their manhood regardless of age. As what brother WB mentioned men are more visual as there are still many thousands of beautiful girls which is still did not exhibit themselves because by nature they are girl. What we got to see most of the girls who exibit are in entertainment places. Sad to know that many thousand of beautiful girls didn't who are available didn't know how to exhibit themselves to attract men and usually not approachable.

Men health and genes do naturally attracts women. Women want Alpha gene. Homo of the indigenous react invisibly even our conscious mind didn't notice the action occurs between men and women.

There are men women will approach them naturally and there are women men will approach them.

There hidden agenda is naturally to have sexual intercourse other than that any other reasons to get together is all excuses.:p

04-08-2016, 09:54 AM
Yes! gals are attracted to men who can elaborate their manhood regardless of age. As what brother WB mentioned men are more visual as there are still many thousands of beautiful girls which is still did not exhibit themselves because by nature they are girl. What we got to see most of the girls who exibit are in entertainment places. Sad to know that many thousand of beautiful girls didn't who are available didn't know how to exhibit themselves to attract men and usually not approachable.

Men health and genes do naturally attracts women. Women want Alpha gene. Homo of the indigenous react invisibly even our conscious mind didn't notice the action occurs between men and women.

There are men women will approach them naturally and there are women men will approach them.

There hidden agenda is naturally to have sexual intercourse other than that any other reasons to get together is all excuses.:p

Yo, bro AAconnection,

Thanks for your post.

Must always communicate that you hv higher sexual, social, intellectual n survival value than your potential and/or current wife/mistress/GF/lover/er nai. However, she may feel too inferior n insecure n leave u! Therefore, you hv to show that you're very trustworthy n that you will take good care of her. Your word is your bond!

Remember my badass gentleman quote? "Behave as if you hv 100 very pretty SYTs/young women..." You know the quote. It has worked like magic! Beyond my wildest dream.

Don't forget: A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.



07-08-2016, 12:13 PM
Good morning!

Bro hole_me asked me about BY cost in SG. Since many bros hv asked me the question, I will answer him here.

.................................................. ............

hole_me deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: BY cost
thanks bro

Originally Posted by warbird
Originally Posted by hole_me
hi.. i am very curious, how much to BY your girl?


Give me time to post it on my thread as many bros hv asked me the same question. I hv written about this some time ago.


Bro WB


Bro hole_me,

Since May 2009 I hv BY-ed over 35 gals.

For full time (FT) BY, meaning the gal doesn't work, I hv paid 5-12K a month. There was one gal I paid 15K a month. I usually pay rental of a master bedroom or studio/one bedroom condo, only if it's LT, at least 6 months. Some FT BY can be as brief as half a month. I may not like the gal after half a month or she may return to China, if she has a visitor pass. BTW, my longest FT BY is over 5 years. Some gals may ask for a lot more, as much as 30K, but I hv been able to bring the damage well down. If not, I'll walk away. I hv not met a gal here who is worth 20K a month. Gifts are optional. I do raw ONLY for FT BY of more than 3 months duration, after medical tests n exam.

The least expensive FT BY are inexperienced PRC gal, aged 18-20, who never worked in the nite scene or fresh trade, whom I made contact directly while they are in China. But finding them is very time consuming.

For partial or part time (PT) BY, meaning the gal continues to work, I hv paid 3-6K a month. There was one I paid 8K. I don't pay rental n usually no gifts. This type of BY is often brief, but some may last up to a year. Use of condom is 100%.


Bro WB

07-08-2016, 04:43 PM
Thanks Bro.. Its really interesting to know how much BY cost and it sure did surprised me because how much a person need to earn so to be able to BY.
Well it is not for usual working class to be able to do it so it is not my cup of tea as much as I hope to be able to BY someone. haha..


11-08-2016, 02:16 PM
Thanks Bro.. Its really interesting to know how much BY cost and it sure did surprised me because how much a person need to earn so to be able to BY.
Well it is not for usual working class to be able to do it so it is not my cup of tea as much as I hope to be able to BY someone. haha..


Bro hole_me,

Thank you for ur post.

Yeah, BY-ing is quite expensive. But marriage is the most costly...if you hv a good income or substantial assets.


Bro WB

.................................................. ..

Good afternoon,

It's my personal opinion that:

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

I like to discuss my above theory in more details. There is considerable overlap of these various factors. The most powerful mindset for attracting a pretty SYT/young woman of your type, n making her fall for u, is that you desire her but don't need her.

Let me elaborate. If you don't desire her, even if you were a real life prince charming, she won't be interested. Because there is no hope that you will ever like her. Zero hope = zero attraction.

The fact that you don't need her raises the question of uncertainty in her mind. Hope + uncertainty = attraction or passion.

However, if you desire her n tell her you're madly in love w/ her n will take care of her forever, especially if you don't know her well, her attraction for u will greatly diminish. This often happens if you're infatuated n you think she is your dream gal. Guess what? Certainty kills attraction. She will be thinking: He hardly knows me n is already so crazy abt me. He must not hv much social n sexual value n I could find a much better man, yeah?

She will begin to resist your advances n play hard to get. If you're like most men, what do u do? You chase harder, and the harder you try, the more she pulls away. You become needy n desperate...and JEALOUS if you see that she is flirting w/ other men or she has gone out w/ other men. You will lose her heart, forever. Of course, you may still hv her pussy if you pay her more n more...or marry her. She may do so for money. Or love of her country like Xi Shi.

The second attribute "Dominant Power" is very complex. Actually I should call it dominant masculine power. It relates to a man's strong n positive mental frame n his social-economic status, confidence, courage, intelligence, persistence, dominance, wit, trustworthiness, reputation, height, looks, talents, physical fitness, achievements, financial power, kindness, compassion, etc. And of course emotional mastery.

Your comments?

Bro WB

11-08-2016, 03:25 PM
It's my personal opinion that:

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

Bro WB

Fully agreed with you. Nice to learn from you bro.

Have a jolly good day.

12-08-2016, 03:59 PM
Bro, WB, I hope to pick up more pointers here.:D

Hope you can share more and have a good weekend.:D

13-08-2016, 10:54 AM
Fully agreed with you. Nice to learn from you bro.

Have a jolly good day.

Bro, WB, I hope to pick up more pointers here.:D

Hope you can share more and have a good weekend.:D


Tks for ur posts.

I'm just sharing my beliefs. There must be many wiser n more experienced men out there who hv chosen to remain silent. They are selfish for not willing to share their secrets. I'm eager n ready to learn from them.

Have a great weekend!


Bro WB

14-08-2016, 11:55 AM
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

I also wrote that his attractiveness would be greatly diminished if he is infertile. Sorry, must wait for next life.

Bro WB

Nice lesson taught by bro WB.

Have a good Sunday!

17-08-2016, 10:34 AM
Reading this thread by bro WB was a great treat!

Thanks bro.

17-08-2016, 11:50 AM
Hey Bro WB

How have you been? See you are still giving out your great wisdom. :D

I recently got an experience to share and would like your opinion. Will share it more later cause at work. Have a good day people. :cool:

17-08-2016, 03:07 PM
Good thread by bro WB!

18-08-2016, 01:45 PM
Luckily I discovered this thread!

Bro WB teachings was priceless. Have a nice week ahead.

19-08-2016, 08:42 AM
Anyway about my story.

I am not sure is age or what but as time passes i seem to like girls who are above a certain age or at least with mentality of a certain maturity. SYT or just plainly good looks is like not longer just my main criteria. "of course not say i would like a girl which is fat and ugly. Decent looks and weight with my height criteria of at least 1.7 is still a must".

So okay this is how the story goes. Now cause of my new investments overseas i have to travel to countries quite often. During my drinks with my friend in an overseas hang flower joint i get to know this singer. dmg so far on her is actually zero and not even lady drinks, i mean i totally never hang any flower on her i know is hard to believe but tbh i find no point in lying about such things in forum. But if people might ask is because my friend hang her flower a few times so maybe out of rep building she decides to join our table.

Anyway we hit out quite well and i notice a certain attraction to her stats of 1.75 top B+ to C waist 27 nice bouncy butt of 34, age 27 but looks more mature then her age maybe around 30 but more of the elegant side. Plus she is a graduate, for this part i found out later when i get to know her further. By talking to her i also knew is her last time she is going to work in such joint and decide to leave the night life completely. I was pretty skeptical initially but just play along. I got her number then we start chatting since then. to be continue.....

19-08-2016, 09:45 AM
Nice lesson taught by bro WB.

Have a good Sunday!
Reading this thread by bro WB was a great treat!

Thanks bro.
Hey Bro WB

How have you been? See you are still giving out your great wisdom. :D

I recently got an experience to share and would like your opinion. Will share it more later cause at work. Have a good day people. :cool:
Good thread by bro WB!
Luckily I discovered this thread!
Bro WB teachings was priceless. Have a nice week ahead.
To all dear bros,

Thanks so much for ur posts n moral support.

If anyone of u has benefited just a little from reading my posts, I'm very contented.

Bro WB
Anyway about my story.

I am not sure is age or what but as time passes i seem to like girls who are above a certain age or at least with mentality of a certain maturity. SYT or just plainly good looks is like not longer just my main criteria. "of course not say i would like a girl which is fat and ugly. Decent looks and weight with my height criteria of at least 1.7 is still a must".

So okay this is how the story goes. Now cause of my new investments overseas i have to travel to countries quite often. During my drinks with my friend in an overseas hang flower joint i get to know this singer. dmg so far on her is actually zero and not even lady drinks, i mean i totally never hang any flower on her i know is hard to believe but tbh i find no point in lying about such things in forum. But if people might ask is because my friend hang her flower a few times so maybe out of rep building she decides to join our table.

Anyway we hit out quite well and i notice a certain attraction to her stats of 1.75 top B+ to C waist 27 nice bouncy butt of 34, age 27 but looks more mature then her age maybe around 30 but more of the elegant side. Plus she is a graduate, for this part i found out later when i get to know her further. By talking to her i also knew is her last time she is going to work in such joint and decide to leave the night life completely. I was pretty skeptical initially but just play along. I got her number then we start chatting since then. to be continue.....
Bro deathnitez,

Pls continue ur interesting FR.

I'll be very busy for the next 10 days or so n may not be able to give my comments. Other more experienced bros may want to give their expert opinions too.

Bro WB

19-08-2016, 10:02 AM
I am here to support Bro WB too.

Hope you enjoyed your busy 10 days.

19-08-2016, 05:21 PM
Support bro WB too.

21-08-2016, 12:05 PM
I am here to support Bro WB too.
Hope you enjoyed your busy 10 days.
Support bro WB too.


Thanks for ur support.


.................................................. ...............

Dear kakis,

What a wonderful Sunday!

Thank u all for joining my outings.

I'll be going overseas very soon. My outings will resume when I'll return in a few weeks. Pls leave one pretty SYT for me, ok?


Bro WB

21-08-2016, 11:12 PM

Thanks for ur support.


.................................................. ...............

Dear kakis,

What a wonderful Sunday!

Thank u all for joining my outings.

I'll be going overseas very soon. My outings will resume when I'll return in a few weeks. Pls leave one pretty SYT for me, ok?


Bro WB

Bro WB thanks for the excellent and informative thread, kudos to all Bros who shared and made this thread useful and meaningful!

22-08-2016, 06:37 PM
Simple deduction tells me that almost ALL PRC gals who come to work in the nite scene in SG hv previously worked in brothels, saunas, KTVs, private clubs/hotels or as 141 gals in China/HK/Macau and elsewhere.

The difference when they come here? They are older n uglier now. Oh, there is another difference.

Bro WB

But some of these girls come at 22 and 23 yo on performance artist passes. They are not old... and if they went to good university no time to have a prior night life history. Am I wrong about these cases?

25-08-2016, 12:10 PM
The second attribute "Dominant Power" is very complex. Actually I should call it dominant masculine power. It relates to a man's strong n positive mental frame n his social-economic status, confidence, courage, intelligence, persistence, dominance, wit, trustworthiness, reputation, height, looks, talents, physical fitness, achievements, financial power, kindness, compassion, etc. And of course emotional mastery.

I fully agreed with your definition of "Dominant Power". Always learned new things here.

Bro WB, have a good week ahead.

25-08-2016, 12:20 PM
Bro TS, thank you for a lovely thread.

I hope to use your skills for my adventure.

Hope you have a good day.

25-08-2016, 12:54 PM
"Originally Posted by warbird View Post

The second attribute "Dominant Power" is very complex. Actually I should call it dominant masculine power. It relates to a man's strong n positive mental frame n his social-economic status, confidence, courage, intelligence, persistence, dominance, wit, trustworthiness, reputation, height, looks, talents, physical fitness, achievements, financial power, kindness, compassion, etc. And of course emotional mastery."

I too agree on what WB have stated. Me being only 173 which i consider myself on the shorter side always have a preference of taller girls of 1.7 and above. I really had to depend on other factors to get these girls.

But tbh sometimes i still fail really badly on emotional mastery in most times. This is the factor i really gonna learn to manage even at this stage. Always feel emotional mastery is like a double edge sword. Girl sometimes can sense really well if you are sincere or not. If you don't put enough emotion they will know. Put too much you might get hurt. Lol a life of learning. :cool:

26-08-2016, 01:08 AM
But some of these girls come at 22 and 23 yo on performance artist passes. They are not old... and if they went to good university no time to have a prior night life history. Am I wrong about these cases?


Yeah, but many prettier gals are being kept while they are students. Or they may moonlight as FLs.


I fully agreed with your definition of "Dominant Power". Always learned new things here.

Bro WB, have a good week ahead.

Bro, tks for ur support.

Bro TS, thank you for a lovely thread.

I hope to use your skills for my adventure.

Hope you have a good day.

Bro, tks for ur support.

"Originally Posted by warbird View Post

The second attribute "Dominant Power" is very complex. Actually I should call it dominant masculine power. It relates to a man's strong n positive mental frame n his social-economic status, confidence, courage, intelligence, persistence, dominance, wit, trustworthiness, reputation, height, looks, talents, physical fitness, achievements, financial power, kindness, compassion, etc. And of course emotional mastery."

I too agree on what WB have stated. Me being only 173 which i consider myself on the shorter side always have a preference of taller girls of 1.7 and above. I really had to depend on other factors to get these girls.

But tbh sometimes i still fail really badly on emotional mastery in most times. This is the factor i really gonna learn to manage even at this stage. Always feel emotional mastery is like a double edge sword. Girl sometimes can sense really well if you are sincere or not. If you don't put enough emotion they will know. Put too much you might get hurt. Lol a life of learning. :cool:


If you can show your dream gal that you like her very much, but you don't need her, she will be strongly attracted to u.

Two days ago, before saying goodbye, I whispered in my old lao po's ear: 我很爱你 可是我不需要你. She will be 29 soon n may get married next yr. I bet she will be thinking of me for a very long time.


Bro WB

27-08-2016, 10:48 AM

If you can show your dream gal that you like her very much, but you don't need her, she will be strongly attracted to u.

Two days ago, before saying goodbye, I whispered in my old lao po's ear: 我很爱你 可是我不需要你. She will be 29 soon n may get married next yr. I bet she will be thinking of me for a very long time.


Bro WB

Another invaluable lesson.:D

Bro WB, have a great weekend.:)

27-08-2016, 12:43 PM
Great advice from bro WB :)

27-08-2016, 04:20 PM
Thanks Bro.. Its really interesting to know how much BY cost and it sure did surprised me because how much a person need to earn so to be able to BY.
Well it is not for usual working class to be able to do it so it is not my cup of tea as much as I hope to be able to BY someone. haha..


Apologies bro. Does BY means 包养? Or it has other meanings?

28-08-2016, 04:52 PM
Very true. To be devil advocate, what if while at university they are living at home and their parents pay for the school. Why would they need to be kept or moonlight? It is just the popular thing to do for money focused women in China?


Yeah, but many prettier gals are being kept while they are students. Or they may moonlight as FLs.


Bro, tks for ur support.

28-08-2016, 06:54 PM
But some of these girls come at 22 and 23 yo on performance artist passes. They are not old... and if they went to good university no time to have a prior night life history. Am I wrong about these cases?

no good girl will come to work in ktv as 歌星,it is to sell sex selectively. moreover, the pass also cost money.

29-08-2016, 02:08 AM
Another invaluable lesson.:D

Bro WB, have a great weekend.:)


Have a great day!

Great advice from bro WB :)


Tks for ur post!

Apologies bro. Does BY means 包养? Or it has other meanings?


BY is bao yang.

Very true. To be devil advocate, what if while at university they are living at home and their parents pay for the school. Why would they need to be kept or moonlight? It is just the popular thing to do for money focused women in China?


You're talking about gals who are from relatively well to do families. Very, very few of them would want to come to work in KTVs here, after graduation.

I hv met only one in the last 8 years.

In 2010, I did meet a pretty SHA gal Lisa, aged 22, at TAM. She just graduated from The Shanghai Academy of Art n had a minor role in a new TV series. She was from a well to do family, according to her n an independent source. She was a virgin! She told me she wanted to make her own money. I paid her 20K sgd for 2 1/2 weeks. She wasn't a very good fxxk though. She went back to SHA n never returned.


no good girl will come to work in ktv as 歌星,it is to sell sex selectively. moreover, the pass also cost money.


I couldn't agree w/ u more.

I know a student-virgin in SG, who just turned 18 about a wk ago. She is tall, slim n quite pretty. Never worked in the nite scene anywhere. She is asking for $25K to 破处 n $20K for BY. Way too expensive. I'm not interested in virgins. She is worth no more than $12K a month for BY.


Bro WB