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Thumbs up mediacorpse male missy series was stolen from leetahsar's blog

An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

should my li'l brother leetahsar make a claim for his plagariased story?

i will start my nursing days experience: LEETAHSAR, THE MALE MISSY..... what a joke even the title already making me laughing already! :)
ok, tonight will be my missy experience...u know the male nurse and degradingly called missy....shit...don't flame me as faggot hor...
here goes....


Can u imagine of all the jobs i been too, i was now a male nurse or degradingly know as tabor missy in hokkien.
i remembered the day i went for the interview. wah lau! shiok u know...all the young wannabe missies. such a feast for the eyes...all shapes and sizes...all so cute :) waiting their turns to be interview.
"leetahsar! coming in please!" i heard a voice yelling behind a closed door. my turn to be interview. I entered the room sat on the chair facing 3 "gods" no...not god of fortune , longevity or happiness... rather it was 3 very stern looking interviewers: a faggoty principal nurse, a old virginal matron and one dingaling old bitchy higher nursing officer. "why do u want to be a nurse? a male missy some more?..." first question fired away.
"er...," luckily i was well prepared my very touching reasons i read from one of the inspirational book, "the virtue to give care to a sick person is the highest virtue that can be...." wah lau! moved the matron to tears...heeheehee...:) Interview finished. time to chase some chiobus nurses wannabes....time to be flirty....
for months and months waiting for reply from the the nursing school of SGH. then also saw the horticulture school intake. oh! what the heck applied also. very interested in plants, too.
one day, the mail came. ho say liao! i was accepted for the nursing training. they had a term to it. it was called PTS or Pay To no...seriously it stood for Pupil training school for the nursing program which involved in 3 yrs training and ward posting. then took exam and pass and then become full fledge nurse or SRN -State registered nurse....and u think i was bluffing...don't pray pray i was a material kind of nurse, a male missy, ok!
it was off to the school of nursing located at sp general hospital. it was a very pleasant place. there was quite a number of classrooms i was sent to class PTS88. see even the number also damn shiok for me. it was a class of 42 wannabe nurses out of which only 6 males including myself. shiok hah! so many girls and only 6 horny boys....hell, wrong...4 horny boys were actually horny about boys...that made me one of the faggots' favourite target. why? 'cos i handsome and got muscle that time...serious, don't laugh really got abs and muscles...why u think choo choo so horny on me? the other guy was a skinny monkey...a nondescribed.
during our first 3 months training, it was really fun and i learned alot of things...oh ya, do u really want to know why i enrolled myself? well, my grandma was bedridden. i was actually working for my old man's company. so in order to know how to handle my poor old granny whom i loved very much....i went nursing training. got pay and can learn something, what. and the good thing is when u finished, unlike teacher training, u don't have to sign a donkey years contract with the gov. so more freedom right...just learn everything and then scramp!
each of the students had to take turn to make a speech on a certain subject picked by the nurse trainer. one fine day, it was my turn. and guess what was my subject to present? pregnancy and breast feeding and bathing babies....shit! and i had to do it. i knew it all along the bloody faggoty male nurse trainer was always eyeing at my voluminous chest. ok lor, i just do it lor...what else...he was the boss what.
I was given a plastic baby so i got to demonstrate the bathing part first and then the breastfeeding part....hell man! i was the biggest clown for the whole month...all the girls talked about it for so many days...and i became so popular : the 1st breastfeeding male nurse...hahahaha.....
soon 3 months basic training was finished. it was posting to the wards now to apply what we had learned. don't know whether it was my lucky star or unlucky one, i was posted to the BOWYER'S WARD
this ward was like a dead man's ward....everyone who came here most likely would end up dead....not i killed them. for goodness sake!they picked alot of vagabonds and homeless old men and dumped it there to torture ur this poor male missy.
bowyers ward is now converted into some kind of nursing museum.
1st in this ward. the matron saw me. and i thought i saw a drool from her slitted bespectacled eyes smiling lips. oh good! i got a horny old virginal matron for my first virgin posting.
this matron really didn't give chance. reaching out, she held my arms and led me to the ward. she explained,"U see this knocked out patient here?" ya, i looked. it was a young man with funny looking red sores all over his naked body clad only in a red underwear and all bound and tied up. legs and hands. all spread eagle. no joke!
"OK, u see the nurses station just next to his bed?" the virginal matron continued, "His is a serious case...suicidal and inflicted with syphillis...that's why all the red spots over his body. those beds that are nearest to the nurses station are the most serious case...furthest one means so so case. u get it?" i nodded. next i was told to bed bath patients. most bedridden ah peks still hadn't get their morning clean up. I was suppose to be their morning personal body cleaner for today and days to come. shit! just my luck or what?
what to do start body cleaning lah. it wasliked doing a dry cleaning. 1st u mopped moist the body with soapy water, then go over it with moisten watery towel. then dry with another dry towel. after finished, talcumed all their groves and cracks. and yes that very private part too i had to clean and powder. sheesh! and not one patient hor but the whole ward...can die already u know!
i got this very teeko old a pek that had a urinal tubing fixed to his kokojiao. suppose to collect his daily urine discharge. shit! this ah pek tugged away this tubing and i had to stick it back again...the front part is like a condom except with an attached plastic tube that led urine to a container. what to do! gotta to held up his dry up kokojiao and fixed the condom tubing in. and this bloody teekopek just gave me those lecherous smile. after finsihed, i thought of giving him a tight smack across the face. shit! now i gotta go sterilised my contaminated hands....hard to make a living i finally realised!, all sleeping already....shall i skip and end now....exciting part coming next u know...the young syphillis man was the next to give me hell..... response if want me to proceed....
Posted by leetahsar at 12:52 AM No comments: Links to this post

i thought it was going to be a lay back day. finally! but no! here come another lame idiotic yayapapaya houseman......
idiot h/man: male missy, come 'ere, pls...
gingerly, i hopped over to him.
i hm: this patient very jialat.....take urine sample. plug a urine sheath and to his dick. collect and record his daily urine discharge. take this little container and this monster spatula....
me gong gong holding to a circular plastic container...the one they dispensed to u in gov pharmacy for pimple cream type and one monster wooden spatula. it was like an ice cream stick for those who dunno what's that. but it's bigger and wider ice cream stick.....;9(
i hm: pay attention, male missy!....i give this bullet (anal enema suppository). i want u to insert this into this old patient here as far as ur finger can go after his lunch.....when he shits, use this spatula and dig the best part of the shits into this sample container. bring them to lab for testing....u got it, male missy?
best part of the shits?? yes, best part! means the part that contained the most nonsense like worms, blood, funny dunno what ...etc.
the way he called me...male missy head...male missy tail was like secretly insulting me like that.....;9(
what to do stupig locter or rather blur houseman's order, got to follow cos houseman or docter was still higher hierachy than male missy.....;9(

first thing first - dry bathing.

lts: ah pek, chang aid (bathing)
oldman smiled his toothless grin at me. undressed him...yes. stripped him fully naked. rubbed soapy water all over his face. rinsed. cleaned with another moist towel over his his right arm, left arm. chest n abdomen.the right leg. the left leg. and that 2 parts -the dick n ball and the butthole. what the heck!! cleaned too!!
oldman was exhilirated. he smiled even brighter while i was cleaning 'there'. finally all done spick and span. powdered him with talc. under normal circumstances, my dry cleaning session was done but this ah pek was given order from the idiotic houseman to take both urine and shit sample...jialat!! ordeals began .....
lts: ah pek, i m going to put this lanjiao long(condom) over ur kukujiao(dick)...u pan jiao(urinate) ok....i collect jiao(urine) sample...good boy..... hor!
oldman smiled brightest. basket!! like he loved me to touch there!
so unrolled the condom shealth with a tube leading to a plastic calibrated bag. gently, i unrolled the condom into his limp kukujiao.
good! it fitted snuggly. half of the mission accomplished. soon it was breakfast time for the patients. ah pek ate his breakfast too.
i came to check his pulse and temperature. good! oldman was doing fine. wait! what was that!! oh shit! he removed the condom sheath from his cock. hell!! me got to fit that back again.
screened him up. stripped and rolled the sheath back onto his limpy dick. oldman gave me a horny smile. sheesh!! this was creepy!
i just walked away a few step, and he pulled the sheath out from his dick again. this bloody old man was really getting onto my nerve.
lts shouted: ah pek!! u dun be naughty hor....( show him my scissor) ...if not i snip snip it off ok....(frowning i went to screen him again and put that sheath back to his member).
so glad god gave me a quick witted mind. i cut a big plaster and pasted the sheath onto his sparse pubic hair. let see how he was going to tug it off this time...hahahaha...;9) job done this time!
Posted by leetahsar at 5:25 AM No comments: Links to this post
SUNDAY, APRIL 02, 2006


SOMEone asked me about my nursing life...the daily i tell this very sickening experience i gone through one fine day...

body dry cleaning: i used lukewarm water, towel and soft soap....and those grey areas i also need to mop...

if patient is not weak, i would ask him to do it himself...if he's in coma...then too bad..i gotta to do it...

there was one bloody shit indian...totally drunk...and he drove me nuts...but i left a few souvenir for him...i pinched him blue black...this was what happened..

the police brought this dead meat in....i stripped him...dry bathed him..cos damn fucking stink!

finished...he vomitted...shit! gotta to repeat...finished he peed...damn fucking stink! repeat...but i pinched him..and remind him how he tormented me 3x...and that was when his anaconda came alive...shit!....lucky me male power missy...if this was carried out by a mei mei missy...sure screamed one!

this arsehole...actually ejaculated!....and i had to clean him up...the juices and all...shit!...i complained to matron...and after cleaning everything...when he awoke, we called the police...and off he went to be charged from creating public nuisance for being helplessly drunk...

his fucking urine stink like anything...and so was his vomittus...and his bloody sperm missiles....hiazz...! i gave up...

this was only one of the torture this poor male missy had to put up with...wait till u hear the rest.....:(

then there were sadistic young in training whose favorite pastime was to tekan male missy...especially chiohunk one like me....

"male nurse, come...." he would start. "please get some shit sample from this ah pek patient...u gotta to dig the most foul portion...and bring it to lab to test...ok?"

what to do? sure ok lah...then what?

off i went to the pantry. tried to look for sample container...and the biggest i got was about the size of a fifty cent coin. next looked for wooden spatula - like ice cream stick...except about 5x bigger...

so that u ve small little sample container; one humongous ice cream stick...

next tell ah pek to drink laxative and wanna pang sai, please yell for me...i put bedpan next to him...

true enough...half an hour later..."missy..missy! pang sai liao...quick come..." yelled the bloody lau ah pek.

i had to dash to his side cos got to check whether got bleeding or not. so screen him up...privacy u know...with me inside "enjoying" the natural human aroma of the stinkiest shit..

that's not the end...the worst was just beginning for me...

when lau ah pek finished his business, i was suppose to go dig for "gold"...the foulest gold that i could find...SHIT!!!

now left hand with tiny plastic sample container, right hand armed with humongous wooden spatula, i started my "treasure hunt".

hell! the stench...oh my god! even with the mask dipped with AXE MEDICATED oil...i could still smell the evil stench!

when i suppose to put it into the little container, it was all over my index and thumb in between...oh my god!....:(

i closed and sealed the container. put in into a plastic seal and rushed immediately to clean the cursed souvenir on my forefinger and thumb.

hell! the shit was gone...but the terrible remained...even i poured raw SUTTOL...over the infected parts....

next u think i can eat anymore?...i ordered beef noodle. the moment i saw those beef balls...i couldn't stand it no i rushed to the toilet...and vomitted like hell!

that lunch was the most sadistic lunch in my life!..i only drank the fruit juice..and was weak all god!

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