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Old 11-01-2014, 12:40 PM
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Thumbs up US Maid fiasco - The India culture of forked tongues and double headed snakes

An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

First, let me qualify myself by saying it is these sub-continent, sub-human elitist "upper" caste snakes from India whose actions I detest here, not my fellow Indian race Singaporean brothers-in-arms. You know that there is a special place in my heart for you, always.

As quoted by ST

At first upon visa application for the Maid, that lying cunt did:
Khobragade first made the maid sign a contract that stipulated she would be paid around US$9.75 an hour. Khobragade told US officials in the visa application that the maid would be paid US$4,500 a month.

Then when the Maid arrived:
Provisions about holidays and sick days were deleted from the contract. The indictment says that the actual hourly wage for the maid, given she was often working more than 100 hours a week, was a little over a US$1 an hour.

On one occasion, Khobragade told the maid not to get sick because it was too expensive, the papers say.

On arrival in the United States, the diplomat (Khobragade) took the maid's passport and never returned it, saying it would only be returned at the end of her three-year contract, according to the court papers.

Fact of the matter is the female snake fucking lied on the visa application and now look at the Indian Media throwing all manner of smoke, mirrors, logic twists and deception to justify her illegal actions:
Many Indian commentators said Ms Richard had a relatively comfortable life, with full board and lodging, free cable TV and medical care. They say it is misleading to calculate weekly working hours for live-in staff.

Mr Uttam Khobragade, the diplomat's father, said Ms Richard lived a luxurious life, that she went to the beauty parlour every alternate week, and purchased an iPhone. "Does even Nancy Powell's maid servant have such luxuries?" he said to Reuters, referring to the US ambassador to India. "She was having a gala time there."

...some Indian commentators say they suspect many abuse allegations have been encouraged by the law and are trumped up charges by domestic workers.

"The US is a highly litigious country where suing people is a sort of favourite pastime," said Mr Prabhu Dayal, a former Indian consul general in New York, who in 2011 settled a case out of court after accusations he mistreated a domestic worker.

Writing in the Indian newspaper Mail Today, (Dayal) said the beefed-up law encouraged consulate staff like domestic helpers to complain of mistreatment in order to claim to be a trafficking victim, which in turn could lead to US residency.

Clearly it shows the lack of integrity of the supposed intelligentsia of that nation, rationalising with utmost cunning and deviousness the simple basic fact that one of their ilk lacked any sense of common decency to treat their fellow countryman fairly according to local laws.

So it looks like now, more than ever, especially with more of these "upper" caste elitist India, self-righteous, self-serving, highly self-entitled scum polluting the globe, more true than ever the old adage then that when you see an Indian and a Snake, you fucking kill the Indian first.

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