05-07-2016, 06:30 PM
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Serious ISIS Not Islam Because ISIS Killed Muslims During Ramadan!
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
This past month many senseless attacks have taken place all around the world – in Orlando, Qabul, Istanbul, Dhaka, Baghdad, in Madinah outside the Holy Mosque, and closer to home, in Kuala Lumpur and Surakarta. These vile attacks were caused by misguided people who commit atrocities and violence blemishing the name of Islam, a religion that places great emphasis on the sanctity of human lives. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the innocent victims and their families.
The fact that the attacks took place during Ramadan, in which Muslims are taught to be close to the Creator and to seek His blessings through doing good deeds and refraining from evil, show clearly these attacks have nothing to do with Islam. These are outrageous and evil attacks against humanity.
In Singapore, we have been blessed to see so many beautiful moments in the month of Ramadan with so many instances of the Muslim community coming together, as a community, as families, and as individuals, to help others and to bring some joy to the less fortunate in their daily struggles, in the true spirit of Ramadan.
My heart is warmed by the awakening of this spirit of being a blessing to all mankind. My spirit is refreshed too, as I see Singaporeans from other faiths come together to understand us through our communal iftars held at our mosques and other organisations and joining hands to do good for the betterment of our society.
This is the embodiment of the true teachings of Islam and all religions. This is the spirit that we should continue to harness that can help further strengthen us as a society.
In the last few moments of this holy month, and in the days ahead, let us not waver in the good that we do, for which Allah has blessed us with the tranquility and the harmony we have in our country. May we continue to do good and be caring, peace-loving Muslims, and may we be rewarded to see another blessed month of Ramadan.
Dr Mohamed Fatris Bakaram
Mufti of Singapore
- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com http://www.allsingaporestuff.com/art...ing-do-islam?v
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