__________________ The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life:
1) 不要欺骗自己
2) 不要出卖自己
3) 不要背叛自己
4) 不要对不起自己
人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene
LiGe chopped by Anna-Club Macau, and now returned as CARROT CAKE again to be makan by MuZhi. It's laughing stock of the year by all Macua singers, xiao dis, etc
Today suddenly receive a phone call from a powerful but discreet hanger at Macau, he ask you to stop talking rubbish and shove your cock up your ass, but guess others already zap you leow hahaha
Today suddenly receive a phone call from a powerful but discreet hanger at Macau, he ask you to stop talking rubbish and shove your cock up your ass, but guess others already zap you leow hahaha
iiiiiii very scared..... but just stating facts... can go there see for yourselves..
Talk cock la you, even Armani and Chinadoll singers need mim $500 to $1000 to fuck, moreover Macau where the singers are of a different breed
Pls refer back to my earlier post
Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ
There r no uncovered stories of Club Macau.
Some hanger hang get to fuck the singer shiok shiok
Some hanger hung end up only fuck spider tats y come here KPKB. All HFJs same story.
Winners smile, losers go everywhere spread rumours slime other people.
This one you already shown everyone which camp you belong to.
Congrats on your 120 a pop post though only idiots will believe
Now some people desperate, all their no more hope nicks all use come out to spew rubbish
__________________ The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life:
1) 不要欺骗自己
2) 不要出卖自己
3) 不要背叛自己
4) 不要对不起自己
人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene
You r so smart! I no $$$$ thats why only pay Wei Wei S$120 for FJ & BJ
Btw she only allow chinese and age limit of 45yo
Kao bro, are we talking about the same Wei Wei? I also know one WW from Club Macau. She say in love with me, everytime I go, she will open Martell for me. Everytime we fuck, she will pay for room and let me do her RAW! Funny thing is last week, she bring me go Taka buy me LV wallet and belt somemore .
Kao bro, are we talking about the same Wei Wei? I also know one WW from Club Macau. She say in love with me, everytime I go, she will open Martell for me. Everytime we fuck, she will pay for room and let me do her RAW! Funny thing is last week, she bring me go Taka buy me LV wallet and belt somemore .
Congrats bro u 'win' her heart, there's only one Wei Wei there right now
Anyone Been to Bai Du recently?? the quality of the girls are really very very lousy.
Not only are they ugly, ask in... really ugly, you will only expect to see such girls in small joints.
Then totally can't sing and also lousy attitude.
Went down with 2 friends, sat down a while then say got new girls. Intro us 2 girls. Totally look like shit , and sing even worse.
we left after 15mins.
still kana push flowers by the manager..... but your singers, if ugly and cant sing, never mind...
they think their chee bye make of gold, just sit there.. and wait .
Kao bro, are we talking about the same Wei Wei? I also know one WW from Club Macau. She say in love with me, everytime I go, she will open Martell for me. Everytime we fuck, she will pay for room and let me do her RAW! Funny thing is last week, she bring me go Taka buy me LV wallet and belt somemore .
YA LA PRCRammer i oso noe one WW fr CLUB macau i tik is ur mother tat mean u bring ur mother go fuck raw n she pay 4 room bring u go taka buy LV ! KNN LAN