Beside having the money to hang, I believe one must have at least the looks and charisma right?
IMHO, this is somewhat true.
Depending on individual and singers grades, sometime money is not an exact chemical for the equation, chemistry is important....BUT sex is a matter of physics and that's a different story altogether
If there's a crater moon face customer and a yandao like cai-yan customer both going after same girl, crater moon hang greater amount than the cai-yan, the cai-yan might end up sexing the girl whilst the crater moon probably receives a word of appreciation OR a touch of her hands Best case scenario is that the crater moon receives an 1-off sympathy fuck (until he hit his next level-up $$$ target) whilst the cai-yan receives a regular bonking sexxions without even need to be there every night
P/S: Sorri, I know there's a Hokkein phrase for crater moon face ..something along the lines of 'being run all over by a prime mover or truck" type of face but I cannot remember how to say or put into words...geylang or lung-ga or something...
Originally Posted by LovingHedgehog
Bro, Joo Chiat got a few. Mostly cannot make it except one. I have been there with bro XBS. Got tua liappies one, good for bro JC.
Thanks Bro. Will check it out one of these nights. But I'm not so into Viet chicks
Last edited by Ichigo_Kurosaki; 21-02-2012 at 05:15 PM.
Bro, Joo Chiat got a few. Mostly cannot make it except one. I have been there with bro XBS. Got tua liappies one, good for bro JC.
Apart from there, 紫禁城 also have 1 new stock just arrived, the MMs there is slight above averg. was over at "hao cheng" 1 pretty SYT just arrived. Seem like China downturn drive the MMs to our shore. Even the pubs beside 豪城 have Beers MMs that look 80% alike to 刘诗诗。 Not just look, but also Icelady alike.
Too bad, me retired.
__________________ Quality is lifestyle !
Learn to Enjoy the riding Curves, rather than busy with the starting and where you be landing.
No $$$$$ No Honey
Do indicate your nick if U UPz me so that I can reciprocate back.
The sentence is "Kan Pua LanGa Face", u can also say Lory Bean.(Face)
I know of 1 such lady in real .... who work with a local developer. And she complain to me that her "LanGa" face also have pervert DIY on her, I joke that you are 后面看还可以,前面看吓死人。 she is that kind very "PaLea" in hokkien.
Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki
P/S: Sorri, I know there's a Hokkein phrase for crater moon face ..something along the lines of 'being run all over by a prime mover or truck" type of face but I cannot remember how to say or put into words...geylang or lung-ga or something...
__________________ Quality is lifestyle !
Learn to Enjoy the riding Curves, rather than busy with the starting and where you be landing.
No $$$$$ No Honey
Do indicate your nick if U UPz me so that I can reciprocate back.
The sentence is "Kan Pua LanGa Face", u can also say Lory Bean.(Face)
I know of 1 such lady in real .... who work with a local developer. And she complain to me that her "LanGa" face also have pervert DIY on her, I joke that you are 后面看还可以,前面看吓死人。 she is that kind very "PaLea" in hokkien.
Thanks Bro Oceanlee for the explaination.
Some women may not have the looks but their full-figured voluptuous bodies giving out sexual vibes and senses are way HOT!!!!
1 question need to seek opinion: If you ever bonked an ex-singer and now she's the singer manageress of another joint or a popular key vocal in a club, do you have problems cheonging her stables of singers or her colleagues? Will she get defensive and all? Cos some girls are quite emotional instead of maintaining their "high level of professionalism" It's kinda of tiring to keep exchanging hidden codes and signals with her stables of SYT meimeis or fellow colleagues when visiting her joint (afterall it makes no $en$e$ to support a "Has-Been")
1 question need to seek opinion: If you ever bonked an ex-singer and now she's the singer manageress of another joint or a popular key vocal in a club, do you have problems cheonging her stables of singers or her colleagues? Will she get defensive and all? Cos some girls are quite emotional instead of maintaining their "high level of professionalism" It's kinda of tiring to keep exchanging hidden codes and signals with her stables of SYT meimeis or fellow colleagues when visiting her joint (afterall it makes no $en$e$ to support a "Has-Been")
If you still intend to maximize ROI from her, you can play along openly with your New Found Babe, this create jealousy? competition and you can reap and enjoy both which require some skill. Or else, just tell her "还是朋友". in tease manner like 老公是大家的,老公也是临时工.
Spare yourself from the "tiring" and just be frank and Dump her, gals like them have no lack of "lao Gong". or sparetire. What's there to concern about, you are the BOSS, you buy the meat. I guess u r modest here , coz you still worried about her being defensive etc. Fear Not Bro, No $$$$ to them is like no Oxygen. You are not dealing with worker or PMET, you are dealing with a "investment' with Min ROI and not even a paperash.
(it depend on dif woman and dif stroke work on them)
just my 2 cents sharing.
hopefully she is not someone I know just return 1 month plus and used to work at middle road as singer before .... or else small world
__________________ Quality is lifestyle !
Learn to Enjoy the riding Curves, rather than busy with the starting and where you be landing.
No $$$$$ No Honey
Do indicate your nick if U UPz me so that I can reciprocate back.
Now for the final piece to complete the puzzle. See how it all began last year. See the similarities in the ways and methods used till it exploded, just like this round.
The beginning you will see a missile feeling the ground on who is who with no certain direction of aim and see the method of correspondences. See the similarity in posting patterns?
It starts from here: 21-11-2010, 10:39 PM
__________________ 天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦!
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