Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
BECOMING A KING How do you become a king? What is that you need to do to succeed with women? How do you let a woman choose you over all the other guys that come to her? What makes you stand out? Do you have to be rich or tall or really good looking or something to be a king? No. Being a king has nothing to do with any of that. Being a king is about power. Women are attracted to men who exude power and dominance. It is a natural biological and psychological thing. So what are the steps to becoming that king? The first step toward becoming a king is to recognize that as a king, NO ONE is above you. Everyone whom you do not see when you stand alone in the mirror is beneath you. Secondly, to be a king, you must have a kingdom. So what is your kingdom? Your kingdom is your life and all aspects of it. That includes your personal relationships, career, finances, interests like sports, or anything that has to do with you directly. What this means is that as a king, your first job is to build a great kingdom which means building a great life. In other words, your FIRST focus should be on improving every aspect of your life and always looking to find things or people that will help to enrich it and make it better and more enjoyable. Also, stop caring about anything that doesn't deal with you and your kingdom (life). So stop worrying about the guy you see that drives a flashy car and is a jerk and seems to "get all the girls". Why cares about what he's doing or what he has? He doesn't give two shits about you or your life and what he does can't limit you from getting what you want. The only person who can limit you is YOU. All great athletes from Michael Jordan on down have this attitude. This is the attitude that separates winners from losers in life. So fuck him and his chicks. That is HIS kingdom. Focus on YOUR own kingdom so that it can grow. Third, a king puts his own interests and that of his kingdom first and elevates no one or nothing above that. Fourth, if a woman wishes to become a princess or a queen or a servant within his kingdom he will treat her as a subject (that doesn't mean disrespectfully) who will recognize his authority as the master of his domain. He will NEVER tolerate disrespect or rebellion within his kingdom and if a subject proves to be too much trouble he will IMMEDIATELY exile them from his kingdom and elevate another subject in her place. Fifth, a good king knows that he is worthy of the best: The best food, the best drinks, the best entertainment, the best clothes, the best homes, the best cars, and also the best women. Now if you take just these five attributes or characteristics of a king and make them a part of your attitude and outlook concerning women and life, then you will see dramatic results. If you stand strong and be a true man and a king in every aspect of your life, you will notice many changes. You will automatically walk more confidently and with a sense of purpose and power so that when you enter a room you will begin to notice people taking notice of you (including women). You will begin to treat your time like it is money and only invest it on things and people that benefit you and not waste your time because it is precious and irreplaceable. You will begin to care much less about trivial things like worrying about what someone else is doing and focus on important things that directly affect you and your life. You will begin to shape your life according to your own will and you will discover that you have much more power than you ever imagined. You will also begin to take an active interest in your health and well-being and maybe change your diet or workout in order to improve this area of your kingdom. You will begin to ask less questions and figure out more shit out on your own because now you have limited your dependence on other people. In regards to women, if you are a king, that means that you are HIGHER UP THAN ANY WOMAN no matter how much of a queen or princess she thinks she is or how many guys treat her as such. I think this is the real secret and advantage of the jerk over the nice guy in that the jerk acts much more like the kingly traits I've mentioned and the nice guys and chumps place themselves mentally below this drop dead gorgeous princess and accept a lower status. |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Appreciate the good suggestions put up by both TS and other contributers like pale_dick. =)
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Applause and ovation for TS abuggalibahbahblacksheep and Bro pale_dick-from-too-much-sex for imparting upon us mortals these great values and enhancements upon our measly lives! Thou shalt be blessed for having such kindred souls!
okok. anyway, i noticed the lack of attention on this thread(despite it being so great!) and also feedback and i have deduced that maybe male ego is at fault! totally no offense but many many many MANY guys have egos so high up their asses that they diss and frown upon the art of pick-up(i use this word as this thread is littered with pickup techniques: DHV,Push-Pull,3 sec rule, kino etc etc ). These guys say that getting girls need no learning and they’re good enough as they are while ‘waiting for the perfect one to come’. They laugh at the losers who resort to learning skills to approach strangers. When asked why don’t they approach these strangers since they deem themselves to ‘having the right stuff’, they start saying that the girl they see at the corner of the MRT is ‘not gonna be attracted to them anyway’ or ‘not my type’ , and thats why they won’t do the approach. The fact is, every guy have had times where they see this amazing girl by the sidewalk with whom they have/share a ‘love-at-first-sight’ moment. Alas, the lack of balls and game stops him from creating his own fairy tale and instead causes him to slide further down the slippery slope of self-deprecation. I personally feel self-improvement is a lesson that should go on for a life time and of course, 'Pick-up' is an essential skill for the modern men and all guys out there should pull themselves up from their own pool of derogatory sludge, infuse themselves with some self-confidence, throw their useless egos away and learn the game. I mean,Dude, wouldn’t you love having THAT girl’s contact in your phonebook? Hahahahaha sorry , couldn't resist typing out those chunks up there. Once again, kudos to the great thread TS/contributors! Ps. Bro pale_skin, awesome dp! (your awesome 'king' analogy is also awesome beyond words) |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
boss shld pin this up. seriously.
my humble suggestion, can we have some more case study? like what if its a social D&D? the girl from the other department from another table? once seated, we make eye contact, then what? assuming I've seen her around in the printer room before. and nv had the chance to talk? my humble 2 points to anyone who can make as many case studies as possible.
I'll include a signature when i've succesfully thought of one. |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Wow, didn't expect to see this thread being revived. ok i'll try to come up with a case study for social settings like D&Ds no problem, give me some time
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Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Here goes my take on social settings.......
first,in a social setting, body language is important.. so remember these few pointers 1. Plant Yourself When Standing Still Put your feet slightly wider apart than is natural, don't shift your weight. Notice how your feet feel planted. You can stay like this for long periods of time. This is how martial artists stand, it is a solid base. 2. Don't Fidget, Fiddle, Or Touch Your Face What do you normally do with your hands? Twitching and fidgeting is very unattractive, look around and see it in other people. It makes you look nervous. Keep your hands by your sides. Place the thump on the index and middle fingers, this removes the natural need for the fingers to constantly be doing something. 3. Don't Look Down Keep your head up. If you need to look away, look up, never look down, it's a sign of weakness and also looks unattractive. You can observe this in others. Looking down even has been proven to have a bad effect on your mental state. 4. Make Slow Head Movements High status males everywhere, on film, in business, and in your social circle have certain things in common. One of which is slow, smooth movements. Look around slowly and smoothly, don't dart around and jolt your head around like you have been drinking espressos all day long. Think smooth, think James Bond. James Bond has very attractive body language, and smoothness and lack of fidgety movements are the main elements. 5. Walk Slowly And Smoothly This is more high-status behaviour. By being smooth and comfortable you give off a sense of quiet confidence. You stand out from the people rushing around. In a bar or club, slow it down even more, you will stand out, in a good way. 6. Hold Your Drink By Your Side When you have a drink, hold it by your side. It is a blocking action to hold a drink in front of your chest. Do these things and you will make a better first impression and stand out from the other men in a room. I generally recommend watching movies with actors like Tom Cruise,Brad Pitt or George Clooney in it, watch and observe they way they carry themselves, their body language Next, looking for a chance..... We all know that eye contact is important, but something funny happens when we make eye contact with another person... We become COMPELLED to respond to them in some fashion! When it comes to women, you can use eye contact to find out if she's open to meeting you. In fact, in a way, she'll be opening YOU! So here's what you do... The next time you see a woman you want to meet, LOCK your eyes on her! Seriously, just stare at her eyes, even if she's not looking at you. When people are out and about, they will usually look around to keep aware of their surroundings. This is an unconscious thing we all do. Eventually, the woman you're locking onto will look around to scan the area. When she comes to you, her eyes will inevitably meet yours, and you'll be locked in eye contact. When that happens, simply SMILE at her. If she smiles back, guess what? She's more than likely to be OPEN TO YOU MEETING HER! If she doesn't, then move on to someone who is. And when she does smile back, say "Hi!" And if she responds - you're in! Go right up to her and start talking remember this has to be done when the lighting is high enough that she can actually SEE you!). Often times, after you smile, the girl herself will say "Hi!" and then the rest is easy. Like it or not, it is men who generally have to make the first move in the human mating ritual. Some men feel that this is unfair and may argue that they have to do all the work while women merely stand there, wait for the approaching males and take their pick. They can then choose to either allow men the privilege of a little time in their company or simply reject them. I see that as looking at things from a negative viewpoint. Another way for a man to look at things is that it puts you in the position of power. Yes, that’s right, you are the one calling the shots. Why? Well, put yourself in a woman’s position for a moment. Imagine that the girl of your dreams was just across the room, but you were prevented from approaching them by social protocol. As much as you wanted to, you could only send discreet signals to this girl and hope that she was not too shy to approach you. If she did not approach, for whatever reason, you would never know why not. Was she shy, did she not pick up your signals or was she simply not interested? This is not a powerful position to be in and, take it from me, it can be a very frustrating one. You are the lucky ones, guys. You hold all the cards. You are the hunter and can choose your prey rather than wait forever for the approach to come. Your destiny is in your own hands. You can make your choice and move forward for the approach. This is natural. It is what is expected of you by society. It is what women want. Count your blessings – you are in control. Even if you do get turned down, at least you are out of your misery and can move on. I know women who have waited months, even years, for an approach that they thought was imminent, before giving up. Many men suffer nightmares about actually approaching a girl. This is understandable in some respects, I suppose. You are in the spotlight at these times and are expected to get out there and perform. But it is not all bad. braindead from projects i can't think good now but yeah that's the general main frame
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Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
伤我不要紧 来日换我犹有余刃 做大事要狠 |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Quote of the day: Women are drawn to Men in Demand. They are not drawn to men who are rich, powerful, famous, tall or good looking, it just happens so because these are the men in demand.
伤我不要紧 来日换我犹有余刃 做大事要狠 |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
There was once this DND where 8 girls were seated with 2 guys. I happen to know just 1 guy and since we brought liquor secretly (Our DND restricted to 1 pax 1 glass of beer only). I brought 2 glasses over to drink with the guy. Then kay siao, smile at the girl. She also smiled back. So of course I brought another glass over and then invited her for a drink. Heng she obliged else very malu. I think in such events, most of the ladies loosen up and become more friendly. Even my female boss who is always so stern also bottoms up with me when I cheers with her. Does that make me earn your 2 humble points? Hehe just kidding. Think you upped mine before already. Great efforts in continuing this thread!
情在一夜间,爱在两腿之间 |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Thanks TS for starting this lifestyle thread n most of all to all bros in sbf for reading. If u are lost, down, feeling depress or out of luck feel free to come back to this thread and read all the tips given by Ts n me. Hopefully my tips can inspire all bros to be better or even successful in their lives.
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Self Improvement Self-improvement is the focal point of any man’s existence. It shouldn’t be women, or wealth, or pleasure – these things should come as a result of your life accomplishments. The best thing about life is that we can transform ourselves into what we want to be, through sheer force of will. Here is my system for goal-oriented self-improvement, based on what I’ve read and experienced firsthand. It’s very important to write down what you want to accomplish.1. General Goals I like to start out by writing several very general, non-specific goals. “I want to be stronger” “I want to be more knowledgeable” “I want to be financially stable”, etc. 2. SMART GOALS Then, I re-write these goals using the SMART principle. SMART equaling: Specific ( instead of simply “I want to get stronger”, try “I want to add strength to my arms, chest, back, and legs”) Measurable – your goal should be quantitative. (“I want to add 20 lbs to my incline bench press”, or “I want to gain 15 lbs without raising my body fat”) Attainable – know your limitations. A goal is worthless if there is no chance of actually reaching it. Remember, though, it is better err on the side of difficulty, rather than giving yourself an effortless goal. Push yourself. Realistic – pretty much the same as attainable. Time-Oriented – all goals must be set in a specific time period. This should be tied in with attainability and realism. MOTIVATION It’s rather simple to write down what you want to accomplish; it’s a much greater chore to actually do it. Most people fail. Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, "What is the most valuable use of my time right now?" Ask yourself that question all day, over and over again. If you find yourself sitting on your couch wasting time, ask yourself: "What is the most valuable use of my time right now?" Whatever your answer is, make sure that you are doing it. It’s important to realize that, as human beings, we have inherently conflicting desires. Why can’t people lose weight when they really, really, really want to? There’s no question about their desire to lose weight, but they still can’t do it. It is because they have other, stronger desires – “the desire to eat sweets” “the desire to be comfortable and sedentary” and most of all “the desire to feel pleasure/avoid pain” that override their desire for self-improvement. Having knowledge of our conflicting desires can help us accomplish what is best for us. It’s important to look past the present. Learn to deny yourself easy comforts and temporary pleasures in favor of things that will make you a better person in the future. My point is not to worry so much about confidence, mystery, being a challenge, ambition etc. Rather, focus on the things that produce those. Try to improve your sense of humor. Try to be more friendly. Try to improve your SOCIAL SKILLS. Get involved with people, learn how to be a leader. Become comfortable with interacting with other people. Self Improvement in action You will write a list of everything you don’t like about yourself. And you will write beside each, how you can improve it. Its all down to baby steps, it will not happen overnight, it may take weeks, months, even years, but if you never give up and have the determination to follow it, you will improve and gradually turn into this guy. You will write down all you want to achieve in your life, bringing it from years down to what you want to achieve in the next few months, to what you want to achieve in the next week. And you will figure out how you can achieve each. You will set time aside for rest and relaxation. You will watch TV less, surf the internet less, waste time less and see every moment as vital for your growth, etc. Search for constant improvement. Another method of self-improvement is through studying -you become more intelligent -you become quick witted -you gain a dominance of words -you can control other people with your mind. -you become more valuable to your employer -you have the ability to make more money. -you have the ability to understand things about life that others cannot comprehend. -you gain so much more confidence in your abilities because you have worked hard to create your life. -you will have more success with women since your skills in conversation, creating rapport will all improve because your power with words will improve immensely. |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Bros Abuga,pale_dick & nature green. You guys are the real gems of SBF. Most people talk their experience, which is good. But it will be best to teach the experience. Im sorry I alr upped someone else cos i was reading their threads b4 this. But over the next 3 days, i will up your points. Not like it matters to you anyway but this would be the best I can think of sending my gratitude.
I just have some questions. bro abugga, how does holding a can sideways help? maybe u mean diagonally? I feel thats abit awkward. Usually I hold it infront of my hips. Is that alright? Also, out of 10 times, how many times do the women actually come to u to say hi after having eye contact? I cant help but feel that in sg, many women just walk to you. Or is it just the social group I'm hanging out with that really are that shy? Bro Naturegreen, yupps i think i upp u b4 alr but nevertheless, thanks for sharing 1 way of bring bottles and further reenforcing the fact eye contact works. so yes u deserve my 2 pathetic points. haha. bro pale_dick, what do u suggest to someone who needs improvement in his sense of fashion? I mean certain women like certain fashion. IN D&D, its okay to wear out of the ordinary maybe grey or white outfits. But what about just chilling out with friends? Where or what should I do to make improvements? Especially when I do not have any fashion sense? Tv doesn't really show much chilling out outfits that I like. And due to sg weather, its not practical to wear layers like the tv series how i met your mother theres this guy who wears a suit to every where he goes. so how to improve on dress sense? 3 cheers to this thread!
I'll include a signature when i've succesfully thought of one. |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
Dear TS, I might recommend putting up the link for the rest of the players-to-be to devour the information. Might I also suggest a glossary and explanation of terms like IOIs, negging, etc, to benefit the uninformed.
Just a humble suggestion to improve the thread, and the game(or the lack of!) of Singaporean men. |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
As to fashion sense, it all depends on who you are? I'll quote the all famous quote, " you are what you wear ". if you are like me, a preppy boy, then dress a little more outrageous? haha, i mean to give you an idea, printed tees, polo tees from ralph lauren, try to have different colours on you, i don't mean like a peacock but yeah, like light blue shirt to go with black jeans and white shoes. white shirt to go with blue jeans and white shoes, teal coloured shirts to go with brown long pants and white shoes? haha white top/grey bottom/black or white shoes, i can go on and on, it's how you play with the colours to have them mesh nicely together The jeans - get a good brand of jeans, levi's is good enough, you can go the extra mile on your wallet, go for Polo jeans or Armani Jeans depending on a person, get the best fitting ones, i recommend straight cut (AJ :P) as per below http://static.letsbuyit.com/filer/im...-25566707.jpeg http://www.individualsole.com/2007/1...estern-shirts/ having such jeans make you look smart and sharp, important aspect. The shoe - Go with loafers or simple converse. i like canvas shoes. The hair - Keep it clean, and occasionally condition it to keep it shiny and soft. keep it natural yet trimmed and neat. Always smell nice and wear a mild cologne if you like. Brush your teeth and use mouth wash! anyway most shirts out there can be matched well, it's just how you do it for me if i wanna feel like a bad boy maybe pop a long sleeved v neck white cotton shirt and on goes a leather jacker, black denim jeans and a pair of vans, that's about it. what's more importantly you feel good about what you wear, bring out that confidence, it further amplifies that effect. you don't have to be a popstar to dress like one try to think why korean boy bands garner so much wooha from girls .. think about it ... look at the way they dress in their music videos, i don't mean the funny dance constumes but yeah... and trust me, women do pay alot of attention to how their men look, if you look good and have a great fashion sense, they will be proud to bring you out on the streets.
伤我不要紧 来日换我犹有余刃 做大事要狠 Last edited by abugga; 31-01-2011 at 05:50 AM. |
Re: Lifestyle Tips I Adopt, You Should Too!
abugga, i'd really love to be your friend you've got so much to learn.
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