Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
Anyone knows where the fuck did Durex research for the stats? Not based on their sales i hope... Firstly, most SGrean dont use condoms with their regular sex partners, like me! Secondly as mentioned, we had freedom of choice for other brands.
Even if they are based on survey, it's still wouldnt be accurate. Singapore guys have very deep culture of visiting HC, GL, FL etc, unlike foreigner who value true love and stick to their spouse. If the survey is done with both gender, of course we have low sex count. Let's face the fact, which brudder here has sex with his wife more than once a week? I know i dont, it's either once every week or 2... (I salute you if you do it more than once a week, you've earned my respect.) However I have sex at least 3-6 times if taking account of those i did with my affairs. If i'm being surveyed "How often do you have sex with your wife?", i'll definitely only answered: once a week and you wouldnt be expecting me to ask "do you want to know how often do i have sex with my affairs?" Also when SG guys look for commercial sex, most prob she's a foreigner, either from China, Thai or some developing countries. So the statistic will be lowered cos when sex occurs in SG, only the men are being taken into account, wherelse the wives' count is near to zero! So for Singapore case, they should multiple it by at least twice to be accurate. with is 73 X2= 146? See, we have top the chart! ^_^
Theory of Nympho - Good boy must trust her, bad boy must thrust her! I fucking love my gal and i love fucking my gal! |
Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
I don't know how they conduct the survey but i guess it will not reflect the true situtation. Different culture in diff countries. Not all people will voice out everything during the survey. |
Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
Agree with Customerzzz, ang moh lagi "tiko" if not tiko where got shows like pretty woman, striptease, home but not alone, penetrator and saving ryans private come from??? All involve either prostitution, porn or sex.......
The truth is this bloody survey not accurate at all..... n its making us look silly n projeted as we have very lame dicks...
Learn from all parent's mistakes - Lets All Practice Birth Control. I earn PEANUTS. 1. How I managed to Bonk my SYT colleagues: 2. My Wild BMT Days: |
Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. Thank God It's Friday! |
Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
Sawadeekap SBF... Bangkok rocks...!!!!
泰国人做爱次数居亚洲之最 (中国)银川晚报 (2005-11-10) 据中新社11月9日电根据一项最新的民意调查指出,泰国民众每年做爱的次数高达97次,约为一星期两次 ,比去年的103次略为减少,不过依旧是亚洲国家中做爱频率最高的国家。 据台湾媒体报道,这项由保险套业者杜蕾斯所进行的全球性行为调查,涵盖了41个国家,调查显示,今年全 球做爱频率最高的国家是希腊,每年的做爱次数高达138次,而全球的平均数字则是103次。 日本则是最不喜欢做爱的国家,平均一年只有45次,比去年的46次又略为减少。 全球一夜情比例最高的是挪威,芬兰排名第二,紧追在后的则是新西兰与瑞典。
Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
Life is SHORT....BONK whenever you can........... |
Re: How are you going to help our nation, sillypore?
What is your blood type? hehe...
不同血型男人的"性情" 你是否注意到不同血型的人也会有不同的“性”情呢?此文告诉你不同血型男人的性爱秘密,不可不信,也不 可全信,只希望大家从此爱得了解,更加贴心默契。 A型男性的“性”情指数 A型男人做爱特别多。统计指出,A型男人平均做爱时间约为4分26秒,是四种血型中最短的。但优点是做 爱次数多,平均每年196次,每隔1.86日就做一次。A型男性会不断努力,使女性得到高潮。如果在重要关 键时刻,你能对他说:“好棒啊!”那么他一定爱死你,不用说,对A型男性的最大武器就是撒娇。A型男人平均 一生中有4个性伴侣,同O型女人最为默契,在床上非常卖力,一定要令性伴侣有高潮,才会停止,相当为对方着 想,是典型的的好男人。 B型男性的“性”情指数 B型男性喜欢享受开放的性生活,不喜欢阴暗、拘谨,或者是有婚姻问题的性生活。简单地说,爱情和性是全 然不同的两回事,可以享受没有爱情的性生活,也可以不透过性而确认爱情。女性如果能够率直地表现出自己的喜 悦,或许就能够享受幸福的婚姻生活。B型男人持久力最强,平均做爱时间最长,约7分11秒。做爱重质不重量 ,平均每年做爱158次,每隔2.31日才做一次。平均一生中约有8个性伴侣,同A型女人最为 默契。 AB型男性的“性”情指数 AB型男性属于较严肃的性主义者,要与他配合并不困难,他也很喜欢黄色笑话,但事实上,他们对性都有洁 癖,因此,还是以自然的方式好。其中也有人认为,伴侣一定要是个处女,否则他便会显得不积极。这时候还是以 自然的形式创造一个绝佳的气氛最好。AB型男人对性最保守,他们平均做爱时间约为6分10秒,持久力排第二 。每年平均做爱约173次,每隔2.1日做一次。平均一生中约有3个性伴侣,数目最少,同A型女人最合拍。 对性较为保守,不会轻易同女人上床,上床的话,一定要有感情。 O型男人的“性”情指数 O型男人喜欢有规律的性生活,认为做爱像吃饭一样,都是生活中不可缺少的事情。O型血的人虽然热烈地接 受性爱,但也会表现出较淡然的态度。通常男女双方交往,会因感情热度升高而冲破理智防线。进而产生性爱的经 验,显然地,这和男性的交易式爱情截然不同。一般而言O型血的人对爱情较主动,但趋向贪婪。他们做爱的过程 虽然认真而细腻,但事后却无法抓住片刻的美好回忆。 O型男人平均做爱时间约为5分32秒,在四种血型中排第三。每年平均做爱约有180次,每隔1.91日 就做一次。平均一生中约有6个性伴侣,同O型女人最为合拍。(来源:千龙网)
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