Re: Bs Ktv
Thanks for info......post colour & license plate too.......drive WRX no money pay up debts?
Re: Bs Ktv
Re: Bs Ktv
整个事件非常的难过,我很抱歉,大家必须不得不经历这一切,我也想谢谢你们给我这个机会,来吐尽心中藏着的 话。 我希望今天之后,能够得到你们的宽恕,在这个事件以及这个事件所引发的一切,我真的非常的道歉 。 我希望你们所有人都接受我的道歉。 在过去的几周,我和我的母亲,和我的家人、亲属在一起,他们给我真诚的帮助,他们一直都支持和帮助我。我承 认大部分照片都是我拍摄的,但是这些照片是非常隐私的,我从来没有想把这些照片向人展示,这些照片是非法的 ,是从我这里偷窃的。同时,也没有我的同意就流传出去,毫无疑问,那些获取这些照片的人在网上是一种恶意的 传播,这个事件已经恶化到使整个社会受到影响,从这方面来讲我非常的遗憾。 我现在想道歉,向所有的人为他们所受到的伤害而道歉,我同时向所有的相关的女士和他们的亲属,为他们受到的 任何的伤害进行道歉,我很抱歉,同时我也想向我的父母道歉,因为我为他们带来了伤痛。最重要的是,我想向所 有香港人民道歉,我向你们诚恳的道歉,毫无保留,衷心的向你们道歉。 我知道香港很多年轻人都崇拜这个社会的偶像,在这方面我没有成为一个榜样,但是,我希望这个事件能够教育每 一个人,尤其是我们社会的年轻人,我想我所做的并不是你们学习的榜样,在我离开的这段时间,我做出了很重要 的决定,我将全心的履行我所有的承诺,在这个之后,我将完全的退出香港的娱乐圈,我做出这样的决定是想给自 己一个教训,来治愈自己的伤口和自己的灵魂,我将用一些时间来做慈善工作。 我一直在帮助警方,从照片流传出来之后,就一直在协助他们。在记者会之后,我有责任来帮助他们进行调查,我 也希望这个案件能够很快的结束,我想每一个人都这样希望能够尽快的结束,我想利用这个机会来谢谢警方,谢谢 他们在这个案件中的辛勤劳动,谢谢! 我相信,每个人的当务之急,也包括我个人是来停止所有的伤痛,不让这个事件(继续扩大),我们应该保护所有 的无辜人和年轻人不受这个事件的伤害,从这方面来讲,我要求我的律师在法律允许的范围内,来尽最大的可能帮 助这个事件的受害者。我开记者会的时候,我的律师建议我,我们将向你们发放新闻稿。 最后,我想谢谢今天各位在现场来听我的解释,我也想再次的道歉,向所有受事件影响的女士,还有他们的亲属, 还包括我的家属,以及所有香港,还有整个社会的人进行道歉。
I apologised to all the victims who've been "been affected by this strange, strange ordeal" and urged viewers in possession of those pictures to "please destroy them immediately". |
Re: Bs Ktv
how's the stocks? i just went J51 on thursday..... no stocks man!
Semi-retired |
Re: Bs Ktv
PC finally serviceable liao mah! So can login QQ liaoz kekekeke
. 本人相貌丑陋,三岁习武,七岁学文,上知天文地理,下知鸡毛蒜皮, 每外出行走,常引帅哥回头,美女跳楼,心地善良,和蔼可亲, 乐于助人,乐善好施不可枚舉,其优点多得有如滔滔江水 连绵不绝,又如黃河泛滥一发而不可收拾,实乃旷世奇才。 人在新加坡, 心在常平 中国美女那么多,可惜我人在新加坡
Re: Bs Ktv
I just joint the member recently, reads all ur threads and VERY KIN of chiong with u bro's someday. i often go with my group of friend but they prefered to go joo chiat area a bit boring liao. Visited NSH for a few ocassion with another friend but he's now 金盆洗水 oredi, hope can find some new kaki. |
Re: Bs Ktv
I just register as a member recently, very kin to joint u bros to chiong |
Re: Bs Ktv
hi bros.....
just would ;like to check wif u all do u all noe this gal xiao yu any fr on her coz went there afew times wanted to tapao her but she say she dont go out bust asking for special in the washrooms also can not.... heard she was there dor quite sometime liao and ahe is from shengyang would appreciate for reply or pm...... thanks... |
Re: Bs Ktv
I promised not to be bothered by those insane zappers earlier on, however with them keep coming back like houseflies, I think I should spend some time to summarise and release the comments given by the zappers in my CP to help figure out what are the valid reasons for them to create these evil intention to trigger the zapping. Below is a summary in sequent with the most recent at the top:
Bs Ktv: let me zap u hard then,continue to play hard. T H ktv: Mai carry monster98's balls lah. T H ktv: Zap you for repeating your post. Bs Ktv: Yawnz.... mai kpkb like a baby leh. Bs Ktv: Don't be rude to senior samster. Btw, your signature is very rude. Remove it T H ktv: Zap you for being rude, and do not let me see you in TH hor. T H ktv: 26pts liao can yaya kalaba har? T H ktv: Don't give a damn, why kpkb? T H ktv: Have a enjoyable session too. Bs Ktv: You got alot of spelling mistakes. Bs Ktv: If you do not know him, why you so KPO? They think they have valid reasons, I wish all could agree with them and then forgive them. One thing in comment is that none of them is proud his nick. If Sammyboy is reading this post, I think it is time for you to seriously doing some housekeeping!!! This will be my last post on zappers, the rest will be pleasant things to be shared on our cheonging activities.
We only want to share information, FR, joys, pleasure and points in SBF and not the foolishness, jealousy, hatred, anger and selfishness. Only brainless bastards will choose to abuse the demerit point system. "Up" list: Most recent : Next : |
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