Re: Beijing Recommendations
2008年07月20日02:02 京华时报 机场线首发日出现小故障 记者乘坐下午2时30分出发的机场线从东直门站前往首都机场;20分钟后,列车抵达t3航站楼。但在乘 客上下车、车门关闭之后,列车却迟迟没有开动。几分钟后,乘务员广播通知列车出现故障,请大家下车改乘下趟 列车。个别乘客由于担心误了飞机,不得不改乘航站楼之间的摆渡车前往t2航站楼,但多数乘客选择下车等候。 约10分钟左右,另一趟列车被调来,将站台上的乘客运往t2航站楼。 下午3时30分,记者登车从t2航站楼返回东直门。没想到出站不过五六分钟,列车紧急刹车,一些乘客险 些跌倒。此后,列车虽然试图再度启动,但故障依旧,接连停车达三四次之多。 对此,北京市地铁运营有限公司新闻发言人贾鹏解释说,试运营前他们曾做过三个月的空车试运行,并没有出 现过类似问题。目前列车处于试运营阶段,有一些小故障也属正常;因为设备和车体都需要磨合的过程,这不会影 响机场线在奥运期间的正常运行。 大多数乘客对列车出现的这些状况表示理解,认为“试运营嘛,正常”。但有乘客认为,发生故障后,司乘人 员应给予必要的解释和提醒,让乘客有所防范,以免紧急刹车时出现意外。 t3站错下车耽误23分钟 机场线运行一圈大约需要50分钟。如果去t2的乘客在t3错误下车,只能再等15分钟后的下次列车,加 上t2和t3之间的8分钟时间,这就耽误了23分钟左右。去t3的乘客到了t2才下车,只能出站后坐机场的 摆渡车前往t3,也将耽误10到15分钟。 北京东直门机场快轨公司介绍,机场线两段地下部分因联通运营商没有把信号引入地下,因此联通手机号在这 两段地下部分无法接听。 -特写 古稀老人成首位乘客 当天下午1时45分,机场线东直门站放客进站,等候已久的乘客纷纷冲向站厅层准备购票,但刚到站厅层便 被众多媒体包围。这时,一名头戴草帽、手拿蒲扇的老人走到站厅层售票处,购得了首张机场线车票 。 老人名叫李春玉,已经74岁了,住在首都机场的南平里。得知机场线开通试运营,老人冒着酷暑专门打车来 到东直门站,体验一下机场线。李春玉上车后,没有坐下,而是走向车头,观看机场线慢慢从地下驶 向高架。 “这车真不错,站着一点不觉得晃。”李玉春说,他平时从城里回家都是坐地铁到东直门后换乘公交车,不堵 车时回家需要40分钟到一个小时,坐机场线到机场只要20分钟。“就是票价高,要25块钱,比坐公交车贵多 了,站也少,从机场回家还要走一段路,再进城还是坐公交吧。” -机场线各站首末车时间 站点 首车末车 东直门到机场方向6:0022:30 三元桥到东直门 6:0422:34 三元桥到机场 6:5223:27 t3到t2 6:2122:51 t2至东直门方向 6:3523:10 -提醒 行李禁超30公斤 据北京地铁运营公司介绍,乘客乘坐机场线时,所携带的行李必须按照机场的相关规定——每人随身携带两件 行李,同时行李的重量不能超过30公斤。 暂时不提供站乘 机场线每车设132个座位,每天按照15分钟间隔发车,预计每天发车66班。预计全天客流量在1.8万 人次,奥运期间可以达到2.8万人次,因此仅依靠座位载客就可以满足运力要求。考虑到乘车环境和舒适度,暂 时不会提供站乘,如果座位已满,乘客需要等待下一班车。如果运力出现增长,地铁公司会适时调整 。 |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Hi mark, so it meant that the train is already ready ?
I need to go wan fu jing, which station to alight. |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
All is call in for hotel, i only have few hours, so need to go to some joint.
Re: Beijing Recommendations
yes, the airport line started on 20 July. i dun know how to take trains in china, pls check with other bros.
Re: Beijing Recommendations
thanks bro Mark, any easy to go massage centre that had full package that i can spend the time for few hours during transist?
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Shit... I did not know the underground has connected to T3.. When I was there last month, my local driver did not mentioned that to me. My bad for giving the wrong advise.
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Will be in Beijing and Shanghai for 2 weeks starting this Sat. Anyone want to meet up can pm me..
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Anyone can tell me what is the Poly theatre name in Chinese ?
Re: Beijing Recommendations
poly theatre = 保利剧院
http://www.polytheatre.com/ |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Yo bros
Just back from Beijing and Shanghai, cannot access Sammyboy when there, no chance to make usual contacts. Was in each place 2 nights only for meetings and now back home can access Sammyboy. I think Olympics is it? |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
http://sbfsg.agency/2874439-post934.html |
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Thanks bro Mark Lim, wished I had known this before my trip. I could access SBF last time I was in Beijing Nov 07.
Anyway, did not have a nice time there, was staying at hotel near airport and after meeting no where to go. Called for hotel massage, was so so only and NO effect on little brother!!!!! Wasn't too sure if could call same contact as last time Yang Yang as this time I stay very near BCIA and quite far from Beijing, and hotel got nothing around but expat housing and road construction. Anyway short trip too then off to Shanghai and also not great time there, sigh....... |
Beijing Recommendations
Piaoliangbaobei is now in action, i just went there and seen few new girls. Better than before! Mamasan Lili said that the place will be closed for Olympics but will still be open specially for singaporean brothers discreetly only. this is Mamasan Lili mobile 13718242695. Well, bros enjoy out there in Beijing....
Re: Beijing Recommendations
Re: Beijing Recommendations
We went to Beijing last week and we found the mamasan - Judy. She's got some pretty girls with good service too. Girls are pretty, young and the most important these girls will do all you ask. They starts oil massage all the way down to my coke then the blow job and the pussy is juicy. you will enjoy what I had. I tried two girls and their names are Lily and Jiajia. both 20 some from southern China with white milky skin and big tips
contact me at 13520024297 |
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