An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
to push tiong-made junk to the rest of asia and europe, tiongland is embarking on an ambitious plan to build one belt over the asiatic land mass and the maritime silkroad to encircle and complement the land route. in order to realize the maritime route, tiongland needs to go through south china sea and sinkapore. the combo one belt and maritime silk road also bring together central asian states, russia, iran, turkey and europe into the mix. america is totally left out of this giant undertaking as she is not in the geography of both land and sea routes. but america has presence in the path - a very strategic and military presence in sg. if sg is (rightfully) stubborn to remain an american military strategic strongpoint, tiongs will have to find alternatives to close the maritime route. various alternatives such as bypassing sg altogether are in tiongs' playbook.
on the other side of the geography (pacific), it figures that tpp for so called "free trade" in the pacific is not so much about trade but more about geopolitics and alliances to keep tiongs and ruskies out. it's the tic for tac vendetta of the obama admin to form own exclusive club when others are keeping him out and forming their exclusive club. and by invitation only. sg has the opportunity to straddle both exclusive clubs but may suffer the embarassment and indignity of losing invitations to both. now that the tpp will die an untimely death under the incoming trump admin, will sg suck up to tiongs and beg for inclusion in the dubious one belt and maritime silk road cartel of cheap junk and useless trash distribution?

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