An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Old Aged Home let off with only a warning for hosting PAP press conference
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3 hours ago August 19, 2015
An old aged home in Sembawang, Sunshine Welfare Action Mission Home, has been let off with only a warning for hosting a PAP press conference. Under the law, voluntary welfare organisations (VWO) are not supposed to hold political events in their premises.
Ravi Philemon, a former social worker and presently the director of a non-government organisation Operation Hope Foundation, lodged a formal complaint to the Registrar of Societies when the VWO hosted the PAP press conference which introduced PAP candidates for the coming elections to old folks in the home:
“The introduction of PAP candidates who will contest in Sembawang GRC in the next General Election is clearly a political activity”
The VWO however feigned ignorance saying they are unaware that they can’t host a political event:
Photo from Facebook
“The local MPs wanted to rent our premises for their event. We agreed as their rental of our premises on commercial terms was helpful for us.”
Minister Khaw Boon Wan said he is also ignorant of the law:
“We had not checked the VWO’s constitution. However, we have nothing but the highest regard for the work done by this VWO and will continue to support it in any way we can”
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