26-05-2015, 07:20 PM
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SG teachers can sue the govt for making them sing the national anthem
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
The Straits Times
Published on May 26, 2015
Japan teachers win compensation for being penalised for not singing national anthem
TOKYO (AFP) - A Japanese court has awarded millions of dollars in compensation to a group of teachers who were punished for refusing to sing the country's anthem, the group said on Tuesday, as it condemned nationalism in education.
The Tokyo District Court ruled on Monday that the capital's municipal government must pay a total of 537 million yen (S$5.9 million) to 22 former high-school teachers. The group said the city refused to rehire them under a scheme that extends employment past the retirement age, because they disobeyed orders to stand and sing the anthem at graduation ceremonies.
Some critics say Japan's anthem amounts to a call to sacrifice oneself for the emperor and celebrates militarism. Numerous battles over the years have seen teachers clash with school administrators over the issue, and today nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is accused of trying to play down Japan's war history.
On Monday, district judge Toru Yoshida said the Tokyo government's refusal to rehire the group was disproportionate to the offence. "There needs to be careful consideration when penalising people because they behaved in a way based on their own beliefs," he said, according to public broadcaster NHK.
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