An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
From a comment by
"I Reflect My Country:"
January 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm (Quote)
Recently, SMRT prosecuted a student in Court for using its electric socket to charge her handphone. The socket was left unsealed, located in a public place and it was the first time student ignorantly made this mistake. Fine of $400 is already unjust but being prosecuted by law leaves a mark /blemish in your record.
Someone by the name of Stephanie said Singaporeans are small-minded. I would say if you live in a country where you can be prosecuted in court for such a small inadvertent infraction- no mercy, yes you will feel cowed, small, diminished and so tread fearfully.
If that is how people are usually treated by the system here – no flexibility, no compassion – but exacting to the last ounce of flesh, than you cannot expect the people here to have this ability to emphathise and be gracious. It is a reciprocal process.
So May I echo someone :
To SKM and William Wan, the so-called ‘General Secretary’ of the Singapore Kindness Movement.:
Go f@#k yourself!
Note well: The patron of SKM is PM Lee and its adviser is Mr Lawrence Wong, Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth.
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