An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
In Singapore, it seems that anything goes for those on bicycles..... esp those from countries with 5000 years of history.....
For starters, they are free here to ride on both the pavement and the road, whatever strikes their fancy.
They are true kings of the road.
Held up by slow-coach pedestrians on the walkways? Never fear, just ring the bell or whistle loudly and the crowds part automatically like the Red Sea.
Hassled on the road by cars? Don't worry, motorists are now being told to keep a distance of 1.5m when overtaking bicycles. This means that they actually have to change lanes to do so. If traffic is heavy and they can't, they will just have to follow the cyclist's pace.
If a cyclist foreign or otherwise, here feels irritated or unnerved by motorists behind him breathing down his neck, they can always cycle against the flow of traffic. It seems perfectly allowed in Singapore...... (maybe in NZ too? considering the quality of Singkie bicyclists taking refuge there.....:):):rolleyes::confused:)
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