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Re: Do you regret marrying?
Maybe is time to replace women with men charter Act.
Re: Do you regret marrying?
I read somewhere that last year the Government did a review of the WC and wanted to replace it with a Family Charter, but the idea was shot down by AWARE. Instead they made amendments to the WC to make it even more one-sided in favour of the females.
Singapore women can go fuck themselves and marry their fellow Singaporean lesbian sistas. With the current WC no way I am ever gonna marry in Singapore. |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
High property prices , no job securities, depressing salary and many other factors...My advice is to those low and middle class earner to think twice before any commitments . Money plays a very important role in a marriage . Love will fades once problems starts emerging ...........
Please leave your Nick if you Up me so I can return your support!!Cheers mate!!! Next to be up back in return :Nil |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
At first no.. but after married for so long.. i think i wanna a divorce because no love liao
Re: Do you regret marrying?
Go and look for marriage councilor ...perhaps will sparks up again.
Please leave your Nick if you Up me so I can return your support!!Cheers mate!!! Next to be up back in return :Nil |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
Alternatively, get a RICH wife |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
suddenly i was hoping marriage counsellor will advise us to divorce.. wondering will it happen lor
Re: Do you regret marrying?
i hope to find a counsellor that can analyse the relationship for me and to offer objective comments rather than keep asking us to save the marriage.
Re: Do you regret marrying?
No....they wont unless too jia latz case.
Please leave your Nick if you Up me so I can return your support!!Cheers mate!!! Next to be up back in return :Nil |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
i don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest. |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
then u need to make the decision yourself. marriage counsellor will always advise to reconcile one, they got government statistics to fulfill.
Re: Do you regret marrying?
Men Charter? It's even rubbish. The objective is WC is so obsolete, just strike this out will do.
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Re: Do you regret marrying?
yes I regret marrying. I dont love my wife. People always ask me why together, why married etc I've given my explanation which maybe difficult for ppl to accept. Today I come accross this article in chinese which is quite close to the 'love' btwn me n my wife.
据说有一种爱,叫无辜的爱情。 你可能没有做过什么,也可能不小心做多了些什么,却无辜地被大爱一场。你可能试过比阴谋还要阴损地暗示 :这是不可能的。也可能在手足无措之间,没有在适当时机狠下心肠,知道距离渐拉渐近,也就抱有侥幸之心,怎 是别伤人太重,说不定对方会在长期感到没趣之下知情识趣,渐行渐远。 无论最初是手不够狠、口不够直还是心不够硬,天下没有请不走的人,也没有不能扫尽的兴。对方站得远远地 张望,那叫防不胜防,倘能长期在你身边出没,一定是你刚好也有空档;如非新近被甩,就是空窗期太长,你也乐 得有个说说话的对象,从此就开始了所谓因为寂寞的一段无辜之爱。 是的,单恋能成双,你一定有责任。你一定有贪恋过被单恋的虚荣,觉得自己原来也很重要,被重视的快感已 是蒙蔽了热闹与热情之别。你一定有多亏过对方,在你不想独自看戏吃饭时,他及时报到,而你为报恩,也不好意 思拒绝,于是容许对方还有下次。 被爱本该是好事,有人关心陪伴支持,又不用经过苦心经营才得到手,何乐而不为?问题就在那个乐”字,你 换到的是关心陪伴支持,但是中间夹杂着享受不来的爱情,便难以乐在其中。被爱了一段日子,即便不是要回馈对 方,明知爱也被爱才是最快乐的事,你抱着一个双赢的希望,也得试爱一下,一下再一下。 就这样,你才正式成为无辜爱情的受害者。他像你微笑,你克服了抗拒之心,很用心地陪他笑,要过了很久, 才发觉那是陪笑,因为你暗里开始觉得独个看周星驰会笑得更诚实。 他每份礼物也让你觉得应该要感动,但怎样入戏,那也只是感激。你为了不伤人,买礼物时也带着上班时想点 子的心情,要还对方一个惊喜。 他在众人面前给你夹菜,第一次你尝到了最典型的幸福,第三四次你惊觉那双筷子来自谁都一样,只有你爱的 人夹给你的菜才不一样。他用爱证明了你爱的不是他,尽管你也以为模仿爱而不自觉把对不起变成口 头禅。 他偶然闪过不太好看的脸色,你便怀疑他看出了你爱得勉强,也知道他何尝不是被你的脸色牵动着全身的神经 。你很用力地抱着他,以为正在表示爱得着紧,最终竟发现那么用力,是憎恨他为什么爱你而你又爱得比单身还要 寂寞,寂寞还不能抱怨。因为这种寂寞,会带来内疚,怪责自己身在福中不知福。 勉强尝试爱上一个人,原来都是伪装,连自己都给骗过了的,就跑去结婚。对方白白爱你一场,你也白白假装 爱了一场。完事之后,被爱者却比施爱者更难受。被爱的人享受不到爱,得到的都是没有想过要的,在过程中步步 为营,搞不好还背上伤害人的罪名;反而施爱的,早豁了出去,他得不到你,也得到你发自好心的模拟的爱,也好 算是红利了。 最无惧的爱是他付出而不求回报,因为与你有关的快与不快也是回报。最无辜的是你,到手的快乐于你无益反 而有碍,所有不快乐却与你有关。 |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
Thus, you choose to leave him no matter what. He loves you deeply until the point that he is possessive. Thus he sure is mad in asking for lion share since you're the one that wants out. I've friend whose wife committed adulthery and insisted on splitting half the asset. And took the money and went off with the new guy. My friend did nothing wrong but simply been a goody two shoe "boring" guy..
<center>LAWRY 兄弟,我美女实在太多了,我爽死了。 |
Re: Do you regret marrying?
<center>LAWRY 兄弟,我美女实在太多了,我爽死了。 |
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