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When in Danok, never NEVER never, get gals from people on motorcycles!
Avoid right side, if you not sure... walk a little further in, and the up slope (about 700m). Left side.... seems like the right and left operate with different ethic... left side more professional, right side hustlers' streets (only for the xperienced)
Model club, Hello Bangkok, Paragon, Winner, all on left side........
PM me if you want a bit more details.....
May the puyings be with you...
Bro....can I Pm you as well.....old newbie accept or not? Hahahahah!
Avoid right side, if you not sure... walk a little further in, and the up slope (about 700m). Left side.... seems like the right and left operate with different ethic... left side more professional, right side hustlers' streets (only for the xperienced)
Thanks, bro etct88, that explained everything !!!
I had the unfortunate experience of walking on the right hand side.
The amount of hustlings and toutings were just so bad that it put me off Danok.But now I know.Thanks again.
When in Danok, never NEVER never, get gals from people on motorcycles!
Avoid right side, if you not sure... walk a little further in, and the up slope (about 700m). Left side.... seems like the right and left operate with different ethic... left side more professional, right side hustlers' streets (only for the xperienced)
Model club, Hello Bangkok, Paragon, Winner, all on left side........
When in Danok, never NEVER never, get gals from people on motorcycles!
Avoid right side, if you not sure... walk a little further in, and the up slope (about 700m). Left side.... seems like the right and left operate with different ethic... left side more professional, right side hustlers' streets (only for the xperienced)
Model club, Hello Bangkok, Paragon, Winner, all on left side........
PM me if you want a bit more details.....
May the puyings be with you..
Walaueh, it is good info for newbies going to Danok. Anyway, the "right" side is the "correct" side Some kaichoong told me that the left side of Danok is controlled by Muslims and the right side is controlled by Chinese, is this info correct ka?
Walaueh, it is good info for newbies going to Danok. Anyway, the "right" side is the "correct" side Some kaichoong told me that the left side of Danok is controlled by Muslims and the right side is controlled by Chinese, is this info correct ka?
ha ha... more like (as I was told) Right side, local Thai Mafia.... Left side International Mafia.........
The muslim control the roadside selling fried and re fried chicken...... wrong tyoe of chicken, lo...