As a non Chinese myself, the whole scene has morphed. Bang for the buck not in china for sure, given the effort. Much more effort taken and scams aplenty, yellow fever has gone down considerably and with the geo political mess, am sure passport bros from the West will ascertain that your value is not in China but in Japan and Korea
Speaking of which aside, was in Shanghai over the last month on work and foreigners have dipped considerably. Whole scene crowded by wannabe influencers, self made pseudo business types and lots more in between with nothing to really flaunt. Was disappointed and the nationalism has surged considerably. Not to say, you can’t fish in the pond but returns have fallen and you end up wasting time and effort without the significant upsides like before
Shanghai is a pale comparison to what it was before
Originally Posted by Neverlookback
These people are just going to wrong places or being suckered to places aimed at people of certain origins.
My putonghua is rocky, but even as a nonchinese i hv found plenty of miaow in many places....but you need to get out and explore..