Bro, please reconsider for the sake of your wife, marriage and home. If you reconsider the risks from my analysis, you saved a few hotel dollars but did you realize the risk of your wife discovering this and leaving you? What if this results in a divorce and you lose this home?
Did this WL share the same bed that you share with your wife?
I realize this is unsolicited advice, but I am moved by genuine concern and my soft spot for broes in a marriage for keeps.
Originally Posted by vr2004
Bro tepes.
Nice to hear your views. I think I have to agree with your caution of bringing WLs home. I feel bit ashamed at the recklessness of my act and appreciate your mature advise.
I really not a courageous person - as mentioned before I still not visited the legal scene due to first time fear and inertia. That said, I really am surprised that I did this home play. Two reasons played on my recklessness at having the WL home: First, a kind of desperation as not having screwed for last two weeks and unable to land in suitable girls. I had a few stiff brandies in warm water last tuesday and in a fit of anger called this gal (num given by a friend). Second: I dint find it too hard, because once a while I do get lady maids home for cleaning and to me this was another such visits (though the second cleaned my soldiers not the house).
Thanks bro. I guess, this is as risky as the HC.
Bro in forum. I think pls tread with caution - I dont want your families broken either.