Re: Events In CP
Ya new frontier is good...we get to used to CP till we get unadventrous of new places...I was oso backpacking with my buddy 10 years ago then we found CP...we must be adventrous like Colombo....
Retiring in the Process |
Re: Events In CP
actually ktv everywhere opens EXCEPT cp .... even within DG like qiatau, zmt, tx .... planning to go end june, if cp still no ktv by then , then go hz, fs ... so many places to choose from, just use cp as base to relax ...
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
Im also still waiting.....
Re: Events In CP
How about ChangAn in Dongguan, does anyone know if any KTV is open there?
I'm in Guangzhou now and I was intending to go to ChangPing tonight except that a brudder who went there earlier (i was planning to join him today) actually cut short his trip in China and returned to Singapore coz he's expecting no action there such discouragement! so i'm stuck in Guangzhou now cos gotta meet a client tomorrow here anyway. but planning to go for some sexcursion in Dongguan or Shenzhe, any brudders wanna join?
CHINA FR Danshui 淡水丽景花园 皇朝KTV http://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.ph...&postcount=424 28 Oct - 1 Nov Bangkok FR Baccara #176 Soi Cowboy - 11 Nov #6 MOOK (Poseidon) #63 Aee (Nataree) #20 NOON (CCK massage) |
Re: Events In CP
today is 18th. any good news? if good news, can buy airticket liao!
Why you zap me but no balls leave name? Returned favours to all bros who up me. Who hasn't, pls remind me! I believe in sharing for all! I maybe greedy but is 400 a reachable target? Local Hotties |
Re: Events In CP
Jus came back tis morning from CP...FYI not Safe yet, Fri 5 of us guys encounter Raid in one of the 量板式KTV, Gals & MMs caught w/o IC. Yesterday tat KTV was ordered to close..today though I back, but heard KTVs ar still close.
Re: Events In CP
I received 2 msgs via wechat today that ktv will reopen on 22nd may ..dunno true anot ..... was told the mms will be wearing 公主服.. dunno what it means ....
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!! |
Re: Events In CP
沙嘴大掃黃 65港漢被扣
東莞大掃黃後僅三個月,港男深圳獵艷性地「三沙」(即上沙、下沙及沙嘴村)的淫業已重張旗鼓,有酒吧更公然 向港男提供妓女招徠,深圳公安大為震怒,調動南山區警力掃蕩,拘捕包括六十五名港男在內逾百人,除遭刑事拘 留外,面臨最高罰款十萬元人民幣。 福田夜場近半月重開 深圳公安消息稱,東莞為期三個月的掃黃行動,收敲山震虎作用,令廣東省淫業紛紛偃旗息鼓,色情場所關燈不營 業,但最近半個月,港人聚居的福田區夜場已暗中重開營業,其中以「三沙」的娛樂場所最為積極,服務員和保母 頻頻傳短訊給港人熟客,北上光顧。 沙嘴其中一家港人愛蒲的酒吧,除提供美女陪酒外,更可帶客人到附近房間進行性交易。 有好色港男聞訊紛紛北上,該酒吧迅速回復昔日熱鬧情況,其他色情場所亦蠢蠢欲動。 深圳公安獲悉大為震怒,即部署掃蕩行動,為免走漏消息,動員南山區逾二百人警力和警犬隊,本月九日周五晚採 取行動,突擊搜查該酒吧,拘捕逾百人,包括負責人、服務員、涉嫌賣淫內地女子和大批港男,據知當中有六十五 名港男,全部被帶返派出所落口供,之後押到看守所作刑事拘留。被捕的酒吧服務員,經調查證實與賣淫活動無關 獲釋。 不准保釋 可罰十萬人民幣 消息又稱,涉嫌嫖妓的港男不准保釋,會被刑事拘留十四天,加罰款七千元人民幣;如果港男被捕時被發現召妓坐 枱,可被罰款三萬元人民幣,如果上房嫖妓會被罰款十萬元人民幣。 深圳公安大舉掃蕩沙嘴著名夜場,震驚福田、布吉等港男常駐的色情場所,紛紛停止營業,逃避公安再有大型掃黃 行動。 據深圳公安表示,當局與其他公安單位交換情報,繼續掃黃反黑行動,不分晝夜突擊搜查市內夜場及城中村,令不 法之徒和活動失去「避風港」。 今年二月九日,東莞遭央視報道並批評打擊色情事業不力後,警方即展開大規模掃黃,六千多名警員清查全市近二 千間娛樂場所,拘捕一百六十二名嫖客及妓女,有傳被捕者當中有內地公安及退職港警。消息指央視此舉,志在打 擊廣東政壇腐敗。
Why you zap me but no balls leave name? Returned favours to all bros who up me. Who hasn't, pls remind me! I believe in sharing for all! I maybe greedy but is 400 a reachable target? Local Hotties |
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
Just back from CP yesterday too, it is definitely recovering, slowly but surely... however for these couple of weeks, probably things will still move slowly... what I heard is that KTV will reopen with all WL wearing same uniform as DJ, manager so that they are not considering as WL.
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