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Good question, i also want to know but from the video, right up to the moment the gun man pull out his gun, the body language of the manager is one of confidence like challenging the other guy to do something. Poor guy dare the wrong person.
Don't know why. He was the friend if a friend. She wanted to take me there two months ago. I don't dare ask why as I don't want to bring up the memory.
Ya, better dont offend the Thais. Their temper one kind one. Unlike in Sg, still can talk, here if nobody break the fight, that's it. Either of the party sure get injure
Bro u sure in SG can "talk & settle" so simple? If Singapore allowed guns like in Thailand or America I'm sure the death rate will be higher. Sii gin naa then & now take parang, chopper, screw driver etc... go for "settlement talks" over small trivial matters. Every night at TDs see bloody drunk kids (and some adults) fight.
BTW I was told Thai cops prefer to buy their own guns over govt issued ones. Then again I could be mistaken or something lost in translation.
Originally Posted by naemlo
Police in PP is useless, they only know $$$. Local told me this too and they hate them a lot Have u seen a 100kg plus policeman??
Yes in Manila! BTW how much does security with anti-tank capabilities costs? An RPG enough?
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Bro u sure in SG can "talk & settle" so simple? If Singapore allowed guns like in Thailand or America I'm sure the death rate will be higher. Sii gin naa then & now take parang, chopper, screw driver etc... go for "settlement talks" over small trivial matters. Every night at TDs see bloody drunk kids (and some adults) fight.
In comparison, I'm still safe to be in Singapore, due to the strict law, many will think twice to do it, otherwise even they do it, chances to get away from it is pretty slim.
Wah, what and where is this Club Tamboon?? Can bring me there?
5555++++ Bro Atoll.....sure...when u come again I will make the arrangements if u really want to go...very diff to other clubs u been to before for sure...
5555++++ Bro Atoll.....sure...when u come again I will make the arrangements if u really want to go...very diff to other clubs u been to before for sure...
ehhhh bring me also lol. hope u enjoyed yourself at the pimp
finish up the liquor ya?it will be sometime before i go bkk again haha. next time we will have more fun when i come alone heehee!
Guys if you have anything to add please PM me.