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Old 10-09-2012, 09:52 AM
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Re: Events In CP

东莞14岁少女广场公厕遭强奸 多次呼救无人应答

南都讯9月3日上午,14岁女孩韦红(化名)在东莞塘厦镇塘龙广场公厕隔间内遭强奸猥亵近2个小时。其间, 治安巡逻队员曾在此签到,清洁阿姨也因隔间门异常反锁两度起疑询问,但均未能将嫌犯吓跑,也没听到受害者呼 救。直至上午11时许,清洁阿姨准备强行开门,嫌犯才落荒而逃。前日犯罪嫌疑人赵某被警方抓获 。

  9月3日上午,14岁的韦红在塘龙广场边玩着手机边散步。9点20分,韦红进了广场一角的公共厕所。当 她上完厕所准备洗手时,身后突然伸出一只大手捂住她的嘴,她被拖进一个蹲位隔间。一个黄衣男子撕烂她的衣服 ,反绑双手,用布条勒住她的嘴,将其强奸猥亵近2个小时。

  当天上午11时许,塘龙广场负责公厕清洁的阿姨见这个隔间的门一直没开,敲门询问也无人回应,正准备强 行开门,门突然开了,一个身形微胖的男子冲出门狂奔而去。隔间内,韦红被反绑着双手,一丝不挂地靠在墙上。 意识到出事的清洁阿姨赶紧追出厕所喊抓人。

  正好一名快递员路过赶紧报警。2分钟后,警方赶来,给躲在公厕杂物间的韦红裹了一件衣服,随后将韦红送 往医院。

  9月3日当天,塘厦镇警方很快锁定了犯罪嫌疑人赵某,但赵某作案后已连夜逃离东莞。8日,警方将刚刚逃 到西安的赵某抓获。赵某今年19岁,贵州人。目前赵某已被押回东莞,案件仍在进一步侦查之中。


  隔间门久闭不开 清洁阿姨三次起疑

  “我中途有两次过去拍了下门,因为女厕一共就五个蹲位隔间,就那个隔间的门关了太久一直没开。”负责公 厕清洁的阿姨说,大约上午9点50分,她清扫厕所附近的马路后回来拿扫把时,发现女厕内倒数第二个蹲位隔间 门一直关着,她记得她9点半回厕所时这扇门就是关着的,于是她拍了下厕所门,问里面有没有人,见没人回答, 她以为是里面的人不好意思,就不以为意,“我肯定里面有人,因为门口洗手台上有包纸巾和一张写着电话号码的 纸条。”

  半个小时后,清洁阿姨再次回厕所,看到这个隔间的门还是关着的,就对着隔间骂了几句,并敲了几下门,当 时隔间里传出冲水的声音,结果她再次走开了,“中途两次喊门里面都没人说话的声音,更不用说求救了,连蹬门 的声音都没有。”直到最后一次,她准备强行开门,嫌犯才夺门而出。

  治安巡逻员曾来签到 却未发现异常

  塘龙广场是塘厦最大的休闲广场,设施齐全,四周是塘厦镇大大小小的行政单位。案发公厕在广场的一角,公 厕前方是一条马路,公厕的一侧是塘新社区的办公大楼。

  就在离女厕入口不到10米的外墙上,还有一个110巡逻签到箱。厕所管理员称,每天平均2小时就会有治 安员巡逻到这里签到一次。警方向南都记者证实,就在案发当天上午10时许,有治安员巡逻至此签到过一次,当 时正值案发时间,治安巡逻员却未发现异常。

  听到外面有人 她却不敢呼救

  韦红称,她在被强奸时,中途听到清洁阿姨骂人,也听到了厕所外车辆路过的声音,甚至还有人来上厕所,但 她不敢喊,因为一有动静那男子就会十分紧张地从后面抱着她,捂住她的嘴巴,威胁她如果出声就弄 死她。

Will this cause another round of serious Yanda ????
Old 10-09-2012, 10:01 AM
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Re: Events In CP


Hong Kong mongering movie about guys going to China and getting girls.

Looks pretty funny, but also brings to mainstream what goes on everything from Ice fire, to red ribbon.....Kekeke.....

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Last edited by travelcraze88; 10-09-2012 at 10:17 AM.
Old 10-09-2012, 10:39 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by LamGoh View Post
I'm relatively new to posting replies on this thread, but i've been following this this thread for a few mths now.

Virgin CP Trip 16/08-18/08
Prev booked everything thru GoFly. Arrived at HKIA, went over to T2 to take transport, Huatong transport mpv. Travelled for 2hrs, reached some train station after SZ customs and rested for half hr cos change driver, driver had other duties to attend to. Boarded another mpv, continue to CP, finally reached CP at LATE LATE afternoon n checked into Virgin hotel, total ride took 4hrs plus? (from 12plus to 4plus) Any bros care to share any faster mpvs to take to CP?

4 hrs plus was really killing ...... many bros had the same . thats bad !

Joined mix KTV with my fren and 6 other strangers, arranged by GoFly. Greeted by rows of DJs, went into room, saw a cute gal. Any bros can share if i can choose my DJ when they greet clients at entrance?

One of the bros pre-booked his gal? Can jump Q meh? Any bros care to share? hahaha.. Anyway, rows & rows of girls brought into room to choose, n i chose a slim one, KC big time n i really liked her, super chemistry. Went off back to hotel ard 8plus 9? hahaha super eager to eat her, n when i locked the door behind me, kissed like long lost lovers n she's wet alrdy! Anyway, did 2shots, n strange ting in morn at 9am sharp, she starts to leave, saying time's up n i actually FORGOT to take her contact nor do 1 more time? sigh..

In CP ..... have maos will travel ...... choose your own DJ is possible , just pay the fee yourself and get her to serve you solely loh ......

Mayflower KTV
FS started at 530pm, but i reached at 545pm, abit late, alot of gals standing there alrdy. Mummys were damn pushy, but surprisingly quality seems abit better than YH? Maybe cos of no FS at YH? In the end i chose 2 ladies, both not bad, but one of them kept on using hp at times, i dont really like dat. When it was time to go, the other girl which i did not wan to bring back, asked me for taxi fee? how much shld i give? i gave like 40rmb to her lor.

I did a wrong thing, i had brought over a bottle chivas from sg airport, paid corkage to GoFly to help me bring to Mayflower, in the end i dont get to see my bottle, i dont noe if i finished the bottle. After some time, DJ said we finished the bottle, but i dont noe if it's true cos DJ said cannot bring out bottle to show me in case management sees it.

You should have told them to leave your bottle on the table where you are sitted..... anyway , $48 + 500rmb is not a expensive lesson to learn ....

Also, it's quite irritating dat some stupid man came into room selling exhorbitantly priced food, n the gals said they wanna order n we guys no choice hav to buy for them.

Why no choice ? Your session is foc ? You spend to please others ?

Isit a better time to go back to CP in Nov/Dec or Mar/Apr? in the sense which period hav more girls? which mths would most likely have beer promos also?

Beer promotion ? Go on Oct think there is a Beer Festival .... but not in ktv .

Is Ouya worth to go? read all ur posts dat they will chut pattern, last min say on code red?
In terms of looks n figure isit:
1) Ouya
2) YH
3) Mayflower?

thanks to all bros for ur contributions on this thread, i learnt alot

Want something good have to pay premium ....... Want go party , dont think of how much your spending ......

Things in CP are equal , How much you spend , How much you get !

Anything you are not sure , check with Ken and his assitant , they are always there to help .
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Old 10-09-2012, 10:40 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by travelcraze88 View Post

Hong Kong mongering movie about guys going to China and getting girls.

Looks pretty funny, but also brings to mainstream what goes on everything from Ice fire, to red ribbon.....Kekeke.....

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Damn good preview.. Showcase alot of beauty mm..
Old 10-09-2012, 10:43 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by travelcraze88 View Post

Hong Kong mongering movie about guys going to China and getting girls.

Looks pretty funny, but also brings to mainstream what goes on everything from Ice fire, to red ribbon.....Kekeke.....

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Saw the preview ..... sound so funny on the conversation ... looking forward to see it .
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Old 10-09-2012, 11:53 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by travelcraze88 View Post

Hong Kong mongering movie about guys going to China and getting girls.

Looks pretty funny, but also brings to mainstream what goes on everything from Ice fire, to red ribbon.....Kekeke.....

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Hello mr hero..

Why u no reply my quote to u?!

I thought u trying to pick a fight with me.. Now so scare dare not reply.. Since I'm a newbie in ur eyes, u can by all means come bully me loh....

U are mr nice guy while I'm a bad apple.. No one will come to my rescue.. Why u so quiet..

Me very early waiting for ur response.

Old 10-09-2012, 01:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Sorry guys, seems like I'm going to mess up the thread again..

This stupid travelcraze88 have been making a lot of sarcastic remark on me, all this while, I have been keeping quiet about it. But it seems to give him a wrong impression that I'm scare of him or what.. Too bad, this have reach my limit and I'm going to fight back!

But fear not. He should be my last target for a long time to come. I should distance my self from cp thread and stop posting after I'm done with this stupid 'hero'.

It seems like I'm a troublemaker in the eyes of many(maybe I really am haha). Shooting newbies and suan others for nothing.. No contribution to the thread at all.. Some more creating rumors.. Haiz.. I'm bad for the thread.. It's best that I leave..

Enjoy the thread guys. If u guys still keen to meet me, just drop me a SMS or PM. U should know how to get me.

PS: the main reason that I leave this thread is cause of addidas.. He keeps suan me..

Just joking lah bro.. Heehee.. But I'm amaze that some ppl really thinks that addidas and me are after each others throat.. Haha.. Seems like both of us have over do it..

I'm just going to put my time to better use than reply some ass hole in here. Cowards fxxker who use clone, when they are already hiding behind the monitor!
Old 10-09-2012, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by prcsytlover
Sorry guys, seems like I'm going to mess up the thread again..
hey bro, ppl who have been around long enough can judge for themselves. can just practice the art of ignorance. too bad this board doesn't seem to have an ignore function
Old 10-09-2012, 02:35 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Sorry guys, seems like I'm going to mess up the thread again..

This stupid travelcraze88 have been making a lot of sarcastic remark on me, all this while, I have been keeping quiet about it. But it seems to give him a wrong impression that I'm scare of him or what.. Too bad, this have reach my limit and I'm going to fight back!

But fear not. He should be my last target for a long time to come. I should distance my self from cp thread and stop posting after I'm done with this stupid 'hero'.

It seems like I'm a troublemaker in the eyes of many(maybe I really am haha). Shooting newbies and suan others for nothing.. No contribution to the thread at all.. Some more creating rumors.. Haiz.. I'm bad for the thread.. It's best that I leave..

Enjoy the thread guys. If u guys still keen to meet me, just drop me a SMS or PM. U should know how to get me.

PS: the main reason that I leave this thread is cause of addidas.. He keeps suan me..

Just joking lah bro.. Heehee.. But I'm amaze that some ppl really thinks that addidas and me are after each others throat.. Haha.. Seems like both of us have over do it..

I'm just going to put my time to better use than reply some ass hole in here. Cowards fxxker who use clone, when they are already hiding behind the monitor!
bro, relax and steady abit la.. no need get so emotional over trivial suan postings.. should enjoy the privileges of being a seasoned samster in the forum..

carry on the spirit of sharing and contributing gems information instead of tcss and post attacking each other.. this forum s quite popular in the Int. FR reports with so many active samsters sharing their views here..

we need each other's help to bum up this thread to top of the dome.. not fight an internal war here.. my humble thoughts..
Old 10-09-2012, 03:08 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Hello mr hero..

Why u no reply my quote to u?!

I thought u trying to pick a fight with me.. Now so scare dare not reply.. Since I'm a newbie in ur eyes, u can by all means come bully me loh....

U are mr nice guy while I'm a bad apple.. No one will come to my rescue.. Why u so quiet..

Me very early waiting for ur response.

Aiyoh bro, don't get all worked up lah. Ppl r entitield to their own judgement be it right or wrong. Suan here and there is all due to diferenting opinions, so why be bothered about it?

As the saying goes.... sticks and stones may break my bones BUT words cannot hurt me...

Cool, Peace!
Old 10-09-2012, 04:04 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ebonkie View Post
bro, relax and steady abit la.. no need get so emotional over trivial suan postings.. should enjoy the privileges of being a seasoned samster in the forum..

carry on the spirit of sharing and contributing gems information instead of tcss and post attacking each other.. this forum s quite popular in the Int. FR reports with so many active samsters sharing their views here..

we need each other's help to bum up this thread to top of the dome.. not fight an internal war here.. my humble thoughts..
In good mood today. So try to give u my humble view on ur question some time back.

I think the best time to go cp in oct is after 5th oct and before 28th oct.

As u know oct 1st is the china national day. There will be a break of 3 days but this time due to overlap of 中秋节, there will be an additional one more day of off.

And there will be 广交会 from 15th oct till 4th nov.

So expect crowd from hk and main land in the beginning of oct and international crowd towards the end of oct.

Enjoy the magic of cp while it's still affordable. Heehee
Old 10-09-2012, 04:21 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
In good mood today. So try to give u my humble view on ur question some time back.

I think the best time to go cp in oct is after 5th oct and before 28th oct.

As u know oct 1st is the china national day. There will be a break of 3 days but this time due to overlap of 中秋节, there will be an additional one more day of off.

And there will be 广交会 from 15th oct till 4th nov.

So expect crowd from hk and main land in the beginning of oct and international crowd towards the end of oct.

Enjoy the magic of cp while it's still affordable. Heehee
I no money buy moon cake so should skip end Sept week .....

Canton fair got offer so can arrange to be there.... best still is after all the taikor left CP .
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Old 10-09-2012, 05:28 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
In good mood today. So try to give u my humble view on ur question some time back.

I think the best time to go cp in oct is after 5th oct and before 28th oct.

As u know oct 1st is the china national day. There will be a break of 3 days but this time due to overlap of 中秋节, there will be an additional one more day of off.

And there will be 广交会 from 15th oct till 4th nov.

So expect crowd from hk and main land in the beginning of oct and international crowd towards the end of oct.

Enjoy the magic of cp while it's still affordable. Heehee
yeah buddy.. Appreciate your advice..

Objective is to siam the HKK and Int. hungry crowds..

My cheon buddy from SG s got his kc mm standby in CP liao..

Looks like it s me lone ranger, gona to snipe and grab those CP meimeis manz... lolz lolz..

CP s got any Ang Pai mm from whateva joints / DVD stalls / KTVs / Saunas to discuss or not?

Long time nvr participate any swing parties.. Wonder can book 2 or more mm in one room? hehehe..

Any pointers to take note just in case mm runaway if our swing parties too extravangant..

Last edited by ebonkie; 10-09-2012 at 05:44 PM.
Old 10-09-2012, 07:30 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Anything you are not sure , check with Ken and his assitant , they are always there to help .
ya i agree check with agent lol his question alot of answer to type ahahaha lazy...
Guys if you have anything to add please PM me.

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Old 10-09-2012, 08:03 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
I no money buy moon cake so should skip end Sept week .....

Canton fair got offer so can arrange to be there.... best still is after all the taikor left CP .
So u mean u asking ebonkie to go after u left cp... Good advise..

Please let him knows the dates. Haha
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