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Re: Events In CP
And whether he actually asks you to book a room through him or not, the fact of the matter is that you did book as a result of your friendship; and by his friendly reporting etc, he should be able to nurture other additional friendships here. In fact I recall reading when he moved over from the Regency hotel to HMTL, he did so announce and invited bookings etc. And thus probably the reason....that apart from probable complaints from the actual paying advertisers here, the Moderator may have also figured that if your friend wanted to advertise on here, that he should become a paying advertiser. Anyway, just pure speculation on my part. SEAJ |
Re: Events In CP
東莞警方清查賣淫抓4名疑似失足女 嚴防涉黃回潮
http://news.sina.com 2014年05月31日 13:40 中國新聞網 中新網6月1日電 據廣東東莞市公安局官方微博消息,針對近日群衆反映在東莞塘廈鎮林村社區華南舊圍存在賣淫活動的情況,5月 31日,東莞警方開展全面清查行動,將4名疑似失足女帶回審查,相關情況仍在進一步審理中。 東莞市公安局表示,下一步,全市公安機關將繼續深入開展打擊整治“涉黃”問題專項行動,加強娛樂服務場 所清查整治,堅決防止“涉黃”問題回潮反復;同時,要加大力度開展社會面清查,嚴厲打擊出租屋、髮廊等場所 存在的賣淫嫖娼活動。 此外,公安機關對群衆舉報“涉黃”線索,將加大力度組織核查,嚴打各類賣淫嫖娼違法活動;對“掃黃”工 作不力,失職瀆職甚至充當“保護傘”的人員,一經查實,將嚴肅追責,絶不姑息。
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯. |
Re: Events In CP
We did not pay. We left without paying. They did not get any money from us. We were not charged. No money for the room. We did not give the DJ any money. We stiffed the DJ. They tried to rip us off with no success. Many, many ways to say it, but fucking is fucking and the question was is that what "WE" did? No reason to get nasty. By the way, I have no idea how points work so whether I get them or give them can't really matter. mrclen
Re: Events In CP
This forum has been news black out ?? No updates despite we see so many wechat moments updates of revival of ktvs... How long can we cover up the news ??? Any brothers up in cp now for an update
=================== HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping: http://i58.tinypic.com/2dieq7m.jpg Evidence of moderator being gangster & threatening to ban SBF member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpos...postcount=2868 |
Re: Events In CP
Maybe just to clear something...
I'm not a agent... I don't go around booking KTV all over Chang Ping. I'm just working in a KTV, and there is nothing wrong with getting what i suppose to get in term of pay/comm and etc from the KTV itself for my efffort. There is no different between you getting pay for your service to your company and me getting pay from my company. I don't go around booking KTV room for other KTV. and even i do at the requst of my friends, I usually don't earn anything from them. Its kind of muture understanding of help her and she helping me. And other things like hotel room and such.. I pass to agents to help me book for my friends. I always believe in earning your keep by your effort. If i get pay for doing nothing... trust me... I not comfort with it... Joe[/QUOTE] Up u 10 points
Daily pick to give 13 points away for exchange. For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +7 Need u to post something that i can return u the points. |
Re: Events In CP
Which IMHO, is a bit of a moot point seeing as how things are right now in Chang Ping - and that at least for now, there really is not much reason for most mongers to still come! Same with myself – I am also trying to figure out alternate destinations to go to nowadays! And in doing so, I’ve been reading up threads on various other destinations … which was when it struck me that there ARE so many agents/guides all over the place! And that whilst, IMHO, there ARE some great, honest agents, there are those who seems to be less than savory. And I find it particularly offensive when an agent tries to make himself out to just be a helpful poster…whilst his intention is only to ensnare the unsuspecting Samster into his web of kick-backs. And I’ve even been reading about how an agent has been accused about actually getting his “friends” into trouble, just to be able to extort . OMFG! You being in your job for so long, I’m pretty sure you know much more about all the unsavory practices of these agents….perhaps you would like to assist us and tell us what to watch out for when we try new destinations? I know some of them, but I’m very sure I probably only know a small fraction of these tricks that agents get up to. Thanks and PEACE to you Joe! SEAJ |
Re: Events In CP
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Re: Events In CP
Is good that we pick out brothers who help each other.
However, we should be careful of agent running their own. Hows the situation in changping now? I planning for a good investment there. |
Re: Events In CP
Went there two weeks back. Like a dead town.
Re: Events In CP
Some of these agents are so good at what they do that it really is not that easy to figure out that they are actually an agent. Just recently we even had a known, convicted con man from Singapore who apparently managed to befriend quite a few unsuspecting mongers in CP simply to scam them. And it was not just the usual agent tricks to line up his pockets, but actual scams involving offers of business and investments etc. Anyway, back to agents; the most common tactic they use to fleece the unsuspecting monger is to feed the monger’s ego. There’s a LOT of Zeroes (at home), that become Heroes when in CP and other low priced mongering destinations – savoring their once in a blue moon trip out and the chance to be what is impossible on home grounds. In cahoots with the various mommies, managers (most, nothing more than professional drinkers whose ONLY job is to drink away the customer’s booze), DJ’s and even the girls themselves, it is so easy for these agents to balloon up the bill. And our Hero (…Errrr….NOT!)? Well, he of course loves to share his exploits with others, how big a Big Swinging Dick he is with his own harem of girls serving him all night, how much liquor was consumed (and he paid for!) and…. To then also introduce his “Good buddy” the agent to others! Anyway…..!! SEAJ |
Re: Events In CP
Changping university here to learn how to cheat and be cheated ... Is a vicious cycle who cheat who still dun know... Mami girls cheated us they Kenna cheated by "casinos " or guard dogs ... In end u say who cheat who?
=================== HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping: http://i58.tinypic.com/2dieq7m.jpg Evidence of moderator being gangster & threatening to ban SBF member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpos...postcount=2868 |
Re: Events In CP
True...oh so true!! But it's us the monger who usually ends up footing the whole bill! The buck stops with us! Oh well..... hopefully we at least get a good fuck in the process! A fuck for a buck. SEAJ |
Re: Events In CP
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