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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Ho Chi Minh City’s biggest bookstore to open
================================= A wide range of foreign-language books will be available at Tan Dinh Bookstore, which opens on March 18 TUOI TRE The biggest book store in Ho Chi Minh City, which will stock 120,000 book titles, will officially open on March 18. The four-story Tan Dinh Bookstore is part of the Hochiminh City Book Distribution Corporation, known as FAHASA, which hopes to open 10 new bookstores around the country this year. The new store, which cost VND100 billion (US$5.73 million) to build, is at 387 – 389 Hai Ba Trung Street in District 3. Tan Dinh Bookstore will carry a large number of Vietnamese and foreign books, including textbooks, dictionaries and fiction. It will also stock foreign-language books published by McGraw-Hill, Pearson, Oxford, Macmillan, Elsevier, Cengage Learning, Random House, John Wiley, Marshall Cavendish, Cambridge, Edukid, Dreamland, Penguin and Hachette. The bookstore has a dedicated space for children to play games, color-in and paint small figurines. In the lead-up to its official opening, gifts will be given to shoppers who visit the bookstore from March 15 to 20. Compiled by Hong Nguyen
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Apart (in distance): cach nhau
Apart (of people): song rieng Apartment: can ho Apartment block: day nha lau Apologize: xin loi Apology: loi xin loi Appeal (charm): suc hap dan Appeal (for funds): loi keu goi Applause: tieng vo tay Applause (praise): tan thuong Apple: qua tao Apple pie: banh tao Apple sauce: nuoc xot tao Appliance (household): do dung Application (for job, passport, visa, study, etc): don xin Application form: mau don Apply: ap dung Apply (ointment): boi Apply (rule, law): ap dung Apply (for job, passport, study): xin Appointment (to position): su bo nhiem Appointment (to meeting): su hen gap Appreciate (kindness): danh gia cao Appreciate (wine, music): thuong thuc Appreciate (grateful): biet on Approachable (person): de gan Approve: tan thanh Approximately: khoang Architect: kien truc su Argue (quarrel): cai nhau Argue (reason): ly luan Arm (person): canh tay Armed: co vu khi Armed robbery: vu cuop co vu khi Armed forces: cac luc luong vu trang Army: quan doi Around (in circle): vong quanh Around (roughly): vao khoang Arouse: khoi goi Arouse (sexually): kich thich tinh duc Arrest: bat giu Arrival: toi noi Arrivals (at airport): ga den Arrive: den Arrogant: kieu ngao Artist (painter): hoa si |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Google Translate Cheerz AC nb1. don't use short form please.... eg. " u " instead of " you " etc nb2. same rule applies for vietnamese...
President - AJClubx ![]() May u be blessed with a willing body, monster hard-on, powerful penetrating thrusts, enjoy everlasting orgasm and with each squirt experience a thousand volts of euphoric exaltation throughout your anatomy.... |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
As: bang
…as high/pretty/etc… …cao/xinh/vv bang… As much as that? Nhieu the co a? As (while, when): trong khi As I was leaving, the phone rang Dang khi toi di ra thi chuong dien thoai reo As (because): vi I didn’t go as I wasn’t feeling well Toi da khong di vi toi cam thay khong duoc khoe As (like): nhu As I said… Nhu toi da noi… As if… Cu nhu la… As usual… Nhu thuong le… Work as a teacher/translator Lam viec nhu la mot giao vien/bien dich As for… Ve phan… As necessary Thi can Asap: cang som cang tot Ashamed: nguong ngung You should be ashamed of yourself Anh/chi phai thay xau ho ve ban than minh Asia / Asian: chau A Aside: sang mot ben Ask: hoi Ask (invite): moi Ask after: hoi tham Ask for: yeu cau Ask out (for drink, night out): moi di choi Asking price: gia dat ban Asleep: ngu Asleep (fast): dang ngu say Asleep (slow): ngu thiep di Asparagus: mag tay Aspirin: aspirin Ass (idiot): ke ngu ngoc Ass (backside): mong dit Assualt (military): su tan cong Assault (sexual): su cuong hiep Assault: (law): hanh hung Asset (figure): von quy Asshole: lo dit Asshole (idiot): thang ngoc Assist: giup do Assistant (helper): nguoi phu ta Assistant director: tro ly giam doc Assistant director (of movie): tro ly dao dien Assistant manager: tro ly giam doc Associate professor: pho giao su Assume (suppose): cho rang Assumption: gia dinh Assure (reassure): cam doan Assured (confident): tu tin Asthma: benh hen Astonish: lam kinh ngac |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
At (with places): o
ATM (automated teller machine): may rut tien tu dong Atmosphere (ambience): khong khi Attach: gan Attach (fond of): gan bo voi Attack (verbally): cong kich Attempt: co gang Attend: den du Attention: chu y Attract: thu hut Attraction: su hap dan Attractive: hap dan Audible: nghe thay duco Audio: am thanh Aunt (maternal): di Aunt (paternal): co Australia: nuoc Uc Australian: nguoi nuoc Uc Austria: nuoc Ao Authentic: dich thuc Authenticity: tinh xac thuc Automobile: xe o to Available: san co Available (person) san sang Average (ordinary): binh thuong Aviation: hang khong Awake: thuc Award (prize): phan thuong Away: vang mat Walk/run away Di/chay khoi Look away Nhin di cho khac It’s 2 miles away Cach day 2 dam Awesome (terrific): cuc ky Awful: kinh khung Awkward (clumsy): vung ve Awkward (difficult) gay kho khan Awkward (embarrassing): lung tung Finish the 'A's.... coming up next is "B"s... |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Fyi .........
![]() Quote:
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Bro KT, are u able to explain what it means, quite chim leh at 1st look
![]() Quote:
Latest Translation updates: https://sbf.net.nz/showpost.php?p=60...postcount=7985 2014 - 27yo and above Min 10 points to exchange |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
![]() you are my giao vien, if you don't know... I even worst I find it difficult to have a word by word translation. If you read here and there, roughly will know what the sms means. ![]() |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Baby: tre so sinh
Baby-sit: trong tre Baby-sitter: nguoi trong tre Bachelor: nguoi dan ong doc than Back (of person, clothes): lung Back (of car, bus, house): phia sau Back (of paper): mat sau Back (of book, drawer): cuoi In the back of a car O phia sau xe o to Back to front Dang sau ra dang truoc At the back of beyond O mot noi tach biet Please stand/move back Xin hay xe ra / dung lui lai Back in 1935 Tro lai nam 1935 She will be back tomorrow Co ay se tro lai vao ngay mai When are you coming back? Khi nao anh se tro ve? Take back to the store Mang gi tra lai cho cua hang They wrote/phone back Ho da viet thu hoi am / dien thoai lai He hit me back Anh ay danh tra lai toi Back away: lui lai Back down: nhuong bo Back off: rut lui Back onto: quay lung ra Back out: nuot loi Back up (support): xac nhan Backfire: phan lai Bad (news, manner, person, day): xau Bad (pay, management): toi Bad (spelling): do Bad (smell, mood): chiu Bad (cold, headache): nang Bad (mistake, accident): nghiem trong Bad (rotten): thiu thoi It’s not bad Khong den noi nao That is really too bad That dang tiec Feel bad about Cam thay co loi |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Bag (plastic, paper, for travel): tui
Bag (for school): cap sach Bag (women’s purse): xac Baggage: hanh ly Baggage cart: day hanh ly Baggage check: kiem tra hanh ly Baggage reclaim: noi nhan hanh ly Bail (money): tien bao lanh Bake: nuong Baker: nguoi nuong, ban banh Bakery: tiem banh mi Bald (person): hoi Ball: qua bong Balls (courage): can dem Balls (nonsense): dieu nham nhi Ban: lenh cam Banana: qua chuoi Bandage: vai bang bo Bandit: ten cuop Bang (noise): tieng sap manh Bang (blow): cu va manh Bang (door): dong sam Bang (hit): dap vao Bangladesh: nuoc Bang la det Bank (river): bo Bank (finance): ngan hang Bank account: tai khoan ngan hang Bank balance: so quyet toan tai khoan Banker: chu ngan hang Bank loan: tien vay cua ngan hang Bank manager: giam doc ngan hang Bank rate: lai suat ngan hang Bankrupt (person): bi vo no Bankrupt (company): bi pha san Bank statement: ban bao cao ngan hang Banner: bieu ngu Banquet: tiec lon Banyan tree: cay da Bar (chocolate, iron): thanh Bar (for drinks): quay ruou Bar (counter) quay Bar (soap): banh Barbeque (meal): bua an thit nuong Barabeque (party): bua tiec nuong thit ngoai troi Baber: tho cat tuc Bare (naked): tran Baer (room): trong rong Barefoot: chan khong Bargain (good buy): mon hoi Bartender: nhan vien quay ba Basically: ve co ban Bath: bon tam Bathe: tam Bath mat: tham hut nuoc Bathrobe: ao choang tran Bathroom: buong tam Bathroom (toilet): buong ve sinh Bath towel: khan tam Bathtub: bon tam Battery: ac quy Bawl (shout): la het Bawl (weep): keu khoc |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Beach: bo bien
Beach wear: do tam bien Beads: chuoi hat Beans: dau Beansprouts: gia Bear (animal): con gau Bear (tolerate): chiu dung Bearable: chiu dung duoc Beard: rau Beast: con thu Beat (of heart): nhip dap Beat (of music): nhip dieu Beat (in competition): thang Beat (hit): danh dap Beating (physical): tran don Beautician: nhan vien lam dep Beautiful: dep Beauty parlor: my vien Because: vi Become (warmer, clearer, evident): tro nen Become (doctor, priest): tro thanh Bed: cai giuong Bed (of flowers): luong Bedclothes: bo do trai giuong Bedridden: nam liet giuong Bedroom: phong ngu Bedtime: gio di ngu Bee: con ong Beef: thit bo Beef burger: thit bo bam vien, bo go Beer: bia Before: truoc Beg: an xin Begger: nguoi an xin Begin: bat dau Behave: cu xu Behave (oneself): ngoan Behave youeslf Hay ngoan nao Behaviour: cach cu xu Behind (in position): sau Behind (in progress): kem Behind (in order): o sau Behind (support): ung ho Behind (at the back): dang sau Beijing: Bac Kinh Belated: muon man Belgium: nuoc Bi Belief: niem tin Belief (regilious): tin nguong Believe: tin Believe in: tin vao Bell: chuong Belly: bung Bellyache: can nhan Belong to: thuoc ve, cua Belonging: cua cai Beloved: yeu quy Below: duoi Belt: that lung Bench (seat): ghe dat Bend down: cui xuong Beneath: o duoi Benefactor: nguoi hao tam Beneficial: co loi Benefit: loi ich, lam loi, duoc loi Benevolent: nhan duc Berry: qua mong Bersek: tro nen dien khung Beside: ben canh Best: tot nhat Bet: su danh cuoc Bet (money): tien danh cuoc Betry: pahn boi Better: tot hon Better-off: kha khien hon Between: giua Between (time): trong khoang Beverage: do uong Beware: coi chung Beyond (in space): o ben kia Beyond (outside the range): vuot qua It’s beyond me (don’t understand) Ngoai tam hieu biet cua toi It’s beyond me (can’t do it) Ngoai kha nang toi |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Bias (against): thanh kien
Bias (in favor of): thien ve Bible: kinh thanh Biceps: bap tay Bicycle: xe dap Bid (in auction): dat gia Bid (attempt): no luc Big: lon Big (long): dai Big (important): quan trong Big (talk): noi huenh hoang Big-headed: kieu ngao Bike: xe dap Bike (motor): xe may Bikini: bo ao tam hai manh, bikini Bilingual: song ngu Bill (invoice): hoa don Bill (money): to giay bac Billboard: bang dan quang cao Billards: tro choi bi-a Billion: ty Bird: chim Bird sactury: khu bao ton chim Birth (of child): sinh de Birth (labor): de Birth certificate: giay khai sinh Birth control: su han che sinh de Birthday: sinh nhat Birthplace: noi sinh Birthrate: ty le sing de Biscuit: banh quy gion Bisexual: luong tinh Bitch (dog): cho cai Bitch (women): con mu Bitch (complain): phan nan Bite: vet can Bite (of food): mieng Bite (of mosqitoes): dot Bitter (taste): dang Bitter (person, comment): chua cay Bitter (failure): cay dang Bitter (argument): gay gat |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Black (color): mau den
Black (gloomy): den toi Black (person): nguoi da den Black out (loose consciousness): ngat do Black eye: mat tham tim Blackmail (demanding money): tong tien Blackmail (using threat): ham doa Blame: khien trach Blame (responsibility): chiu trach Bland (smile): nhat Bland (answer): vo vi Blanket: chan, men Blare: keu am i Blast (explosion): vu no Blast (gust): luong gio manh Blaze (fire): hoa hoan Bleed: chay mau Bless: ban phuc Blessing: phuc lanh Blind: mu Blink: chop mat Blond: vang Blonde (women): phu nu toc vang Blood: mau Blood bank: ngan hang mau Blood donor: nhuoi cho mau Blood group: nhom mau Bloodless: khong co do mau Blood poisoning: nhiem trung mau Blood pressure: huyet ap Blood sample: mau mau Bloodshed: do mau Bloodstain: bi vay mau Bloodtest: xet nghiem mau Blood transfusion: su truyen mau Blood vessel: mach mau Bloody: dam mau Bloom: bong hoa Blossom: chum hoa Blouse: ao choang Blow: don Blow (of wind): thoi cuon di Blow (whistle): thoi Blow (spend): phung phi Blow (opportunity): bo lo Blow off: thoi bay Blow out (candle): thoi tat Blow up (angry): noi nong Blow up (photo): phong to Blow dry: say toc Blue: xanh da troi Blue (movie): khieu dam Blue (color): mau xanh Bluff (deception): tro bip Blunder: loi ngo ngan Blunt (pencil, knife): cun Blunt (person): thang thung Bluntly (speak): mot cach thang thung Blur: lo mo Blurt out: thot ra Blush: net ung do |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
BO (body odor): mui mo hoi nguoi
Boarding card/pass (for plane): the len may bay Boarding card/pass (for ship): the len tau Boarding house: nha tro Boarding school: truong noi tru Board meeting: cuoc hop ban giam doc Board room: phong hop ban Boast: loi khoe khoang Boat: tau thuy Boat people: thuyen nhan Boat race: cuoc dua thuyen Body (dead): xac chet Body suit (undergarment): bo quan ao lot Bodyguard: ve si Body language: ngon ngu cu chi Boil: nhot Boil (liquid): dun soi Boil (egg, vegetables): luoc Boiled rice: com Boiler: noi hoi Bomb: bom Bone(meat, fish): loc xuong Bonus (money): tien thoung Bonus (extra): mon qua thuong Book: sach Book (reserve): dat cho truoc Book (rent): thue Bookie: nguoi danh ca ngua thue Boom (noise): tieng no dung Boot: giay ong Boot out: tong co ra khoi Booze: ruou Booze up: bua uong say sua Bore (person): nuoi noi chuyen dai dong va nhat nheo Bored: buon, chan Boredom: tinh trang buon, chan Boring: buon te Born: sinh Borrow (money, food): vay Borrow (objevt, word, person): muon Bosom (of women): bo nguc Boss (male): ong chu Boss (female): ba chu Boss around: sai phai Bossy: hong hach Both: cai hai Bother: phien phuc Bother (disturb): lam phien Bother (worry): lo lang Bottle: chai Bottle (for baby): binh sua Bottled water: nuoc dong chai Bottle-opener: cai mo nap chai Bottom: vi tri cuoi cung, thap nhat Bouquet (of flower): bo hoa Bouquet (of wine): huong vi Boutique: tiem ban quan ao thoi trang Bow (greetings): cai cui chao Bowels: long Bowl (for rice, soup): chen, bat Bowling alley: bai choi ki Box (small cardboard): hop Box (large cradle): thung Box: danh boc Boxer: vo si quyen anh Boxing: mon quyen anh Boy: cau be Boy: (older, young man): chang trai Boy (son): con trai Boycott: tay chay Boyfriend: ban trai Boyfriend (lover): nguoi yeu) Boyish: nhu tre con |
Re: Tieng Viet lovers club
Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread Please do not post when you PM somebody Please Do Not reply long post, always edit... may zap and remove post |
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