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Some fruit for thought....!!!
To say the least, the mongering scene in China - especially in Chang Ping - had really been wondrous and many nowadays consider Chang Ping a true Man's Disneyland.
So much so that IMHO, too many of us are too complacent and quite lackadaisical in observing the least amount of caution. Please do remember that prostitution – both for the provider as well as for the customer – is totally illegal in China. Worse, whilst the laws proscribing such activities are already quite onerous against transgressors, the Rule of Law is NOT much followed. LE in China is quite opportunistic and they see a nice fat target, well……!!!! I even remember a situation a friend of a friend of mine got into in Guangzhou a few years back – yes, quite a few years back but nonetheless should illustrate what I am trying to warn y’all against! This guy got nabbed, spent 15 days in detention and was fined RMB 5,000. At the end of the 15 days and looking forward to his release, he went to try to pay his fine. …..Only to be told that they will accept RMB 1 precisely at noon each day and that they will hang on to his home return permit until he paid his fine in full. Finally cost him RMB 60,000 to get out of his troubles!! And oh yeah, for those of you foreigners convinced about the old story that LE is not going to bother with you as it means too much precise work, dealing with consulates etc… consider the fact that China IS now a major Power and that to the Chinese, Face is all important. Yes, prostitution can never be wiped out as their own populace practically demands it and they certainly can afford it….whilst filling up the coffers of both governments as well as…. otherwise!! But does that mean that China would ever want to be known as an International Sex Destination? Or a country where they have their fair maidens openly and conveniently on sale to foreigners? When is it gonna happen? God knows – but I wouldn’t be surprised to read about Foreigners being specifically targeted at future round-ups and being prominently made an example of. The only question is when….and if it’s gonna be YOU??!!! Oooops- sorry – but gotta to emphasize and try to bring home this matter to YOU personally. Hope you don’t mind, no offense meant or intended!! SEAJ |
Re: Some fruit for thought....!!!
What is the problem with some guys here?? I just got zapped for this post!! Amazing!! Truly amazing!! What a joke!! SEAJ |
Re: Some fruit for thought....!!!
11 points to be given everyday. Just let me know ur latest post if u need points. When u give me points remember to leave your name so I can return the favour. |
Re: Events In CP
you mean the ponding scenery?
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Re: Events In CP
Wah! So scary! If Lao Jiao adidass88 is afraid, I would be worse.
If I go to CP, it would be for sight-seeing, food, buy DVD, and PZL for clean massage only.
Just a Retired Simple Man PuTonRen aka UFO_Man |
PZL also not clean, just like another more expensive fuck shop. You cannot fuck there but can bring to room
Re: Events In CP
PZL is a well decorated BBS lol
=================== HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping: http://i58.tinypic.com/2dieq7m.jpg Evidence of moderator being gangster & threatening to ban SBF member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpos...postcount=2868 |
Re: Events In CP
♪☆ The ultimate Art of KC in KTVs ♪☆
![]() 大方型 准确的来说,他们是炫富通常喜欢把一叠钱放在台面上或者某个晚上钱特别多,只要你进包厢就发小费,买单爽气 ,从来不查账,只要他们呢对ktv消费很熟悉,知道查不查都一样,重要的是他撒过一次钱,以后大家都能记住 他,以后消费,他不提大家都会对他好。 记住:不要只想他的钱。 嫖客型 专业嫖客,到ktv就像到菜市场自由,大胆,随便,对卡拉OK很懂行,什么都了解,甚至连内部管理都知道如 果你第一次遇见他,如果你演戏演得不够逼真,请你在他面前最好还是真实一点,这是我的职业,我的工作服务你 是我应该的,他需要什么酒给他什么。 记住:他讨厌人骗他 生意型 娱乐业最主要的消费群体这些人精明,挑剔,计算,要求服务新颖,买单还有可能看单,无论是什么样或什么地方 的老板,我们都不能掉以轻心,不卑不吭,注意礼节,聊天时依偎在他旁边,贴身服务,并做好茶水,点烟,纸巾 等服务。必须熟练各种游戏规则灵活应对此类客户 记住:勿私自出包房门 郁闷型 先天“思维管堵塞综合征”或者近期堵塞者,对问题思考不够明白,对周围人和事不满,少言,现实认为什么都是 假的,只有自己有钱才是真,节约,会算账,与人接触以利益放在第一位,缺乏说真心的朋友,心里有话,自己在 说。 记住:你尽量安静点 急躁型 坦率是他们的特点,做事说话干净利落,不喜欢掩盖,不喜欢拖沓,回答他的问题只能:是,好的,马上,OK。 千万不要“请稍等一下”如果出了问题千万别解释,他会认为你是在狡辩甚至敷衍他。 记住:多听他说话 本地客人 素质一般,喜欢动手动脚,粗鲁,讲江湖义气,心情好时花钱大方,他们喜欢喝酒,划拳,玩骰子,要求赠送,服 务本地人除了搞好包厢气氛外,也要八五好讲话等分寸,以避免不必要的麻烦. 记住:他们喝醉了会打人 准嫖客型 爱占便宜,爱动手摸人,喜欢玩,开玩笑,同时也爱和他朋友玩,合群,房间气氛很好,爱开玩笑。你要经常活动 ,比如倒酒,搞卫生间,适合时到洗手间整理一下打扮,适当刺激他,其实他喜欢挑逗,喜欢放肆,摸他,暗示他 ,如果他摸你敏感部位,你要说:等一下 记住:急他 外国客人 有人陪同来玩,一般素质较高,喜欢唱歌,自己国家的歌,喜欢喝白酒,洋酒,不闹事,不吹牛,不发酒疯,斯文 ,大方。如果你档次够斯文,微笑,善解人意,不要动他东西,他会一切听你,如果脱衣服,会信你 ,永远找你。 记住:多用手势 开心型 有粗鲁也有斯文,喜欢说笑话,打闹,歌曲唱的也很好,总是坐不住,这里动不动,哪里跳跳,推推这个,拉拉哪 个自由自在,他们自己点歌,喜欢用力拉人,对人平等,如果他用力过猛,你不要责怪他,他是无辜的,因为在他 看来,是来玩的,不是来开会的都应该开心,对女孩他们很尊重 记住:和他疯吧 台湾客人 贪便宜,喜欢赠送,但都会付小费,性格比较复杂,开始不容易接近,花钱,比较实际,他们喜欢喝酒,唱歌,吹 牛,消费一般。对接待的仪表仪态,说话方面要求比较高,给台湾客人服务,他们疯时你才可以疯,他们不疯时, 你就应该温柔,文静。 记住:他们小气易发火 君子型 有身份的官员,要人,ceo名誉高于一切。他们想来娱乐场所但死要面子,怕见人,基本上不出包房,低调,文 静,极有修养,尊重人,不问也不谈。讲自己过去真实的受苦经历,讲自己的坎坷。 记住:你是不容易的 爆发户型 财大气粗,缺文化,修养素质不高,什么都用钱解决,虚荣,粗野,爱骂人。满意—一掷千金,不满意—破口大骂 或出水打人,砸东西,反正就是有钱,你得罪他,他能用钱砸你。对付这种人你要装弱者,投其所好,奉承他。说 好听的你就能得到利益。唱完马上鼓励 切记:呛了他 请客型 服务主客,主客满意第一,这是你发挥交际能力的最佳机会,尊重主客,既要主人满意,又要他的客人满意,切记 不要妨碍主人的交际,当他敬酒时,你站在边上倒酒,递纸巾就可以了,多征求他的意见。 记住:你是他生活秘书 假农民型 衣着不讲究,人长得丑,小时候穷,传统的有点小气,千万别小看他,可能他会让你发现意想不到的有钱有权,所 以你必须尊重他,他可以不唱歌,不跳舞,不划拳,但你一定要奉承他。赞扬他的某个部位,好让他有满足感,凡 是能让他下台,你可以教他跳舞,唱歌,难听也要鼓掌。 记住:他喜欢被赞扬 游客型 礼貌,有修养,见识多,容易接近,花钱也比较大方,具有优秀的消费习惯,没有太多消费压力,喜欢唱歌,划拳 ,骰盅游戏,买单时喜欢送上两瓶啤酒或抹零打折,对女孩的商务接待能力要求较高,对付这些人要活泼,大方有 礼,客气。 记住:多搞气氛 浪漫型 富家子弟,暴发户,权贵后代,社交面广,极度爱慕虚荣,仗势欺人,服务质量要求高,应酬时尽量低调,投其所 好,尽量多说“好”,多鼓掌附和,自己酒量可以的就先干为敬,多做事,搞台面卫生,一定要搞好包厢气氛,多 赞美他。 记住:把他当皇上 沉默寡言型 生性不喜欢说话,就算说话,也只说短句,而且是很正经的话,有时候让人接不上话。也不喜欢打闹,划拳,玩色 子,跳舞,他都不感兴趣,如果他有要求,你顺从他就可以了,你只要静静的躺在他的怀里,偶尔亲他一下,听他 的心跳。和他一起欣赏其他客人的表演,这样他很幸福。 记住:让他安静自在 伪君子型 男人的天性,想占你女人的便宜。但又不愿主动,怕破坏形象,想入非非,但不敢放肆,他需要女人主动,若你发 挥你女人的温柔对他好点,顺他意,他会觉得你很安全,觉得值,小费也会好点,不要反对他,这样会吓跑他。说 话的内容要有修养,多点情趣,想谈恋爱,气氛融洽。 记住'他装你就装 ![]() |
Re: Events In CP
11 points to be given everyday. Just let me know ur latest post if u need points. When u give me points remember to leave your name so I can return the favour. |
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