Re: Events In CP
=================== HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping: http://i58.tinypic.com/2dieq7m.jpg Evidence of moderator being gangster & threatening to ban SBF member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpos...postcount=2868 |
Re: Events In CP
RGDS WKK ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The enemy of my enemy is my friend |
Re: Events In CP
=================== HURRICANE88 no moderator ethics Hurricane88 big bully organise mass zapping: http://i58.tinypic.com/2dieq7m.jpg Evidence of moderator being gangster & threatening to ban SBF member: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpos...postcount=2868 |
Re: Events In CP
I need to pai shi, master Vertu u accept any disciples or not ar?
Re: Events In CP
I also wanna to skip CP but u don't want to help.... |
Re: Events In CP
up u 9 pts, Macho Man |
Re: Events In CP
Anyone cheonging CP this 2 days? Looking for kaki to go together. 1 pax only me.
Pls pm me! |
Re: Events In CP
If alone try to join some mix ktv session but no SN as every week i can hear SN kanna raided.
Ethics should reflect commitment, respect and dignity towards each other. My contribution to bros visiting SZ, CP, CA (With Updates and Pics) *Updated 13th August 2013 (Thread 474) WJ Summer Swim Suit http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...55#post9504955 |
Re: Events In CP
would like to ask if raid at sauna and u are fcking halfway when door force open , what will happen to customer???? btw will door be forced open , I don't think so cos repair need money hahahha
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
got a few incidents which i know of is that they will force open the door. If you are caught with your pants down, you will stay there with your pants down. For locals they will need to call their relatives or company to come and bail you. For foreigners, i think is fine and deported back to your country after some days of imprisonment.
Ethics should reflect commitment, respect and dignity towards each other. My contribution to bros visiting SZ, CP, CA (With Updates and Pics) *Updated 13th August 2013 (Thread 474) WJ Summer Swim Suit http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...55#post9504955 |
Punishment For Engaging Sex Service
According to People's Republic of China Law on public security administration punishments the following consequences for an individual providing or engaging sex service are: 1) Detention for 10-15 days and fine up to RMB5000. 2) Less serious case. Detention for under 5 days or fine up to RMB500. There're also other complications as well. 1) Detainee name may be blacklisted in immigration record as a "monger". 2) Family member may be informed to bail out detainee. Source: http://www.gov.cn/ziliao/flfg/2005-0...tent_27130.htm 第六十六条 卖淫、嫖娼的,处十日以上十五日以下拘留,可以并处五千元以下罚款;情节较轻的,处五日以下拘 留或者五百元以下罚款。 |
Punishment For Engaging Sex Service
Punishment For Engaging Sex Service
Lai lai lai who want to go Saunas? If "ponding" occurs then raids are impossible so it's the best opportunity to cheong Sauna. |
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