Originally Posted by iariesi
...thank G8, 11 and 18 .. hard work .....next week.
G8, G11, G18 are
veterans in L20H36 - going home as
planned. Services only so so.
Wish them all the best.
Originally Posted by 今晚打老虎.
If.. WL .. has ... virus around... they would have long been detected positive and actions will be taken against the house...
Fully agree. All
Geylang / Petain legal houses under AV control.
AV is monitoring SBF. Any comments from AV (if reading)?
Originally Posted by RedVBull
.. WL'S inject/take pills ..test turn out negative.
DSC will not agree!!! Any comment from DSC (if reading)?
Originally Posted by RedVBull
.. I dont want to comment on this anymore ... G81. What if really kena??
Originally Posted by RedVBull
.. going for a checkup tomorrow.
"RedVBull" do go for check up to give U "
peace of mind". U got
bad service from
G81 - that is why not happy -
unlikely to get HIV. Please call
DSC hotline for discussion / appointment, detail:
For General Info:
Do not spread rumours!! Earlier post:
Police report can be made at
any Police Station. Must be
ownself backed by facts (eg
DSC AIDs report etc) - not complaining for others based on
hearsays / rumours. Anyway AV is
monitoring SBF and the legal houses all the time. AV will act with
info from DSC. WLs monthly checkup will also
detect sperms if raw!! AV will suspend/ send home WLs or even close down the house - when required.
3) Always call the
DSC hotline to
clarify worry/ doubts - do not
worry or listen to rumours
unnecessarily. Go for test (
AFA - anonymous HIV testing - no need IC) to get peace of mind. Avoid visiting WLs if in doubt.
Always use condoms!!!
4) If offered
RAW by any WLs, FLs etc. Always
tell her off!! Do not accept - as she may have offered
Complain to the OKT after session - to
confirm genuine. Complaining in SBF may be taken to be
sabotage by other
OKTs / WLs / other WL's
tirak / shortchanged
customer etc.
RAW is WAR. Always use condom!!
Genuine contributions / FRs please. Hope info useful. Cheers
P/S - I am not
OKT / DSC / AV / Police. Do not know Ah Yong or has ownership / relationship with any Geylang House.