Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Another 5 star hotel coming…
Wellton International, which located at QiaoTou town, will be in operation starting December this year.
QT is about 20 mins away from CP (north east direction). For those who are not aware, CP is surrounded by many towns that includes: DongKeng, DaLang, HuangJiang, ZhangMuTou, XieGang, QiaoTou, QiShi, HengLi.
Having 68 ktv rooms, which is same as Jiayi; and 96 sauna rooms, which is more than any sauna in CP!
华尔登国际酒店,位于东莞市东部重镇--桥头镇中心文化广场侧。酒店客房、餐厅、酒吧环绕具有浓郁岭南地域特色的中庭花园,洋溢着迷人的亚热带浪漫 情调,是东莞东部唯一一家集休闲、度假、商务于一体的现代花园式的白金五星级酒店。
酒店建筑面积60,000 M2,主楼25层,拥有豪华客房480间,设行政楼层,中餐大厅容纳25围,20间设计新潮的贵宾房,西餐 220各餐位及日餐、大堂吧,多功能会议厅容纳可筵开55围,中小型会议室5个。
引领潮流的夜总会设时尚酒吧,阔卓的68间KTV包房带触摸屏点歌系统,近100间桑拿房大气、新颖。康体 设施一应俱全。
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.