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Old 11-01-2019, 09:37 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: Big trouble in little india

It’s a nice view alright. We’re located in one of the tallest building within little India. The orange tiled roofs of the conservation shophouses on the streets below us stretched throughout the neighbourhood.

From up here, you get a vantage view of all the small alleyways. Traffic is terrible in this neighbourhood and most often than not, it is faster to walk to where you want to be than drive around here.

Billy dropped his bag and immediately got to work, if that’s what you call it.

The office is literally barebone. There’s nothing in it except the desk and chairs.

Billy was already on his knees checking for power points and location of lan cables.

Billy : Jeff… we need to go get stuff for the office man…. We don’t even have waste paper baskets ….. and my chair got no cushion…. I need cushion….
He started going on about a list of stuff we will need to get and I could feel a headache building up.

Jeff: ok.. ok slow down… Sim Lim square is just around the corner….let’s go there and grab what you need…..

Billy : ok… swee… let’s go…

Billy is a talker. He never stops talking. I would have thought it would be irritating but on the contrary, I find him quite entertaining. He’s definitely funny too

He asked a lot of questions. How often do I work out ? How fast can I run ?

Then the genre of questions changes suddenly to what games do I play ?

Do I know about Diablo ?

Jeff : what the fuck man… I grew up in the 90s, who hasn’t heard of diablo… of course I play…. 1,2,3, all I play…. I am a starcraft pioneer man…

Billy : Zhun bo ? …. Ok.. ok… I’ll set up the stations and we can par game in the office.

I gave him a look of disbelief as I started the car engine.

Ok, I admit. If there’s no project, I literally have fuck none to do but playing game in the office isn’t really my cup of tea.

As I turned onto the main road, Billi’s question took a drastic turn.

Billy : You like… porn or not..

I almost slammed on the car brakes as I looked at Billy.

Jeff: What the fuck man…

Billy : relax man… I’m just asking…. Owen tells me many of his staff are gay…. I just wna tot be upfront I like girls… and I like pussies…

Jeff : This conversation is over…. I think we’re not close enough to go to that topic.

Although Billy’s choice of conversation is weird, I still enjoyed talking to him on a whole range of issues.

If I were to be honest, I felt quite at ease with him.

He’s direct and straightforward. If he don’t like something, he says it immediately.

Like the colour of my fucking mouse and keyboard.

Billy : That colour is disgusting…. Who the hell chose teal for mouse and keyboard.

Jeff :what the fuck do you care about what colour I want for my keyboard…. ?

Billy : I’m just saying…. That colour is very girly…

I would have wanted to have my work stations fixed at the shops but Billy would not have it that way.

Billy : No… no… no… DIY…. DIY means I do it myself… bring everything back… I will settle… don’t worry…

I ended up as a shopping slave as Billy went on a shopping spree.

Billy : Owen paying…. Everything just go high end… hahah…

We got back to the office by lunch and I wanted to ask Billy to head down for chicken rice but he’s already lost in his zone.

Spreading the stuff he buys out on the table, he told me to grab a packet of food for him if I’m heading down to get any.

I decided to save the chicken rice for later and we order pizza.

I wasn’t much help with the setting up but it was a good time to talk to Billy.
We chatted as he worked, he is focused, organised and he is a perfectionist.

I cable tied a wire a little crooked and he made me redo it.

Billy : No… cannot…. Cannot… take out take out… redo…you know how to use cable tie or not !!..

Jeff: I do… when I use it… usually people die….

Billy dropped his screw driver as he stared wide mouth at me before I broke into a smile.

Jeff : just kidding…. Hahaha…

Billy : err…. That’s funny.. haha… that’s funny…

It took us several hours but by 5.45pm, we’re done.

I passed Billy a drink and I asked him if he had a choice when Owen told him to come work with me.

Jeff : He just ordered you to ?

Billy : Nah… he asked me first… he wanted to know if I would be comfortable….

Jeff : Working with me ?

Billy shook his head.

Billy : he gave me 3 choices….. HIbiki, Lunch or Match ….

Damm that Owen. He offered Billy the top 3 performers.

Jeff : Why me then ?

Billy looked at me and when he answered, I could tell he was being really honest. I burst out laughing .

Billy : Owen was sure Lunch and Match likes men…..but for you… he says it’s 50/50…I’ll take my chances….

Jeff: hahahah… fuck you…. Hahha…

Billy : No thanks…

We finished our drink and I told Billy we should head for an early dinner.

Jeff : I’ll leave you in no doubt which gender I prefer after dinner….

Billy :hahha…. No need la…. 1 look I can tell you are a Jap porn lover…

Jeff : Fuck off la… haha..

We walked out of the office and went towards the lift. Billy lowered his volume and on a more serious tone, he told me that he like the way I work.

Billy: Clean…. Emotionless and professional …..very nice work…. You’re really someone I look up to….

I shook my head and told him things like these messes with our heads.

Jeff : don’t think about them when you don’t have to…

Billy : What are we going to have ?? Little india have a lot of nice food right….

Jeff : Oh… we’re having chicken rice…

Billy : whattttttt……

As we approached the café, I slowed down my footsteps.

I could see Xuehua. Her side profile.

She was smiling as she spoke to another lady.
That smile could melt anything.

Billy : woah….brother….. fuck me man…..she is the hottest chicken rice seller in the country…

Jeff : yeah… I think so too… she’s… just wow…

Billy : come on brother… go hit on her….

Jeff : what ? what makes you think I haven’t done it yet….

Billy nudge me along and I could feel him dragging me into the café.

Billy : I can tell la….You don’t know her yet right…

Jeff : What the fuck…

Billy : If you knew, you won’t be standing here… come come… I support you…. Go talk to her….

I freed myself from Billy and gestured to him to take a seat in an animated manner. The large actions caught the attention of the stall owners and I could see Lala and his dad looking at me.

Even Xuehua turned towards me for a second before turning away.

I immediately went to the drinks stall and ordered drinks.

Lala : Kopi O kosong ….. cheapest drink right ?

Jeff : wow… that’s amazing man…

Lala : yes. Yes… i know you… cheap drink Kopi O kosong…

Billy : Get me a coke bro !

Billy shouted from across the café a little too loudly, drawing more attention to us.

Lala : coke for your friend…. Cheap drink Kopi O Kosong for you…

Jeff : Please… call me Jeff…

Lala : Jeff… jeff…. Call me Lala…. Lala…. Kopi O Kosong for Jeff….

Jeff : nice to meet you Lala….

I brought the drink over to Billy and told him I’m going to order chicken rice.

Billy : ok.. ok… I eat everything….

Billy stole a glance behind me and he gestured that the girl I was eyeing is waiting for me.

Billy : she is ready for you… she’s hot… I think you will look good as a couple.

I did a mock hammering action at Billy and he chuckled as he ducked my attempted blow.

Billy : Chill la brother…. You going to order chicken rice.. you look like you going for interview…

Jeff : that’s not true… !

Billy : You can one… you are the ‘Zai’ ( Steady ) one… go !... talk to her…! Get her number…..!! get her facebook…. I can do magic…

Lowering his voice a notch Billy offered to photoshop the girl’s face onto the body of a nude JAV actress if I could get her social media account profile.

I sighed and walked towards the stall.

Xuehua’s hair was tied up into a short ponytail that day. She wore a long sleeve top in red with sleeves that reached only to her elbows. A pair of black hip hugging jeans and black canvas shoes completed her look.

I think it would be considered very good progress if I can at least say hi besides placing my order of chicken rice.

Standing across the café, I saw her smile.

I’m going to go talk to her, even if its for a little while.

But before I could make my move, I felt my emotions going wild.

My tongue gets tied.

I was right at the stall and Xuehua as turned around to face me.

Right at the moment when I look into her big brown eyes, I felt myself freezing up again.

Xuehua spoke first and at that moment, I suddenly felt that everyone at the café has some sort of super human power with photographic memory.

Xuehua : Chicken rice for 2, add gizzards, 2 braised egg, 1 additional plate of rice, remove bone please and no breast meat and some chicken backside ? hahah

My mouth could hardly move as I just nod at her, I could feel hot flushes on my cheeks.

Jeff : wow… yes….

Xuehua looked away with a smile and I felt like the dimple on her cheek sucking me in like a vortex.
She started to arrange the utensils and food Eddy has prepared onto the tray for me.

Then the most fuck up thing happen.

Fuck up to the core.

Picture this.

Xuehua , out of pure goodwill , helped me remove the tray of food from the stack on the stall. Lifting it up, she made it easier for me to carry the tray of food.

During the Passover, the moment my hands gripped onto the side of the tray, the bowl of soup moved and I could see it happen before I felt the pain.

The hot soup scalded my hand and I accidentally jerked the tray forward towards Xuehua.

The tray of chicken slid right off the tray and smack right into her chest, drenching her body in a mess of chicken and gravy.

Jeff : Oh fuck….

Before my curse could be completed, the dish of chicken fell to the floor, the echo of the melamine crockery filled the whole café, causing everyone to turn over.

Now, an apology would be in order and some prompt cleanup is needed but no.

There was no time for those.

I heard a loud defending shout from Lala.

The loud noise and seeing Xuehua in distress must have triggered him.

Freddy tried to calm him down but Lala was shouting and running towards me from the drinks stall.

His arms were raised and his fist clenched.

I could feel my muscles tensing up and my footing was about to change to a defensive position when I realised in a split second I can’t do anything.

I could have easily trip Lala and twist his arms into submission but I can’t.

Not in front of the whole fucking world.

Before I realised it, the café descended into utter chaos as Lala started raining blows on me.

Jeff: ahhh.. ahhh….

I blocked off his blows clumsily, and I could see all the hawkers rushing out to help calm Lala down.

Xuehua : Lala… calm down … Lala !!

Lala’s blows are hard but they were slow. As he screamed and hammered me, I could block them easily but it only served to anger him more.

Lala : aHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why you bully Xuehua !!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Xuehua tried to come closer and I could see one of Lala’s hammering blow about to hit her.

Immediately I reached over to help her shoulder that blow.

It was a mistake.

Lala changed tack.

Instead of hammering me, Lala’s hands reached straight for my nipples.



Xuehua : !!! AHHHH!!

I was tethering on the verge of twisting Lala’s fingers and dislocating them when Xuehua shouted for everyone to back off and keep quiet.

The commotion is only making Lala more stress.

Xuehua : Everyone back off !!... shut up !!!

Everyone froze, me included as I gritted my teeth with my eyes widened to the max my eyelids could manage.

Billy too was right there as he looked on in amazement at me.

With my nipples twisted in Lala’s massive arms, Billy gave me a thumbs up that I could manage to hold in my scream.

Xuehua : don’t cry out…. No matter what you do…. Don’t cry out…hold it in while I calm him down.

My whole body was trembling as I strained every muscle in my body. This was worse than the time I was slashed on my thigh doing a project.

I looked at Xuehua who was trying to speak to a crying Lala. God , she is so beautiful that it’s painful just to look at her.

Xuehua stroked Lala gently on his hair and spoke to him softly, calming him down.

She whispered to him and I could see Lala nodding his head even though he is still crying.

After a few short seconds which felt like eternity to me, Xuehua told me to just tall Lala to let go gently.

Xuehua : no sudden movements…. No crying out…. No sudden change in volume…. !!

I nodded and I could feel the veins in my neck about to burst open.

Billy had to come in and ask a dumb question at the critical moment.

Billy : What happens if he cry ?

Xuehua gestured to Lala and replied almost instantly.

Xuehua : He’s gonna pinch it…. Pinch it…. Pinch it somemore….

I could not hold it in any longer. If I did, my muscle memory and reflexes would end Lala’s life right there and then. It was up to me to end this.
I wanted to speak but I can’t

I really can’t

I spoke and the only words that came out were ;

Jeff : Ahh… La la la la no……ahhh la la la la… no no…. no no…. no… nooooo…

Billy dropped his coke can as he stared at me in amazement. I see the dramatic rise of his thumb as he added.

Billy : Brother…, you si bei good leh…. At this time still can sing….
