I believe most of my points come from here and my past AV contributions.... So special thanks to these ppl. Since this thread is mainly delicate to husbands with PRC foreigner wives, I shall touch on how I apply and finally attain SPR for my PRC wife.
Tell you franky, it's not an easy breeze for me to get SPR for my wifey. Also quite complicated, alot of paperworks, translations so on and forth, furthermore my pay at that time is also low. The lowest annual pay I have ever get was 18K when I become her local sponsor at that time, Haha. So Lanlan, got to put up a $3K security deposit for her.
Luckily my wifey still get the 6 mth LTSVP, after finalizing the medical check-up examination.
The security deposit was refunded after 6 wks. I got to admit extending her social visa is very time-consuming, although I know that the time was not right for a SPR application as yet. Mainly due to my low-pay at that time, and her residential requirements. So I put in the SPR application 6 mths after her first LTSVP, to test my luck. Woo... the reply was damn fast,
4 wks to be exact, and the reply was also short and crisp, it was rejected.
ICA told me to apply in 18 mths later. Nevertheless, I know the main reason could be my annual salary, although I'm paying taxes in Yr 2000-2002. The only remedy I can improve is to build up my annual gross, and send her for english foundation class in ITE. Yes, the fees was very expensive, as compared to citizens and SPRs. $150+ per module as compared to only < $50 for the subsided lot. Heck care lor, just continue to work like chinaman, slog like hell. Still managed to purchase a resale flat with my wifey as an occupier at that time, while still holding the social visit pass.
Time files.... and I have spent $240 for the visa extension and $50+ for the 2nd time medical examination. [Because Foreign Wives have to check up again once every
2 years] I decided to test my luck again, before that, I'm thinking of going to MP, but I decided not to do that, just to keep that as a last resort, I went thru' the 2nd time SPR application round, that time my year gross was about $35K. And I waited almost 8 wks for the reply. **Actually for those who have rejected once, you can go straight to ICA to appeal, with the required documents submitted, so that you no need to fill in the pink form once again. You will also receive a letter to know whether your appeal is successfull or not** So inside me, I think gone case liao, since so long.
The agonizing 8th wks came, I receive an unusual thick letter from ICA, quite tense at that time, but I still bravely open up and know what's the content inside. The application was successful. To finalise the SPR, just need to produce 4 photos, and $$$, $170 to be exact.
So I guess every ppl have different cases, be it a PRC with student pass married to singaporeans, professional visit pass holders married to singaporeans, PDMM to singaporeans, PRC divorcee to singaporeans, bankrupt singaporeans married foreigner Wife etc etc.... The most important thing is to declare truthfully and accurately to the ICA authorities. Be patient, find out what's the cause of the failed SPR application,
63916085, and improve if possible. Dun rush thru' the process, because our chips will get lessen after each tries. Good luck~