I do not know why i say so much already but the very same people still like to ask me the same thing over and over again.If u people are really keen on the situation,perhaps should really read it over,digest what i said,instead of just thinking i am finding excuses and a big bragster.I brag for what.At the end of day,u people believed me and what i get??I am not those who need consolation from forums,whereby i will feel justified for my actions.I also want get things done quick.But it is aint that easy.The faster i go back,i can arrange and i can get settled down in bangkok too.There are many stuffs i want to do since i planning to settle down in bangkok since its cheaper in bangkok.Where to find a ard 40k and up house in spore??can onli buy pigeon hole in spore with 200k or up.And where to drive a car with 20k sing?All that is affordable for me in bangkok.
For those who think that a guy who is 27 do not have such money,well think again.It does not mean u do not have it,means ur peers will not have it.I have been more fortunate than most of my peers.Since I am the onli child,both parents are working and with my income,i am better off than my peers.I am sad to see BKKmaster saying all that is not possible.To think i found him a very sensible person i seen in the forum.Must a man grow old in order to afford all that??Does age justifies a man's wealth??A man in 40s means he will have how much huh??Then a man in 20s must be pissing in his pants huh??what kind of judgement is that?
I seen man in 40s who have nothing loh but just a daytime job to get by loh.I cant deny the fact that i am a bit more fortunate thats all.I did not say i worked and slogged my life for those money.Think of those rich kids who owns BMWs in spore.So they are dua gan too huh??The fact that i am able to single handedly paid in full for my 58k contract shows it all.No need other judgements whether i have capability of earning how much,or my investments how much lah.Got chance when i m back in spore,i bring the copy give DNAT see,since the onli likely person i want to meet is him loh and some others who pmed me.The rest here are just here tcss.And he is very neutral and gives a positive info if i provide him with.