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Lakland 26-08-2015 02:36 PM

My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
Hi all bros! Been reading some very good stories over here, so i thought i would like to contribute a story from my uni days to pay back the community here. My first time writing story so be patient please. Starting part may be a bit dry and not much action, but i feel that is necessary to develop the story bit by bit. Hope it's up to yall expectation! Names have been changed for all characters... Here goes.....

My name is Jun. I was 22 when i entered uni. I wasn't a very good student in my sec sch and jc days, often spending time playing pool and chasing girls, so my results very chui and i couldn't get into local uni. After my NS, ended up studying in a private uni. Gosh, the school fees were expensive, but there are other benefits as well. Firstly, my school hours were very flexible, and there are a lot of chiobus in my course. The best part was, half my class were international students from the region. There were girls from Msia, Indonesia, China, Korea, India, Vietnam and Jap girls. However, there was one Korean girl in my class that caught my attention immediately. Her name was Kim Eun-Hye, she was 18 then. For short, i'll just refer to her as Kim in this story.

Pretty sure yall know who DJ Soda is. Kim looked exactly like her, but au naturel. My brain rewind back a bit, I first caught a glimpse of her during the freshman orientation camp. We were at tanjong beach doing some games, and we were all dressed in sportswear. She wore a small yellow T-shirt with a floral print bikini top underneath, and her B cups were straining against the clothes. She wore a white FBT that wrapped her perky butt well, but exposed her butt cheek a bit every now and then macam teaser shot. Her smooth, toned, long slender legs were perfect. If only i could.....

"MR JUN! Perhaps you would like to share what your daydream is about with the class?"

Siao liao, kena caught daydreaming by my ang moh professor, first day of class somemore.

Me: Sorry Prof Kevin, almost lunch time, was thinking what to have for lunch and thought of bibimbap i had in Seoul... Won't happen again

Kevin: I love korean food too, but it better not happen again! Now back to Communications!

Me: Sorry Prof... (of course you like korean food, in fact you like all kinds of food, you obese amurican)

Meanwhile, the whole class laughs because they thought the same way as me about Kevin, and i caught Kim looking at me, ahm cheoing and covering her mouth as she giggled. So cute!


MaiZapMeHor 26-08-2015 09:00 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
1st camper :D

MeltTheSnow 26-08-2015 11:16 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
2nd camper here :)

watersupply 27-08-2015 02:15 AM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
3rd camper

SoHot 27-08-2015 02:34 AM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
Nice do continue :D

Lakland 27-08-2015 11:43 AM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
Thanks bros for the encouragement! :D

11.30am, and it's lunchtime. Being the first day of class, most of us went to the foodcourt in school together and had lunch together. My group had 6: 4 girls, 2 guys. Kim queued with me at the Korean food stall and i helped her order and carried the food back to the table. During lunch, i found out that her parents are working in Korea, her older sister Hyun was studying in Australia, and Kim was alone in Singapore. She doesn't stay with her guardian, although they keep in contact. She was also looking for a new place to rent as she doesn't really like her current HDB rental room as she has problematic neighbours. The other guy in our group then say she look very pretty, like some korean star, asked if she has a boyfriend, and she said yes, but studying in university in Korea and maybe visit her during his term break. Then that guy groaned. HA! Competitor lai liao. Bryan, 21, the competitor, wasn't bad-looking, in fact he was quite buffed, typical jock. But from the way Kim replied, i know she didn't fancy him. Soon, 12pm came and we went for the next class (yes, lunch break only 30mins :( , heng the queue not long and we got seats very fast).

During the next class, Kim sat beside me. Her command of english was not very good, and she had problem catching up with the lecturer, especially because Kevin spoke with a very distinct Southern drawl, or souther US slang. Thus she often had to ask me what Kevin meant. And whenever she leaned in to whisper to me, i caught her scent. Not sure if it was a perfume, or her natural scent, but it smelled good. Not wanting Kevin to pick on us for talking in class, i told Kim to try and follow as best as she could, and i'll explain to her after class if needed. Secretly also thinking, Swee lah, can score 1 on 1 tuition liao!

Class ended at 3pm, and Kim asked me to explain to her the concepts that was taught. As she leaned forward towards me, her collar hung down a bit and i caught a glimpse of her cleavage and her bra. It was a black lace bra, and her supple breasts were straining against it, as if wanting to be freed, the smooth milk-like skin showing. Didn't wanna give away my beoing, i started to explain her queries on the lesson. Suddenly, Bryan, the guy who asked the bf question, sat himself down heavily on the chair next to mine and say loudly "WAH! ONE ON ONE TUITION ARH?! I ALSO WANT!!" Whoever haven't zao home yet turned and looked at us.


Lakland 27-08-2015 11:45 AM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
Idiot trying to cockblock me!

Me: No lah! She cannot understand Kevin's chim english because he speak so fast, so i help explain a bit now lor.

Bryan: Orh.... Eh Kim, next time can also ask me! I will definitely stay back and help you even if it's past midnight! HAHAHA!!! Ok bye guys i zao liao!

Me and Kim: Bye!

Kim (whispering to me): i don't like this guy... so rude...

Me mentally score a point! Huat arh!

Back to explaining to Kim, and we finished about 4pm. Afterwhich, we exchange numbers, (in case she needs to ask further questions was the reason given), and she left to go home, and i went to the carpark to get my bike and ride home.

Traffic wasn't too bad, and i reached my condo at thomson road in 20mins. As i walked up to my unit after parking my bike, i checked my phone and saw a message from her, thanking me for helping her. Totally put a smile on my face. The rest of the day was spent messaging her and finding out things like her favourite food, types of movies she watch, her hobbies, what she likes in guys, preferences etc.

Day 2
Prof Kevin: For this module, i will require you to form groups of no more than 6 for a project, which will determine 50% of your final grade for this module. Will you get into your groups now. You have 5mins.

Since our lunch group consisted of 6 members already, Kim, Bryan, Spore girls Ann, 20, and Yivonne, 19, and Sarawak girl Eileen, 19, and me, we decided we'll stick together for the project as well. Kim was happy to be in the same grp as me, but she had wary eyes on Bryan. And i noticed Eileen was stealing glances at Bryan too. Interesting....

When lesson ended, we decided to head out for lunch as we had no more classes that day. Ann suggested going to Brewerkz and we were all fine with it.

Ann: eh, but how we split cab? cos Jun rides, and we have 5. Unless Jun got spare helmet?

Kim: I can follow Jun if he has...

I was cursing myself at this point...

Me: i didn't bring my spare helmet....

Yivonne: Why?! I thought you all biker like to put big box put 3 box behind one?!

Me: harlow... i riding sports bike, not tourer lah....

Bryan: Yah, Jun think he Andy Lau, ride the same bike as Andy Lau in Lie Huo Zhan Che... Jin satki... you know put box on his bike how ugly boh?

For once, i agree with Bryan. :cool:

Ann: Then no choice lor, split 2 3. Brian, Eileen, Yivonne, then me and Kim..

Me: and i forever alone....

Kim: You tmr bring helmet, i sit with you!

Steady lah! She not scared ride bike, unlike my ex... Got chance liao...

penanglucksa 27-08-2015 01:23 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
camping for next update :)

huatkeelan 27-08-2015 01:44 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
Nice start TS, please keep it coming

Lakland 27-08-2015 02:43 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
I reached Brewerkz before the rest, and managed to get a nice comfy seat inside. The rest reached not long after and Kim seemed to be abit down, though she smiled when she saw me waving at them. We had a good lunch of buffalo wings, ribs and other goodies, and we ordered a tower of IPA. During that lunch, we got to know each other better. Found out that although Kim liked to drink beer, she cannot drink much cos she can't hold her liquor well and she turns red fast. Ann was the typical nerdy nerdy good girl type, one glass, no more, and although her spectacles decoy a lot, but deep down, from her jokes and things she say, you know she has a naughty streak. Yivonne was the wild one, club almost every night, and drinks a lot, often to the point of KO drunkenness. Eileen was an average drinker, and she continued to steal glances at Bryan, who was not bad a drinker too. I could not drink more than 2 glasses, as i rode. After lunch, we went to watch a movie, and went home for dinner individually and got started on our work and project research.

That night, i went on MSN messenger and messaged Kim about work. Since it was still early after we were done with work, we started talking about other things. So i asked her why she looked upset when she reached Brewerkz earlier.

Kim: Oh? you noticed? it's nothing. My boyfriend and i. We bad time now.

Me: Maybe it's the distance? have you been chatting with him online daily?

Kim: First week i arrive, we chat everyday. Then it become once every 2 days, and now is once every 4-5 days. He says he busy, but is lie. Now is not exam yet.

Me: Perhaps he feels the pressure of uni life and he is revising harder than normal?

Kim: No... he is have sex with other girl..

:eek:That escalated quickly...

Me: What? Why do you think so? You're so pretty, and you're nice, any guy would be stupid to cheat on you...

Kim: Thank you. But my mum message me this afternoon when i in the cab to lunch. She saw him and another girl, my childhood friend, kissing each other and going into yesan hotel.

Me: Yesan?

Kim: Oh sorry. Budget hotel, like you can book 2hr for cheap. Usually businessmen bring girls there for sex. My mother, she cannot believe it, so she wait outside in the cold for 2hrs. Then saw him came out with my friend again, and they hugged very tight and french kiss. Then he hold her butt. My mother went up and slapped him and my friend. My mother very protective of me and my sister.

Sialah... kena slapped by ajumma no joke... Hope i dun kena same fate...

Me: I'm sorry to hear that. But have you spoken to him abt this yet?

Kim: I text him, tell him i heard what he did, and i trust my mum, and i don't want to talk to him anymore. It's over.

At this point, i really didn't know what to say liao. Some part of me happy that she is single and available, but another part of me jinz emo that she is probably crying her eyes out over that betrayal.

Kim: i need to get out of the house. my housemates are busybodies and i can't cry out cos they will hear.

blade 27-08-2015 02:55 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour

Originally Posted by Lakland (Post 13492444)
Idiot trying to cockblock me!

Cockblock means death! Bros code.


Originally Posted by Lakland (Post 13493081)
:eek:That escalated quickly...

haha yess..... thats really fast. not like what you say, slow build up.

but do continue :)

Lakland 27-08-2015 03:27 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour

Originally Posted by blade (Post 13493124)
haha yess..... thats really fast. not like what you say, slow build up.

but do continue :)

Thanks bro! Yes, cockblock means death! Next part coming soon!

cocknloaded 27-08-2015 03:34 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
camping here with my supply of kimchi.. keep it up bro.. cha ran da!!!

Lakland 27-08-2015 03:57 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
Lai liao... chance lai liao...

Me: Kim, I’m really sorry for reminding you abt this afternoon and making you cry... how bout you give me your address, and i'll make it up to you by picking you up and bring you to a special place... Not much people around on weekday nights and it's therapeutic... i promise.. no funny things either...

Kim: No No! not your fault! even if you no say, i will still be upset. In fact, talk to you here i feel better. someone to talk to better than no one. Ok, my address is xxxx Katong xxxxx....... Call me when you reach ok? i go put make up, my eyes now swollen, you cannot see me like that...

Kns.... Thomson to Katong quite far... but for her and for myself, i shall do that... Picked up my spare helmet and headed out. Reached her place in about 15-20mins, late night no traffic, plus speeding. Called her and was rewarded with "Wait wait! i'm not ready! 5mins!"

Waited another 15mins and she finally came down, wearing a tiny T-shirt which exposed her midriff a bit, and a tiny denim shorts. Her boobs strained against the shirt and macam want to expose underboob liao. Then i thinking, neh neh, why she like to tease me like that, whether intentionally or accidentally... from her midriff, i lowered my gaze and caught her endless smooth legs... What i would give to hold her close and feel her up.

Me: wah! you not scared cold? wear until like that at night?

Kim: In Korea, is colder!

Then she proceeds to put on the helmet i passed her.

Kim: Why do i get this helmet? Yours look so much better!

Me: it's a spare helmet. -_-" Obviously i'll spend more on my own helmet.

Kim: I'll buy one of my own, pink and with flowers design!

Wait a minute, does that mean.....................

Kim: ok let's go! You promised this place will be good for me!

Me: yes, i promise.

It'll be good for me too... I thought, as i started the bike. Gave her a short explanation on how to get on the bike properly without burning her legs on the exhausts, and she replicated the instructions exactly like a pro. Once she got on, i was about to tell her she can hold my shoulders if she was uncomfortable with holding my waist. But before i could say anything, she wrapped her arms around my waist and said "LET'S GO!"

I brought her to Changi Beach, specificically the stretch where planes take off from Changi Airport. We found a nice secluded bench and sat down, just enjoying the sea breeze, and watch the planes take off and land.

Kim: Jun, thanks for taking me here. I like this place. I always liked the sea breeze, it makes me feel very relaxed and free.

PlaySoBig 27-08-2015 04:54 PM

Re: My SYT Korean Coursemate/Neighbour
Nice story, must support :)

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