The Asian Commercial Sex Scene

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secretvodka 11-11-2022 10:29 PM

My Innocent girls
Hi all, my first time writing a story. It’s part of my working experience and what i have encountered through my 7 years as a Manager in a local Company. If you like it, give me a up please!

I work in a local company and grow from a supervisor to a manager in charge of hiring and administration, although my core duties in the company is Sales and marketing. It is a small Medium sized Company but works within the company are often passed here and there as its unchangeable culture.

I have the power and privilege to hire administrative staffs and I often hire fresh Malaysian graduates to fill the roles of admin, HR and accounts assistant.

Under me are approx. 6 to 8 such staffs in and out and at the peak period there’s around 10. I have around 8 girls and 2 guys excluding myself at that period.

I am sharing some of their stories..

heavengunz 12-11-2022 10:36 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
camping for more

secretvodka 12-11-2022 10:37 AM

Re: My Innocent girls

Story 1 - Jaslyn

Jaslyn is my HR assistant and with us for two years approximately. She is a quiet girl that does her work well. I rate her 4/10 for her looks and 7/10 for body. She doesn’t make up, doesn’t dress up at all. But one thing. She got quite a big cup and can't hide under her shirt.

As a permit holder in Singapore, she stays in a rented HDB room with her boyfriend until they broke up and her ex-boyfriend move away.

Even as Admin office is always filled with talks and laughters, Jaslyn is always quiet and does her work alone. She doesn’t join anyone for lunch and always going out alone to buy food or to buy her lunch before coming to work in the morning. She only looks for me when there’s whatever issues that she cannot resolve to seek my guidance.

As I strongly believe in teamwork and team excellence, I always hold regular team lunch/dinner/outing/bbq sessions. These are usually held during lunch breaks or after work and ends before 7pm. Jaslyn never joined such events and usually gave excuse that she’s tired after work and would like to rest.

During one of the discussions on our next team outing, the ladies suggested we go to a pub for drinking. I wasn’t really a drinking guy, so I turned down the idea and we ended up having dinner at the hotpot restaurant that start with H.
Thereafter, the ladies always suggested drinking at pub when we held discussion and say I buey steady. Everywhere I say they go and they only jio once drinking and I turned down. I have no choice but to accept it.

During the Coy event, everyone turned up except Jaslyn, which is expected. She texts me that she doesn’t drink and don’t want to sit there spoiling everyone’s mode. Since everyone is drinking, and her attendance is expected, I did not bother much and just reply ‘ok’.

Bencyrus 12-11-2022 12:40 PM

Re: My Innocent girls
another camper here

secretvodka 12-11-2022 03:51 PM

Re: My Innocent girls
As Christmas nears, we decide that we hold our next event after the new year as most of the girls have their boyfriend to accompany, and some making use of the long holiday to return to Malaysia.

Received a message from Jaslyn on Christmas Eve at 8pm.

Jaslyn: Merry Christmas Da Ge(big bro)!
Me: Thanks Jaslyn! Merry Christmas to you too! Enjoying yourself well?
Jaslyn: no! im at home! Haha!
Me: no life. Get out and celebrate.
Jaslyn: hahaha.
-20 minutes later-
Jaslyn: Da Ge u outside?
Me: Yea shopping for Christmas presents for exchange tomorrow.
Jaslyn: Do I get one?
Me: Yea see u want A4 paper or stationeries u own self take from office ok.
Jaslyn: Walaoooo..why u so bad one.
Me: No money la. I buy for u I need buy for everyone
Jaslyn: I treat u makan u buy for me la. We exchange this way.
Me: HDL I consider
Jaslyn: can!
Me: that I get one for u.
Jaslyn: I treat u now ok. I come find u.
Me: not now la…I still buying leh.
Jaslyn: u buy la..i come need sometime also. Can accompany me to drink? I feel like drinking
Me: why u suddenly want drink? I seldom drink one leh.
Jaslyn: sad maybe. Its Christmas. And that day coy event i didn’t come. Today I come.
Me: no one around u come. Well done.
Jaslyn: so can?
Me: me and you, only?
Me: I ask la.. see got who else. If no one den next time. U want to eat I ok. Drink I don’t want.
Jaslyn: ok loh
-10 minutes after asking the other ladies-
Me: all got life and went out or went home liao. Left Kath only if u want.
Jaslyn: can can! I want!
Me: 3 pax? U don’t mind I ask see if I got friend want join. Very akward leh u see me I see u.
Jaslyn: ok..dont too many can?
Me: errr..ok.

-Quick jump to the drinking-
Me: at least got Jayden and Ryan around..if not I akward. These are my two army friends.

After some introduction among us..we started with a cheers and playing different games like five-ten and dice. To my surprise, Jaslyn is talking a lot and laughing a lot. Kath ask how come Jaslyn become like this. I replied to her I don’t know..its my first time drinking with her.

*self-thought..didnt she said she don’t drink?*

Halfway through the game I noticed Jaslyn and Ryan sitting closer and closer to each other, looking at each other. Jaslyn is leaning on Ryan and placed one of her hands between Ryan’s thighs. I started to notice their actions and at some point, I see Jaslyn rubbing Ryan’s center thigh and Ryan arm is rubbing against Jaslyn breast. I had a little hard on seeing these. Both seems to be enjoying a lot and keep looking at each other.

secretvodka 12-11-2022 05:13 PM

Re: My Innocent girls
So we ended up 5 pax drinking 4 towers despite me not good in alcohol. We decided to leave after we finish.
Me and Jaslyn and Ryan look sober while Kath and Jayden more or less gone. We booked grab for Jayden and Kath was picked by her brother.
Jaslyn says she’s ok and same for Ryan. They decided to share a grab together as both stayed in Clementi. I took a grab on my own and we headed different directions.
Me: Text me when u reach home Jaslyn.
Jaslyn: no problem la. I drink the least. Surprisingly im still ok.
Me: you very sure u drink the least. Totally different u. And you better be ok.

-20 minutes later-
Jaslyn text me: homeed! Goodnight Da Ge! Thank you!
Me: thank you too! Goodnight. Merry Christmas!

A light intro about ryan. He’s my army friend in the same section. His mother passed away 3 years ago due to cancer. He’s living in a hdb flat with his dad. Ryan says his dad miss his mum a lot and every day after work he will drink at kopitiam till it closes before returning home to sleep.

-2months later-
Ryan: bro..u free to come out?
Me: can. See u.

-When we meet-
Ryan: Bro..ur colleague Jaslyn…she’s my gf now. Not exactly gf..but somehow like gf
Me: wtf? U meet her only 2-month leh. What is ‘like gf not gf’. What u talking?
Ryan: Ya… its weird. She asks for my number when we were in the grab that day after we drink during Christmas eve. She texts me asking me if I have date the next day during Christmas. So we talked and we went out together to have dinner and go celebrate.
Me: u still there to say. During drinking I see you keep rubbing against her breast. First time see people den bua people neh.
Ryan: bro..she start touching my dick first leh. She touch already use her finger drawing circle at my dick. I buey tahan den rub back. her neh quite big leh. U never see office u can tahan ah?
Me: cannot be bro. she’s a conservative girl. Im not like u. they’re like my sisters.
Ryan: seriously her neh big..on the grab back home I cross my arms she lean on me and wrap her hands around my arm. I touch it and she moan in the grab. the grab Uncle also keep looking back
Me: err. Ok…….. 1 date only den become gf?
Ryan: not gf.. it was that date..she dress very revealing. walan I see liao I buey tahan. After we eat she says she feel like drinking again. So we went to a pub nearby and we drink a lot there.
Me: errrr..ok…ok la..good for u loh. U finally found a gf after so many years. Jaslyn very good one. U cherish her.
Ryan: no bro..its not so simple…cant be my gf leh. Walao bro.. I very confused.
Me: huh? What happened?

caromant 12-11-2022 11:24 PM

Re: My Innocent girls
Very good start bro, please continue! :)

secretvodka 13-11-2022 01:38 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
Ryan: after we drink a lot, we share the grab back together. U know la we both stay clementi. I wanted to drop her off first, but she says my place nearer so drop me first. But when reach my place she alight also says she feel like vomiting. So I no choice la the uncle says faster go down.
Ryan: I bring her out and she vomited. After that she say she want to go my house. I also abit high liao den I bring her up. After we reach my house, she go into my dad’s room to use the master room toilet. After that she pull me and lie on my dad’s bed. I cant tahan so we just had it..i cant stop attacking her her neh bro. at least Big B or C.
Me: ok..then? bro u don’t have to describe la. Enough of the neh.
Ryan: hahahaha. Bro my first time seeing such big one ma. Ok. after we had sex I was washing up in the toilet and she lie there naked. Wait bro. she damn good in bed leh. She made me cum twice..we did it raw both times.. walan..where can tahan right. Where got time go buy condom.
Me: bro… skip the description la.
Ryan: okok. when I turn out from the toilet………….. my dad was standing at the bedroom door looking. I sibei awkward so I faster pull her up. She sit up and walk naked out of the room and still greet my dad ‘uncle’ on her way out. I put her on my bed and went out..
Ryan dad: who is she?
Ryan: my friend.
Ryan dad: Girlfriend
Ryan: yes. No. friend only friend only.
Ryan dad: come on la..why u like that one. Why u do such thing. U how old liao. U still don’t know how to think. And why use my room? U no room?
Ryan: -quiet-…I sleep first
- Next day morning -
Jaslyn: wheres my clothes?
Ryan: I think in my dad’s room..i go take for u
Jaslyn: -after dressing up up- are we couple now, baby?
Ryan: I don’t know.
Jaslyn: what don’t know.u fuck me leh.
Ryan: can let me think about it? i need some time.. Im sorry.

secretvodka 13-11-2022 02:23 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
Ryan: she looks very weird after that night..very clingy and keep asking if we’re now couple.i want to take the responsibility so of course I say should be. And honestly I also like her la...but I feel I not ready leh
Me: what weird? I think u more weird. U not ready what thing? Den u fk her. Den u don’t want be his bf. wtf?
Ryan: bro I really don’t know what to do. She meets me every night after work since that night and stay at my house for around every alternate night. Every night that she come my house she wants it if not she will be angry. But who will reject the big neh right? I think she can be my gf..but then she like not ready yet. I think she got the figure la.but not pretty enough ley
Me: wa bro. very very unlike her leh. She isn’t like this at work. Not the person I know. And she mentioned nothing about u to me at work leh. To be honest I don’t know what u thinking. Awhile u like her awhile u don’t like her. Looks isn’t everything la. She’s not that bad looking. She’s average, u say her neh big u like, she so white and slim…… u say she’s good in bed. I know she’s good at work. Ok leh. Gf material.
Ryan: bro I also don’t know I should accept her as my gf or not..not only that bro..she wear spaghetti strap shirt and fbt bottom at my house.
Me: what the fuck is wrong with wearing that and how is it related whether she is your gf or not??
Ryan: she don’t wear bra..even when she come out to living room to have meals and my dad is around.
Me: wa…….totally different from how I know her.
Ryan: u know got one day..
Ryan: why u don’t wear bra when u go out of the dad around leh.
Jaslyn: not like he has not seen before?
Ryan: what u mean?
Jaslyn: that night when I first came to your house and he came back and I was lying on his bed.. I already know he’s back. I open my eyes a little at look at the door. He keep looking at me and touching his dick until u came out from toilet.
Ryan: don’t talk nonsense. He just came back that night.
Jaslyn: well..believe it or not..
Ryan: doesn’t mean like that u go out no need wear bra or only wrap a towel, right?
Jaslyn: Maybe he likes it too?
Ryan: if u still talking like this den I think u better go back.
Jaslyn: im just joking. Its ok la he’s ur dad he wont do anything to me. I used to be like this when im at home. Im treating your house like my home.. I just cover up myself more loh. Can babyyyy? Or how? Do u want me to fuck me more often?
Ryan: ……..
Me: huhhh..she really said that? I cant believe.
Ryan: things doesn’t change at all. She’s still like this all the while when she come out of toilet or washroom. Only speg strap shirt or only wrap towel with nothing inside.
Me: speechless bro..totally different girl I know..
Ryan: the worse thing..she admitted to me yesterday she had sex with my dad..
Me: HUH? YOUR DAD? YOUR DAD!? U serious bro?
Ryan: we quarreled yesterday when I told her off for buying and wearing lingerie sleepwear at my house.
Jaslyn: its just clothings.. I buy it to satisfy you. Don’t you like me wearing it? why you so old fashion thinking?
Ryan: my dad is at home leh!
Jaslyn: so what? He’s seen more than he should
Ryan: again? Say this again?
Jaslyn: he touch before, suck before, lick before. I still cover for what? For what?
Ryan: WTF u saying?
Jaslyn: ok.. u want know right. I tell u. u remember that day u ask me stay at home when its raining u go buy breakfast for us?

secretvodka 13-11-2022 02:25 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
Ryan: ya? That one because u say u want drink Chi Cha so I need take bus go buy what. Its less than 2 hours. Cannot?
Jaslyn: I tell u what happened. I was sitting at the living room using my phone.. your dad also using his phone. His phone suddenly got those girl moaning sound and I heard and look at him. He says his friend send to him. It’s a prank video end up is those weird sound.
Jaslyn: we talk about it and I ask him if he got girlfriend outside.
Jaslyn: u got girlfriend?
Ryan dad: no la..where got time. I work then come back liao. House still got so much debt need to pay. Where got time find girlfriend
Jaslyn: but Ryan say after work u everyday go drink beer at kopitiam ley
Ryan dad: this si ginna everything also tell u.
Jaslyn: hahaha. Why u don’t find girlfriend…aunty pass away so long liao loh. U not bored meh?
Ryan dad: not don’t want la..uncle no one want..
Jaslyn: den how u satisfy yourself?
Ryan dad: huh?
Jaslyn: hahaha..aiya..guys ma uncle.. sure need one.
Ryan dad: err..
Jaslyn: my dad also sometime go massage one..u got go those kind? But he Malaysian he go Malaysia one cheap cheap. He tell me 1 week once. So I every month send money back he spend there. The girls do what also can. My dad satisfied every weekend. hahaha
Ryan dad: no la.. uncle no money one la.. I do myself.
Jaslyn: uncle..that time I first time come your house. I lie on your bed..u keep looking at me and touching your bird bird. Hahahaha
Ryan dad: no no no. I never. I just come back only. That one pai seh la. The door also no lock. U also no cover I dunno I just come back I go in room den see liao. I didn’t know Ryan bring u back
Jaslyn: there! U say u see! My eyes were a bit open. I was still sober. I saw u keep looking and touching yourself.
Ryan dad: no la no la. Don’t have.
Jaslyn: uncle..i also never blame u..u already saw what. What’s done cannot be undone. U also not those tiko pek. I trust u.
Ryan dad: huhh…aiyo..i dunno what to say liao leh.
Jaslyn: nevermind la..heehehe
Ryan dad: me and ryan mummy last time young very on one.. like u and ryan like that. Every night also do.
Jaslyn: how u know we every night do?
Ryan dad: u all so loud..
Jaslyn: hahahahaa pai seh uncle
Ryan dad: now his mum gone liao..i also just thinking of her everyday only. Think of the past. I also never go find zha bor or what. Work and work only. Hais.. sometimes I also wish faster die liao go find her.
Jaslyn: uncle u so young only..go find zhabor la..
Ryan dad: don’t want la..all want money only. This age liao no more love liao loh.

secretvodka 13-11-2022 02:27 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
*at this time Jaslyn was sitting across Ryan’s dad across the sofa. She intentionally put the sofa cushion against her stomach and pressing it down pulling her speg strap shirt a little to expose the clevage close to her nipples. She notices ryan’s dad keep looking and turning away and unable to concentrate while they chat. Jaslyn was hesitant whether to turn devil. Its just one action away. She’s in Singapore alone, whatever she does here stays here. Ryan says they are not couple. They might not be together for long. She’s young..if she don’t play and experience now, then when? All these thoughts rush through Jaslyn’s mind..*

Jaslyn: Uncle..u see. – pull downs her shirt exposing her breast-
Ryan dad: eh. U doing what?
Jaslyn: let u shiok awhile u want? That time u never see enough
Ryan dad: cannot la girl..faster wear properly
Jaslyn: uncle don’t worry. I know that day u see liao u got feel. U also nice to me and ryan. I trust u. u keep looking u can control ah?
Ryan dad: cannot cannot..dont like that
Jaslyn: ryan go out liao. At least 1 hour plus den come back one. U can last one hour like this?
Ryan dad: -quiet-
Jaslyn: come.. – touch her own breast- faster..touch only ma.. we also never do anything. I give u to you u stillt hesitate ah?
Ryan dad: cannot la
Jaslyn: uncle..faster..later ryan come back liao.
Ryan dad: -hesitant-
Jaslyn: - sit next to Ryan’s dad and pulls his hand to her breast- how is it..shuang ma (shiok or not)?
Ryan dad: young girl really different..your one very big very round
Jaslyn: u like?
Ryan dad: don’t know.
Jaslyn: its ok..just enjoy it..- stand up and move forward to place her breast to his head- Uncle..suck hard hard
Jaslyn: mmmm…u got skill leh uncle..
Ryan dad: wa..too good already…- hug jaslyn and suck her breast-
Jaslyn: uncle u like hungry wolf like that want eat me liao
Ryan dad: too long never see such big and young one..
Jaslyn: uncle.. I help u blow job and settle for u. quick one ryan come back soon.
Ryan dad: huh? Cannot. You’re ryan girlfriend. U say touch only..i enough liao..
Jaslyn: faster take off ur pants. He said before im not his gf. So im not.
Ryan dad: cannot la..u together with Ryan..cannot.
Jaslyn: u really want to stop here? At this stage? Sure ah? Ok. Stop. No more.
Ryan dad: ah fuck la! -remove pants and continue sucking Jaslyn breast- wa I so long never have this feeling girl..
Jaslyn: -mmmhhmm mhmmm- Uncle lai..i help u tian tian yi xia(lick awhile)
Ryan dad: I want come liao..want come liao
Jaslyn: -mmmmhmmm mhmmmm mhmmmm -
Ryan dad: -cum unloaded into Jaslyn mouth-
Jaslyn: - spits out- wa much long liao lohhhhhhh
Ryan dad: I also forget already. sorry..i cant control I shoot inside
Jaslyn: shiok or not uncle..u like?
Ryan dad: please don’t tell people ok.. sorry.. I really cannot control.
Jaslyn: don’t worry uncle. I give u one. Not u ask one. I trust you.
Ryan dad: u last time had sex often? U suck very shiok
Jaslyn: I got one ex..break up already. now with Ryan loh.
Ryan dad: u 20 plus years old only one ex? Really or not? Den why u will so open to blow me. Now girls are so open?
Jaslyn: maybe? Maybe im also like u..too long I didn’t had it.
Ryan dad: u and ryan had sex very often leh
Jaslyn: I want to try something different. A different me. try different things. Different people. Its my first time like this..i don’t know why Im like this too..
Ryan: u mean u had sex with my dad?! He touches u?!
Jaslyn: i only help him release..
Ryan: wtf Jaslyn. He’s my dad. U’re my girlfriend! How can u do this?
Jaslyn: hello. I ask u how many times if we’re couple. U tell me u don’t know. U keep talking to girls on insta and like their profile. U fuck me. U didn’t take responsibility. U blaming me? I give everything to u. I satisfy you so much.. daily ryan. i satisfy you almost daily. U didn’t even take me as your gf..
Ryan: im speechless..

secretvodka 13-11-2022 02:30 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
Me: Wa..i cant imagine what happen to you and here over just 2 months man. So many drama
Ryan: what to do now bro?
Me: so she still staying with u?
Ryan: no..she stopped texting me after we quarrel and after she told me everything. She left my house and I also didn’t text her..i didn’t talk to my dad after that. I think he knows Jaslyn told me about what happened between them
Me: den what u want now?
Ryan: I suddenly feel the ache in my heart. I think she is the girl I want..but I don’t know how to accept this.
Me: I don’t know how to help you bro..u got to sort your ways out..see what u want and what u can accept. This one different people got different tolerance level. I cant advice u.
Ryan: its ok..thanks for listening to me. U don’t ask her about it ah. Give me some time.
Me: ok..

Ryan’s story make me interested in learning more about Jaslyn. How she became like this and how is she so different from her during work. I begin looking at her facebook and Instagram. Looking at her stories. Everything seems normal. However, her she begins to have careless mistakes at work. Like not renewing Foreign Workers permit when I already reminding her, forgetting to renew vehicle road tax. Which angers me a little.
Somehow, I started to notice her body and stealing glance of her when she walks around after what ryan shared to me. Noticed she begins wearing more revealing dresses at work. Last time was long jeans with coy uniform or tee shirt with shorts. She now wears short office dresses, unbutton polo tee with short skirts. Or button shirt with speg strap top with short skirt.
she put on some light make up and wear coloured contact lenses
She got her hair coloured and permed her hair after returning from CNY holiday.
Her life seems to be changing….

Me: lynlyn! attracting wolfs in office or coy paying too little? No money buy clothes ah. Why u dress lesser and lesser?
Jaslyn: You are the big wolf. Ya my salary very low. Lao ban jia xin!(boss up salary!).
Me: attract one nevermind. Don’t later whole pack of wolfs come in office. I will bbq you for the wolfs.
Jaslyn: -Stick out tounge-
Me: eh ur work recently telok leh. U can check properly what u need to do or not. What u busy with. I take care of u all u also don’t like that la. After CNY take bonus ur performance drop so much. Still holiday mode meh.
Jaslyn: sorry da ge. I take note..
Me: *my mind started recalling what ryan shared to me. I took a few more glance at her unexpectedly. I was standing up talking to her while she’s sitting at her desk. She look up and saw me looking at her. She adjusted her button shirt a little. I was awkward and walk to the my next girl and ask about work..*

-To be continued if brothers here like it. comments please. i accept both good and bad. if no one like it i will stop here. thanks for reading thus far!-

thevilone 13-11-2022 07:13 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
lovely story... keep going!!

Camryaltis 13-11-2022 08:30 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
Nice story. Carry on pls….😉

want0nmee 13-11-2022 09:21 AM

Re: My Innocent girls
Lai liao. Da ge going to be da se lang liao

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