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cdcdcdc 09-02-2022 02:10 AM

Trying to get over an ML
As the title suggested, I'm trying to get over an ML, because I've been KC it's damaging for me.

After few visits, I unlocked ML and FJ with her a few times, but start to develop feelings for her and start to feel jealous over small things, like when she is fully book and had no slot to accommodate me, when bros took her out to buy stuff, when she posts photos of herself in other bro's expensive car, when she told me what things bro buy for her and how much they cost etc..

The jealousy has become so bad it affecting my work, i'm neglected my hobbies, neglect spending time with my old age parents, neglecting fitness. I am mid 30s and single btw so forever alone. But she allowing me to FJ makes me feel great about myself. I know last time got xiao pang story, i also scared become like that. Somemore she also let me raw her wor.. But I scared so quickly pull out after a while.. Need to see Dr Tan soon liao.. But why she let me raw her makes me think that there is meaning behind this.. Then xiao pang experience says all working gals are liddat.. Say all the same thing to all bros that they are the only one but actually behind back do to so many other guys T.T

I try to delete her from wechat but can't bear to do so.. Tehn after delete she still come and message me, cos i nv turn on the request permission thing option.. Now i feel like i'm in a loss, i am not sure what to do from here. Go find other MLs also not so right, cos end up still the same outcome. Delete and block her i also can't bear.. Heart painzz..

Willamshakspear 09-02-2022 07:53 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
No mortal is perfect, & we often make mistakes to learn. But it will be a tragedy if one refuses to acknowledge, learn from mistakes, find corrective measures but continue to make the same mistakes again & again....

Losing money is ok. It's only paper value. What is lost can be gained back the next day thru intelligence & hardwork. However, if one loses one mind thru emotions, then it will be a long journey to regain one's sanity.

Keep calm. Not all is lost yet. That you realized the mistake you made is the 1st step to the journey of return. The next step will be to go 'cold turkey'.

It is not easy as we often are ruled by the heart & not by our gifted cold clinical & methodical brain. A simple text message is enough to shatter the resolve to break away from her.

There need not be any feelings of guilt if you ignored her. We Sporeans follow a simple golden principle-to hurt no one & not be hurt by anyone. That you woke up to being a victim of KC by a beautiful nightlife operator proves you are not the guilty party.

She too knows the game well - one can fool another for a time, but NOT all the time. She will squeeze you for all its worth emotionally, & back away if you no longer respond to her, and will find another victim to prey upon.

In this hard hearted game, she is motivated by $$$, to earn as much as she can while still able before her looks & ability fades away, thus she has no guilt. Any guilt would be that she made mistakes in revealing her hand too early & failed to string you & your money longer.

Therefore, go 'cold turkey'. Ignore her, delete her pics & number. Avoid going to her workplace. FOCUS back on your family & career, on areas where you are found lacking in, to improve upon them, step by step. There is more than enough to keep your mind busy in. Any free time you have, take up a course - learn another language, a skill, a hobby - purpose is to keep you mind focused and forget about her.

Time will heal. In time, she will be only a distance memory. Only then will you be ready to go out to seek for companionship - either in real life or in the fantasy nightlife world of instant gratification, with eyes wide open to realities.

As Human & Sporeans, we must follow this phrase - 拿的上, 放的下 (roughly translated as able to lift up, must be able to let go with no regrets) Clinging on to something that is not worthwhile only makes us emotionally dependent, a weakness that can be easily exploited by others for use & abuse.

All the best to your journey of return to sanity, to the real world for your own & family, loved ones survival..

pearlnjewel 09-02-2022 09:58 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Ts if you tio kc liao i think you just continue to go fuck her until you sian of her. Best you shoot inside of her make her pregnant then you will siam her. Else you can enjoy your time with her until she goes back china.

The fact that ypu get jealous is likely quite gaolat liao, you have to tell yourself that there are other better flowers out there and go see for yourself, there really is.

Suggestion to stop spending money on her except for the fucks. The wealth you lost cannot be regained back if earning fix salary.

Dont stop contacting her if you enjoy the good fuck, meanwhile the confidence you got from fucking her, use it to look for your significant others.

Which massage parlour is it at? If you dont want share can share the area pls

Willamshakspear 09-02-2022 11:32 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Paying for fantasies are not cheap. For the average salaried Sporean, it can be costly. One trip is never enough, more so when companionship is instant unlike real life where serious relationships need time & cultivation, sometimes as long as 3mths or a year before physical intimate exchange happens, as most Spore females are more conservative & careful before giving their heart away, to the right man who can take care of her for life when her looks fade away & bogged down by kids & their future.

One trip to a massage parlour will set back one by $150, or $200 at pub individually. Twice a week to satisfy loneliness & companionship cravings will set back one $1,600 a month. Doesn't seem much, but when other expenditure are factored in - house & care mortgage, living expenses, etc, it can be staggering.

And worse if extra tips, gifts & other monetary demands are made by the nightlife operator, which can go beyond one's average salary, driving one into loans & deeper into debt.

Thus, when one is in such a position, do not despair or panic. Nothing is impossible. 1st is to acknowledge the mistakes made, then take corrective actions. Go into 'cold turkey' mode - end the nightlife fantasy priority.

2ndly, prioritize all other expenditures. If need to sell the car at a loss, so be it, than to go deeper into debt.

3rdly, take NO more loans from banks or licensed moneylenders, as it needs to be paid back with interests & in short time, which will be hefty chunks out of one's salary. Talk to lenders, & try to work out debt consolidation schemes or debt rationalization to pay back loans. They too, only want their money back-a priority to them than Court declarations.

Thirdly, in 'cold turkey' mode - cut down on cigarette, alcohol, expensive meals, etc. One pack of maggi mee costs only 40cts, as compared to $3.50cts for a plate of chicken rice at the hawker centers.

There is no need to be ashamed for such actions. What will be shameful will be to continue to take loans, living beyond one's means, harming oneself & loved ones, or worse-resort to criminal activities harming others or destroying one's own precious gift of life...

Cold turkey action will NOT be forever, but only to stabilize the financial aspect for mistakes made. After all debts paid of, often within a few months, one will be free again, & wiser.

Do not envy those born with silver spoon. Reality is not what it often appears to be. The real wealthy got rich by savings, not by wild spending. Behind their affluence, there are often complications far more than the average human has to bear. In terms of debt, the average salaryman's debt are often only 4 figures. For the rich, it is often in bewildering 7 figures, & may be near impossible to pay back in one lifetime..

As long as one work hard & smart, have an honest job, have some savings, one can still afford a quality of life in Singapore & with dignity that no mortal can take away from you.

larue 09-02-2022 01:16 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear (Post 21092959)

Do not envy those born with silver spoon. Reality is not what it often appears to be. The real wealthy got rich by savings, not by wild spending. Behind their affluence, there are often complications far more than the average human has to bear. In terms of debt, the average salaryman's debt are often only 4 figures. For the rich, it is often in bewildering 7 figures, & may be near impossible to pay back in one lifetime..

As long as one work hard & smart, have an honest job, have some savings, one can still afford a quality of life in Singapore & with dignity that no mortal can take away from you.

Work hard at getting rich and no woman will ever be able to get into a man's head and mindfuck him, like OP.

If you think really wealthy people got their wealth by saving, you don't know rich.

Peacekeeping 09-02-2022 02:18 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by larue (Post 21093142)
Work hard at getting rich and no woman will ever be able to get into a man's head and mindfuck him, like OP.

If you think really wealthy people got their wealth by saving, you don't know rich.

Really? Rich people don’t get mindfucked? Tell that to jeff bezos

Jabba 11-02-2022 05:27 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
I am sorry to hear about your kc by an ML.It is really not easy.The only way out is not to see her.Divert your attention to something else.

larue 11-02-2022 09:43 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by Peacekeeping (Post 21093222)
Really? Rich people don’t get mindfucked? Tell that to jeff bezos

Never mind. How is Jeff Bezos being mind fucked?

Also, what I was saying is not that rich people don’t get mind fucked.

It’s people working hard at getting rich. Or hard at anything else but I’ve found nothing motivates like money.

Peacekeeping 12-02-2022 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by larue (Post 21096724)
Never mind. How is Jeff Bezos being mind fucked?

Also, what I was saying is not that rich people don’t get mind fucked.

It’s people working hard at getting rich. Or hard at anything else but I’ve found nothing motivates like money.

He got into an affair with a newscaster and gave his ex wife an excuse to divorce him. Paid 38bil to his ex wife as settlement. Being too rich can also get to the head and make a person think he can do whatever he wants. Actually the truth is nothing motivates like sex and that’s probably why we guys work our ass off to keep our pretty wife, gf or fuck more fl.

larue 12-02-2022 12:10 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by Peacekeeping (Post 21098169)
He got into an affair with a newscaster and gave his ex wife an excuse to divorce him. Paid 38bil to his ex wife as settlement. Being too rich can also get to the head and make a person think he can do whatever he wants. Actually the truth is nothing motivates like sex and that’s probably why we guys work our ass off to keep our pretty wife, gf or fuck more fl.

Yet after being so massively mind fucked as you put it, he can still afford to have the Dutch dismantle a historic bridge for his toy boat to pass.

I don’t know anybody who can be mind fucked and still afford all that.

He is rich because he works hard, and smart and knows exactly when and he will allow himself to be ‘mindfucked’.

He is nothing like men who can barely afford nice things for themselves yet work themselves to death to impress women and still end up paupers.

Whether men are rich or poor is irrelevant, it is all about the attitude and ambition and men lacking in both will always get mind fucked by women.

kingcrock69 12-02-2022 10:54 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Usually newbie is more easily get KC. Don't stick to 1 FL or ML. If you kena KC already, the way to get off is to find a an excuse and quarrel with her. After that find other FL or ML. Don't talk heart with FL, honestly they are human, they also don't want to involve with you. They know their background won't turn out to good if married. They would rather go back and marry someone who doesn't know their past

Willamshakspear 14-02-2022 06:49 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Richie Ren:- Shian Qi (心太软 - 任賢齊)

















喔 算了吧








Willamshakspear 14-02-2022 06:54 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
English Translation of song :- heart too soft

Your heart is always too soft/weak, your heart's too soft/weak, crying by yourself until dawn

You loved that person without regrets, but I know you're not even that strong.

Your heart is always too soft/weak, too soft/weak, carrying the burden of all the problems

Love is always simple, getting along is too difficult,

it's not your fault, don't keep forcing yourself

You're still not asleep late at night; are you still thinking of her?

Isn't this infatuation tiring?

knowing that she won't come back and comfort you.

You just wanted to love one person well, however there's no way she'll give you full points.

Her heart will not be moved by your pointless sacrifices,

You most likely don't only want to be a good person.

Oh Forget it.

Just forget about it.

You need to forget it, so forget about it.

There's no point in continuing to think about it.

Wait stupidly for her. She won't come back. You should think about your future.

Peacekeeping 14-02-2022 12:50 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear (Post 21102036)
English Translation of song :- heart too soft

Your heart is always too soft/weak, your heart's too soft/weak, crying by yourself until dawn

You loved that person without regrets, but I know you're not even that strong.

Your heart is always too soft/weak, too soft/weak, carrying the burden of all the problems

Love is always simple, getting along is too difficult,

it's not your fault, don't keep forcing yourself

You're still not asleep late at night; are you still thinking of her?

Isn't this infatuation tiring?

knowing that she won't come back and comfort you.

You just wanted to love one person well, however there's no way she'll give you full points.

Her heart will not be moved by your pointless sacrifices,

You most likely don't only want to be a good person.

Oh Forget it.

Just forget about it.

You need to forget it, so forget about it.

There's no point in continuing to think about it.

Wait stupidly for her. She won't come back. You should think about your future.

Nice song and the words are true

cdcdcdc 16-02-2022 08:43 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Usually newbie is more easily get KC. Don't stick to 1 FL or ML. If you kena KC already, the way to get off is to find a an excuse and quarrel with her. After that find other FL or ML. Don't talk heart with FL, honestly they are human, they also don't want to involve with you. They know their background won't turn out to good if married. They would rather go back and marry someone who doesn't know their past[/QUOTE]

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