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17-04-2008, 01:02 AM
Hi brothers n sisters out there......

Sorry to trouble u people, but i really dunno what is meant by 白带??
Is it some kind of liquid from the gals viginal??
What does it look like??
Is it unhealthy for a gal to have 白带??
If my gf have 白带, is it safe for me to do oral job on her or have sex with her(raw)??

Sorry....I am really puzzled....


17-04-2008, 09:25 AM
:DHi brothers n sisters out there......

Sorry to trouble u people, but i really dunno what is meant by 白带??
Is it some kind of liquid from the gals viginal??
What does it look like??
Is it unhealthy for a gal to have 白带??
If my gf have 白带, is it safe for me to do oral job on her or have sex with her(raw)??

Sorry....I am really puzzled....


白带?? = White Belt??

17-04-2008, 09:58 AM
Doesnt sound good .... :eek:

17-04-2008, 10:43 AM
Hi brothers n sisters out there......

Sorry to trouble u people, but i really dunno what is meant by 白带??
Is it some kind of liquid from the gals viginal??
What does it look like??
Is it unhealthy for a gal to have 白带??
If my gf have 白带, is it safe for me to do oral job on her or have sex with her(raw)??

Sorry....I am really puzzled....


Not sure if u are talking about your GF but if it is FL. Never do RAW...

17-04-2008, 10:50 AM
白带 is normal. Every ger will have 白带. Is white liquid flowing out. Normal. The next question might be, what if 白带 liquid out-flow is yellowish? Any bro can explain that? My gf have yellowish out-flow. Could it be us man or how to cure it without visiting a doc.?

17-04-2008, 11:00 AM
Is it the one that comes out during their high ovulation time ...

17-04-2008, 01:36 PM
Is it normal days will also have 白带, or during period then have it???

21-04-2008, 02:20 AM
Is it normal days will also have 白带, or during period then have it???

yes...or is there any expert here???


21-04-2008, 09:22 AM
Hi brothers n sisters out there......

Sorry to trouble u people, but i really dunno what is meant by 白带??
Is it some kind of liquid from the gals viginal??

What the hell is a "viginal"????? :eek:

24-04-2008, 08:21 PM
Found this

白带是妇女从阴道里流出来的一种带有粘性的白色液体,它是由前庭大腺、子宫颈腺体、子宫内膜的分泌物和阴道 粘膜的渗出液、脱落的阴道上皮细胞混合而成。白带中含有乳酸杆菌、溶菌酶和抗体,故有抑制细菌生长的作用。 性行为过程中,白带会增多,对阴道有润滑作用,便于进行性生活。 一般月经中期白带增多,稀薄透明;排卵后白带又变粘稠,混浊而量少。经前及孕期白带均有所增多 。

参考资料:°×´øÒì³£¸ÅÊö (http://www.81988888.com/newsid1331)