View Full Version : Now still got add guest surcharge?

20-10-2019, 08:27 PM
As per thread title.
Last time they got the fee for bringing up lady guest to certain hotels.
Now still in the same? Got people tell me this practise abolished already.

Also Airbnb is supposedly illegal in LOS?
Anyone got experience with getting caught? Or it’s just another non enforceable law of Thailand?
Also Airbnb can bring FL?

Thanks for sharing
Sorry I got question mak mak as I’m just beginning to reconnect with LOS after a few years

20-10-2019, 11:26 PM
So far never had any issue staying at holiday inn and Marriot chains to bring girls back. I believe hotels are very open to such vice activities.

Airbnb is still illegal in BKK, do does Grab. Never heard any news about getting caught whatsoever. I use Airbnb when traveling to Pattaya or Khao Yai, never had any issue as long as we just act as if we own it or it's our friend's place.
Can't advise 100% abt bringing girls back, I guess it's okay as long as we consider them as our friend, ie: can mention two guests in the booking so they know you are with someone and just act normal.