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18-09-2017, 04:40 PM
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9 arrested after Orthodox Jews clash with police in Jerusalem over military draft (VIDEOS)
Published time: 18 Sep, 2017 00:08
9 arrested after Orthodox Jews clash with police in Jerusalem over military draft (VIDEOS)
Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jewish men clash with police at a protest against the detention of a member of their community who refuses to serve in the Israeli army, in Jerusalem September 17, 2017 © Ronen Zvulun / Reuters
Nine ultra-Orthodox Jews have been arrested following violent clashes with security forces in Jerusalem during protests against conscription into the armed forces.
Last week, the Israeli the Supreme Court annulled a law which exempted ultra-Orthodox believers from the draft.

On Tuesday, Israel’s Supreme Court nullified the law that exempted ultra-Orthodox Jews from being conscripted into the armed forces, sparking a massive outcry from the community.

On Sunday, the protest turned violent when hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews took to the streets of the Mea She’arim neighborhood of Jerusalem to protest the draft and speak out against the arrest of a rabbi’s son who reportedly did not appear for a draft summons.

READ MORE: Israel’s religious military exemption law is unconstitutional – Supreme Court

Organized by the hardline group Eda Haredit, activists carried banners which read: “We’re Jews and therefore will not enlist in the Zionist army.”

Blocking traffic at an intersection, some protesters verbally “assaulted police” while others “threw stones and other objects” at the officers, police said. At least seven officers were injured.

Law enforcement eventually moved in, deploying water cannons to break up the crowd. Some protesters were seen being dragged away, while others were seen being violently pushed by the police.

“In response, the police were required to use methods to disperse the riots and to arrest nine rioters, while trying to prevent the continuation of the violent and illegal demonstration and the blocking of the traffic arteries,” said the police in a statement, according to the Times of Israel.

At least two protesters sustained injuries, prompting police to launch an internal investigation into alleged use of excessive force by officers, Israeli media said. According to some reports, one of the injured was a 16-year-old boy who suffered a head injury.

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